What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

The most common conclusion I heard was, "there was not enough cheating to swing the election, so we don't need an investigation".

Who What WHY AND WHERE. you are making a charge that could replace our democracy with TrumpQocracy. And all you can come up with you heard something about something by somebody somewhere.
Trump did not have a plan for what happened next. THat COULD mean that he did not think that he would need a plan, because all that was going to happen was a big demonstration to put political pressure on them inside.

The huge problem for your supine, intellectually indolent, self-blindered sloppy defense of DJTQ is that {FACT>} he already was aware* that the DJTQ rioters had entered the hallowed halls of the Capitol building violently and lawlessly{<FACT} when DJTQ sent them the loving tweet in the middle of the DJTQ 1/6 RIOT that Mike Pence has cowardly failed to do his duty to STOP THE STEAL. (* The Pence tweet followed DJTQ telling MCCarthy that the DJTQ 1/6 RIOT mob was inside the Building because they were upset)

Yes Correll DJTQ already knew some of his mob were committing violence against the United States of America under Trump flags, Q flags; Confederate Flags, JESUS Flags .All loyal to Trump.

Anyway here is a worthwhile depiction of probably the most shameful hour of any US President ever:

“But don't just blame Donald Trump. Admittedly, we've just passed through the Senate trial and acquittal of the largest political cockroach around. I'm talking about the president who, upon discovering that his vice president was in danger of being "executed" ("Hang Mike Pence!") and was being rushed out of the Senate as a mob bore down on him, promptly tweeted: "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution."​
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"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," 26586291 reply to 26585970

More likely, in my opinion, he was just commenting that that group as as whole, those outside and those inside, were more "upset than...you are".

What are “those outside and those inside” Trump Stop-the-Steal Rally Attendees as a whole so upset about?

In the conversation with McCarthy do you hear any remorse or concern or shock that some of his ‘’upset’ mob have entered the Capitol and for the moment have managed through violence and lawlessness to have stopped the steal? TrumpQ appears to be more on the side of the attackers (his mob) than on the side of the attacked (Rep McCarthy).

This is not coming from commie hate driven TDS it’s Mitch, Mitt, a freaking Cheney and Herrera Beutler
"You have to look at what he did during the insurrection to confirm where his mind was at," Herrera Beutler, one of 10 House Republicans who voted last month to impeach Trump, told CNN. "That line was right there demonstrates to me that either he didn't care, which is impeachable, because you cannot allow an attack on your soil, or he wanted it to happen and was OK with it, which makes me so angry."​
So tell us Correll - A US Congressman in the Capitol under siege; a loyal kiss ass Trump Republican, frantically tells Trump that the rioters were getting close. They are beating down the doors. The Congressman, informs DJTQ The rioters were indeed Trump supporters as he begged Trump to call them off -

The POTUS, safe and secure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, had this reponse to a call for help:

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are,"

Nice opinion from Beutler. I've never heard of her before this, and doubt I ever will again.

So, the opinion of random republicans, that is the best "evidence" you have to support your claims?

Then it is time to drop your claims.
“stopping the certification of the election pursuant to the instructions of the then President” reply to 26586821

Yeah, um, that does not support your case. At all.

McCarthy Tells DJTQ that the rioters were TRUMP’s supporters and begged Trump to call them off.

Trump does not call them off. That is a fact.,

The rioters are there because they care about the election being stolen and that stolen election is still of primary concern of the President.

They care about the stolen election and are there to stop a stolen election from being validated by Congress.

Trump explained it to Kevin in the heat of the battle.

“Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are,

DJTQ did not attempt to stop the violent mob from achieving DJTQ!s publicly stated objective.

The knew what DJTQ’s objective was.


(Proud Boy )Pezzola is just seen as one of the crowd walking through the building. There is a selfie video where he lights a “victory cigar” and mugs for the camera. The implication was he stopped for a cigar because he considered the objective achieved, There is no indication that he sought to seek or harm anyone in the Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, he gained instant infamy when he was photographed using a police shield to break a window at the Capitol. That window was one of the numerous doors and windows used by protesters to gain access into the Capitol.

The "Fact" that Trump did not attempt to "call them off" proves one thing. That TRump did not attempt to "Call them off".

That is all it shows. It does not show that Trump was in control of the crowd, or really anything.

You are grasping at straws.
MMM, do you always imagine that everyone has all these secret levels of We must stop the steal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again, but we’re going forward. We’ll take care of going forward. We got to take care of going back. Don’t let them talk, “Okay, well we promise,” I’ve had a lot of people, “Sir, you’re at 96% for four years.” I said, “I’m not interested right now. I’m interested in right there.”meanings?

But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue

Just teh type of talk that you would expect, if he was trying to put political pressure on congress, to stop the count, because of all the evidence of cheating.

YOur belief that your view of these words and events can be the only possible view, is just you being a closed minded lib.
post: 26591388
Nope. Nothing I said indicated that. Why would you even ask that?

Actually, prior to the above, you did very much contend in post: 26586794
More likely, in my opinion, he was just commenting that that group as as whole, those outside and those inside, were more "upset than...you are".

