What a Biden Presidency would look like

Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Depends on the House and the Senate, and not just their numbers. Who's occupying the seats will matter, too.

And with just one tragic exception, people who occupy the White House always understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Obviously Trump hasn't, but I remain confident that he's a sad one-off.
What will a Harris/Biden presidency look like? I’ll tell you:

- Higher taxes on the middle class
- 4 additional left-leaning activist judges on the SCOTUS
- Open borders as Trump’s wall is torn down
- High unemployment for blacks
- High crime in the inner cities leading to more black murders
- Loss of manufacturing jobs
- Total shutdown leading to economic collapse and mandatory outdoor masks

- We are getting Higher taxes anyway. But the Uber Rich will get a tax break. That money has to be paid back now sooner than later. And when I totaled my total Federal Withholding versus that tax break, I lost money. The Middle class and below got screwed in the Rump Tax Plan.

- Let's see, we are going to have a 6 to 2. No matter what, Rump is going to get his last Judge confirmed. I don't have a problem with that because she's qualified. A hell of a lot more than his last two. But something happens when a person becomes a Chief Justice. And the "Party" no longer controls them. So I don't think it matters. Plus,Biden is only good for 4 years at a Maximum. He's not going to do 4 Supreme Court Justices. Maybe 2 on his best day. That will mean that it will end up being no more than 4 Democrat President Appointees versus 5. And that number actually works out pretty good.

- You are back to the "Wall, Wall, Wall" crap again. Almost none of us want an open border but there are other ways to do it. Fine, we keep what is built if it works. But add more boots on the ground and more Technology. One Drone can do more than 20 miles of expensive wall with only one person monitoring it.

- Create jobs where people live. There are abandoned buildings and Factories, say, in Detroit just down the street from the projects that can be used for Manufacturing of solar panels, solid state batteries and the like. We need to INVEST in our future. Aren't we doing that right now with the Covid relief checks?

- More jobs means less crime. Fewer jobs means more crime. Invest in America instead of the 1/2% of the 1%.

- Get the testing supplies out for each and every citizen 3 times fold and do contact tracing. Yes, require masks and other measures. Don't make it voluntary. Make it mandantory. The Covid will pass very quickly when it has no where to go. H1N1 was done that way. The 1918 Spanish Flu was done that way. Polio was handled that way. Small Pox was handled that way. Yes, vaccines were later discovered and widely distributed. BTW, in the late 50s and early 60s, it wasn't voluntary immunize your children for those diseases, it was mandantory and the public accepted it. About 95% of the population was immunized and the other 5% had no one to pass it on to so it just died out. There was no "You can't tell me what to do" or "You ain't my Daddy" crap back then and things were a hell of a lot more deadly and we did a hell of a lot better.
Biden proposes taxing corporations and the wealthy at much higher rates. His plans would raise about $3.8 trillion over the next decade, with 75 percent of that coming from the top 1 percent of households, and more than half of that coming from the top 0.1 percent — Americans making more than $3.2 million a year.
That would reduce jobs if you tax the job creators the jobs go away lol Do you have a brain

More fear mongering.
Jobs are dependent on the market for goods and services.
Yes and if you tax me I close

Funny you should mention that. If you have a decent business, you probably don't pay much taxes. Your taxes are on YOUR personal income. Most businesses, for the first 15 years pay zero taxes. I won't go into why but if you are a successful business man you would already know this.
Biden proposes taxing corporations and the wealthy at much higher rates. His plans would raise about $3.8 trillion over the next decade

That's stupid, why is Biden proposing this? Do dumb ass Democrats think they can steal $3.8 trillion from the economy without negative consequences? Please tells us what Biden has said about the negative consequences and how he plans to deal with them.
Trump created problems and enhanced other.
1. Covid-19 pandemic
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another
Just to name a few, handled badly or exacerbated by DJT.

Any other lies? You couldn't think of 7?

