What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

Right here, you are assuming that the pro-Trump demonstrators think just like you on the matter.

You ignorant DJTQ goon. The rioters that went in tell us thatā€™s what they thought they were invited to DC to stop the steal.

Some insurrectionist were surprised that DJTQ DIDNā€™T HAVE A PLAN when they got into the building.

AND Trump didnā€™t react against violence and disorder when the mob started scaling walls and breaking windows and beating up cops for the first couple of hours.

DJTQā€™s early response was overt non-action that proves DJTQ expected the mob to get in and interfere with the Constitutional process.

You keep using that term, "stop the steal" as though it means, "storm the capitol".

Trump didn't have a plan for what to do if "his forces" seized the capitol?

You know, if I was a dishonest partisan hack, I would pretend that that "proves" he did not mean for them to storm the capitol because the only thing I can imagine, is "blah, blah, blah", and

then we could spend a couple days were you point out other things it could mean, but I pretend to be retarded and stonewall.

Aren't you glad I'm not an asshole like that?
there is not enough fraud to swing the election so we should not bother having an investigation".

You are a liar so why do we care what you think you heard. Another one of your irrelevant detours away from facts and intelligent discourse.

I'm not the one that brought it up, I was responding to YOUR point on it. And I'm not the liar here, you are.
You keep using that term, "stop the steal" as though it means, "storm the capitol".

You are a liar. I use the term ā€˜Stop the Stealā€™ to mean exactly what DJTQ and the insurrectionists who went to carry it out believed it meant.

You are the one telling us that ā€œstop the stealā€ meant peacefully demonstrate for more investigations but stand by and watch black lives inside that Capitol Building steal our country right from under our white patriotic Jesus luvvā€™n nose.

Mitch knows:ā€"The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.ā€ā€

Stop the Steal meant STOP what was going in inside the Capitol on that specific day.

You are flat out lying when you tell us it meant stand around and watch the election be stolen
I'm not the one that brought it up, I was responding to YOUR point on it.

You did not respond to my point other than to say your heard something about it. Who cares what you claim you he hear. If what I said was not correct / tell us why.,
You know, if I was a dishonest partisan hack, I would pretend that that "proves" he did not mean for them to storm the capitol

No it proves TrumpQ did not have a plan that went beyond gathering a mob to ā€œstopā€ what was going on with Pence presiding in the Senate Chamber..

He didnt need a plan. He was gonna watch it all on tv. And that precisely what he did. Watch the rioters carry out their own plans to stop the steal for him..
I find it quite interesting that the election commissions in GA, PA, MI and WI are all investigating multiple cases of voter fraud RIGHT NOW. So much for unsubstantiated.

Link please? Nobody says there is zero fraud. It!s a crime and should be investigated. No evidence that any of those results can be overturned.
Georgia prosecutors investigate election fraud, conspiracy after Trump's pressure campaign as part of 'high-priority' criminal probe

Do you know that you posted a report about the criminal investigation into DJTQā€™s attempts to interfere in the state of Georgiaā€™s election to tilt the state vote count in his favor.

Yes, I hope Trump goes to prison for attempting to commit election fraud

from your link:
Local prosecutors in Georgia have requested that state election officials preserve records as part of a criminal investigation into attempts to interfere in the state election after former President Donald Trump's efforts to tilt the state vote count in his favor.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Thursday that he intends to cooperate with the inquiry led by the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.
I find it quite interesting that the election commissions in GA, PA, MI and WI are all investigating multiple cases of voter fraud RIGHT NOW. So much for unsubstantiated.

I knew about the criminal case against TrumpQ thatā€™s going on in GA. Is DJTQ in criminal trouble in those other states as well.
You are a liar. I use the term ā€˜Stop the Stealā€™ to mean exactly what DJTQ and the insurrectionists who went to carry it out believed it meant.

So far, your argument to support that that is what Trump meant, boils down to you explaining why you think that and insisting that there no other way of thinking.

And that is the crux of your argument, which you have utterly failed to make a convincing argument.
I'm not the one that brought it up, I was responding to YOUR point on it.

