What are libertarians?

Kaz, face it, you are a...

  • ...conservative because only money matters and your fiscallly conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...liberal, you're against morality laws and for smaller, defense only military

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We have one biased opinion on the meaning of general Welfare by bripat, a known callous conservative. His biases and hate expressed clearly here ("Paying some irresponsible slut to have promiscuous sex without using birth control positively harms society. Their spawn grow up only to prey on their fellow citizens and populate the state prisons. Instead of paying them money, their children should be taken away from them and put up for adoption. That would genuinely benefit society") are well known and cloud any judgment he makes.

Would you please provide a link in which he(bripat) states those things??
Sounds more like talking points you are putting in his mouth ...................
Driving this conversation in a particular direction you say ..................
It doesn't have to benefit you as a person. It has to benefit society as a whole

Having a healthy population benefits society

LOL, which is why they wrote a Constitution to limit federal power, and in the Constitution gave it the power to do anything...

They give Congress the task to provide for the General Welfare

The powers enumerated in the Constitution define the general welfare.

Congress will determine the General Welfare

If you think they have overstepped their bounds, you are free to take them to court. Many have and some have won
Libertarian Purity Test
by Bryan Caplan

This is the Libertarian Purity Test, which is intended to measure how libertarian you are. It isn't intended to be any sort of McCarthyite purging device -- just a form of entertainment, hopefully thought-provoking. I like it a lot better than the more famous "World's Shortest Political Quiz" because I haven't stated the questions with any intent to give an upward bias to a test-taker's score, and because it gives a clearer breakdown between hard and soft-core libertarians. Enjoy, suggest your friends try it out, and see how you compare to other test-takers...
A note on meaning: The word privatized as used throughout the survey means that a given government service is henceforth supplied by the free market and paid for by consumers. It is distinguished from sub-contracting in which the government uses tax money to hire a private firm to provide a government service.

Part I (1 point each)
  1. Are taxes too high?
  2. Is government spending too high?
  3. Are we over-regulated?
  4. Are you for free trade?
  5. Should the minimum wage be abolished?
  6. Should rent control be abolished?
  7. Are zoning laws too strict?
  8. Do we spend too much on Medicare?
  9. Do we spend too much on Social Security?
  10. Should we privatize the Post Office?
  11. Would school vouchers be an improvement over government schools?
  12. Should we relax immigration laws?
  13. Would housing vouchers be an improvement over government housing?
  14. Should the government sell off more of the public lands?
  15. Are worker safety regulations too strict?
  16. Does drug-approval take too long?
  17. Do you think we spend too much on anti-poverty programs?
  18. Is occupational licensing (for doctors, plumbers, and other professions) too strict?
  19. Does the government spend too much on higher education?
  20. Does the Federal Reserve have too much discretionary power?
  21. Should marijuana be legalized?
  22. Should all sex between consenting adults be legal -- even for money?
  23. Do you believe in freedom of expression for books, newspapers, radio, television, the Internet, and so on, even for offensive and unpopular views and subject matters?
  24. Should private clubs have sole authority to select their own members, even if they are discriminatory?
  25. Are you against national service?
  26. Are you against the draft?
  27. Does the U.S. intervene too much in other countries?
  28. Should the military budget be cut?
  29. Should the U.S. refuse to pay for the defense of allies that are rich enough to defend themselves?
  30. If it has to fight a war, should the U.S. try harder to avoid civilian targets?

    Part II (3 points each)
  31. Should taxes be cut by 50% or more?
  32. Should spending be cut by 50% or more?
  33. Would you abolish at least half of existing federal regulatory agencies?
  34. Should we abolish anti-trust laws?
  35. Should we abolish public schools and universities?
  36. Should we abolish welfare?
  37. Should we abolish Social Security?
  38. Should we abolish Medicare?
  39. Should all of the public lands be privatized?
  40. Should we privatize sanitation, fire, and other local services?
  41. Should immigration laws be abolished?
  42. Should the FDA and medical licensing be abolished?
  43. Should all of the Federal Reserve's discretionary powers be eliminated and the monetary base frozen?
  44. Should we abolish worker safety regulation?
  45. Should the Supreme Court strike down economic regulation as unconstitutional?
  46. Should all drugs be legalized for adults?
  47. Should anti-discrimination laws be abolished?
  48. Should the military budget be cut by at least 75%?
  49. Should the U.S. withdraw completely from Europe, Asia, and other foreign bases?
  50. Is bombing civilians in an enemy country morally equivalent to murder?

