What a Biden Presidency would look like

Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Pretty much in order...



All that looks like what we are seeing in the Trump presidency

Only in DEMOCRAT controlled States. If hiden biden wins this would be nationwide. The chinese LOVE biden, and they will happily run his death camps.
You have shown Trumps America

Thank God for Biden
The Trump republican moron wants Barr to indict Biden and Obama ?? LORD help us ,,we have the biggest asshole ever in the WH and all his little kiss ass assholes surrounding him in the Senate
Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


8 years that saw 13 million jobs added, unemployment down over 5 percent, almost tripled the stock market and steady GDP over 2.5 percent.

Trump leads the worst economy since the Depression

After 16 million jobs were first lost and unemployment topped 11%. Poor confused rightwinger, I recommend a tissue and some hot cocoa. :itsok:
You are aware that Trump lost 40 million jobs ?

And you want him as your President?
So that's why House Speaker Pelosi kept everybody's attention on projected Russian collusion from vindictive loser Hillary's desk to President Trump's desk in the Oval Office.

That way, when illegal votes are counted in Joe's favor can be done away with, they can omit their Chinese connection to inundate the US with deaths of elderly with the NYC Mayor raising the deaths and the NYC Gov's ranking on President who so conveniently caught cv19 the same time multiple staffers (all Republican) succumbed, possibly by an unseen hand spraying their joint office areas in the WH. Too bad President Trump did his homework on curing the virus. It wiped out the plot that never was, eh Cisco? Si, Pancho!
The Trump republican moron wants Barr to indict Biden and Obama ?? LORD help us ,,we have the biggest asshole ever in the WH and all his little kiss ass assholes surrounding him in the Senate
Does that mean Biden really didn't extort voter money given to 3rd world countries for all 47 years of service to himself, I mean the seats he held in Congress and the Executive Branch? :rolleyes-41:
Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
Great, but what good are those if there are no jobs, like when he was VP?

Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Looks like Biden is going to have to fix Trumps disasterous economy
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result.

Voting for a Republican for president is a clear example of that definition.
Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
Great, but what good are those if there are no jobs, like when he was VP?

Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Looks like Biden is going to have to fix Trumps disasterous economy
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result.

Voting for a Republican for president is a clear example of that definition.

Democrats since FDR have rescued America from Republican Economic Collapses
Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Obama/Biden first destroyed 16 million jobs and drove unemployment up 7 points. :itsok:
Yeah. the O/B economy shed millions of jobs till the economy corrected itself. Took 'em 8 years to get the economy back to where it was before the Great Recession. 8 fucking years of sluggish economy, and their supporters think it something to crow about.


8 years that saw 13 million jobs added, unemployment down over 5 percent, almost tripled the stock market and steady GDP over 2.5 percent.

Trump leads the worst economy since the Depression

After 16 million jobs were first lost and unemployment topped 11%. Poor confused rightwinger, I recommend a tissue and some hot cocoa. :itsok:
You are aware that Trump lost 40 million jobs ?

And you want him as your President?
So that's why House Speaker Pelosi kept everybody's attention on projected Russian collusion from vindictive loser Hillary's desk to President Trump's desk in the Oval Office.

That way, when illegal votes are counted in Joe's favor can be done away with, they can omit their Chinese connection to inundate the US with deaths of elderly with the NYC Mayor raising the deaths and the NYC Gov's ranking on President who so conveniently caught cv19 the same time multiple staffers (all Republican) succumbed, possibly by an unseen hand spraying their joint office areas in the WH. Too bad President Trump did his homework on curing the virus. It wiped out the plot that never was, eh Cisco? Si, Pancho!
Damn......You GOOFY Woman
And when it starts to happen, get the hell out of the way.

Why is that? If anybody can offer me cheeper fuel just as plentiful, powerful and reliable as fossil fuels I'm ready to switch.

Teslas newest batter is 5 times more dense, 5 times lighter. Do you know what that means? If their current car can stop the newest hottest Vette in the Quarter mile and if you drive it normally, you can get 250 to 300 miles out of it in normal driving, Tesla is looking at over 750 miles. Probably over 1000 per charge. And it will cost about the same because the battery is cheaper to make than the Lipo4 is. Tesla is tooling up right now. Look for it early next year.

In the first 5 years, it will cost more because it costs more but year 5 to 10, it smokes the Gas hog.

