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What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.

attacking the unions .

:clap2: This was great .


What a load of steaming liquid shit! 17 times the agreed 40% increase? Ya right! The air traffic controllers were demanding a 628% raise in wages and benefits??? Reagan was a bald faced liar.
Many of the supposed Reaganites today would have problems with him: his continual working with the Soviets to reduce tensions, his support of Gorbachev,

Yeah he worked with them alright, from a position of strength.:clap2:


Yet many officers and NCOs left because of the Iran-Contra mess. The idea that the admin would send munitions to our enemies that could be shot back at us did not sit well. A complicated man."

Yeah ok...Reagan did what he thought was right, he never did anything for personal gain. He wanted those American hostages who were being held in Lebanon freed, he wanted to help the anti-communist forces in Nigeragua, and he played Iran, and Iraq against each other which was good for this country at that time, So he put his people to work on it and that’s what they did. It wasn't he who lost Iran to the whackos

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If being resentful for being lied to after helping vote Reagan into office count me as a hater. I feel the same way after voting for Bush in 2000. Being a true republican means taking responsibility for ones actions. Reagan and Bush let me and our country down. If you find fault with my resentment...bite me! :lol:

I wasn't posting that to you.

I was just looking for a picture similar to the "haters" meme.

Personally, I think he was an above average president, but certainly not worthy of salaaming adulation that some give him as a godlike figure. Nor was he the evil satanic devil who wanted to rape your babbys and the rest of the nation for his crony capitalists as others portray him as.

If being resentful for being lied to after helping vote Reagan into office count me as a hater. I feel the same way after voting for Bush in 2000. Being a true republican means taking responsibility for ones actions. Reagan and Bush let me and our country down. If you find fault with my resentment...bite me! :lol:

I wasn't posting that to you.

I was just looking for a picture similar to the "haters" meme.

Personally, I think he was an above average president, but certainly not worthy of salaaming adulation that some give him as a godlike figure. Nor was he the evil satanic devil who wanted to rape your babbys and the rest of the nation for his crony capitalists as others portray him as.

I am more concerned who was whispering into the ear of the First Astrologers ear than Ronnie's. In many ways she was the one with all the influence.

Compared to his predecessor Reagan made Americans feel good about themselves. As long as he is actually doing things which make America a stronger and better place I have no problem with a good dog and pony show. His ridiculous clinging to "Star Wars" against all evidence that it would ever work and constantly selling our government short by describing it as dangerous was the start of general disrespect for our leadership now the main talking point of the Neo GOPers.
His ridiculous clinging to "Star Wars" against all evidence that it would ever work and constantly selling our government short by describing it as dangerous was the start of general disrespect for our leadership now the main talking point of the Neo GOPers.

Even though Reagan's "Star Wars" never led to the deployment of an actual missile shield, it drew the Soviets into a costly effort to mount a response. Many analysts agree that the race drained Soviet coffers and triggered the economic difficulties that sped up the Soviet collapse in 1991.

"Reagan's SDI was a very successful blackmail," Gerasimov told The Associated Press. "The Soviet Union tried to keep up pace with the U.S. military buildup, but the Soviet economy couldn't endure such competition."

Yelena Bonner, the widow of Soviet dissident Nobel Prize winner Andrei Sakharov, praised Reagan for his tough course toward the Soviet Union.

"I consider Ronald Reagan one of the greatest U.S. presidents since the World War II because of his staunch resistance to Communism and his efforts to defend human rights," Bonner said in a telephone interview from her home in Boston. "Reagan's policy was consistent and precise, and he had a great talent of choosing the right people for his administration."

Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, 61, remembered Reagan fondly for his humor and his toughness.

"His phrase, 'evil empire,' became a household word in Russia," said Bukovsky, who now lives in Cambridge, England. "Russians like a staightforward person, be he enemy or friend. They despise a wishy-washy person."

Retired Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin said that trying to field a response to Reagan's Star Wars had "certainly contributed" to Soviet economic demise but argued it didn't play the decisive role.

"The Soviet economy was extremely inefficient and nothing could save it," said Dvorkin, a senior Soviet arms control negotiator during the 1980s.

