What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.

No. You are a liar. The reason the mob understood what they needed to do on January 6th 2021 at the US CAPITOL L at DJTQ!s direction was to to “Stop the Steal” of an unstolen election. There was no other direction by DJTQ to “maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.”

Take it from Mitch:

"The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.​

"Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally.​

"This was different.​

"This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters' decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.​

"The unconscionable behavior did not end when the violence began.​

Trump endorsed the MAGA mob’s unlawful trespassing on Governnent restricted property when he tweeted his displeasure with Pence to the mob that had already violently entered the building.

Now you sit there begging us not to believe our lying eyes that DJTQ A wanted a peaceful protest outside of the chamber that would force Congress members and Ownce to ignore their Constitutional Duty to verify certify the state’s elections and begin the peaceful transition of power to a new duly elected Administration.

The only way to stop that was by the MAGA mob entering the building. And they had to commit violent acts to do that.

If you have evidence that Trump criminally incited violence, than call up your dem representatives and demand they charge Trump in a court of law.

Until then, we can assume you are just talking shit, to smear your enemies.
He's already being sued for that.

In a civil court where the rules of evidence are laxer.

AND, he will win that. It is not about winning for those suing him, but about getting street cred for trying.

You have nothing.

If you people had evidence to back up the shit you spew from your face anuses, you would have already filed charges in a criminal court.

You got nothing but shit.

It's been just a few days since his impeachment trial ended. Give them time to investigate.

They did the investigation for the impeachment. Should only take a couple of minutes to hand over the files.

YOu got shit.
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.
Political pressure does not require physical contact to work. /QUOTE]

In this specific case it does. As you know the proceedings in the Senate chamber had already begun before the MAGA mob ENTERED the Senate Chamber. The only pressure that stopped the proceeding that day (keyword being stopped) was the threat of violence against the members who are carrying out their constitutional duty to certify the election that Trump list.

Standing around outside was not going to accomplish DJTQ goal to stop the steal of the election that was being certified in real time as the riot began.

The mob did temporarily stop the steal through physical violence so your premises are wrong.

Actual violence is not political pressure.

That you think Trump's plan was not going to work, is irrelevant.

Unless your position is that Trump is so brilliant that he would never even try a plan that was not guaranteed to work.

Is that your position? That Trump plans ALWAYS work so, political pressure could not have been the plan?

Cause I would have to disagree.
Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings inside the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up outside to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.

How could they do that, ya moron? They were gonna send vibes to Congressmen?

Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings insudec the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?

Though political pressure. D'uh.
What kind of political pressure? Can't you say?
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.

How could they do that, ya moron? They were gonna send vibes to Congressmen?


Spin it however you like.

Such behavior is the normal goal of protests.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you using your retarded-ness as an tool to stonewall.
Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings insudec the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?

Though political pressure. D'uh.
What kind of political pressure? Can't you say?

The political pressure of a large demonstration.

There. I said it. Now you look like a fucking retard. Who is stonewalling. Because you are also an asshole.
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.

How could they do that, ya moron? They were gonna send vibes to Congressmen?


Spin it however you like.

Such behavior is the normal goal of protests.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you using your retarded-ness as an tool to stonewall.
The behavior of protests is to be noticed to effect change.

You prove you're incapable of describing how that would have worked in this case.
Actual violence is not political pressure.

That you think Trump's plan was not going to work, is irrelevant.

“Political pressure” is your phrase, not DJTQ!s. The unified phrase between Trump and his mob was “stop the steal”

As you know DJ TQ did not incite his mob to put pressure on Congress to investigate the election fraud for years to come. He incited his mob to “stop the steal” on the last possible day that it was possible to stop it.

Political pressure backed by a large loud but peaceful protest on the Mall on the day of the certification was not going to stop the certification.

If DJ TQ has no clue that inciting his mob to do whatever was necessary in order to stop the Constitutional procedure taking place on that one particular and significant date would lead to the necessity of the mob entering that chamber in order to achieve his goal which of course could only be done by unlawful entry and violence if the mob refused to be turned back. IF DJTQ did not know that then DJTQ is so stupid he has never deserved to be president in the first place.
Last edited:
Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings insudec the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?

Though political pressure. D'uh.
What kind of political pressure? Can't you say?

The political pressure of a large demonstration.

There. I said it. Now you look like a fucking retard. Who is stonewalling. Because you are also an asshole.

You're not saying anything. A lawful protest outside the building puts zero pressure on those inside the building because they can't hear them.
The political pressure of a large demonstration.

The large demonstration was already present outside when members of congress and vice president Pence already started the procedure to certify the stolen election.

Therefore the facts are the political pressure of a large demonstration was not working that day to achieve TrumpQ’s objective. Do you agree with that?
Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.

How could they do that, ya moron? They were gonna send vibes to Congressmen?


Spin it however you like.

Such behavior is the normal goal of protests.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you using your retarded-ness as an tool to stonewall.
The behavior of protests is to be noticed to effect change.

You prove you're incapable of describing how that would have worked in this case.

Your pretense that you need me to explain how people inside of a building can be aware of a protest outside of the building is dismissed.

I believe that you are very stupid. BUT, you are not so stupid as to not know the various ways that a person can be aware of events outside of a building.
Actual violence is not political pressure.

That you think Trump's plan was not going to work, is irrelevant.

