What and Who was Abraham before he was a Jew

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Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ABRAHAM, but you people take religious hogwash for proof.

To believe this jewish lie, one must believe that he was born less than 2000 years after our world was created, that he lived for nearly 1000 years, and that our world is only around 6000 years old.

And we're not discussing that even remotely. We;re not discussing proof or anything of a kind.
We're discussing HERITAGE.
Your position here is infantile: as if You found 2 Indians discussing their heritage, while You jumping all around with Your childish:

"There's no evidence, there's no evidence" .
It's just irrelevant and disrespectful. Not a sign of a sensible person.

What's relevant and real are 2 billion people who base all of their ideology and identity on Abraham our father.
It is childish to point out how stupid it is to believe jewish lies? Even when it is obvious?

Do you believe that he was born less than 2000 years after our world was created, that he lived for nearly 1000 years, and that our world is only around 6000 years old?

Do you people talk about pro wrestling like it is a sport as well?
Yes it is childish, ignorant and disrespectful. But that's how all Your posts look.

Abraham was born in the year 1948 from creation:eek-52:

Do You have anything on who was Abraham, what he represents in light of the I/P conflict?
Yes it is childish, ignorant and disrespectful. But that's how all Your posts look.

Abraham was born in the year 1948 from creation:eek-52:

Do You have anything on who was Abraham, what he represents in light of the I/P conflict?
Yes, the whole of the fake history from our torah lies at the base of all the crap you people push in here daily.

While they obviously don't teach history at your temple, if you honestly wish to discuss these topics and be taken seriously, then you must go actually study history and not religious idiocy that has CLEARLY been proven to be total bullshit.
Most be true, it's in the Bible
Genesis 11:31King James Version (KJV)
31 And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ABRAHAM, but you people take religious hogwash for proof.

To believe this jewish lie, one must believe that he was born less than 2000 years after our world was created, that he lived for nearly 1000 years, and that our world is only around 6000 years old.


Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.

The Machpelah Cave in Hebron is where Abraham buried Sarah, and where his 2 sons Ismael and Itzhak buried Abraham later.
All our ancestor except for Rachel were buried there. The cave was bought by Abraham our father, as the Temple Mount was bought by King David.

When dealing with heritage, one has to show at least a minimal degree of respect.
The filth King David murdered the House of the previous King of the Jews....Saul and his family.....That is why he was never allowed to consecrate sic the Temple.....David was a Criminal...who killed his own kind...for Greed and Power
Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.

The Machpelah Cave in Hebron is where Abraham buried Sarah, and where his 2 sons Ismael and Itzhak buried Abraham later.
All our ancestor except for Rachel were buried there. The cave was bought by Abraham our father, as the Temple Mount was bought by King David.

When dealing with heritage, one has to show at least a minimal degree of respect.
The filth King David murdered the House of the previous King of the Jews....Saul and his family.....That is why he was never allowed to consecrate sic the Temple.....David was a Criminal...who killed his own kind...for Greed and Power

No king Saul died in a battle against the Philistines.

This is a shallow level of leading a discussion.
I had much more interesting ones with knowledgeable and respectful Muslims.
Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.

The Machpelah Cave in Hebron is where Abraham buried Sarah, and where his 2 sons Ismael and Itzhak buried Abraham later.
All our ancestor except for Rachel were buried there. The cave was bought by Abraham our father, as the Temple Mount was bought by King David.

When dealing with heritage, one has to show at least a minimal degree of respect.
The filth King David murdered the House of the previous King of the Jews....Saul and his family.....That is why he was never allowed to consecrate sic the Temple.....David was a Criminal...who killed his own kind...for Greed and Power

No king Saul died in a battle against the Philistines.

This is a shallow level of leading a discussion.
I had much more interesting ones with knowledgeable and respectful Muslims.
YOU IDIOT....It was infact David the USERPER who used the Philistines to HELP HIM destroy the House of Saul....and afterwards for their trouble David exterminated the Philistines......Your shocking,SHALLOW and Obesquious adherance to the falsehood of Jewish history is laid bare for all to see.

Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.

The Machpelah Cave in Hebron is where Abraham buried Sarah, and where his 2 sons Ismael and Itzhak buried Abraham later.
All our ancestor except for Rachel were buried there. The cave was bought by Abraham our father, as the Temple Mount was bought by King David.