You did not respond to my point other than to say your heard something about it. Who cares what you claim you he hear. If what I said was not correct / tell us why.,

I made my point. The conclusion I heard about it most was that "there was not enough cheating to swing the election, so why bother to investigate".

That seems like an unsupportable position, but that is what the nation as a whole decided and we are just moving on.
You know, if I was a dishonest partisan hack, I would pretend that that "proves" he did not mean for them to storm the capitol

No it proves TrumpQ did not have a plan that went beyond gathering a mob to ā€œstopā€ what was going on with Pence presiding in the Senate Chamber..

He didnt need a plan. He was gonna watch it all on tv. And that precisely what he did. Watch the rioters carry out their own plans to stop the steal for him..

Correct. Event though it seemed to ME, that it is evidence that he did not plan for the storming of hte capitol, I am not pretending that my conclusion is the only possible conclusion AND I am not taking the additional step of telling you that it now a fact, because I thought it.

Also, I am not attacking you for not immediately agreeing with my conclusion.

See how someone who is not a partisan hack, can think something and present as an opinion, not as a fact?

Unlike, you.

Trump did not have a plan for what happened next. THat COULD mean that he did not think that he would need a plan, because all that was going to happen was a big demonstration to put political pressure on them inside.

OR, it could mean that he just failed to have a plan.

OR, it could mean that he had a plan, but events did not unfold in such a way as to let him implement it.

OR, it could mean that something else, based on information we do not have.

I am not a dishonest hack who is going to pretend that my opinion is fact.

Correct. Event though it seemed to ME, that it is evidence that he did not plan for the storming of hte capitol, I am not pretending that my conclusion is the only possible conclusion AND I am not taking the additional step of telling you that it now a fact, because I thought it.

It is a fact we know from evidence and statements from DJTQ and many of his followers that DJTQ has revealed no public indication or suggestion that he had a plan that went beyond gathering his mob in DC on January 6 2021 in order to somehow as a last resort STOP the proceeding scheduled to take place INSIDE the Capitol on that day. And DJTQ told them to cone because itā€™s gonna be wild.

The purpose for the gathering and ā€˜wildā€™ rally according to the facts was to stop (on that specific day ) Congress and VP Pence from certifying the election that was stolen from him and them.

Do you agree all the above is factual and true.,
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then Iā€™ll listen to yours...

The ā€œHouse Managersā€ just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution wonā€™t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and ā€œempire,ā€ political marketing and ā€œAmerica Firstā€ demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesnā€™t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a ā€œshow trial.ā€ Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a ā€œshow trialā€ ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are ā€œshowingā€ that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

Itā€™s our Republic ... if we can keep it.
That ship sailed a long time ago....we live in a banana republic.
Correct. Event though it seemed to ME, that it is evidence that he did not plan for the storming of hte capitol, I am not pretending that my conclusion is the only possible conclusion AND I am not taking the additional step of telling you that it now a fact, because I thought it.

It is a fact we know from evidence and statements from DJTQ and many of his followers that DJTQ has revealed no public indication or suggestion that he had a plan that went beyond gathering his mob in DC on January 6 2021 in order to somehow as a last resort STOP the proceeding scheduled to take place INSIDE the Capitol on that day. And DJTQ told them to cone because itā€™s gonna be wild.

The purpose for the gathering and ā€˜wildā€™ rally according to the facts was to stop (on that specific day ) Congress and VP Pence from certifying the election that was stolen from him and them.

Do you agree all the above is factual and true.,

Yes. Very good. Note that "stop" does not translate to "storm building".

You seemed to have learned. Good for you.

Ask me if I thought it was a good plan.
Correct. Event though it seemed to ME, that it is evidence that he did not plan for the storming of hte capitol, I am not pretending that my conclusion is the only possible conclusion AND I am not taking the additional step of telling you that it now a fact, because I thought it.

It is a fact we know from evidence and statements from DJTQ and many of his followers that DJTQ has revealed no public indication or suggestion that he had a plan that went beyond gathering his mob in DC on January 6 2021 in order to somehow as a last resort STOP the proceeding scheduled to take place INSIDE the Capitol on that day. And DJTQ told them to cone because itā€™s gonna be wild.