“Political pressure” is your phrase, not DJTQ!s. The unified phrase between Trump and his mob was “stop the steal”


Correct. Based on Trump's previous history and the long history of right wing protests during his administration, to me his meaning seems clear.

You read the same things and based on your desire to smear your enemies and your desire to justify your next round of escalation in the civil unrest, you pretend it was an incitement to violence.

YOu are unable to support this of course.
Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings insudec the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?

Though political pressure. D'uh.
What kind of political pressure? Can't you say?

The political pressure of a large demonstration.

There. I said it. Now you look like a fucking retard. Who is stonewalling. Because you are also an asshole.

You're not saying anything. A lawful protest outside the building puts zero pressure on those inside the building because they can't hear them.

Wow. YOu are pretending that politicians inside of a building would not be told that there is a large demonstration outside the building?

Helpful hint. iF you pretending to be profoundly retarded, try adjusting your vocabulary downward. Because right now, your performance is not credible.

Instead of coming across as profoundly retarded, you are coming across as a filthy liar.
The political pressure of a large demonstration.

The large demonstration was already present outside when members of congress and vice president Pence already started the procedure to certify the stolen election.

Therefore the facts are the political pressure of a large demonstration was not working that day to achieve TrumpQ’s objective. Do you agree with that?

Trump called for a demonstration to put pressure on Congress.

Yes. Pressure to do what?

Do not run away from that question. You need to finish your thought if it truly is a thought.

"To stop the steal", obviously. As you knew. As everyone reading this knew.

I wasn't trying to be dishonest. You are the dishonest one here.
How were they going to be able to "stop the steal" from outside the Capitol while Congress was inside the Capitol certifying the election?

Though political pressure. Obviously.

That is the way that protests, ACTUAL protests are supposed to work.

You have reached the point of "direct action" which is more a practice you see in civil unrest, or civil war.

Until Jan 6th. We on teh right had NOT reached that point. It was reasonable of Trump to think that a crowd would gather, makes some noise and maybe embarrass Congress into looking into the accusations of cheating.
You sound like a retard.

Making noise would not "stop the steal." Again, Congress was in the middle of certifying the election. Making noise outside the building would not stop that.

Thanks for admitting the only way to "stop the steal" was to break into the Capitol.

You sound like an asshole. And you are a liar. The idea that political pressure could get political results, was unlikely but it was possible.

Asking for a demonstration, and for political pressure to be brought to bear, was completely reasonable and legal.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you manufacturing pretend outrage to justify your next escalation in your war on US.
You're not explaining how it was possible. Just saying it was possible doesn't mean it was.


Congress was inside the Capitol in the middle of certifying the election.

What kind of pressure outside the Capitol could have stopped that?

I explained it clearly . YOu are playing stupid as part of your normal stonewalling.
Great, now you're hiding behind the lie that you explained it so you can avoid explaining it.

All you said was, they could apply "political pressure." That doesn't explain anything since they were outside the building. Just posting words, "political pressure," doesn't explain how that would "stop the steal." You can't even demonstrate the lawmakers inside the Capitol would hear the crowd outside or would even be interrupted in certifying the election.

Political pressure does not require physical contact to work.

Your pretense that you have to be in teh same room to apply political pressure is retarded.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say same room -- I said same "building."

But you've not explained how they could apply pressure from outside the Capitol.


Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

So now you don't even know the difference between a room and a building??


The lengths you'll go to just to avoid answering a question everyone here knows you can't answer is hysterical.

You are the one who does not understand how a group outside of a building can put political pressure on those inside the building.

YOu are teh retard here, not me.

How could they do that, ya moron? They were gonna send vibes to Congressmen?


Spin it however you like.

Such behavior is the normal goal of protests.

YOur pretense otherwise is just you using your retarded-ness as an tool to stonewall.
The behavior of protests is to be noticed to effect change.

You prove you're incapable of describing how that would have worked in this case.

Your pretense that you need me to explain how people inside of a building can be aware of a protest outside of the building is dismissed.

I believe that you are very stupid. BUT, you are not so stupid as to not know the various ways that a person can be aware of events outside of a building.
Imbecile, the members of Congress didn't even know the insurgents were storming the Capitol. People had to rush into the respective chambers to warn them.

There was no political pressure put upon any of them until that point. Until then, Congress was moving forward with certifying the election.
Room, building, you are pretending to be retarded as part of your stonewalling. Dismissed.

Answer the question.

How does the protest stop the proceedings insudec the Senate Chamber scheduled for that day by lawfully staying behind barricades set up to protect that crucial process from being disrupted?

Though political pressure. D'uh.
What kind of political pressure? Can't you say?

The political pressure of a large demonstration.

There. I said it. Now you look like a fucking retard. Who is stonewalling. Because you are also an asshole.

You're not saying anything. A lawful protest outside the building puts zero pressure on those inside the building because they can't hear them.

Wow. YOu are pretending that politicians inside of a building would not be told that there is a large demonstration outside the building?

Helpful hint. iF you pretending to be profoundly retarded, try adjusting your vocabulary downward. Because right now, your performance is not credible.

Instead of coming across as profoundly retarded, you are coming across as a filthy liar.

You yourself admitted the protest was not putting any political pressure on them. That means you're agreeing with me; which means you just called yourself a profoundly retarded filthy liar.


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