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What are the REPs doing a Coup? Sure act like it.

Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.
John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to congress or give a speech. I thought the protocol was for the leader of one country to be invited by the leader of the other country, but I guess Boehner thinks he is the leader now.

When they put the Ionian lady on after the Speech, I thought she'd never shut up and had to change channels. From what I read Bibi was asked not to come to France but he did, to show some respect for our Pres. of the US you'd think Bibl would of turned Boehner down , but no, that is not what happened. He will come and push for more sanctions and war on Iran and the GOP will love it.

I use to vote Rep, actually never voted for Obama, but in two years I will vote a straight Dem. Ticket. I find the top Reps repulsive.
You are so full of shit. I doubt you ever voted for a Republican or conservative, your post has all the hallmarks of a vacuum head liberal. Unless you got a serious whack to the noggin. Maybe obbie couldn't be bothered with Netanyahu, seeing as how there are so many hours in a day for agitating and community organizing.

Obama hates and snubs Bibi, Israel and all they stand for, doncha know. I'm glad Boehner manned up and invited him to friendlier places where he is respected and knows his message will be understood.

Top two photos courtesy of Ropey, long ago. :)

Bibi as a young soldier:

Bibi's younger brother who would soon be a dead soldier:

Yes they have the fighting blood, and that when his brother got killed he then started the terrorist anti Muslim club. His father hated Muslims and well so does Bibi, and well his father put into his sons mind how those Muslims will fly planes into the twin towers, sure enough his dad was a seer, hogwash,most likely PM Bibl thought oh what a great idea.

So what point are you trying to make here showing the two pictures of the two brothers?

Obama is not trigger happy as the Yahoos are.
John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to congress or give a speech. I thought the protocol was for the leader of one country to be invited by the leader of the other country, but I guess Boehner thinks he is the leader now.

When they put the Ionian lady on after the Speech, I thought she'd never shut up and had to change channels. From what I read Bibi was asked not to come to France but he did, to show some respect for our Pres. of the US you'd think Bibl would of turned Boehner down , but no, that is not what happened. He will come and push for more sanctions and war on Iran and the GOP will love it.

I use to vote Rep, actually never voted for Obama, but in two years I will vote a straight Dem. Ticket. I find the top Reps repulsive.
You are so full of shit. I doubt you ever voted for a Republican or conservative, your post has all the hallmarks of a vacuum head liberal. Unless you got a serious whack to the noggin. Maybe obbie couldn't be bothered with Netanyahu, seeing as how there are so many hours in a day for agitating and community organizing.

I've probably been voting longer than you have been on earth. Actually I live a very conservative life not that its any of your business, but I don't push my values on others, and also the Top Reps are going to lead us right into war, and they are capitalistic money lovers and war mongers.
John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to congress or give a speech. I thought the protocol was for the leader of one country to be invited by the leader of the other country, but I guess Boehner thinks he is the leader now.

When they put the Ionian lady on after the Speech, I thought she'd never shut up and had to change channels. From what I read Bibi was asked not to come to France but he did, to show some respect for our Pres. of the US you'd think Bibl would of turned Boehner down , but no, that is not what happened. He will come and push for more sanctions and war on Iran and the GOP will love it.

I use to vote Rep, actually never voted for Obama, but in two years I will vote a straight Dem. Ticket. I find the top Reps repulsive.
Vote as you wish, it's your right to do so. But, never ever think for one second that one party is better for this country than the other. The past 50 plus years are a testimony to that fact. Besides, voting for either Republicans or for Democrats is playing right into the hands of those that greatly benefit from a divided citizenry. If you honestly think that one party or the other will fairly, justly, and equally represent you in Washington, then it's obvious that you haven't been paying attention for a very long time. Do you honestly think for one second that what we're seeing and experiencing in this country is by accident? Please think, just think.

No I don't, I care for neither one but I will vote for the lesser of two evils. I do not want trigger happy people in office that put the needs of Israel and SA first. No its not by accident, the recount in Fl. were no accident either.
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.

You try, but glib you ain't. Boehner's an incompetent, and I suspect not very bright. He's not a leader as anyone who has watched his performance knows, and this little bit of political theater may become a great deal more costly than the other boondoggle in shutting down the government.

As for Obama, he's criticized for being polite, and criticized for dropping drones on the heads of our enemies. He was criticized for not naming AQ in the SOTU, I suppose he should have claimed getting them was our next "Crusade" (one of the stupidest comments ever made by a US President).