But Bonner said her husband -- who had played a key role in designing Soviet nuclear weapons -- believed that deploying U.S. missiles in Europe was necessary to bring the Soviet rulers back to the arms control talks

Reagan Credited With Precipitating USSR Collapse
"Not since the days of the Roman emperors—and never in the history of the United States Presidency—has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation's affairs of State."
(Joan Quigley, "What Does Joan Say?")


What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.

Ronald Reagan had one big advantage that other presidents didn't have - Joan Quigley, the Presidential astrologer?
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Isn't it a beautiful thing to watch how some can't bring themselves to criticize anybody on their side of the political spectrum but won't allow anybody on the other side to have a single flaw.

They scour Media Matters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Salon.com or wherever they can find something, anything no matter how trivial that they can condemn or make fun of and hold that up as the sum total of what a man is.

Ronald Reagan was a man of courage, a man of vision, and a man with a tremendous grasp of what could be possible. He did some things that I couldn't support, but he did a lot of good too.

The most important contribution that he gave us as President was to bring us out of a great national funk and restore the awe and pride in being Americans--not because we're better people, but because we've been endowed with the greatest system of government and the greatest freedoms that the world has ever known. He made us believe in the deep conservative principles that made us great again.

The coined phrase "Reagan Conservative" is in no way hollow. It means a certain mindset, a certain vision, and a certain perspective that conservatives understand.

I saw a phrase that pretty well sums up the phenomenon this week:

For those who understand that concept, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not understand that concept, no explanation is possible.
Isn't it a beautiful thing to watch how some can't bring themselves to criticize anybody on their side of the political spectrum but won't allow anybody on the other side to have a single flaw.

They scour Media Matters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Salon.com or wherever they can find something, anything no matter how trivial that they can condemn or make fun of and hold that up as the sum total of what a man is.

Ronald Reagan was a man of courage, a man of vision, and a man with a tremendous grasp of what could be possible. He did some things that I couldn't support, but he did a lot of good too.

The most important contribution that he gave us as President was to bring us out of a great national funk and restore the awe and pride in being Americans--not because we're better people, but because we've been endowed with the greatest system of government and the greatest freedoms that the world has ever known. He made us believe in the deep conservative principles that made us great again.

The coined phrase "Reagan Conservative" is in no way hollow. It means a certain mindset, a certain vision, and a certain perspective that conservatives understand.

I saw a phrase that pretty well sums up the phenomenon this week:

For those who understand that concept, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not understand that concept, no explanation is possible.

I sure hope you are not including me in that rant FF. I have never visited :They scour Media Matters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Salon.com

My displeasure with Reagan is from a republicans point of view. If you recall it was Ronnie that used to be a democrat...me...not so much.
Isn't it a beautiful thing to watch how some can't bring themselves to criticize anybody on their side of the political spectrum but won't allow anybody on the other side to have a single flaw.

They scour Media Matters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Salon.com or wherever they can find something, anything no matter how trivial that they can condemn or make fun of and hold that up as the sum total of what a man is.

Ronald Reagan was a man of courage, a man of vision, and a man with a tremendous grasp of what could be possible. He did some things that I couldn't support, but he did a lot of good too.

The most important contribution that he gave us as President was to bring us out of a great national funk and restore the awe and pride in being Americans--not because we're better people, but because we've been endowed with the greatest system of government and the greatest freedoms that the world has ever known. He made us believe in the deep conservative principles that made us great again.

The coined phrase "Reagan Conservative" is in no way hollow. It means a certain mindset, a certain vision, and a certain perspective that conservatives understand.

I saw a phrase that pretty well sums up the phenomenon this week:

For those who understand that concept, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not understand that concept, no explanation is possible.

I sure hope you are not including me in that rant FF. I have never visited :They scour Media Matters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Salon.com

My displeasure with Reagan is from a republicans point of view. If you recall it was Ronnie that used to be a democrat...me...not so much.

No, not targeting you Huggy. But I just get really tired of the small minds that can't be civil for even one or two days while one of America's favorite sons is recognized and remembered.

I used to be a Democrat too. I didn't leave the Democratic Party. It left me. And I think Reagan probably felt the same frustrations that I did and left for the same reasons I did. In fact it was him who caused me to change my voter registration.

