What are libertarians?

Kaz, face it, you are a...

  • ...conservative because only money matters and your fiscallly conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...liberal, you're against morality laws and for smaller, defense only military

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?

Hey look, you fail to answer the question. Like you do.............You're an asshat. It's time for you to get out on your own and stop living in your mother's basement.
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?
It is obvious that both liberals and conservatives are smarter than libertarians

That is why no nation on earth will embrace libertarianism.
Urban Dictionary Libertarian

A libertarian is someone who wants to take America back to the way it was run in the 1800s, regardless of how much the world has changed since then. Libertarians also have mean hard-ons for unregulated capitalism, believing that the "Invisible Hand" will erase poverty and create a utopia instead of what ACTUALLY happens when you let companies do whatever they want, which is:
-Children working in factories and mines
-Corporate monopolies
-Workplaces where death is likely
-Low, low wages
-Shit in your food (Read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle")
-Even more extreme corporate corruption and political pawns than we have now.
-Getting the living fuck stomped out of you by company-hired goons for trying to organize a union (Battle of the Overpass)

Life in a Libertarian America

1. Children working in factories and mines
Libertarian response: It is up to the parents to decide if children should go to school or work full time

2. Corporate monopolies
Libertarian response: Survival of the fittest, if you cant survive in business, you die

3. Workplaces where death is likely
Libertarian response: If the worker doesn't like it, work elsewhere

4. Low, low wages
Libertarian response: That is your problem not mine

5. Shit in your food
Libertarian response: If you are buying contaminated food, buy elsewhere

6. Even more extreme corporate corruption and political pawns than we have now.
Libertarian response: Let the market work itself out

7. Getting the living fuck stomped out of you by company-hired goons for trying to organize a union
Libertarian response: Not the governments role to get involved. Not in the Constitution

So very true and frightening. I'm not sure Kaz will ever get the point though.
As a true blood libertarian......Kaz would endorse that view of America
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?

Hey look, you fail to answer the question. Like you do.............You're an asshat. It's time for you to get out on your own and stop living in your mother's basement.

I didn't answer a question that wasn't directed towards my views. I haven't noticed you defending other people's views, can you show me where you do that?

Stay on your back, Honey, you just make yourself look dumber and dumber every time you open your mouth. I would just smile.
No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?
It is obvious that both liberals and conservatives are smarter than libertarians

That is why no nation on earth will embrace libertarianism.

You mean besides the Founding Fathers?
No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?
It is obvious that both liberals and conservatives are smarter than libertarians

That is why no nation on earth will embrace libertarianism.

You mean besides the Founding Fathers?

The founding fathers were anything but Libertarians

18th century America was NOT libertarian
No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?
It is obvious that both liberals and conservatives are smarter than libertarians

That is why no nation on earth will embrace libertarianism.

You mean besides the Founding Fathers?

The founding fathers were anything but Libertarians

18th century America was NOT libertarian

The founding fathers created a Constitution almost exactly like the views of small government libertarians and nothing like the leftists authoritarian Democrats no matter how hard you try to contort reality.
Refute this statement but don't parrot conservative lawyers!

Stopped reading, moron. BTW, your post didn't answer the question. But if you want to be an eight year old about it, then pass.

BTW, you're a poopy pants.

What a dick.

Well, at least you didn't quote a conservative lawyer. And, the personal attack, childish as it was, is still unresponsive. Define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

No point is so obvious that you can grasp it. If you want to argue with Republicans, don't respond to my posts. I'm fine either way, but if you want to debate me, argue my views. Seriously, what is the point in my debating you if you don't?

Tell me again how liberals are smarter than conservatives because you're not all black and white like they are, you can see grey. LOL. What a tool. And why would I not just insult you if you tell me I think things I don't think and didn't say? I'm supposed to treat that as a serious point?

In so many words - too many - you failed to answer the question. I'm not surprised, never did I think you could. Pretending to understand the wording in the COTUS isn't easy, especially when one has an agenda they cannot explain, but hold to be true.
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?
In so many words - too many - you failed to answer the question. I'm not surprised, never did I think you could. Pretending to understand the wording in the COTUS isn't easy, especially when one has an agenda they cannot explain, but hold to be true.

No shit Dick Tracy. When did you figure out I wasn't answering the question? Was it when I told you I'm not answering the question because you keep telling me you don't understand what I am saying? Was my telling you I'm not answering the question your first clue? Or the one that brought it home?

If you want to argue with neocons, socons and Republicans, do that. I'm good. Go do it. I'm not interested in defending their views, and you are not interested in debating a libertarian. If you are interested at some point in debating a libertarian, I'm here. Let me know. In the mean time, I will just mock you for being the stupid fuck that you are who thinks a libertarian is a socon, neocon, Republican.
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.
Shits storm of Hypocrisy ..............

By definition, you do your thing, as long as I approve and I will do my thing regardless of what you say!!


Libertarian view is you have the right to do what you want as long as you don't infringe on my right to do the same.

Great, and HOW do you intend to enforce it? Punishment after the fact is regressive.

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.

Everyone benefits from not having sick and poor people roaming the streets begging for help

General Welfare
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.

Everyone benefits from not having sick and poor people roaming the streets begging for help

General Welfare

We would all benefit from locking them up in work camps.
Shits storm of Hypocrisy ..............

By definition, you do your thing, as long as I approve and I will do my thing regardless of what you say!!


Libertarian view is you have the right to do what you want as long as you don't infringe on my right to do the same.

Great, and HOW do you intend to enforce it? Punishment after the fact is regressive.

That is generally how laws are enforced, Nimrod.

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy.

Burk was wrong about that. The weaker the government, the better.
  • Thanks
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Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.

Everyone benefits from not having sick and poor people roaming the streets begging for help

General Welfare

We would all benefit from locking them up in work camps.
We the People have decided we do not like that idea. We reserve it for despotic dictatorships
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.

If you give individuals healthcare they cannot otherwise afford, you likely improve their health, which contributes to the general health of the nation,

and the health of the nation is a general welfare concern, an economic concern, and a national security concern.

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