If you were honest .... well why go there.
I've probably been voting longer than you have been on earth.
If that's the case, it's time for you to retire your feeble mind from public discourse. Just eat your pudding and stare at the walls.

This is inviting foreign interference in our political processes, isn't it? If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If we allow Netanyahu to speak, we have to allow the Iranian President to speak? LOL!

why not?
Israel is an ally. Iran, not so much.

I move we quit the 3 billion aid we send to Israel as well. We can be allies with Israel , but Israel 's government should not be running ours!

We can also be friends with Iran, but then Israel will get mad, and we can't have another 911 to show us who is boss can we. Don't for one minute think Israel will not attack us in a false flag again, they have several times in the past , as they did Britain and even their own in S. America.
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.

Obama is on top of it, it was about time we end the cold war with Cuba, but we must stay on top of it and be diligent, but why not trade and be on friendly terms, and we can do the same with Iran.
I'm curious and I wonder if Boehner is too, or is even aware of the allegations that Israel has been spying on our country.

see and comment:

Fox News Series On Israeli Spying In America

From this link:

Fox News Special Report
Part One
BRIT HUME, HOST: It has been more than 16 years since a civilian working for the Navy was charged with passing secrets to Israel. Jonathan Pollard pled guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage and is serving a life sentence. At first, Israeli leaders claimed Pollard was part of a rogue operation, but later took responsibility for his work.
Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before Sept. 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.

Obama is on top of it, it was about time we end the cold war with Cuba, but we must stay on top of it and be diligent, but why not trade and be on friendly terms, and we can do the same with Iran.

Obama's ideological bent is too seek win-win solutions. His domestic adversaries are interested in winning a zero sum game; which may also be true of Iran, N. Korea and is of ISIS / ISIL.

BTW, my wife and I are very interested in seeing Havana. I believe Obama's effort to open trade with the Island Nation is in the best interest of both of our countries. I because I wonder if I can buy a '57 Chevy, my dad sold mine in 1967 for $100 when I left for active duty. My wife 'cause we've seen it from the sea, and shrouded in clouds it looked very mysterious and peeked her curiosity,.
Last edited:
What's surprising? Israel owns us...didn't you know?
Of course. If Republicans don't act like Democrats they are obstructionist. If you stand in the way of Israel getting leveled, Israel owns us. If you want a tax break, you want to stave children. If you believe in traditional marriage you are an intolerant bigot.


I get it, its the lower taxes you want. Yes I miss the bush tax cuts too, they were nice hey, but really the people who miss them the most are the ones making over 250,000 a year, maybe that is you.
John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to congress or give a speech. I thought the protocol was for the leader of one country to be invited by the leader of the other country, but I guess Boehner thinks he is the leader now.

When they put the Ionian lady on after the Speech, I thought she'd never shut up and had to change channels. From what I read Bibi was asked not to come to France but he did, to show some respect for our Pres. of the US you'd think Bibl would of turned Boehner down , but no, that is not what happened. He will come and push for more sanctions and war on Iran and the GOP will love it.

I use to vote Rep, actually never voted for Obama, but in two years I will vote a straight Dem. Ticket. I find the top Reps repulsive.
You are so full of shit. I doubt you ever voted for a Republican or conservative, your post has all the hallmarks of a vacuum head liberal. Unless you got a serious whack to the noggin. Maybe obbie couldn't be bothered with Netanyahu, seeing as how there are so many hours in a day for agitating and community organizing.

I know quite a few people who used to vote Republican, but that was in the days when the GOP was more moderate. They didn't have litmus tests. The GOP and Democrats used to work on compromises that represented the way most Americans felt.
I also know quite a few people who used to vote Democratic. That was in the days when there was a good representation of conservative Dems. The Dems used to work with the GOP on legislation for the betterment of all Americans. Of course that was in the days when the Democratic Party wasn't so far left.
The point I'm making here is that both parties are representing fewer and fewer Americans. That's probably why there largest voter segment isn't Republican or Democratic, the largest voting segment is Independent and moderate.
This explains the low, low voter turnout in the last election. The lowest in 72 years. I'd say the largest voter segment feels like I do, we have taxation without representation.
Most people are independent because they are not actively engaged in the political process, know very little about what's going on and are influence by signage and slogans.

What litmus test is there for the GOP? They have liberals to moderates to conservatives. The low voter turnout was because the left wasn't motivated to vote. Who's fault was that? You don't remember the Carter years or Reagan? And you are unaware of any contemporary bi-partisan legislation? Don't blame somebody else.