You were saying that DJTQ was “just commenting that that group “as as whole, those outside and those inside, were more "upset than” you, Keven McCarthy.,

You are putting the words “as as whole, those outside and those inside,” into that mid-riot conversation between DJTQ and Kevin McCarthy.

That is very stupid speculation on your part because you say “It was not clear from (DJTQ’s statement” ... as if it is not possible and correct to determine that it is very clear (from the conversation) that Rep.R McCarthy was referring ONLY to those who are inside the building.

As I said in post: 26586979
It is clear however from the conversation that Rep.R McCarthy was referring to those who are inside the building.

That for the record was in response to your post: 26586942,
It was not clear from his statement that he was only referring to those storming the building. He might have been referring to them as part of the whole demonstration, and still lumping them together, implying that their actions indicated "upset" in the group as a whole.

And your snide remark in the same post: 26586942
You are the one making guesses and pretending they are facts.

.....actually led me to ask in post: 26586979
Is it your contention that Kevin McCarthy would have that conversation for Trump to call his rioters off if they were all standing outside protesting peacefully?

And I explained why that question was asked in post: 26586995
There is no conversation on that day between McCarthy and Trump if none of the protesters stormed the capital. That is a fact based on the conversation.

DO YOU GET IT YET or do you need more help when you are confronted with dealing all in with the facts.


There is no conversation because the is no reason to have it because there’s no DJTQ supporters assaulting police and the building to shut down the proceeding that DJTQ told his mob that they needed to do to stop the BROWN invasion from Mexico.

At the very end of the incitement rally prior to sending his mob to the Capitol to Stop the STEAL DJTQ Reminded his mob that if they fail on that day the threat of the BROWN PEOPLE’s invasion will start all over again:

They (Brown People) want to come in again and rip off our country. Can’t let it happen. As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side. We have a deep and enduring love for America in our hearts. We love our country. We have overwhelming pride in this great country, and we have it deep in our souls. Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people and for the people.” DJTQ 1/6 RIOT Washington DC​

the white people for sure


It’s different rules now - trial by combat

Whispered at the end
I am Donald J TRUMP and I approve this message but bear no responsibility if any of you white grievance hatefilled whackos get out of hand in any way.

You seem to be raving now. Oh, and a race card play? I am surprised it took this long.

You lose.
Trump did not have a plan for what happened next. THat COULD mean that he did not think that he would need a plan, because all that was going to happen was a big demonstration to put political pressure on them inside.

The huge problem for your supine, intellectually indolent, self-blindered sloppy defense of DJTQ is that {FACT>} he already was aware* that the DJTQ rioters had entered the hallowed halls of the Capitol building violently and lawlessly{<FACT} when DJTQ sent them the loving tweet in the middle of the DJTQ 1/6 RIOT that Mike Pence has cowardly failed to do his duty to STOP THE STEAL. (* The Pence tweet followed DJTQ telling MCCarthy that the DJTQ 1/6 RIOT mob was inside the Building because they wer

That does not undermine my "assumption". IF he was planing an "insurrection", as you claim, he would have have a plan to DO something once that stage was reached, instead, he just tweets something and did nothing.

That he did not take action to take advantage of the "supposedly his mob" taking the Capitol, "proves" by your usage of the word, that he had no plan, and thus is innocent of all your accusations.

You owe him an apology.
You seem to be raving now.

When you can’t counter an argument based on the facts within a very well detailed chronology of the conversation based on facts what do you normally do? {FACT}>You start emoting and accusing others of such a thing.<{FACT}.

There is no reason for McCarthy to call Trump if there are no rioters inside the capital building. That is correct, right?

I think the Bambi’s mother rule applies here. If you can’t say something factual, don’t say anything at all.
That he did not take action to take advantage of the "supposedly his mob" taking the Capitol,

it proves DJTQ was not surprised or bothered by the FACT the some from his herd of goons that he incited and riled up for an hour before violently attacked the US CAPITOL.

Your are ok with it. Most Americans; REAL
AMERICANS are not. Suit Yourself. Your standards for a President are non-existent.
Just teh type of talk that you would expect, if he was trying to put political pressure on congress, to stop the count, because of all the evidence of cheating.

Three of those named in the new indictment were arrested last month. Six new defendants were arrested this week.
Private text and audio messages show that multiple members of the group claimed to be acting on then-President Donald Trump’s cues, interpreting his call for a “wild” protest on Jan. 6 as an invitation to come stop the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.
"Trump said It's gonna be wild!!!!!!! It's gonna be wild!!!!!!!” Kelly Meggs, 52, a leader of Florida’s Oath Keepers, told a Facebook contact in a private message, according to the indictment. “He wants us to make it WILD that's what he's saying. He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! Sir Yes Sir!!! Gentlemen we are heading to DC pack your shit!!"
And when then-Vice President Mike Pence rejected calls to unilaterally block Biden’s win, one of the leaders of the group, Thomas Caldwell, 65, told his collaborators they were “screwed.”

If TrumpQ didn’t cause these morons to come to DC for a “wild” protest on Jan. 6 as an invitation to come stop the certification of Joe Biden’s victory then you need to explain why so many of the arrested ones who acted on TrumpQ’s invitation are pinning it on him.

if they came to DC to see the cherry blossoms they were about four months early.

