What a Biden Presidency would look like

Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


The economy fought back IN SPITE OF Obamas policies. Blithering idiots like rightwinger are never able to point to specific Obama policies that resulted in the come back, because there aren't any.

In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's economic stimulus package that was estimated at the time to cost $787 billion. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in June 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In fiscal year 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $179 billion into the economy. That increased real GDP growth to a robust rate of 3.7% in the first quarter of 2010. By the end of fiscal year 2011, about $725 billion had been spent.

By 2014, the economy benefited from having 88% of the population covered by some type of health insurance

Obama's policies put more than 10 million people to work from the depths of the recession to the end of his term. That's because unemployment continued to rise even after the recession ended in July. It takes a few months of economic growth before businesses are confident enough to begin hiring again.
Hussein didn't do squat for the economy. If not for quantitive easing, we might have reversed into a depression. That's what saved him. The left can't credit a good economy to the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Presidents don't create jobs--the private sector does.

Yeah, but what kind of jobs. People should be 'thankful' that that are getting $8 an hour but still have to apply for benefits, while companies and their CEOs make record profits and pay themselves fat bonuses and have overseas bank accounts in the Cayman's and pay fuck all taxes? Fuck that. They can pay their fair share
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
we saw for 8 years what the biden economy will look like Black unemployment 16%
The Great Obama reduced black unemployment by seven percent.

It is higher under Trump than it was when he took office
President Trump
31.3% decrease in 4 years
obama 51.5% in 8 years
What was obama doing his first four years to help black America? Prison reform? nope jobs? nope those jobs he said were never coming back

Dont know what you are talking about. Blacks did much better under Obama than Trump

From your link

Post-recession Black unemployment peaked in March 2010 at 16.8%. From there Black unemployment began a 53% decline which continued during the rest of the Obama administration to 7.9%.

This was a result of the economic recovery that took place under Obama and continued during the Trump administration declining an additional 31% under Trump reaching record lows. By September 2019 Black unemployment was 5.5%.

Black unemployment dropped 8.9 percent under Obama
Under Trump, it dropped 2.4 percent by the end of 2019

Unfortunately for blacks, it has since risen over 5 percent since 2019
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


Hussein didn't do squat for the economy. If not for quantitive easing, we might have reversed into a depression. That's what saved him. The left can't credit a good economy to the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Presidents don't create jobs--the private sector does.

The Great Obama dropped unemployment by over 5 percent while adding 13 million jobs.

Crooked Donnie now has 8 percent unemployment with negative 32 GDP

Trump is the most anti business President in my lifetime.
He has lost 30 million jobs
Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


8 years that saw 13 million jobs added, unemployment down over 5 percent, almost tripled the stock market and steady GDP over 2.5 percent.

Trump leads the worst economy since the Depression
Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


8 years that saw 13 million jobs added, unemployment down over 5 percent, almost tripled the stock market and steady GDP over 2.5 percent.

Trump leads the worst economy since the Depression

After 16 million jobs were first lost and unemployment topped 11%. Poor confused rightwinger, I recommend a tissue and some hot cocoa. :itsok:
Joe Biden will bring back steady, responsible leadership
Something Trump has failed disastrously.

Trump has shown he can’t lead the country through COVID
Looks like Biden to the rescue
The Great Obama dropped unemployment by over 5 percent while adding 13 million jobs.

Crooked Donnie now has 8 percent unemployment with negative 32 GDP

Trump is the most anti business President in my lifetime.
He has lost 30 million jobs

How do you figure, does Trump look Chinese?

You see, the problem with you leftists is when you lie, you are as obvious as the wrinkles on Nancy's face. While normal people realize why our country and most other countries are in bad shape is not because of a US President, you think your lies will change peoples minds.

As for DumBama, he didn't create anything but problems. As I stated earlier, if not for quantitive easing, we would have slipped into a depression with his policies. The economy didn't grow because of him, the economy grew in spite of him.

Presidents do not create jobs, the private sector does. All a President can possibly do is make that task harder or easier for them to accomplish. That's why we had the slowest recovery since WWII.
Yeah, but what kind of jobs. People should be 'thankful' that that are getting $8 an hour but still have to apply for benefits, while companies and their CEOs make record profits and pay themselves fat bonuses and have overseas bank accounts in the Cayman's and pay fuck all taxes? Fuck that. They can pay their fair share

If you only make 8 dollars an hour, it's not because of some CEO, it's because you didn't make yourself worth more. A CEO can't do that, only the individual can.

In my profession there was always a need for drivers. Some drivers can earn up to six figures while others who don't get that kind of pay make a great living. There are other industries who were also looking for people that paid well but couldn't' find the workers. Before the Chinese virus, there were plenty of good paying jobs around.

If you're going to make french fries and complain about what a CEO makes, then become a CEO yourself or start your own company and pay people what you like.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing
Democrats sniffing up American panties wind up like the Clinton "Filegate" in which political opposition becomes the instant ruination of several dozen Democrat character assassinations with Hillary Clinton already has her handy Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card excuse of "I FORGET" inscribed on both sides. *yawn* Pass the melatonin, plz. THX.
A nice, ladylike comeback

Nothing to do with what I posted
Oh? Graft from the past has everything to do with a future with a Biden Presidency.

Democrat socialist and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already taken steps to modify the 25th Amendment to remove a mentally disabled President, citing falsely that President Trump's covid cure is a threat to her universe, covering her real intention of eliminating Biden who has been out of tune with her fondness for M.A.D.A.P. drive to Make America Dysfunctional As Possible.

This removes the pavement from 1600 PA Avenue and reroutes power to her as Comma-luh's Vice President under the timetable she has forced when the millions of irresponsibly mailed voting ballots show up to place Democrats where she, not the voters, wants the future of this country to be. I think that's the extent of Biden's Presidency is going. Former Communist card-carrying afficianados take on other roles that puts them in a position to kill off the adversary in a way nobody can finger the illegality of it all.
Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


8 years that saw 13 million jobs added, unemployment down over 5 percent, almost tripled the stock market and steady GDP over 2.5 percent.

Trump leads the worst economy since the Depression

After 16 million jobs were first lost and unemployment topped 11%. Poor confused rightwinger, I recommend a tissue and some hot cocoa. :itsok:
You are aware that Trump lost 40 million jobs ?

And you want him as your President?
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Pretty much in order...



All that looks like what we are seeing in the Trump presidency

Only in DEMOCRAT controlled States. If hiden biden wins this would be nationwide. The chinese LOVE biden, and they will happily run his death camps.

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