Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

But again, this is a useless conversation, so, though I did come back to it for one post, I'm leaving again.

Have fun with your useless argument.
:cuckoo: Vastly Inferior Poster comes back to say that he's leaving again, since there's no reason to be here or to keep coming back ...

But I'll give you this much. The conversation is pretty pointless since it does not appear to be at all probable (maybe not even possible) that President Obama was born in Kenya.

I just enjoyed watching you have to duck, bob, weave and evade the point that where there is an apparent conflict between various provisions of the Constitution, one such provisions does not necessarily automatically "trump" the other.

I realize you were incapable of fielding that. But you could have preserved a little credibility by just acknowledging the point. Alas, that's not who you are.

I still think it's odd that the President's own publicist would have written that about The ONE so long ago and yet the young literary talent to be did not bother to correct the mistake.

It is simply funny to me to see The ONE as the original "birther."
You are pathetic. And WRONG yet again.

In your libmagination, when two Constitutional provisions appear to come into conflict -- one with the other -- HOW is the problem resolved?

Get back to us when you've sobered up a little.

Personal insults aside:

There is no conflict.

Since the requirements of US citizenship, and "Natural Born" status are already fulfilled by the judgement of the State of Hawaii, there simply is no other provision that is being violated.

Hawaii says he is a natural born citizen, therefore he is a natural born citizen.

Read the Constitution, think about it, and then get back to me.

If you can't figure it out for yourself, or if your mind is too clouded to figure it out due to whatever it is you're smoking, ask a lawyer.

I thought it was TREASON to question it??? What happened to that line of attack?

I don't need a lawyer to tell me Obama's a fucking liar. And not just incidentally...everything he does and says is a lie. This is another example of it. Fuck Obama, and fuck his mouth pieces who think it's okay to blatantly lie. You are pieces of shit.
The loons think their 'suspicions' have merit and standing.

They don't.

Michele, Gramma, the Harvard Review have no merit or standing?

They don't, it's true, and neither does Obama. They're all part of the same lie machine.
koshergirl has no merit or standing, we have been all over that for a long time here, move along kg
It's hard to fathom his own publishers would conspire against him. They weren't 'Birthers' or 'Evil Republicans.' They felt quite comfortable in promoting the fact he was born in Kenya. They felt comfortable because they knew it as fact.
You are pathetic. And WRONG yet again.

In your libmagination, when two Constitutional provisions appear to come into conflict -- one with the other -- HOW is the problem resolved?

Get back to us when you've sobered up a little.

Personal insults aside:

There is no conflict.

Since the requirements of US citizenship, and "Natural Born" status are already fulfilled by the judgement of the State of Hawaii, there simply is no other provision that is being violated.

Hawaii says he is a natural born citizen, therefore he is a natural born citizen.

Read the Constitution, think about it, and then get back to me.

If you can't figure it out for yourself, or if your mind is too clouded to figure it out due to whatever it is you're smoking, ask a lawyer.

Why would Obama tell his literary agent that he was born in Kenya?
You are pathetic. And WRONG yet again.

In your libmagination, when two Constitutional provisions appear to come into conflict -- one with the other -- HOW is the problem resolved?

Get back to us when you've sobered up a little.

Personal insults aside:

There is no conflict.

Since the requirements of US citizenship, and "Natural Born" status are already fulfilled by the judgement of the State of Hawaii, there simply is no other provision that is being violated.

Hawaii says he is a natural born citizen, therefore he is a natural born citizen.

Read the Constitution, think about it, and then get back to me.

If you can't figure it out for yourself, or if your mind is too clouded to figure it out due to whatever it is you're smoking, ask a lawyer.

Why would Obama tell his literary agent that he was born in Kenya?

Because he's a Liar... And at the time it made him more Impressive... But in 2008 it would have kept him out of the White House.

I Think he is probably the Most Dishonest President to ever have held Office.

I Think his Life is so full of Lies that he can't keep up with them.


Mal, you obviously were not alive when Nixon held office.

There was a mistake I made, voting for him twice. Wow!
Mal, you obviously were not alive when Nixon held office.

There was a mistake I made, voting for him twice. Wow!

For the most part, he Lied to cover up what other people did... They all Lie, their Politicians...

But Obama and his Past are Special...

He is the MOST Unknown President we have ever had.

And I beleive he was more than happy to have that thing say he was born in Kenya at the time... It Served his Goals then.

It did not in 2008.

It doesn't Negate the Birth Cert nor does the Birth Cert Negate it.

He will either Serve 4 more or not.

It's why I don't Waste a lot of Bandwidth on it.

The Senate gave him a thumbs-up and they will again if he is Re-Elected.


Nah, Mal, BHO is an itty bitty piker to the master RMN. The worst threat to the American republic since 1900 with the exception of GWB.
The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.

I was not a birther......until the evidence became overwhelming
Nah, Mal, BHO is an itty bitty piker to the master RMN. The worst threat to the American republic since 1900 with the exception of GWB.


President Nixon did some very stupid things. Some even a bit on the criminal side, like the coverup. And the "enemies' list" was a dangerously stupid thing -- might have even crossed the line into criminality.

At the time, I thought he was an evil piece of shit and I was happy he was forced to quit.

But, even so, given the passage of time, it can be fairly said that he was also a fair President, maybe even a good President, in various ways.

George Bush was a decent and good man.

Both he and Nixon are under-rated.

The incumbent however is a nearly unmitigated disaster. He lacks basic civility and honesty. He is a massive danger to our economy and and our credibility. He is steering the ship of state into the void. He HAS to be voted out.

He is, without any honest question, the singularly worst president to ever foul the Oval Office. He is the worst threat to the survival of the American Republic.
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Nah, Mal, BHO is an itty bitty piker to the master RMN. The worst threat to the American republic since 1900 with the exception of GWB.


President Nixon did some very stupid things. Some even a bit on the criminal side, like the coverup. And the "enemies' list" was a dangerously stupid thing -- might have even crossed the line into criminality.

At the time, I thought he was an evil piece of shit and I was happy he was forced to quit.

But, even so, given the passage of time, it can be fairly said that he was also a fair President, maybe even a good President, in various ways.

George Bush was a decent and good man.

Both he and Nixon are under-rated.

The incumbent however is a nearly unmitigated disaster. He lacks basic civility and honesty. He is a massive danger to our economy and and our credibility. He is steering the ship of state into the void. He HAS to be voted out.

He is without any honest question, the singularly worst president to ever foul the Oval Office. He is the worst threat to the survival of the American Republic.

Thank you Counselor... Now I don't have to say it. :thup:


May the pigeons crap on the statues of both Bush and Nixon. They deserve nothing better.

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