WH says Netanyahu election undermines the ideals of democracy

WH says Netanyahu election undermines the ideals of democracy

Kerry's current statements undermine democracy more than anything else:

"Now I want to be very clear. Nothing in our deliberations is decided until everything is decided. And the purpose of these negotiations is not just to get any deal; it is to get the right deal. President Obama means it when he says, again and again, that Iran will not be permitted to get a nuclear weapon. As you all know, Iran says it doesn’t want a nuclear weapon, and that is a very welcome statement that the Supreme Leader has, in fact, incorporated into a fatwa. And we have great respect – great respect – for the religious importance of a fatwa. And what we are effectively trying to do is translate that into legal language, into everyday language within the framework of a negotiated agreement that everybody can understand, which requires everybody to have certain obligations and ultimately be able to guarantee that Iran’s program, its nuclear program, will be peaceful now and peaceful forever."

Apparently, Kerry, who served in Vietnam, also knows a good fatwa when he
hears it
And the people of the USA say, "BULLSHIT!"
Hussein Barack has this dream,,,, that when he retire he will be happy in Hawaii LOL

WH says Netanyahu election undermines the ideals of democracy

Kerry's current statements undermine democracy more than anything else:

"Now I want to be very clear. Nothing in our deliberations is decided until everything is decided. And the purpose of these negotiations is not just to get any deal; it is to get the right deal. President Obama means it when he says, again and again, that Iran will not be permitted to get a nuclear weapon. As you all know, Iran says it doesn’t want a nuclear weapon, and that is a very welcome statement that the Supreme Leader has, in fact, incorporated into a fatwa. And we have great respect – great respect – for the religious importance of a fatwa. And what we are effectively trying to do is translate that into legal language, into everyday language within the framework of a negotiated agreement that everybody can understand, which requires everybody to have certain obligations and ultimately be able to guarantee that Iran’s program, its nuclear program, will be peaceful now and peaceful forever."

Apparently, Kerry, who served in Vietnam, also knows a good fatwa when he
hears it
And the people of the USA say, "BULLSHIT!"
Good thing for the Administration then that the people don't have a say, and message to Iran, build the bomb and fuck the US and Israel, they don't pay your bills.

Leave it to Republicans to allow the leader of a foreign government to dictate US policy.
Bibi is nearly as lame a duck as Obama. All he'll do is more of the same, while Obama ignores his calls and theatrics. He might be the King of the Jews for another two years, but he shot his wad.

His theatrics let's everyone know there won't be a deal with the Palestinians any time soon.
The little Zionist squatters were never going to make a deal, they can't, and they can't commit the genocide necessary to take the land for the Jews either, hence the bloody standoff.

I wouldn't go that far, but I think it's obvious that Israel will have to compromise sooner or later. They could start by not building more settlements on the West Bank. People living in the settlements already built should look forward to becoming part of a Palestinian state. Seems only fair since preventing the creation of an independent Palestine was the whole purpose in creating the settlements to begin with.
Hussein Barack has this dream,,,, that when he retire he will be happy in Hawaii LOL

Where do you think he's going? I can't wait to hear this one.


he is going to hell ....

where else?
What's he doing between retirement and Hell?


golf of course! :biggrin:
Works for me, and him I'll bet. Besides, he's a Christian and they go to Heaven right? That's what all the kiddos in Sunday School say.
Hussein Barack has this dream,,,, that when he retire he will be happy in Hawaii LOL

Where do you think he's going? I can't wait to hear this one.


he is going to hell ....

where else?
What's he doing between retirement and Hell?


golf of course! :biggrin:
Works for me, and him I'll bet. Besides, he's a Christian and they go to Heaven right? That's what all the kiddos in Sunday School say.

(((Hussein is a Muslim .... from Indonesia...just between us. let me tell you...for Barack there were only Madrasasas ....he aint no Christian)))) :(
Where do you think he's going? I can't wait to hear this one.


he is going to hell ....

where else?
What's he doing between retirement and Hell?


golf of course! :biggrin:
Works for me, and him I'll bet. Besides, he's a Christian and they go to Heaven right? That's what all the kiddos in Sunday School say.