I think you should have reworded thos statement. "Most people are independent because they are not actively engaged in the political process, know very little about what's going on and are influence by signage and slogans."
Most people are independents because they'd rather think for themselves instead of letting an ideology think for them."
Like scientist, inventors, corporate board of directors and CEOs, they look at the many approaches to a problem in regards to the solution they arrive at. Independents are more inclined of thinking out of the box, where as ideologues are boxed in by their ideologies limited parameters. Successful scientist, inventors, corporate board members and CEO's have strong tendencies to think out of the box and look at a host of ideas, because every situation doesn't need a boxed in approach. Boxed in. This board alone mirrors this phenomenon by the distinctive echo chambers of ideological talking points on about all issues. There is so much replication that a individual doesn't have to read an entire thread because so much is repeated over and over. It's pretty easy to see that neither side is as open-minded as they used to be, there's a ton of rigidity. Therefore nothing gets done. People are on to this, witness Congresses approval ratings. Witness the down-trending approval of both parties and witness the growth of the Independent/moderate sector.
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.

You try, but glib you ain't. Boehner's an incompetent, and I suspect not very bright. He's not a leader as anyone who has watched his performance knows, and this little bit of political theater may become a great deal more costly than the other boondoggle in shutting down the government.

As for Obama, he's criticized for being polite, and criticized for dropping drones on the heads of our enemies. He was criticized for not naming AQ in the SOTU, I suppose he should have claimed getting them was our next "Crusade" (one of the stupidest comments ever made by a US President).

If you were honest .... well why go there.
If you had a brain...well why go there. I'll take his accomplishments to yours any day.

About Speaker John Boehner Speaker.gov

Elected to Congress in 1990, John quickly became a voice for reform. First, he adopted a "no earmarks" policy that he carries with him to this day. And as part of the "Gang of Seven," he and fellow lawmakers took on the House establishment – Democrats and Republicans. Together, they successfully closed the scandal-riddled House Bank, uncovered "dine-and-dash" practices at the House Restaurant, and exposed drug sales and cozy cash-for-stamps deals at the House Post Office.

In 1994, John was instrumental in crafting the landmark Contract with America. One of the Contract's cornerstones - the Congressional Accountability Act, which required lawmakers to live under the same rules and regulations as the rest of the nation – bears the unmistakable print of his drive to change the way Congress works.

After Republicans won their first Congressional majority in several decades, John's colleagues elected him to serve as House GOP Conference Chairman in the 104th and 105th Congress. In that role, John was a powerful voice in the fight to force Washington to stick to the strict spending limits in the Balanced Budget Act that let the economy grow and led to the first budget surplus in a generation.

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, John authored the Freedom to Farm Act, legislation reforming the Soviet-style farm subsidy programs that punish farmers and taxpayers alike. And in 1999, as Vice-Chairman of the House Administration Committee, John joined House leaders to announce the first-ever "clean" independent audit of the House, a reform he first called for as a member of the Gang of Seven in 1992.

From 2001 to 2006, John served as chairman of the House Committee on Education & the Workforce. There he co-wrote the bill establishing the first private school choice program in the District of Columbia, and worked with other reformers to ensure parental choice provisions were included in the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act to reinforce its goal of bringing greater accountability to taxpayer-funded education programs.

Boehner's reputation as a serious legislator focused on real solutions continued with enactment of the Pension Protection Act – the most sweeping reform of America's pension laws in more than 30 years – which helped to ensure workers can count on their benefits when they retire.

In 2006, John was elected by his colleagues to serve as House Majority Leader. On his watch, the House passed the first budget that held the line on spending in several years and adopted the first-ever reforms making the earmark process open and accountable. In 2007, John began his tenure as House Republican Leader. In that role, he united Republicans against job-destroying bills like ObamaCare and the Democrats' "cap and trade" national energy tax that were passed over the objections of the American people. And he helped ensure that our troops in harm’s way continued to receive the funding and resources they needed to succeed.

Under John's leadership, Republicans launched several efforts to develop better, principled solutions to the challenges facing families and small businesses. Among them: the GOP State Solutions project, an initiative aimed at bringing reform-minded Republicans at the state and federal levels together to promote common-sense solutions from outside the Beltway. Also: the innovative America Speaking Out project which gave Americans a platform to discuss and share their priorities with national leaders – a platform that led to the Pledge to America, Republicans' new governing agenda for the country.


