What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?

When I finish a hard day in the yard, working on my deck, and garden, and pergola I sit in my rocker with a VO Manhatten and discuss with my neighbor the differences in our upbringing and the path of our lives...he from the black ghettos of the east coast of Virginia in the 50s and I in 19th century circumstances in Massatwoshits in the 40s. Very interesting...but as a large Irishman I can out drink him...so we look forward to many future encounters...best neighbor I ever had.
I always look better after (he has) a few drinks.
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What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?
In moderation, alcohol is beneficial to the heart.
That's what they say.

Are you aware that the components that make it beneficial to the heart can be derived from natural (and greater/purer) sources, one of which is...the grape?
I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
When I finish a hard day in the yard, working on my deck, and garden, and pergola I sit in my rocker with a VO Manhatten and discuss with my neighbor the differences in our upbringing and the path of our lives...he from the black ghettos of the east coast of Virginia in the 50s and I in 19th century circumstances in Massatwoshits in the 40s. Very interesting...but as a large Irishman I can out drink him...so we look forward to many future encounters...best neighbor I ever had.
So chalk this one as some form of social/psychological benefit then?
I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
So do the benefits of alcohol come from any form of alcohol or only certain forms, like wine?
When I finish a hard day in the yard, working on my deck, and garden, and pergola I sit in my rocker with a VO Manhatten and discuss with my neighbor the differences in our upbringing and the path of our lives...he from the black ghettos of the east coast of Virginia in the 50s and I in 19th century circumstances in Massatwoshits in the 40s. Very interesting...but as a large Irishman I can out drink him...so we look forward to many future encounters...best neighbor I ever had.
So chalk this one as some form of social/psychological benefit then?
In moderation, alcohol is beneficial to the heart.
That's what they say.

Are you aware that the components that make it beneficial to the heart can be derived from natural (and greater/purer) sources, one of which is...the grape?
Red grapes seem to be better than the green grapes.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
When I finish a hard day in the yard, working on my deck, and garden, and pergola I sit in my rocker with a VO Manhatten and discuss with my neighbor the differences in our upbringing and the path of our lives...he from the black ghettos of the east coast of Virginia in the 50s and I in 19th century circumstances in Massatwoshits in the 40s. Very interesting...but as a large Irishman I can out drink him...so we look forward to many future encounters...best neighbor I ever had.

Pretty cool :thup:

I only drink these days when the GF is working nights and I don't have work in the morning. That's why I went nuts posting for a while about a month ago she was working 9 P.M. to like 6 A.M. most days for a couple months.
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It makes some of the stuff posted here seem much less stupid not sure if that is a benefit though.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?

I closed my bar because I got tired of alcoholics vandalizing my place for speaking out against the system. For me, alcohol helps me forget the insane reality when I make my speeches, it helps me not to worry about the fact that no one listens to me and continue with my vision. I drink some alcohol and move on. here is my latest production, which I never would have been able to make if it were not for my smashing my television sets in the mid 90's and turning to alcohol to relax. I must state though that I am not an alcoholic, because I can quit any time and go for months without drinking.

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I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
So do the benefits of alcohol come from any form of alcohol or only certain forms, like wine?
Generally, all alcohol when consumed in moderation is good. It greatly helps prevent heart disease by reducing the risk of plaque build-up in the arteries.

Moderate drinkers tend to have better health and live longer than those who are either abstainers or heavy drinkers. In addition to having fewer heart attacks and strokes, moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer strokes, diabetes, arthritis, enlarged prostate, dementia (including Alzheimer's disease), and several major cancers.
Alcohol And Health

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:
Reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Possibly reduce your risk of ischemic stroke (when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow)
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

Even so, the evidence about the possible health benefits of alcohol isn't certain, and alcohol may not benefit everyone who drinks.
Alcohol use: If you drink, keep it moderate - Mayo Clinic

It’s safe to say that alcohol is both a tonic and a poison. The difference lies mostly in the dose. Moderate drinking seems to be good for the heart and circulatory system, and probably protects against type 2 diabetes and gallstones. Heavy drinking is a major cause of preventable death in most countries. In the U.S., alcohol is implicated in about half of fatal traffic accidents. Heavy drinking can damage the liver and heart, harm an unborn child, increase the chances of developing breast and some other cancers, contribute to depression and violence, and interfere with relationships.
Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits | The Nutrition Source | Harvard School of Public Health
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.

Honestly even though I drink plenty... I pretty much agree.

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