What are the key factors that turn a city, state or nation blue?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.

Just look at our Chicago Public Schools. Just tons of both. DURR........
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

That's what the hard right says.. They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

Our local Chicago schools suck!

But at least the teacher's union gets paid.
What turns a city of state or nation blue?

Minorities ( racial, religious, sexual orientation, etc. ) banding together as an offset against the Will of the Dominant Majority Demographic.

For example... Blacks and Mexicans don't have a lot in common, but they tend to band-together politically, to offset White Voter dominance.

Poverty is another...

Republicans tend to be more "well-off" financially/economically than poor folk, and their solutions for poverty are too timid or miserly and take too long to implement.

Democrats tend to be social engineering spendthrifts but they're also better actors in manifesting concern for the poor and get relief to where it's needed far more quickly.


There are other factors, to be sure, including the influence of unions, local traditions, etc., but those two ( Minorities and Poverty ) strike me as perhaps the most substantive.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

Our local Chicago schools suck!

But at least the teacher's union gets paid.
What-the-hell are you doing living in that $hithole?
Time to move out to the suburbs where the White People and good schools are... :D
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

That's what the hard right says.. They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

And blue area students are very opposed to learning the humanities....or anything.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

Our local Chicago schools suck!

But at least the teacher's union gets paid.
What-the-hell are you doing living in that $hithole?
Time to move out to the suburbs where the White People and good schools are... :D

I'll be moving out of the state in a few years.......
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

Our local Chicago schools suck!

But at least the teacher's union gets paid.
What-the-hell are you doing living in that $hithole?
Time to move out to the suburbs where the White People and good schools are... :D

I'll be moving out of the state in a few years.......
Why wait until their broad range of taxing authorities bleeds you further?
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Simple answer, compassion for others. Dems show it and Reps don’t. Policy wise I think the Right are better managers but many of their representatives are morally bankrupt. Plus there are the dipshits like yourself out there making them look even worse
Legendary American philosopher Will Rogers said it best. "I only know what I read in the papers". It's mostly true today and it doesn't matter what the issue is if the overwhelming majority of the media is entrenched as the propaganda arm of the democrat party. FDR got away with issuing an edict that authorized the incarceration of Americans without due process in violation of about half a dozen Amendments because the media justified it. Bill Clinton got away with the incineration of 80 men women and children because the media condoned it. Bill Clinton got away with bombing a defenseless country when he was caught with his pants down because the media condoned it. WMD's in Iraq wasn't the reason for Bush's military adventure but it became the focus because the media decided it was.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

That's what the hard right says.. They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

And blue area students are very opposed to learning the humanities....or anything.

We don't talk much about honor or ethics or noblesse oblige these days... and we don't have good guy heroes like David Crockett or Roy Rogers.

Look at the people here who think Trump is a hero to be adored and emulated.

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