What a shame: AOC could lose her house seat after 2020 through elimination of her district

Gerrymandering is a b.tch. Democrats complain about it only during republican administrations.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.

She's very clearly saying that if her district is eliminated she'll be merged with another representative who she'll have to challenge for the newly drawn district and she might not win.

Perhaps you shouldn't refer to someone else as a stupid mother fucker when you can't grasp basic logic yourself.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

The Democratic Party really should be embarrassed that someone like her was able to get elected. She does not show them in a good light.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.

No you're the stupid mother fucker because you haven't the foggiest clue as to how house seats are apportioned, dumbass.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

The Democratic Party really should be embarrassed that someone like her was able to get elected. She does not show them in a good light.

I think she exposes the Democrats for the fakes they are. She is my favorite Democrat.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.

Just like dick brain crazy train your just as stupid as every other clueless fkr


AOC Makes a Bronx Census Push Amid Fears of Lost House Seats

A review by THE CITY, building on data and analysis by The Texas Tribune, suggests Ocasio-Cortez’ district could be particularly vulnerable to undercount because a little over a quarter of those living there are non-citizens.

Interesting video when you consider how the left always whines about the GOP and redistricting.

Personally I don't care how they get rid of her. GITERDONE dems!
The districts will, it appears, be re-drawn, and it could happen that her residence could be out of the boundaries for "her" district (not a real problem), or she might end up having to run in the 2022 primary against another Democrat to remain in Congress.

I have no doubt that she is a Congress-person-for-life if she chooses to be. Democrats are so stupid that they think being notorious is as good as as being competent. They probably don't realize that she is a laughing stock.

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