What A Mess.

So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

How many years experience do you have in IT?
Distributed databases?
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

We must really have it good here in the US if this is the shit we worry and complain about.
Sure was better 4 years ago...

You mean before COVID? Of course it was. Although the stock market is still quite a bit higher than when Obama left office despite COVID. Go figure.

Quite a bit higher? Not in today's dollars it ain't
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Or it comes with a personal campaign letter. What an arshole.

So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Or it comes with a personal campaign letter. What an arshole.

Elections have consequences.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Or it comes with a personal campaign letter. What an arshole.

His assholery and ego know NO bounds ... Do they? :mad:

Hows this one easy We have a murderer in our WH
Ex-Bush aide has chilling theory about Donald Trump's coronavirus strategy

I stopped reading when I saw a rabid Bush-hater using an ex-Bush Aide's THEORY to attack Trump.

You snowflakes are so freakin' desperate and pathetic!

You wouldn't hate gwb knowing he got us into a bs war killing many 1000's? Damn right I hate him But trump is at least his equal in the scum bag division
Thank Mitt Romney and Tulsi Gabbard. They came up with the idea.
They were all talk.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump made it happen!! .. :thup:

Dear Leader had nothing to do with it.
But it's a shame that you got a direct deposit of Donnie Dollars and not the actual check -
Suitable for framing! :cool:


LOL!! Yup, I'm going to have some fun with Photoshop when mine arrives, too.
You wouldn't hate gwb knowing he got us into a bs war killing many 1000's? Damn right I hate him But trump is at least his equal in the scum bag division

'President TRUMP is GWB's EQUAL when it comes to WARS and numbers killed?

REALITY is something you TDS-suffering burnouts just don't accept.
Cedar Lee Theatre to Celebrate Weed Day with Special Double ...

WTF? Put the doobie, down, dude, then give me the list of WARS President Trump has started.
-- The correct answer is 'ZERO'.

Now compare that to previous Nobel Peace Prize Winner's record:

Barry ran his own personal Drone Assassination Program, one in which he approved all targets and approved all strikes, one he used to deny Americans' of their Constitutional Right to DUE PROCESS by killing Americans by drone strike.

Barry pimped pout the US military to Al '9/11/01' Qaeda, to help them kill the leader of a sovereign nation who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa, allowing Al Qaeda to take over Libya as their own country.

Barry also committed a United Nation's define International War Crime by invading sovereign nation (one in the midst of a civil war involving multiple groups to include the Russians) without the permission or request of that nation's Leader or government. AFTER invading Syria, Trump left US troops in Syria to fight HIS war as he walked out of the WH.
Thank Mitt Romney and Tulsi Gabbard. They came up with the idea.
They were all talk.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump made it happen!! .. :thup:

Dear Leader had nothing to do with it.
But it's a shame that you got a direct deposit of Donnie Dollars and not the actual check -
Suitable for framing! :cool:


LOL!! Yup, I'm going to have some fun with Photoshop when mine arrives, too.

If you know any nine year olds who write like 5 year olds, have them fill out the memo line! :D

So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

When you hire sycophants and yes men, you don't usually screen for competency. This has been a hallmark of his administration from the beginning. Huge turnovers.

And when you hire sycophants and yes men, you rarely get the truth. You just get what you want to hear.
Any of those crying about the "vanity letter" tear up the check and not cash it?

No? Then they can STFU.

As usual, you deflect because you can't address the simple facts.

Trump has to put his name on everything.
SO just remember this fathead:
His name has been coming DOWN off of everything, too.
All the buildings in Manhattan that had his name have taken it off.

Rump's "I don't take responsibility at all" excuse for many bankruptcies was, quote:

"I didn't run the company --- I only licensed my name".

Obviously he's not putting out the money here either --- he's only signing his name. It's a masturbatory fantasy he likes to do in order to imagine himself as rich as he claims yet can't show.

His bankruptcies were for 4 casinos and two hotels. They were HIS, not licensee agreements.

1991 – Trump Taj Mahal
1992 – Trump Castle Hotel & Casino
1992 – Trump Plaza Casino
1992 – Trump Plaza Hotel
2004 – Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts
2009 – Trump Entertainment Resorts

And the morons entrusted our country's economy to this incompetent asshole.
Look where we are today.
He ignored intel warnings and Alex Azar and Pete Navarro....all who warned him in January that the virus would cost the U.S. a trillion bucks. AND HE IGNORED THEM.
Simmer down, Cupcake.

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