    Part III (5 points each)
  51. Should all taxes be abolished?
  52. Should highways and roads be privatized?
  53. Should the Fed be abolished and replaced with free banking and privately-issued money?
  54. Should all legislation be replaced by judge-made law, arbitration, and other private rule-suppliers?
  55. Is all government inherently evil?
  56. Is government an unnecessary evil?
  57. Should police be privatized?
  58. Should the courts be privatized?
  59. Should the law itself be privatized?
  60. Should the state be disarmed and its military disbanded?
  61. Is it morally permissible to exercise "vigilante justice," even against government leaders?
  62. Is all government essentially exploitation of the productive members of society for the benefit of a parasitic ruling elite?
  63. Should the state be abolished?
  64. Would you call yourself an "anarcho-capitalist?"

Take the test, let us all know your score, I have the results as defined by??
What, No One wants to brag about that score??

Pretty Ugly isn't it?? Kaz where is that torch you were carrying??

Me, I failed the test, dismal score .......extremely low ...............
We have one biased opinion on the meaning of general Welfare by bripat, a known callous conservative. His biases and hate expressed clearly here ("Paying some irresponsible slut to have promiscuous sex without using birth control positively harms society. Their spawn grow up only to prey on their fellow citizens and populate the state prisons. Instead of paying them money, their children should be taken away from them and put up for adoption. That would genuinely benefit society") are well known and cloud any judgment he makes.

Would you please provide a link in which he(bripat) states those things??
Sounds more like talking points you are putting in his mouth ...................
Driving this conversation in a particular direction you say ..................

Sure, today at 6:39 AM in post #267, in full he posted this:

No, I am not. So explain how welfare benefits me? We are discussing the "general welfare," not the welfare of only deadbeats and goldbrickers.

Paying some irresponsible slut to have promiscuous sex without using birth control positively harms society. Their spawn grow up only to prey on their fellow citizens and populate the state prisons. Instead of paying them money, their children should be taken away from them and put up for adoption. That would genuinely benefit society.
It doesn't benefit me. The taxes I have to pay for it positively harm me.

Crybaby ^^^. Do you lack food, clothing or shelter? Are you unable to afford medical insurance? Are you hated for being poor, are you exploited in a minimum wage job with no way out?

Man up, and stop whining.

BTW, your opinion on the meaning of general Welfare is worth the same as most of your opinions. Nada.

Just stop whining and give me your money you greedy baby!

LOL, you're a douche
If you give individuals healthcare they cannot otherwise afford, you likely improve their health, which contributes to the general health of the nation,

and the health of the nation is a general welfare concern, an economic concern, and a national security concern.

Now if those healthy people would work and contribute to society in a productive manner then we are coming closer to an idea that could become acceptable.

Wait, you say you want to be healthy at our expense, but do not wish to become part of "us" the working class once that health is obtained, then you kind of loose that advantage you are looking for ................

I mean this look like simple negotiations to me, what is a persons health worth?? Hard work, combined with a pleasant attitude for those who enabled you and those who will be working with you ...............

Bet you DON'T respond to this ......................

You picked the wrong poster out of the quote, I didn't say that. The quote is preposterous. It's a ridiculous contortion of "logic"
If you think they have overstepped their bounds, you are free to take them to court. Many have and some have won

You may want to google what a message board is, wench. I see why you like the liberal media so much, you don't have to listen to things you don't agree with.

Wealth envy is an ugly thing there big guy. You had the chance to invest in your own education, work hard, and make something of yourself. The choice to not do that was yours. We don't owe you the money as if you did.
It doesn't benefit me. The taxes I have to pay for it positively harm me.

Crybaby ^^^. Do you lack food, clothing or shelter? Are you unable to afford medical insurance? Are you hated for being poor, are you exploited in a minimum wage job with no way out?

Man up, and stop whining.

BTW, your opinion on the meaning of general Welfare is worth the same as most of your opinions. Nada.

Just stop whining and give me your money you greedy baby!