(((Hussein is a Muslim .... from Indonesia...just between us. let me tell you...for Barack there were only Madrasasas ....he aint no Christian)))) :(
Your crazy and bigoted paranoia is noted.

he is going to hell ....

where else?
What's he doing between retirement and Hell?


golf of course! :biggrin:
Works for me, and him I'll bet. Besides, he's a Christian and they go to Heaven right? That's what all the kiddos in Sunday School say.

(((Hussein is a Muslim .... from Indonesia...just between us. let me tell you...for Barack there were only Madrasasas ....he aint no Christian)))) :(
Your crazy and bigoted paranoia is noted.


look how I'm shaking

fuck off
Undermines ideals of democracy.

Hmmm, lets see:

1) In 2009, Obama stood silent as Iran's government brutality put down protesters, and even applauded an 'election' won through political repression.

2) Every year Obama has actively pushed for more foreign aid for Azerbaijan, a country which routinely arrests journalists and is a dictatorship with no opposition.

3) Obama claims to believe in 'human rights' but signed the patriot act, which obviously violates them.

4) Obama funded 'rebels' in Syria to overthrow Assad, and turned a relative stable country ruled by a repressive secular dictator, into a sectarian country of which a third is ruled by ISIS.

5) Obama was silent despite ongoing political repression, and the imprisonment of thousands of journalists, intellectuals, politicians and even children in Turkey.

6) Supported the overthrow of Mubarak, and then the repressive Muslim Brotherhood's government in Egypt, which tried to set up an Islamic state. Egypt now has a military dictatorship, in all but name.

7) Obama like past presidents turns a blind eye to the status of democracy in most US allies, but condemns the allies of US rivals like Russia or China.

8) Obama supported the overthrow of Ukrainian government, which later led to civil war and a humanitarian catastrophe, where human rights are violated by both sides.

9) Attempts to interfere in the Israeli elections, by privately endorsing and supporting Netanyahu's political rivals.

So, kinda ironic for Obama to rave against Israeli elections, and claim they were undemocratic. When a lot his administration's actions have been to either ignore or endorse political repression over the years.
Where do you think he's going? I can't wait to hear this one.


he is going to hell ....

where else?
What's he doing between retirement and Hell?


golf of course! :biggrin:
Works for me, and him I'll bet. Besides, he's a Christian and they go to Heaven right? That's what all the kiddos in Sunday School say.

(((Hussein is a Muslim .... from Indonesia...just between us. let me tell you...for Barack there were only Madrasasas ....he aint no Christian)))) :(

Damn! Someone must have showed you the secret hand shake. Heads will roll for this.
Obama is having a tantrum because the guy he supported (possibly in an illegal manner) isn't the winner. Obama hasn't even tried to hide his hatred for Israel and it's disgusting.

Looks like America isn't the only country he wants to fundamentally change. I honestly think he'd cheer if radical Muslims conquered the world and imposed sharia law on us all.

I'm still waiting for Obama to show disdain for terrorists. Like maybe calling those cold-blooded scum terrorists.

I was reading that the State Department is going to be investigated for the monies given to One Voice who supposedly gave it to V15 to unseat Bibi.

Going to be very interesting especially since Obama's national field director from 2012 was heading up V15 in Israel.

they should be
Yes, some Catholics. Just like there were some Muslims that killed them too. It's the same the world over with the one exception being the Mongolian Empire capital, where all religions were welcome.
Some Catholics, like the Pope you mean? Got it.
Some Muslims, you mean like the Caliph? Got it...
Jews also killed Jews. Want links?
Catholics killed Catholics, Muslims kill Muslims all the time. You think you are telling us something profound? How fucking stupid are you?
No, I'm wondering why you think any of that matters, when it doesn't.

I wasn't the one that posted the comments dummy. You have to ask yourself why you bothered to post them. Who are you Captain Obvious?

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