What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?

They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
Don't tax them. Just don't give them a new tax break. That tax break was supposed to make our economy boom but in 2018 and 2019 we had less than 3% growth.
but we had the lowest unemployment in history,,,
Obama already had really low unemployment but you didn’t believe those numbers until trump got in and unemployment went down .001% suddenly it was trumps doing. Fuck you
OP is so disingenous. What of Trump did not allow any stimuli during the pandemic. Op would blast trump for that.

op is useless troll.
Trump increased deficits to a trillion before the pandemic. And that was during a good economy.
They said Obama's recovery and job numbers and yearly growth and stock market weren't good enough so they passed a tax break we didn't need that didn't work and drove up the debt. Still Trump never hit 3% growth. Not once.

Instead of a tax break to the rich he should have used that money to rebuild our infrastructure which is falling apart. Not build a fucking wall.

The wall is a pimple on the butt of the cost of any significant infrastructure upgrade.

And the wall ends freeloaders on our education system, medical system, welfare system and in our prisons. It's a massive money saver.

You don't know shit about money
The wall did nothing. Fuck you
What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?
Spending originates in the HOR. It's Pelosi's debt. Neither party is going to address the national debt beyond lip-service.
OP is so disingenous. What of Trump did not allow any stimuli during the pandemic. Op would blast trump for that.

op is useless troll.
Trump increased deficits to a trillion before the pandemic. And that was during a good economy.
They said Obama's recovery and job numbers and yearly growth and stock market weren't good enough so they passed a tax break we didn't need that didn't work and drove up the debt. Still Trump never hit 3% growth. Not once.

Instead of a tax break to the rich he should have used that money to rebuild our infrastructure which is falling apart. Not build a fucking wall.

Annual economic growth hits 3 percent, defying predictions of Trump critics

By Maxim Lott

Published March 1, 2019


The conflicting predictions came early in 2017, when Trump and his official budget proposal forecasted more than 3 percent annual economic growth under his presidency.

The data are in and the economy grew at a 3.1 percent rate from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018, one measure of annual growth, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That is the first time in 13 years that it’s been over 3 percent, the White House notes. The administration attributes the gains to tax cuts, deregulation and other pro-growth policies.

I saw that too but then I saw this
OP is so disingenous. What of Trump did not allow any stimuli during the pandemic. Op would blast trump for that.

op is useless troll.
Trump increased deficits to a trillion before the pandemic. And that was during a good economy.
They said Obama's recovery and job numbers and yearly growth and stock market weren't good enough so they passed a tax break we didn't need that didn't work and drove up the debt. Still Trump never hit 3% growth. Not once.

Instead of a tax break to the rich he should have used that money to rebuild our infrastructure which is falling apart. Not build a fucking wall.

Annual economic growth hits 3 percent, defying predictions of Trump critics

By Maxim Lott

Published March 1, 2019


The conflicting predictions came early in 2017, when Trump and his official budget proposal forecasted more than 3 percent annual economic growth under his presidency.

The data are in and the economy grew at a 3.1 percent rate from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018, one measure of annual growth, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That is the first time in 13 years that it’s been over 3 percent, the White House notes. The administration attributes the gains to tax cuts, deregulation and other pro-growth policies.


Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the economy growing at a 3.0 percent pace in the final three months of 2017.

The economy grew 2.3 percent in 2017, an acceleration from the 1.5 percent logged in 2016. Economists expect annual GDP growth will hit the government’s 3 percent target this year, spurred in part by a weak dollar, rising oil prices and strengthening global economy.

While the corporate income tax rate has been slashed to 21 percent from 35 percent and taxes for households have also been lowered, economists see only a modest boost to GDP

  • U.S. gdp growth rate for 2019 was 2.33%, a 0.85% decline from 2018.
  • U.S. gdp growth rate for 2018 was 3.18%, a 0.97% increase from 2017.
  • U.S. gdp growth rate for 2017 was 2.22%, a 0.65% increase from 2016.
  • U.S. gdp growth rate for 2016 was 1.57%, a 1.31% decline from 2015.

Even if true, that's not very much and it went down to 2.33 in 2019. So if that's all we got out of Trump's tax breaks, it wasn't worth it.

GDP Annual Growth Rate in the United States averaged 3.12 percent from 1948 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 13.40 percent in the fourth quarter of 1950 and a record low of -9 percent in the second quarter of 2020.

