What a change two years makes

The Hate Bush media had the left all fired up,we had a black candidate who was going to get 99.9% of the black vote for the historical element.We had the liberal left media pushing Obama.Then to complete the perfect storm The GOP didn't counter with a good candidate.

What I am happy about is the fact that the left was riding high off the election and they and the media felt they had destroyed the right for all time and they acted like it.

How quickly the tide has turned.Amazing really.
What happened was a perfect storm. The presidency and the senat and the house run by liberals. America got a big dose of liberalism for the first time. They didn't like the smell.
You honestly think the change has hit us yet? Things are about to decend into hell next year. And yet there are still thinking Obama will get reelected with ease.

This is hardly the first time Americans have been dosed by these guys. The First time, the people woke up and reversed course cutting taxes and spending and we saw the greatest economic growth in the history of the world. Which was immediately cut short by the Second does of liberalism.

Dont get confident. the battle is long but over.
I just hope the Republicans learned from recent history....We need to stop the crazy spending and act rationally.

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