As far as policy goes, he was saddled with a mostly Democratic Congress headed by such formidable figures as Tip O'Neill and Robert Byrd in his prime and he really had no chance to promote too many Republican initiatives. And evenso he has to own some mistakes he made and some policies that to this day I cannot support.

But for me his legacy is not in legislation or policy or initiatives. For me his legacy was his amazing vision and grasp of possibilities and deep love and appreciation for America.
Iran Contra

North was indeed found guilty but the conviction was overturned because of (factual admission by North) evidence that the appellate court stated should not have been admitted into trial.

No, the "commies" were not "running the place over."

And someone above remarked that Reaganism "means a certain mindset, a certain vision, and a certain perspective that conservatives understand." Substitute "rapacious corporatists" and "neo-cons" for the sacred word "conservatives", and I will agree with that.
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Yes, you were a great man and a great president, Mr. Reagan. In fact if you were in office now, the Middle East would not be revolting. They KNOW you would not want OR tolerate a Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt. You were no wimp and you were no Muslim sympathizer...

Ronald "Nancy's boy" Reagan was too scared to take on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in Egypt since 1928.

Reagan was a wimp who was scared of Muslims, which is why he cut and run from Lebanon when they killed more than 200+ Marines.
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Yes, you were a great man and a great president, Mr. Reagan. In fact if you were in office now, the Middle East would not be revolting. They KNOW you would not want OR tolerate a Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt. You were no wimp and you were no Muslim sympathizer...

Ronald "Nancy's boy" Reagan was too scared to take on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in Egypt since 1928.

Reagan was a wimp who was scared of Muslims, which is why he cut and run from Lebanon when they killed more than 200+ Marines.

Reagan was focused on defeating the Soviets, he couldn't be sidetracked and get involved in a war with the radical Muslims at that time. What should he have done? Maybe it was a mistake not to respond, but it's funny how you same people rip Bush for responding to 9/11 after 3000 of our people were killed, nothing new from the libs. Reagan's policies helped to bring down the Soviet empire which freed millions of people. :cool:
Many of the supposed Reaganites today would have problems with him: his continual working with the Soviets to reduce tensions, his support of Gorbachev,

Yeah he worked with them alright, from a position of strength.:clap2:

I particularly liked the strength Reagan showed by cut and running from Lebanon when the terrorists killed more than 200 Marines.

Yet many officers and NCOs left because of the Iran-Contra mess. The idea that the admin would send munitions to our enemies that could be shot back at us did not sit well. A complicated man."

Yeah ok...Reagan did what he thought was right, he never did anything for personal gain. He wanted those American hostages who were being held in Lebanon freed, he wanted to help the anti-communist forces in Nigeragua, and he played Iran, and Iraq against each other which was good for this country at that time, So he put his people to work on it and that’s what they did. It wasn't he who lost Iran to the whackos

It's not often we are blessed with a president who knows that it's right to negotiate with terrorists
Yes, you were a great man and a great president, Mr. Reagan. In fact if you were in office now, the Middle East would not be revolting. They KNOW you would not want OR tolerate a Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt. You were no wimp and you were no Muslim sympathizer...

Ronald "Nancy's boy" Reagan was too scared to take on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in Egypt since 1928.

Reagan was a wimp who was scared of Muslims, which is why he cut and run from Lebanon when they killed more than 200+ Marines.

Reagan was focused on defeating the Soviets, he couldn't be sidetracked and get involved in a war with the radical Muslims at that time. What should he have done? Maybe it was a mistake not to respond, but it's funny how you same people rip Bush for responding to 9/11 after 3000 of our people were killed, nothing new from the libs. Reagan's policies helped to bring down the Soviet empire which freed millions of people. :cool:

I think it's time for a wingnut meeting, so they can figure out if Reagan was a brave man who wouldn't allow the Muslim Brotherhood to operate, or if he was too busy fighting the USSR to do anything about Islamic extremism (that is, besides negotiating with the terrorists and giving them weapons to shoot down planes, or retreating from Lebanon when the terrorists kill 200+ Marines)

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