LOL, you're a douche

Liberals are nothing but a bunch of two-bit thugs.
It doesn't have to benefit you as a person. It has to benefit society as a whole

Having a healthy population benefits society

LOL, which is why they wrote a Constitution to limit federal power, and in the Constitution gave it the power to do anything...

They give Congress the task to provide for the General Welfare

The powers enumerated in the Constitution define the general welfare.

Congress will determine the General Welfare

That is how things work now, but that is not what the framers of the Constitution had in mind. The powers enumerated in the Constitution are what they meant by "the general welfare."

If you think they have overstepped their bounds, you are free to take them to court. Many have and some have won

I'm free to pursue an utterly pointless and grossly expensive lawsuit that will be decided by a bunch of political hacks with a vested interest in the status quo?

Why didn't you just tell me to go pound sand?
We have one biased opinion on the meaning of general Welfare by bripat, a known callous conservative. His biases and hate expressed clearly here ("Paying some irresponsible slut to have promiscuous sex without using birth control positively harms society. Their spawn grow up only to prey on their fellow citizens and populate the state prisons. Instead of paying them money, their children should be taken away from them and put up for adoption. That would genuinely benefit society") are well known and cloud any judgment he makes.

That's "hate?" Apparently you hate the taxpayers because you always want to stick them with the bill and increase their taxes.

My "bias" is against disastrous government programs like welfare. Apparently your bias is to increase the financial burden on taxpayers as quickly as possible and to destroy society with illegitimacy and criminality.
It doesn't have to benefit you as a person. It has to benefit society as a whole

Having a healthy population benefits society

LOL, which is why they wrote a Constitution to limit federal power, and in the Constitution gave it the power to do anything...

They give Congress the task to provide for the General Welfare

The powers enumerated in the Constitution define the general welfare.

Congress will determine the General Welfare

That is how things work now, but that is not what the framers of the Constitution had in mind. The powers enumerated in the Constitution are what they meant by "the general welfare."

If you think they have overstepped their bounds, you are free to take them to court. Many have and some have won

I'm free to pursue an utterly pointless and grossly expensive lawsuit that will be decided by a bunch of political hacks with a vested interest in the status quo?

Why didn't you just tell me to go pound sand?

Sucks being you Fingerboy
Can anyone (it seems Kaz has cut and run) define the phrase "general Welfare" as used in clause 1 of the 8th Sec. In Article I and to what it references.

If it does not refer to the citizens, to what does the phrase refer?

Um...cut and run? I've been going through the 34 replies I got overnight in order. They are all over the place.

And I've told you what general welfare is repeatedly. It is general welfare. General means everyone, welfare means benefit. Welfare is not referring to your government check.

So general welfare means, everyone benefits. Everyone benefits from having military, police, roads. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another, that is specific welfare, it only benefits the person receiving the check, it harms the person the money was taken from. The Federal government is authorized to only benefit everyone, not to benefit some at the expense of others.

If you give individuals healthcare they cannot otherwise afford, you likely improve their health, which contributes to the general health of the nation,

and the health of the nation is a general welfare concern, an economic concern, and a national security concern.

You could use the same logic to give everyone a car or a house. That isn't "the general welfare." That's the welfare of particular people. How does the fact that you are healthier benefit me?

It doesn't have to benefit you as a person. It has to benefit society as a whole

Having a healthy population benefits society

If it doesn't benefit me, then how does it benefit "society as a whole?" Doesn't that mean every member of society should benefit?

I could claim that giving the family down the street a plasma TV would benefit the general welfare because then perhaps their kids would be happier and wouldn't beat up other kids in school. Your logic would justify almost anything. It would be used to rationalize giving Bill Gates a billion dollars. It would be used to justify putting all Democrats in concentration camps.

Furthermore, you logic ignores the negative side of the equation. It ignores all the harm done to taxpayers by taking more of their income so deadbeats and goldbrickers can while away their time without working.

No, it doesn't mean that every member of society should benefit

How can any law benefit each citizen equally?

Does a major highway or dam being built in California benefit me in NJ? No, it does not. But it benefits our society as a whole

Laws against murder and robbery benefit everyone. The national defense benefits everyone. Welfare harms most of society and only benefits a few goldbrickers and deadbeats.

You're right about the highway and the damn, they don't benefit everyone, which is why government shouldn't be doing that.

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