what a waste!


VIP Member
Dec 3, 2008
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Not everyone gets eight hours a day but they have the freedom to dream which is what you are against.

I get up every day and decide to create my own happiness so I make things and I will dare to be happy.
Never liked the thought of spending a third of my life asleep so I take caffeine pills. :) Make up my sleep deficit on weekends. :)
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Our bodies are not useless while we sleep.
Sleep is essential for our body cells that have worked hard all day and become worn out are repaired, replaced, and build up new supplies of energy for the following day.
It is also the time when you grow the most, especially children.

Even machines who have batteries need to be recharged.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

agreed--it's really not fair.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Are you or were you ever married?
Your body is far more active when you are asleep than when you are awake. So is your brain. Sleep is when your thoughts, ideas and memories are put into order. Likely we would not survive very long if we did not sleep and the necessary maintenance was unable to be performed.

Which means the "engineer" that designed both body and mind was incredibly knowledgeable about engineering and bio engineering.
My Dad said the same thing a long time ago; "Imagine how much MORE we could get accomplished if we didn't have to sleep". Gut he didn't mean it to imply that God was an idiot or anything. He was just wondering about it. He's a Mormon now, if that means anything.

OP sounds like a bitter old man.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Please go to a University and show them how to design something that can run for 16 hours a day for a hundred years, until it needs to be scraped. :lol: They will pay you a lot of money for that...
Onecut, How much of your time is spent eating? Wouldn't your time be better spent somewhere other than the dinner table, or grocery store?

Just like astronauts don space suits, you are a spirit wrapped in clay. We do what the clay requires for the vapor of time we are here in these particular bodies. But rest assured, the new glorified bodies we will end up with needs neither sleep nor food. You can eat an orange in your glorified body, in fact in a glorified body you can eat an orange from the inside out, but your glorified body won't require it. Just as you won't have to spend time driving to a location, because a thought will transport you to where you want to go. We will be like Christ. He could move from dimension to dimension, appear and disappear at will.

Give your body what it requires. God will make it eternal when the time is right.
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well, a lot of sleep has to do with what is called nighttime -

* intelligent design certainly could have devised two diametrically opposed Suns for continuous light 24 / 7 ... as a more perfect world for the "restless".

I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

I bet that's the same reason the Koreans invented the LithPro battery that doesn't need recharging......it was more intelligent to design than a battery that needed recharging.......
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Please go to a University and show them how to design something that can run for 16 hours a day for a hundred years, until it needs to be scraped. :lol: They will pay you a lot of money for that...

We are not talking about an engineering school. We are talking about GOD. The know all do anything guy. I picked sleep as the most outrageous failing of our bodies but there are others almost as bad.

Take "handedness" what pathetic engineer would make one appendage more efficient than the other? Totally senseless!

Speaks more to chaos than design.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

little man "thinking" he is smarter than ALMIGHTY GOD has a very high price!!!
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

I bet that's the same reason the Koreans invented the LithPro battery that doesn't need recharging......it was more intelligent to design than a battery that needed recharging.......

Now we are comparing battery design to our bodies and god. This is GOD man! Should't he be able to make it run WITHOUT a battery?
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Not everyone gets eight hours a day but they have the freedom to dream which is what you are against.

I get up every day and decide to create my own happiness so I make things and I will dare to be happy.

The amount of sleep is not the question. The question is why the design requires any at all.
I am 75 years old. I woke up this morning and began thinking of all the time I have spent sleeping. If I have averaged the prescribed 8 hours a day that is 25 years spent in oblivion.

If we are the product of a superior being, designed by a do any thing kind of guy, that design is incredibly bad. What first year engineering student would even consider designing a machine that would be totally useless for a third of its existence.

Intelligent design? Hardly.

Our bodies are not useless while we sleep.
Sleep is essential for our body cells that have worked hard all day and become worn out are repaired, replaced, and build up new supplies of energy for the following day.
It is also the time when you grow the most, especially children.

Even machines who have batteries need to be recharged.

So one design flaw requires another? (actually you have listed several) The question is not what happens when we sleep. The question is why this "do anything" kind of guy designed things this way.

It may work, after a fashion, but it is far from what could be considered good design from someone/thing with God's purported abilities.
you want a better body?? At the very soo return of JESUS all believers receive a perfect new imortal body. no aging,no sickness ,pain or death!! PTL.
you want a better body?? At the very soo return of JESUS all believers receive a perfect new imortal body. no aging,no sickness ,pain or death!! PTL.

your book is not going to do that for you GISMO, you have to accomplish the feat yourself - or perish.

might give insight to onecut39 though ...


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