What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?

You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

You're just a liar. Trump has done more for blacks than Democrats ever did.

Now if Democrats would just stop screwing them
Trump has caused more black people to die since any president in US history. Trump, meanwhile, has wholly disregarded how his strategy and policies don’t help Black communities — from his rhetoric that sows division to his inaction in addressing the coronavirus pandemic that has killed nearly 1 in 1,000 Black people in the US.

For example, Trump often tries to take credit for a decline in violent crime, though the downward trend predates him by many years.

Trump’s dismissal of the Black Lives Matter movement’s repeated calls for police and criminal justice reform, coupled with his “law and order” rhetoric — rhetoric that incites violence and that has long been racist — counters the police reform efforts black people want.

Black employment gains before the pandemic were real — but not the result of Trump’s presidential term
Trump has repeatedly patted himself on the back for achieving “the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rate in the history of our country.”

Before the pandemic hit, the unemployment rate for Black Americans reached an all-time low (since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started keeping track in 1972) at 5.9 percent in May 2018. But as many have pointed out, the decline in the Black unemployment rate began during President Obama’s presidency.
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
Aren't you just going to start The Great 666 Reset, forgive all debts, force everyone to receive a digital 666 tattoo (Quantum Dot Matrix Tattoo) that proves you are vaccinated, and allows you to participate in the End Times Cashless Society?

So it does not matter does it? Neither does Obama's 11 Trillion Dollar Deficit.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as retarded as it sounds
No, how he handled it. He learned about how bad it was in February and he lied to us because he didn't want it to hurt his election chances. He said he didn't want to panic us but that's fucking horseshit. If you know of a virus coming and it's airborn and deadly, fucking tell us. For this alone he should not be president. Hiding shit from us because he doesn't want to panic? Fucking idiot.

Fucking idiot. Democrats ran the States with the most deaths. Yes, you are blaming Trump for a virus. You're just too stupid to question your handlers
Yes black people in big cities are the hardest hit.

This is funny. Trump only takes responsibility for the red parts of America. Fuck you

You're just a liar. Trump has done more for blacks than Democrats ever did.

Now if Democrats would just stop screwing them
Trump has caused more black people to die since any president in US history. Trump, meanwhile, has wholly disregarded how his strategy and policies don’t help Black communities — from his rhetoric that sows division to his inaction in addressing the coronavirus pandemic that has killed nearly 1 in 1,000 Black people in the US.

For example, Trump often tries to take credit for a decline in violent crime, though the downward trend predates him by many years.

Trump’s dismissal of the Black Lives Matter movement’s repeated calls for police and criminal justice reform, coupled with his “law and order” rhetoric — rhetoric that incites violence and that has long been racist — counters the police reform efforts black people want.

Black employment gains before the pandemic were real — but not the result of Trump’s presidential term
Trump has repeatedly patted himself on the back for achieving “the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rate in the history of our country.”

Before the pandemic hit, the unemployment rate for Black Americans reached an all-time low (since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started keeping track in 1972) at 5.9 percent in May 2018. But as many have pointed out, the decline in the Black unemployment rate began during President Obama’s presidency.

Dude, you're supposed to SIP the kool-aid, not stick your head in the bowl. That's going to be one hell of a hangover.

I like the part where cops are the only ones you want to have guns and they are murdering black people. LOL. What a stupid douche
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

All three years under a democrat house majority who PASSED at least 5 TRILLION stimulus bills.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as brain dead retarded as it sounds.

So what are you up to this weekend, some gay sex S&M? I see you're already dressed up for it
Pelosi has now upp'd it to 3.5 trillion or NOBODY gets any covid relief money...now that we're locking down again.
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

All three years under a democrat house majority who PASSED at least 5 TRILLION stimulus bills.

Huh? Democrats controlled the House in 2017 and 2018??

I think you're fucked in the head because they didn't. :cuckoo:

But since you want to make it about the House and not the president, Republicans controlled the House for 5 of the 7 fiscal years JGalt was talking about, from FY2012 through FY2016.

So where's your outrage at Republicans, con?
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as brain dead retarded as it sounds.

So what are you up to this weekend, some gay sex S&M? I see you're already dressed up for it
I'm blaming him for his response, not the virus.
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Debt is okay when Republicans do it. It's only bad when Democrats run it up.

Or for you two geniuses,

debt is okay when Democrats do it. It's only bad when Republicans run it up.

Have you checked out the price tag on Nancy's proposals? No, huh?
I don't approve of giving it to companies like Haloborton. I'd rather spend the money on kids who don't have insurance.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
So $6.6 trillion under Obama in 7 years, $6.5 trillion under Trump in 3 years.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as brain dead retarded as it sounds.

So what are you up to this weekend, some gay sex S&M? I see you're already dressed up for it
I'm blaming him for his response, not the virus.

You just blamed him for the deficit spending. That is clearly blaming him for the virus. So do you have a fishnet body stocking under your gay S&M suit?
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.

Debt is okay when Republicans do it. It's only bad when Democrats run it up.

Or for you two geniuses,

debt is okay when Democrats do it. It's only bad when Republicans run it up.

Have you checked out the price tag on Nancy's proposals? No, huh?
I don't approve of giving it to companies like Haloborton. I'd rather spend the money on kids who don't have insurance.

M'kay. Whatever that has to do with it
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
Weird....my understanding is the Democrats asked for even more spending.....so you feel in good conscience that Trump did this spending....even though he didn't have the authority to do this?

Just how dishonest can you get?
You must be gay....because only a closeted gay lies this much.

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