When dealing with heritage, one has to show at least a minimal degree of respect.
The filth King David murdered the House of the previous King of the Jews....Saul and his family.....That is why he was never allowed to consecrate sic the Temple.....David was a Criminal...who killed his own kind...for Greed and Power

No king Saul died in a battle against the Philistines.

This is a shallow level of leading a discussion.
I had much more interesting ones with knowledgeable and respectful Muslims.
YOU IDIOT....It was infact David the USERPER who used the Philistines to HELP HIM destroy the House of Saul....and afterwards for their trouble David exterminated the Philistines......Your shocking,SHALLOW and Obesquious adherance to the falsehood of Jewish history is laid bare for all to see.


When an OP tries to silence others it speaks volumes about the intent and purpose of a thread.

Unfortunately You're not living up to the words in the last sentence of Your 1st post.
This has been on my mind for some time,as the Torah and Bible state,G-D came down and told Abraham at the age of 48 to move from his land and become a Jew(The Original Convert as such)

So,what were his Parents...????Arabs,Egyptians or even Palestinians or Canaanites?????

Let's have an open and friendly discussion,without abuse for a change.All your thoughts are welcome with interest


Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.

The Machpelah Cave in Hebron is where Abraham buried Sarah, and where his 2 sons Ismael and Itzhak buried Abraham later.
All our ancestor except for Rachel were buried there. The cave was bought by Abraham our father, as the Temple Mount was bought by King David.

When dealing with heritage, one has to show at least a minimal degree of respect.
The filth King David murdered the House of the previous King of the Jews....Saul and his family.....That is why he was never allowed to consecrate sic the Temple.....David was a Criminal...who killed his own kind...for Greed and Power

No king Saul died in a battle against the Philistines.

This is a shallow level of leading a discussion.
I had much more interesting ones with knowledgeable and respectful Muslims.
YOU IDIOT....It was infact David the USERPER who used the Philistines to HELP HIM destroy the House of Saul....and afterwards for their trouble David exterminated the Philistines......Your shocking,SHALLOW and Obesquious adherance to the falsehood of Jewish history is laid bare for all to see.


When an OP tries to silence others it speaks volumes about the intent and purpose of a thread.

Unfortunately You're not living up to the words in the last sentence of Your 1st post.
This has been on my mind for some time,as the Torah and Bible state,G-D came down and told Abraham at the age of 48 to move from his land and become a Jew(The Original Convert as such)

So,what were his Parents...????Arabs,Egyptians or even Palestinians or Canaanites?????

Let's have an open and friendly discussion,without abuse for a change.All your thoughts are welcome with interest


As said like a Synthetic
This has been on my mind for some time,as the Torah and Bible state,G-D came down and told Abraham at the age of 48 to move from his land and become a Jew(The Original Convert as such)

So,what were his Parents...????Arabs,Egyptians or even Palestinians or Canaanites?????

Let's have an open and friendly discussion,without abuse for a change.All your thoughts are welcome with interest

75, not 48.
Avraham preached about God from the age of 48 to 75.
Louie we're talking about a different thing here.
Abraham is the patriarch of the Jews and other 12 Arab kingdoms.
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ABRAHAM, but you people take religious hogwash for proof.

To believe this jewish lie, one must believe that he was born less than 2000 years after our world was created, that he lived for nearly 1000 years, and that our world is only around 6000 years old.

The sun was created on day 4 so no one knows how old the earth is.
But I wouldn't expect a mentally deranged person like you to actually read the Bible and figure that out on his own.
The sun was created on day 4 so no one knows how old the earth is.
But I wouldn't expect a mentally deranged person like you to actually read the Bible and figure that out on his own.
They don't teach history, research or science at your temple.

Duly noted.
The sun was created on day 4 so no one knows how old the earth is.
But I wouldn't expect a mentally deranged person like you to actually read the Bible and figure that out on his own.
They don't teach history, research or science at your temple.

Duly noted.
Moreover louie,the Jewish dross on the 10 Plagues of Egypt is a classic case,which they claim that God did, to help the Jews..God did not of course....actually ALL THESE EVENTS were caused by a Massive Volcanic Eruption on the Greek Island of Santorini 1630 BC,where the Ash clouds drifted over Egypt....this is Scientific Fact....which the Jews have turned into Myth....All the Synthetics and others on here are a Dollar short of a Tenner($10)...Their whole existence is a Lie.They know nothing,and live an ancient,outdated life.THEY KNOW NOT THE MINUTE NOR THE HOUR...steve
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