What a Biden Presidency would look like

Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

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Those are the people our President calls losers
He never said that, but Biden did ca our great veterans stupid bastards.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

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Those are the people our President calls losers
He didn't say that and you know it, lying sack of shit.
Biden is plan "B" just in case if plan "A" didn't go through.


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Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

What a Biden Presidency would look like......."Voters don't deserve to know....."

You left out the rest of the truth and only took the context out to appear to make your point. Biden won't answer it because Rump will attempt to use it to deflect from everything else.
I can only surmise that you didn't watch the actual footage, did you?
It was quite damning with the context. Biden got flustered, and said what he meant.
In other words Biden is proposing the same thing every Democrat before him has. Get back to us when Biden is ready to give the voters his position on packing the Supreme Court and show us that list of judges he would nominate for the Supreme Court if he is elected President. Oh that's right Biden doesn't believe the voters deserve to know this or respect them enough to do either.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

If elected, should Republicans retain control of the Senate, dealing with McConnell would be Biden’s biggest challenge.

Moscow Mitch will no doubt put his partisan interests ahead of what’s best for the country, ignoring again the will of the people, making Biden a ‘one term president’ his sole priority.
says jones...a guy who puts his partisan interests ahead of whats best for the country....
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
so what will all the people at 15 bucks and above ask for if it is passed?...

Wages have been stagnant for over two decades

There is catching up to do. The days of cheap labor need to end
ok so answer my question.....

Put upward pressure on all low end jobs. These jobs are currently subsidized by the taxpayer with housing, food and medical assistance.

It is about time that employers go back to supporting their employees and not put the burden on taxpayers
nice dance RW......was that a waltz?......
Seems pretty obvious to me
its pretty obvious you either cant answer the question or dont want too....
Seems you are getting an answer
You just don’t like it
ok lets do this.....so they put pressure on the low end jobs to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour.....now what will they do when everyone from 15 and above ask for raises?....
Trying to 'splain economics to a committed moonbat....How amusing.

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and you notice how he wont answer that question.....but he dances around things pretty good....
Ukraine joe doesn't know where hes at most of the time.

Both of those have been dispelled. You really need to pick something else. I am sure, after 47 years, there must be something.
Neither were dispelled. He needs to be in a rest home with family. Not only is he mentally and physically in trouble, he is a pervert and a probable pedophile. He's done less in 47 years than a fresh pile of cow dung can do for the soil in 47 days.
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Green anything is ten times more expensive,
Expensive short term but infinitely more expensive in the long term.

More expensive period. I guess you want to see the entire country like CA in the summer where people are told to stop using any energy that isn't necessary. Sorry, but if I want to set my AC at 65 degrees, that's what I'm going to do, and not worry about a rolling blackout that will leave me without power for days.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.
“Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out”

Haha...yes, the PROBLEMS as follows:
a record high stock market
record low unemployment
higher wages
blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
lower taxes for our most productive citizens
beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
our best citizens unified like never before

These are huge PROBLEMS!
Trump created problems and enhanced other.
1. Covid-19 pandemic
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another
Just to name a few, handled badly or exacerbated by DJT.

Let’s analyze your ‘scientific’ TDS induced ‘data’.

1. Covid-19 pandemic
He immediately shut down travel from China and you pissed your pink panties. He never went commie with it and you Lefties need commie.
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
No “support” he believes world leaders should get along and solve global problems together.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
He’s bent over backwards for strategic partners such as Israel..he’s stopped the world from using American taxpayers as a piggy bank and that makes you piss.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
The Kenyan did that by compartmentalizing the citizenry and “fundamentally changing” America, the Left has done that by expressing their discontent for all things America.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
The Kenyan spent more on welfare than he did on the military, there was lots of cleanup to be done.
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another.
One group is supposed to be against the other...Americans SHOULD hate wetbacks and foreign invaders. Do you love trespassers?
Sorry, I quit reading your reply after the "tds" wiggle. For God's sake put that little thing away.

That’s the Lefts MO....Only read and consider what looks to align with your twisted positions...It’s what you do...it’s how you stay ignorant and twisted...I get it.
Why would I bother reading your stuff after you proving what kind of person you are? You had no wish for discourse, only trumpian tds dick wiggle. I don't listen to trump himself for similar reason. Start a discussion with a childish trumpian insult? Does that fly in decision briefings/discussions where in the office were you work or are you just one of the line guys assembling widgets?
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
we saw for 8 years what the biden economy will look like Black unemployment 16%
The Great Obama reduced black unemployment by seven percent.

It is higher under Trump than it was when he took office
/——/ 100% BS
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.
“Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out”

Haha...yes, the PROBLEMS as follows:
a record high stock market
record low unemployment
higher wages
blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
lower taxes for our most productive citizens
beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
our best citizens unified like never before

These are huge PROBLEMS!
Trump created problems and enhanced other.
1. Covid-19 pandemic
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another
Just to name a few, handled badly or exacerbated by DJT.

Let’s analyze your ‘scientific’ TDS induced ‘data’.

1. Covid-19 pandemic
He immediately shut down travel from China and you pissed your pink panties. He never went commie with it and you Lefties need commie.
2. American support for dictators and Communists.
No “support” he believes world leaders should get along and solve global problems together.
3. Lack of support for traditional allies.
He’s bent over backwards for strategic partners such as Israel..he’s stopped the world from using American taxpayers as a piggy bank and that makes you piss.
4. Divisions of Americans by race and politics, creating an us vs them atmosphere.
The Kenyan did that by compartmentalizing the citizenry and “fundamentally changing” America, the Left has done that by expressing their discontent for all things America.
5. Runaway deficits and tax cuts funneling money to the top 1/10 of 1%
The Kenyan spent more on welfare than he did on the military, there was lots of cleanup to be done.
6. Immigration overhaul long overdue, instead of using it to pit one group against another.
One group is supposed to be against the other...Americans SHOULD hate wetbacks and foreign invaders. Do you love trespassers?
Sorry, I quit reading your reply after the "tds" wiggle. For God's sake put that little thing away.