Trump also was in charge during the lowest economic growth in US history. And yes he is responsible. If we wore masks and if he didn't have rallies maybe 3000 people a week wouldn't still be dying.

He lied to us in February and told us it was no big deal. He has blood on his hands. Corona exposed trump as not capable of leading during hard times only good. Obama handed him a great economy. It wasn't enough. You guys had to pass that tax break. Now you'll cry about the debt now that Biden is in charge. Typical.
OP is so disingenous. What of Trump did not allow any stimuli during the pandemic. Op would blast trump for that.

op is useless troll.
Trump increased deficits to a trillion before the pandemic. And that was during a good economy.
They said Obama's recovery and job numbers and yearly growth and stock market weren't good enough so they passed a tax break we didn't need that didn't work and drove up the debt. Still Trump never hit 3% growth. Not once.

Instead of a tax break to the rich he should have used that money to rebuild our infrastructure which is falling apart. Not build a fucking wall.

Annual economic growth hits 3 percent, defying predictions of Trump critics

By Maxim Lott

Published March 1, 2019


The conflicting predictions came early in 2017, when Trump and his official budget proposal forecasted more than 3 percent annual economic growth under his presidency.

The data are in and the economy grew at a 3.1 percent rate from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018, one measure of annual growth, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That is the first time in 13 years that it’s been over 3 percent, the White House notes. The administration attributes the gains to tax cuts, deregulation and other pro-growth policies.

You are correct. Real GDP grew at a 3.1 percent over the four quarters of 2018.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

Ha ha,

Most of the big cities are run by Democrats, some for decades NY, Baltimore, Philadelphia, D.C. Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Detroit, Flint, Ann Arbor, and many more.

Trump doesn't run cities or counties...... He runs the Executive Branch.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.
@kaz doesn't think.

He's a partisan reactionary.
You did something wrong with the mention. I didn't get the notification and my name isn't underlined. I think it's because you're stupid.

sealybooboo and MarcATL: This is the Republicans fault! A party is to blame for the virus, the Republican party! Kaz is so partisan saying it's stupid to blame a virus on one party! OMG, kaz isn't blaming Republicans for the virus! He's so partisan!!!!

You're the fucking idiots.

Think ...
You guys never accept responsibility for anything. Lying us into Iraq. The Great Recession. Inventing NAFTA. Purposely sending jobs overseas to break unions. Hiring illegals. Fanning the flames of violence. Those nuts who tried to kidnap my governor after national Republicans made her their punching bag because she closed business' down trying to do the right thing.

So yes, you Republicans especially Trump is responsible for the virus. Look at Australia. They have it under control look what they did. You Republicans did the exact opposite. In fact TRUMP fucking literally compared wearing a mask to carrying a purse. So fucking manly. Eat a dick you dumb ass Republicans. You are either really stupid or big fat liars.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

Ha ha,

Most of the big cities are run by Democrats, some for decades NY, Baltimore, Philadelphia, D.C. Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Detroit, Flint, Ann Arbor, and many more.

Trump doesn't run cities or counties...... He runs the Executive Branch.
I know that's your guys spin on everything I'm noticing that. Democratic cities. That obsolves a Republican President, Republican governor of anything that happens to the black communities.

But even if Republicans became Majors of these cities, Republicans wouldn't accept blame even then. You would just lower the bar. And raise it on us.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
Don't tax them. Just don't give them a new tax break. That tax break was supposed to make our economy boom but in 2018 and 2019 we had less than 3% growth.
but we had the lowest unemployment in history,,,
Obama already had really low unemployment but you didn’t believe those numbers until trump got in and unemployment went down .001% suddenly it was trumps doing. Fuck you
how do you know what I believed???

for your info I believed the number then like I did under trump,,

its you that keeps deflecting the issue,, so I can only deduce that youre full of shit and know it,,,
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

You're just a liar. Trump has done more for blacks than Democrats ever did.

Now if Democrats would just stop screwing them
OP is so disingenous. What of Trump did not allow any stimuli during the pandemic. Op would blast trump for that.

op is useless troll.
Trump increased deficits to a trillion before the pandemic. And that was during a good economy.
They said Obama's recovery and job numbers and yearly growth and stock market weren't good enough so they passed a tax break we didn't need that didn't work and drove up the debt. Still Trump never hit 3% growth. Not once.