They did it for Trump. And after they got in Trump was absolutely fine with it at first.
IF he was planing an "insurrection", as you claim,

Not so fast Bozo! You are a liar. I have never claimed that DJTQ planned an insurrection. You are a liar. You need a new response. That one is based on a lie.

You are talking in circles and more and more, you are playing games with semantics and arguing more about who said what, then trying to support your increasingly vague whinings about President Trump.

Trump called for a demonstration to put political pressure on his political enemies. You are trying to gin that up into something, so that you have an excuse for your side's next escalation.

That is all this is.
You seem to be raving now.

When you can’t counter an argument based on the facts within a very well detailed chronology of the conversation based on facts what do you normally do? {FACT}>You start emoting and accusing others of such a thing.<{FACT}.

There is no reason for McCarthy to call Trump if there are no rioters inside the capital building. That is correct, right?

I think the Bambi’s mother rule applies here. If you can’t say something factual, don’t say anything at all.

Because you are stating "facts" in conjunction as though they are connected or as though they mean what you want them to mean, generally with little cause other than your deep hatred of President Trump and teh GOP.
That he did not take action to take advantage of the "supposedly his mob" taking the Capitol,

it proves DJTQ was not surprised or bothered by the FACT the some from his herd of goons that he incited and riled up for an hour before violently attacked the US CAPITOL.

It does not prove that. It doesn't even sort of support it. You are just saying shit, in the hopes that you say it enough, that it will create the illusion of credibility.

Like you fuckers did with the VEry Fine People lie.

ALL you have, is lies.
Three of those named in the new indictment were arrested last month. Six new defendants were arrested this week.
Private text and audio messages show that multiple members of the group claimed to be acting on then-President Donald Trump’s cues,

Is it your position that hard core Trump supporters are such brilliant and insightful people, that what they believe, we should accept as fact based solely on their Authority as Brilliant and Insightful People?

Because, otherwise, the fact that you found some Trump supporters that interpret Trump's "cues" the same as you,

means less than nothing.

YOu are just repeating yourself over and over as a propaganda technique. Your supporting arguments, don't actually support anything.
would have have a plan to DO something once that stage was reached, instead, he just tweets something and did nothing.

No DJTQ would not need a plan. There is irrelevant to this case.

The only proper response, (amidst the riot DJTQ helped cause) to Kevin McCarthy’s phone request to call off his supporters as they breached the walls of the US Capital , was to spring into action to instantly (A) send a Tweet telling them they must stand down sad get out. (B) assemble a national security response to a terrorist attack on the Capital Building and the Constitution of the United States of America and the peaceful transfer of power to the indisputable winner of the 2020.

I am not inserting anti-Trump bias in expecting (A) and (B) to have been an instinctive and ingrained response from a real leader when confronted with a life or death and constitutional crisis al at once.

If you think I am wrong please do tell what you think wouid have been a leader’s response in TrumpQ’s predicament faced with a crisis by his supporters.

Was it proper to tweet to the rioters 15 minutes after the request made by McCarthy to send out a tweet basically calling MIke Pence a coward.
No DJTQ would not need a plan. There is irrelevant to this case.

The only proper response, (

That is your opinion, which you insist on presenting as fact.

MY opinion, is that Trump, since he had nothing to do with the riot, and every reason to believe that hte people in charge of the capitol security were competent and well funded, thus, was not needed to do whatever could be done to protect the congressmen and vp from harm,

and so did not concern himself with events that were not his responsibility. And gave him mind over to other matters.

I would also point out, that I am a Trump supporter, and you have demonstrated the belief that TRump supporters are to be considered Authorities on such matters.

So, defer to my opinion, and apologize for all the crazy talk you have posted here.
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Post 26597076

That is your opinion, which you insist on presenting as fact.

it’s a duty not a fact. This is a fact about TrumpQ’s sworn duty. He took it.

The Oath, as stated in Article II, Section I, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution, is as follows: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."​

MY opinion, is that Trump, since he had nothing to do with the riot,

Did you get that Tweet from DJTQ referring to Pence’s cowardice? Were you watching the riots on tv when you got it?

We are getting good measure of your rancid character.
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Post 26597076

That is your opinion, which you insist on presenting as fact.

it’s a duty not a fact. This is a fact about TrumpQ’s sworn duty. He took it.
The Oath, as stated in Article II, Section I, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution, is as follows: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."​

Meaningless twaddle. The idea that Trump has the same idea of his sworn duty as you think he does, is freaking nonsense.

That any discrepancy is proof of evil intent, is retarded.

YOu are just repeating shit over and over again, in the hopes of creating the illusion of credibility though constant noise.
The idea that Trump has the same idea of his sworn duty as you think he does, is freaking nonsense.

I get why you. the loyal DJTQ supporter and DJTQ himself cannot be held to the highest ideal interpretation of ‘sworn duty as President of the United States of America, but that is a given because Trump’s Christian base and the not so Christian rest of them didn’t hire him for his moral values.
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