What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?

They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I would ask, how were Dims going to clean up Obama's $10 trillion that we were saddled with before Trump got in office or Covid hit? And now Nancy wants to spend $2 trillion more? Who are you kidding, money printer?
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

All three years under a democrat house majority who PASSED at least 5 TRILLION stimulus bills.
Trump loves stimulus so much he even tried to executive order them. Deficit donald is the worst.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I would ask, how were Dims going to clean up Obama's $10 trillion that we were saddled with before Trump got in office or Covid hit? And now Nancy wants to spend $2 trillion more? Who are you kidding, money printer?
How about repubs stop messing everything up. Obama inherited a disaster and then deficits declined. Trump inherited a country in great shape and deficits increased. Now Biden inherits a disaster.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
Dems control the House, and Premiere Bai Dung will be your Dear Leader. What do Republicans have to do with it?

Trump created most of his debt when he had both the House and Senate and passed that trashy tax cuts for the rich
that trashy tax cut helped spur our economy putting people back to work in full time better paying jobs.......average household income went up under trump-----------------the tax cuts help grow the tax bill while pulling people especially among the black and hispanic communities out of the poverty class.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
Don't tax them. Just don't give them a new tax break. That tax break was supposed to make our economy boom but in 2018 and 2019 we had less than 3% growth.
but we had the lowest unemployment in history,,,
Obama already had really low unemployment but you didn’t believe those numbers until trump got in and unemployment went down .001% suddenly it was trumps doing. Fuck you
how do you know what I believed???

for your info I believed the number then like I did under trump,,

its you that keeps deflecting the issue,, so I can only deduce that youre full of shit and know it,,,
Ok, well how about this? I don't believe Trumps claims about the lowest unemployment numbers in history. For the exact same reasons he didn't believe Obama's numbers. Those things were still true when Trump was president. Back during Obama you asked what about the people who have given up looking for work and are no longer being counted?

Why didn't the black community believe Trump's claims about how much he did for them? Instead the black community is the reason Biden won. Those votes that came in late were from Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Saginaw. You know, towns run by Democratic Mayors. No they didn't cheat. They just don't like Trump or his racist rhetoric despite what Kanye says.
they arent his claims dumbass,,,

your TDS has made it impossible to have a rational discussion,,,
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as brain dead retarded as it sounds.

So what are you up to this weekend, some gay sex S&M? I see you're already dressed up for it
I'm blaming him for his response, not the virus.

You just blamed him for the deficit spending. That is clearly blaming him for the virus. So do you have a fishnet body stocking under your gay S&M suit?
Too bad you're still dreaming of gay sex. I'm straight and can't help ya there.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
dont need a link to know when you take profits from people and business's they dont have it reinvest in the company or themselves,,

common sense,,,
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
Now dammit to hell, that's different! Black jesus is untouchable! Unless he's in the bath house...

I beg to differ with you, Sir. Obama is more of a "Black Muhammad."

Jesus would have spit chewing tobacco in his eye shot shot him in the nuts with his .45.

The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

Big difference in what they spent the money for.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
dont need a link to know when you take profits from people and business's they dont have it reinvest in the company or themselves,,

common sense,,,
So you have no evidence? We’ve had higher growth with higher taxes....
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
dont need a link to know when you take profits from people and business's they dont have it reinvest in the company or themselves,,

common sense,,,
So you have no evidence? We’ve had higher growth with higher taxes....
depends on what you consider growth,,,

and I done need evidence to know that when you take 35% of profits from a company they have less to grow or pay their employees,,,
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
Shaking my head... it is not like the Democrats ever agree to spending reforms without demonizing the Republicans. Not like the safety can be touched. It is not like they will allow pension reforms or SS .

Funny you mention the debt, but I guarantee you support the Green New Deal, Socialized Medicine universal income... you could tax at 100% and you wouldn’t have enough money coming in to pay for half of it!
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
dont need a link to know when you take profits from people and business's they dont have it reinvest in the company or themselves,,

common sense,,,
So you have no evidence? We’ve had higher growth with higher taxes....
depends on what you consider growth,,,

and I done need evidence to know that when you take 35% of profits from a company they have less to grow or pay their employees,,,
Yes you need evidence to back up your claims. Taxes are the lowest they have been and Trump couldn’t hit 3%... your claim is false.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
You must have evidence? Link?
dont need a link to know when you take profits from people and business's they dont have it reinvest in the company or themselves,,

common sense,,,
So you have no evidence? We’ve had higher growth with higher taxes....
depends on what you consider growth,,,

and I done need evidence to know that when you take 35% of profits from a company they have less to grow or pay their employees,,,
Yes you need evidence to back up your claims. Taxes are the lowest they have been and Trump couldn’t hit 3%... your claim is false.
prove it,,,

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