Instead of a tax break to the rich he should have used that money to rebuild our infrastructure which is falling apart. Not build a fucking wall.

The wall is a pimple on the butt of the cost of any significant infrastructure upgrade.

And the wall ends freeloaders on our education system, medical system, welfare system and in our prisons. It's a massive money saver.

You don't know shit about money
The wall did nothing. Fuck you

So families with children who ran across the desert would have just run through a wall how again, schmuck?
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
I imagine they will do the same thing democrats did with obamas debt,,,
Obama decreased deficits, trump has increased every year...
the topic is debt,,,do try and stay on topic,,,
You are too dumb to understand the importance of deficits when discussing debt?
true,, but this discussion is about how to pay it back not reduce the increase,,,

I will say the debt is one if the biggest reasons I NEVER vote for dems or repubes,,,
We can only hope to decrease the increases after all the damage Trump has done.
thats not the topic,,,
Well the answer is repubs will leave it to dems to try to clean up. Repubs give tax cuts, increase military spending and borrow. That’s all they do.
so what is it the dems do to pay back their debt???
Well it is probably mostly through growth. Repubs can’t do that cause they offset growth with tax cuts and increased military spending. If dems increase spending they are responsible enough to increase some taxes.
I thought dems were against growth???

its bad for the environment,,,
The economy almost always grows. I’ve not heard a dem against it. Link?
not to mention taxing the rich stops growth in its tracks,,,
Don't tax them. Just don't give them a new tax break. That tax break was supposed to make our economy boom but in 2018 and 2019 we had less than 3% growth.
but we had the lowest unemployment in history,,,
Obama already had really low unemployment but you didn’t believe those numbers until trump got in and unemployment went down .001% suddenly it was trumps doing. Fuck you
how do you know what I believed???

for your info I believed the number then like I did under trump,,

its you that keeps deflecting the issue,, so I can only deduce that youre full of shit and know it,,,
Ok, well how about this? I don't believe Trumps claims about the lowest unemployment numbers in history. For the exact same reasons he didn't believe Obama's numbers. Those things were still true when Trump was president. Back during Obama you asked what about the people who have given up looking for work and are no longer being counted?

Why didn't the black community believe Trump's claims about how much he did for them? Instead the black community is the reason Biden won. Those votes that came in late were from Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Saginaw. You know, towns run by Democratic Mayors. No they didn't cheat. They just don't like Trump or his racist rhetoric despite what Kanye says.
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.
@kaz doesn't think.

He's a partisan reactionary.
You did something wrong with the mention. I didn't get the notification and my name isn't underlined. I think it's because you're stupid.

sealybooboo and MarcATL: This is the Republicans fault! A party is to blame for the virus, the Republican party! Kaz is so partisan saying it's stupid to blame a virus on one party! OMG, kaz isn't blaming Republicans for the virus! He's so partisan!!!!

You're the fucking idiots.

Think ...
You guys never accept responsibility for anything. Lying us into Iraq. The Great Recession. Inventing NAFTA. Purposely sending jobs overseas to break unions. Hiring illegals. Fanning the flames of violence. Those nuts who tried to kidnap my governor after national Republicans made her their punching bag because she closed business' down trying to do the right thing.

So yes, you Republicans especially Trump is responsible for the virus. Look at Australia. They have it under control look what they did. You Republicans did the exact opposite. In fact TRUMP fucking literally compared wearing a mask to carrying a purse. So fucking manly. Eat a dick you dumb ass Republicans. You are either really stupid or big fat liars.

Democrats aren't responsible for shitting your own pants, are you useless angry little boy?
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

Ha ha,

Most of the big cities are run by Democrats, some for decades NY, Baltimore, Philadelphia, D.C. Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Detroit, Flint, Ann Arbor, and many more.

Trump doesn't run cities or counties...... He runs the Executive Branch.
I know that's your guys spin on everything I'm noticing that. Democratic cities. That obsolves a Republican President, Republican governor of anything that happens to the black communities.

But even if Republicans became Majors of these cities, Republicans wouldn't accept blame even then. You would just lower the bar. And raise it on us.

You are blaming Trump for everything then you talk about accepting blame? Dude, you're just melting down in partisan stupidity

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