Just a question: your screen name. How does a person with a name like yours support an anti-white party?
Biden proposes taxing corporations and the wealthy at much higher rates. His plans would raise about $3.8 trillion over the next decade, with 75 percent of that coming from the top 1 percent of households, and more than half of that coming from the top 0.1 percent — Americans making more than $3.2 million a year.
That would reduce jobs if you tax the job creators the jobs go away lol Do you have a brain

More fear mongering.
Jobs are dependent on the market for goods and services.
Yes and if you tax me I close

If you want to walk a way from a market for your goods or services ...you can
Yes that’s why democrat run cities are in shambles ,, this is what you want America to look like
Health care
Biden rejected "Medicare for all" during the primaries, promising instead to strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, now supported by a record 62 percent of Americans. He wants to add a public option for people to buy into Medicare, allow the federal government to negotiate pharmaceutical prices, and increase federal subsidies to drive down premiums for people who purchase plans on federal exchange
He raised his hand when he said will you give illegals free healthcare so if he’s going to give illegals free healthcare he’s going to give us free healthcare who’s going to pay for it and what the hell are we gonna do with open borders
Here is an interesting point of view:
I would press for universal health care. It’s ridiculous that the richest country on Earth can’t provide first-rate health care for our people. I would put forward a comprehensive health care program and fund it with an increase in corporate taxes. I’d strictly regulate the pharmaceutical firms to end these 500% profits on drugs that are cheap to produce. I like the Canadian system, although their health care is not the best. If you combine their system with the quality of our health care, we could provide cradle-to-grave health care for everyone.
Donald J. Trump
Have you seen the care in a once wealthy Venezuela? They recycle dirty needles. Your insane America will be a free country free not to pay for your dumb ass
Luckily it is still a free country not paying for my dumb ass. Some of managed to pay our own way no matter who was in office. Did you think it was a prerogative only of the super rich? You either lack vision, rationality or self motivation.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

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Those are the people our President calls losers

At one time, I called him our President. But he forfeited that right. Now, he's just plain Rump.

Sadly, for now, he is our President

We elected him and deserve what we asked for
And he will be our President for another 4 years

He stopped being my President about a year ago. He's just plain Rump now.
What a Biden Presidency would look like?

After 4 years of tRump and his oompaloompa brigade?

I'm thinking something like this:

images (18).jpeg
Once again, blame the victim

Low wage workers are working their asses off and getting little compensation. Employers profit off the cheap labor then expect the taxpayer to make up the difference

Employers have nothing to do with social programs. Those are Democrat politicians. Employers simply produce a product or service for profit. Employees make sure they make under a certain amount to keep those government benefits coming in.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

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Those are the people our President calls losers

At one time, I called him our President. But he forfeited that right. Now, he's just plain Rump.

Sadly, for now, he is our President

We elected him and deserve what we asked for
And he will be our President for another 4 years

We will find out in a couple weeks
Right now, things don’t look good for Fat Donnie

Yah, maybe he can be President of Block C.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Depends on the House and the Senate, and not just their numbers. Who's occupying the seats will matter, too.

And with just one tragic exception, people who occupy the White House always understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Obviously Trump hasn't, but I remain confident that he's a sad one-off.
If Dems take Congress and Schumer gets tired of Mitch filibustering and ends it

Biden will have a historic presidency signing legislation on healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, gun control
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.
“Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out”

Haha...yes, the PROBLEMS as follows:
a record high stock market
record low unemployment
higher wages
blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
lower taxes for our most productive citizens
beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
our best citizens unified like never before

These are huge PROBLEMS!
Trump created problems and enhanced other.
1. Covid-19 pandemic
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another
Just to name a few, handled badly or exacerbated by DJT.

Let’s analyze your ‘scientific’ TDS induced ‘data’.

1. Covid-19 pandemic
He immediately shut down travel from China and you pissed your pink panties. He never went commie with it and you Lefties need commie.
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
No “support” he believes world leaders should get along and solve global problems together.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
He’s bent over backwards for strategic partners such as Israel..he’s stopped the world from using American taxpayers as a piggy bank and that makes you piss.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
The Kenyan did that by compartmentalizing the citizenry and “fundamentally changing” America, the Left has done that by expressing their discontent for all things America.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
The Kenyan spent more on welfare than he did on the military, there was lots of cleanup to be done.
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another.
One group is supposed to be against the other...Americans SHOULD hate wetbacks and foreign invaders. Do you love trespassers?
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
I am willing to say that the price of gasoline, other fuels and utilities will rise in a big way. The cost of consumer items will rise also.

Consumer Prices are already rising or haven't you noticed the bill at the grocery store lately. As for fuel, it's a supply and demand. And the more we are less dependent on fossil fuels, the less it's going to cost. It won't really do down any further than it is right now. The Oil Companies are trying to Give crude oil away at this point.

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