That’s the Lefts MO....Only read and consider what looks to align with your twisted positions...It’s what you do...it’s how you stay ignorant and twisted...I get it.
Why would I bother reading your stuff after you proving what kind of person you are? You had no wish for discourse, only trumpian tds dick wiggle. I don't listen to trump himself for similar reason. Start a discussion with a childish trumpian insult? Does that fly in decision briefings/discussions where in the office were you work or are you just one of the line guys assembling widgets?

But, but, but...tolerance!
Look bud, I’m a very concise, abrasive, often times rude communicator, I use lots of scary words to get my point across...I don’t mesh well with fragile pussies at all. Did I answer your pussified questions?
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Issue is Biden is not going to finish his first term, so show me what Harris plan is and my bet is she is more like Cortez and less like Biden...
Consumer Prices are already rising or haven't you noticed the bill at the grocery store lately. As for fuel, it's a supply and demand. And the more we are less dependent on fossil fuels, the less it's going to cost. It won't really do down any further than it is right now. The Oil Companies are trying to Give crude oil away at this point.

Green anything is ten times more expensive, less powerful, less reliable than fossils fuel. Yes, thanks to fracking, we became the worlds largest exporter in energy, and that's hundreds of thousands of jobs that would be lost.

You can't export green energy.

First of all, we use Hydro, Wind and Solar and we produce enough for our needs cheaply AND we export to people like you. We don't even use NG. One town broke an agreement with the State Sponsored Electric Mafia and now purchase their Electicity 20% cheaper. The old company still used coal and used NG. The new company south of them uses NG, Solar and Wind. During peak times, they may use all 3. When the wind isn't blowing (less than 1mph) they use NG and Solar. When the sun is down, they use NG and Wind.

If they had a powercell from Tesla (a really, really big one) they could just use wind and solar and be even cheaper. During the daytime, Solar handles the load with Wind kicking in for excess. And it's like the wind doesn't blow all the friggin time at least 5mph in NM and Colorado. Had they a Tesla Power Cell it could handle the power at night and at peak times. Their population is a whopping 20,000 total for the County. And their power would be even cheaper.

Technology has caught up in small scales. Here's a bit of information, the Power Company doesn't own the lines. They are leased from the County and City. That was part of breaking the agreement.

Biden doesn't want to end Fracking. But he's right. It will phase itself out. As the need for Crude is needed, the less Facking is going to be done until it's just not done anymore. Even with Fracking, our Shale Oil sites are now competitive with the crude sites since technology caught up. One of these days, Shale will outproduce crude for less money. The hand writing is on the wall for Crude just like NG did Coal in.

And I will say this, we have a lot more oil in shale than we ever did or ever will have in Crude. And it's much easier to get to. You don't drill it, you mine it like you strip mine for coal. It's all over the friggin place around here. many would like to see it gone because you can't grow a friggin thing where you have shale. But it's going to around, even if heavily mined, for the next few hundred years.

Then there is the fact you can also use Coal to make crude and we have more than a couple of hundred years of that laying around but Shale is just easier and cheaper to use. The day we don't use Crude anymore, we will still be the largest exporter of Oil in the World. The only difference will be, we will export finished Fuel and Oil Products long after the Middle East, Europe and Russia have run out.
Green anything is ten times more expensive,
Expensive short term but infinitely more expensive in the long term.

Huh? You got it wrong. Right now, Coal costs more to produce Electricity than NG. NG costs more than Hydroelectric. Solar costs less than Hydro. Wind costs less than Solar. But here in the west, we have room to put the Hydroelectric plants in, the winds to power the Wind Power and just south and west of here, there is good sun and absolutely nothing which makes it good for Solar. We are also closer to the sun (less atmosphere) and our Solar has a higher output than you flatlanders. It's not hard to become net neutral or even sell power back to the power company less that stupid minimum pricing they have. Almost any home that's s been built here for the last 25 years can easily be converted or built from scratch to be Power Neutral.

For the first 5 to 7 years, the new system, you will be paying it. But from year 5 to 25,, it's going to be paying you.
Health care
Biden rejected "Medicare for all" during the primaries, promising instead to strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, now supported by a record 62 percent of Americans. He wants to add a public option for people to buy into Medicare, allow the federal government to negotiate pharmaceutical prices, and increase federal subsidies to drive down premiums for people who purchase plans on federal exchange
He raised his hand when he said will you give illegals free healthcare so if he’s going to give illegals free healthcare he’s going to give us free healthcare who’s going to pay for it and what the hell are we gonna do with open borders
Here is an interesting point of view:
I would press for universal health care. It’s ridiculous that the richest country on Earth can’t provide first-rate health care for our people. I would put forward a comprehensive health care program and fund it with an increase in corporate taxes. I’d strictly regulate the pharmaceutical firms to end these 500% profits on drugs that are cheap to produce. I like the Canadian system, although their health care is not the best. If you combine their system with the quality of our health care, we could provide cradle-to-grave health care for everyone.
Donald J. Trump
Have you seen the care in a once wealthy Venezuela? They recycle dirty needles. Your insane America will be a free country free not to pay for your dumb ass
Ever seen Somalia?

That is what Republicans want for us.
Somalia is more what libertarians want.

Republicans would be delighted to turn the US into Russia – a corrupt cult of personality authoritarian dictatorship with capitalist oligarchs at liberty to rape and exploit national resources for unbridled profit; rights and protected liberties be damned.

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