In 2025, Tesla is introducing their solid state Battery that can be built right into the car itself and has a lifespan of more than 100,000 hours of service before replacement. It's not only useful for cars and light trucks, it's useful for heavy trucks as well. Can you imagine a Semi running fully loaded running cross country that has to stop every 1500 miles and do a 5 minute recharge? Now, make it autonomous but that may be at least a decade away.

Another company has a Carbon Battery that you build the outter skin out of it. Think of taking a lead pencil, making the carbon in it 1 mcrometer in depth and then stacking that on top of more layers. They already have small working models. But that's probably 10 years away.

In 1901, the Maxwell Electric Car did 23mph and 40 miles per charge. The Hand Built Gas Cars couldn't do any better and there was no real place to go in the United States that required more than 40 miles. 40 miles was the distance a good horse could make without wearing the horse and the rider out. But in 1903, a new motor/engine was introduced call the Gasoline Combustion Engine and all work went into it and the Electric Car was abandoned for the next 90 years. And there really wasn't any new leaps in battery technology for the next 100 years. That means that the Electric Car really didn't start being rediscovered until the 90s. It's come a very long way in a very short time. It took a lot longer than that to get a real workable affordable engine

Things are happening fast in energy right now. And I have only touched on the transportation. The Energy generation at Lockheed will shock the living hell out of you.

So get ready. BTW, I still won't get rid of my Hemi Powered Wagon. But I do drive my electric trike most of the time. It's fun in a different way and costs almost nothing to operate in comparison.
Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
Great, but what good are those if there are no jobs, like when he was VP?

Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Looks like Biden is going to have to fix Trumps disasterous economy
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result.

Voting for a Republican for president is a clear example of that definition.

Democrats since FDR have rescued America from Republican Economic Collapses
If Biden is elected, it will be the fourth time in less than 100 years a Democratic president has had to clean up a Republican mess.

It’s unfortunate the voters didn’t learn the first time.
The Trump republican moron wants Barr to indict Biden and Obama ?? LORD help us ,,we have the biggest asshole ever in the WH and all his little kiss ass assholes surrounding him in the Senate

And then the next President goes after the outgoing president. The didn't learn a thing from the Nixon and Clinton timess..
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
we saw for 8 years what the biden economy will look like Black unemployment 16%
The Great Obama reduced black unemployment by seven percent.

It is higher under Trump than it was when he took office
President Trump
31.3% decrease in 4 years
obama 51.5% in 8 years
What was obama doing his first four years to help black America? Prison reform? nope jobs? nope those jobs he said were never coming back

Dont know what you are talking about. Blacks did much better under Obama than Trump

From your link

Post-recession Black unemployment peaked in March 2010 at 16.8%. From there Black unemployment began a 53% decline which continued during the rest of the Obama administration to 7.9%.

This was a result of the economic recovery that took place under Obama and continued during the Trump administration declining an additional 31% under Trump reaching record lows. By September 2019 Black unemployment was 5.5%.

Black unemployment dropped 8.9 percent under Obama
Under Trump, it dropped 2.4 percent by the end of 2019

Unfortunately for blacks, it has since risen over 5 percent since 2019
because you can't read and comprehend
Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
Great, but what good are those if there are no jobs, like when he was VP?

Obama/Biden created 13 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 5 percent

Looks like Biden is going to have to fix Trumps disasterous economy
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result.

Voting for a Republican for president is a clear example of that definition.

Democrats since FDR have rescued America from Republican Economic Collapses
If Biden is elected, it will be the fourth time in less than 100 years a Democratic president has had to clean up a Republican mess.

It’s unfortunate the voters didn’t learn the first time.
The president did an excellent job with his big wand bring back those jobs obama said never was going to come back
Hell if obama did such a great job hillary would have won because obama said I may not be on the ballot but my policies are
Yeah, but what kind of jobs. People should be 'thankful' that that are getting $8 an hour but still have to apply for benefits, while companies and their CEOs make record profits and pay themselves fat bonuses and have overseas bank accounts in the Cayman's and pay fuck all taxes? Fuck that. They can pay their fair share

If you only make 8 dollars an hour, it's not because of some CEO, it's because you didn't make yourself worth more. A CEO can't do that, only the individual can.