On November 17, 2010 – his 61st birthday – Boehner was elected by his colleagues to serve as Speaker-designate, and on January 5, 2011 he swore in the 112th Congress as the 53rd Speaker of the House. John was re-elected by the House on January 3, 2013 to serve a second term as Speaker for the 113th Congress.

Under his leadership, the House majority has worked to make the legislative process more open and to ensure the priorities of the American people are reflected in the priorities of lawmakers. John led the drive for an aggressive set of reforms that require bills to be posted online at least three days before a vote, make it easier to cut spending, require legislation to cite its authority in the Constitution, and more.

John also led House Republicans in adopting the first ban on "earmarks" -- the secretive, pork-barrel spending he has opposed since his first days in Congress. Today, Speaker Boehner is focused on removing government barriers to private-sector job creation and economic growth, cutting government spending, reforming Congress, and rebuilding the bonds of trust between the American people and their representatives in Washington.



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- See more at: About Speaker John Boehner Speaker.gov
Boehner is an asshole, incompetent and stepped into the world of Real Politics he cannot understand.

We are in the process of using diplomacy and sanctions to keep Iran from achieving their nuclear ambition. If Boehner's action upsets this precarious balance, he and whoever put him up to this bone head Idea are culpable when Iran develops nuclear weapons.

If the GOP had elected adults to the H. of Rep. he would be tossed out on his fat ass.
Yeah, he should bow down to our enemies like obama.

Obama is on top of it, it was about time we end the cold war with Cuba, but we must stay on top of it and be diligent, but why not trade and be on friendly terms, and we can do the same with Iran.

Obama's ideological bent is too seek win-win solutions. His domestic adversaries are interested in winning a zero sum game; which may also be true of Iran, N. Korea and is of ISIS / ISIL.

BTW, my wife and I are very interested in seeing Havana. I believe Obama's effort to open trade with the Island Nation is in the best interest of both of our countries. I because I wonder if I can buy a '57 Chevy, my dad sold mine in 1967 for $100 when I left for active duty. My wife 'cause we've seen it from the sea, and shrouded in clouds it looked very mysterious and peeked her curiosity,.

Oh my for $100 , that must of hurt. So you must of be a Vietnam Veteran then, a horrible war, I remember the ending of it. We must stay strong military wise , but I don't think anyone wants war, were just too fearful and untrusting of each other.
This is inviting foreign interference in our political processes, isn't it? If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If we allow Netanyahu to speak, we have to allow the Iranian President to speak? LOL!

why not?
Israel is an ally. Iran, not so much.

I would say that the US is more of an ally of Israel than Israel is an ally of the US.
I think you should have reworded thos statement. "Most people are independent because they are not actively engaged in the political process, know very little about what's going on and are influence by signage and slogans."

Most people are independents because they'd rather think for themselves instead of letting an ideology think for them."
If someone has an ideological point of view, like conservativism, then they aren't thinking for themselves. Never mind the fact that they've been studying policies for decades to degrees most don't. I'll stick with my original statement, thanks.
Like scientist, inventors, corporate board of directors and CEOs, they look at the many approaches to a problem in regards to the solution they arrive at. Independents are more inclined of thinking out of the box, where as ideologues are boxed in by their ideologies limited parameters. Successful scientist, inventors, corporate board members and CEO's have strong tendencies to think out of the box and look at a host of ideas, because every situation doesn't need a boxed in approach. Boxed in. This board alone mirrors this phenomenon by the distinctive echo chambers of ideological talking points on about all issues. There is so much replication that a individual doesn't have to read an entire thread because so much is repeated over and over. It's pretty easy to see that neither side is as open-minded as they used to be, there's a ton of rigidity. Therefore nothing gets done. People are on to this, witness Congresses approval ratings. Witness the down-trending approval of both parties and witness the growth of the Independent/moderate sector.
The confusion is all yours. You confuse political parties with ideologies. I am well aware not all Republicans are conservative, so are most conservatives. Where are the conservative Democrats these days? I vote the issues too, I just don't see Democrats putting issues forward that I agree with. You think it's an ideology that governs my observations and I think you're full of shit.
This is inviting foreign interference in our political processes, isn't it? If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If Netanyahu is allowed to address Congress, then so does the President of Iran.

If we allow Netanyahu to speak, we have to allow the Iranian President to speak? LOL!

why not?
Israel is an ally. Iran, not so much.

You don't think they are aware of the US's friendship? Except for liberals of course, they know libs aren't their political friends.

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