The purpose for the gathering and ā€˜wildā€™ rally according to the facts was to stop (on that specific day ) Congress and VP Pence from certifying the election that was stolen from him and them.

Do you agree all the above is factual and true.,
Fantasy Island was cancelled a few decades ago.....get with the times.
Yes. Very good. Note that "stop" does not translate to "storm building".

I never said it did, liar. DJTQā€™s request that the Congress must be stopped from certifying the stolen election on that day was all that was needed for his riotous mob to figure out and plan exactly how to stop it.

If not for that request from DJTQ, the fucking, lying, self centered, ignorant asshole President of the United States of America, that was loudly and angrily given to his gathered mob to be there on that specific date (based on a huge bombastic lie that the election was stolen,) there is no storming of the Capitol. Just the peaceful transition of power.

The only reason the capital was ā€˜stormedā€™ on January 6 was because Trump told all those people to be there. The mob was motivated was to do what Trump specifically asked them to do on that date. It was stop the steal.

You are the one who thinks ā€˜stop the stealā€™ meant to ā€˜protest peacefully and watch the election be stolenā€™ ..... And that is only one of your self deluded lies.
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Yes. Very good. Note that "stop" does not translate to "storm building".

I never said it did, liar. DJTQā€™s request that the Congress must be stopped from certifying the stolen election on that day was all that was needed for his riotous mob to figure out and plan exactly how to stop it.

And now you finally drop the claim that Trump told them to do "storm the capital".

Thank you.

It was the individuals who decided to storm the capital, that are responsible for their actions.

They are the ones that "figured out" that that was "how" they were going to do that.
"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," 26586291 reply to 26585970
And now you finally drop the claim that Trump told them to do "storm the capital".

You are a liar. I have never made the claim that DJTQ told his mob to storm the Capitol.

He incited them to ā€˜stop the steal. And that is why the ones that were ā€œmost upsetā€ knew they had to unlawfully get inside the Capitol to stop the steal in order to please their supreme leader by obeying his request

New details about Trump-McCarthy shouting match show Trump refused to call off the rioters
By Jamie Gangel, Kevin Liptak, Michael Warren and Marshall Cohen, CNN​
Updated 10:29 PM EST, Fri February 12, 2021​

Washington(CNN)In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the US Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did.​

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," Trump said, according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.​

McCarthy insisted that the rioters were Trump's supporters and begged Trump to call them off.​

So why did DJTQ refuse to call off the rioters that breached the barricades and walls and succeeded in stopping the steal from inside the capital, if he never really intended them to be in there?
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You are a liar. I have never made the claim that DJTQ told his mob to storm the Capitol.

He incited them to ā€˜stop the steal. And that is why the ones that were ā€œmost upsetā€ knew they had to unlawfully get inside the Capitol to stop the steal in order to please their supreme leader by obeying his request

You are playing games with semantics now.

Trump called for a demonstration. That it got out of hand is primarily the fault of those that choose to take violent action.

That is the truth. You could argue that considering the rise is political violence that TRump should have seen that possibility coming.

But that is another discussion. YOu are trying to hold him DIRECTLY responsible for inciting violence.

Which you cannot support.
"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," 26586291 reply to 26585970

When TrumpQ said that, the DJTQ 1/6 RIOTERS were on the verge of breaking into Rep McCarthyā€™s office.

So Correll in light of the above, what is DJTQā€™s opinion of his ā€˜stop the stealā€™ crowd that remained outside the Capitol, who were not fighting with cops, who were not ransacking the place, who were not looking for Pence to be hung on the gallows, or Pelosi to shoot?

Was that not Trump indicating that he thought the peaceful outside protesters didnā€™t care about stopping the steal ā€œas muchā€ the violent mob that stormed the Capitol did on that crucial day?

Does that undermine your notion that TrumpQ expected all of his loyal goobers to stand outside in the cold and watch the deep state and radical left players steal the election that everybody knows he won in a landslide?

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