In my profession there was always a need for drivers. Some drivers can earn up to six figures while others who don't get that kind of pay make a great living. There are other industries who were also looking for people that paid well but couldn't' find the workers. Before the Chinese virus, there were plenty of good paying jobs around.

If you're going to make french fries and complain about what a CEO makes, then become a CEO yourself or start your own company and pay people what you like.

I just love these logical fallacy arguments. So EVERYBODY can become a CEO? You've been sold a shit sandwich that was the "American Dream". There is no such thing. Sure, they'll trot out examples of it - Jeff Bezos, Sergei Brin, Steve Jobs - but for every one of them, there are literally millions who never make it. You make out like everybody is going to reach that goal when less than 0.01% do. So let's start off the debate with reality, not some pie-in-the-sky dreaming of what life might be like. Almost everybody I know works their arses off, and yet their rewards are mediocre at best. When my parents bought their first house in 1969 the rule of thumb was the house would cost you 4 times the average salary. Last time I looked at was 12 times the average salary. Wages are stagnant yet the super rich just keep on getting richer.

And you know what, if some guy started up a business in his garage like Jobs and Gates both did, and took a punt, good on them. But when some fuckwit in some ivory tower is just pushing money around and fucking around with the stock market just so he can add a few zeroes to his bank account and adds nothing to society, he can go fuck himself. You know your Utopian dream is what these South American tinpot dictatorships end up being. Mega rich and dirt poor. There is overwhelming evidence that the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger in first world countries. You might be all right with that, but the long term game is a shit society.

How come you righties always try and make out that somebody making as much money as they can at the expense of everybody else is okay? It's not okay. Do those that take the big risks deserve the best rewards? Absolutely. But don't get some middle-tier accountant at some multi-national company come up with a great way to 'save' money just so they can get a bonus and ingratiate themselves with the boss to make it look like they are doing something while fucking with peoples' entitlements. You hate unions? Then stop making it so the working class need them.

You want to see the end game? Watch the documentary "American Factory". If you want to live in that kind of society - go for it. Not for me or my kids.
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The Trump republican moron wants Barr to indict Biden and Obama ?? LORD help us ,,we have the biggest asshole ever in the WH and all his little kiss ass assholes surrounding him in the Senate

I honestly think Trump is desperate to win because he knows he is in deep shit when he gets booted. The investigations.....boy oh boy...
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Of course, Biden is a Moderate who wants to unite the country. However the losing Trump supporters don’t want to believe that. They are getting desperate with lies.
Have to leave you all now My fav show is on now My repub favorite ""the walking dead
What a Biden Presidency would look like

I think nearly all of us have been given a very good view of what a Biden/Harris Presidency might look like, though many of us, sadly,may not be wise enough to recognize it as such.

Two main elements.

First, endless #CoronaHoax2020 lockdowns, complete with the loss of essential freedoms, and the economic devastation that goes along with it. Imagine that on a national level. And if the point is reached where the #CornoaHoax no longer serves as a credible enough excuse, you know damn well that they will find another excuse, and another excuse, and another.

What do you think this country will be like, when most major businesses have been shut down, and most people out of work, for four years?

The Democraps have managed to seize huge amounts of power this way, and there is no way they are ever going to give it up, as long as they are able to hang on to it.

Elect Biden, and we will surely find out.

And of course, all the rioting, looting, violence, destruction, theft, and terrorism. The Democraps,, where they have been in power, have not only allowed this, but encouraged and abetted it.
What a Biden Presidency would look like

I think nearly all of us have been given a very good view of what a Biden/Harris Presidency might look like, though many of us, sadly,may not be wise enough to recognize it as such.

Two main elements.

First, endless #CoronaHoax2020 lockdowns, complete with the loss of essential freedoms, and the economic devastation that goes along with it. Imagine that on a national level. And if the point is reached where the #CornoaHoax no longer serves as a credible enough excuse, you know damn well that they will find another excuse, and another excuse, and another.

What do you think this country will be like, when most major businesses have been shut down, and most people out of work, for four years?

The Democraps have managed to seize huge amounts of power this way, and there is no way they are ever going to give it up, as long as they are able to hang on to it.

Elect Biden, and we will surely find out.

And of course, all the rioting, looting, violence, destruction, theft, and terrorism. The Democraps,, where they have been in power, have not only allowed this, but encouraged and abetted it.
Market soaring with biden ahead by double digits means people like biden and want to get rid of this AH Trump

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