What Are The Republicans CURRENTLY Doing To Imrprove The Economy?

Nothing, because government can't fix it.

The only solution to this economy is to return to gold and silver, whilst erecting protective tariffs against foreign currencies and commodities.

Two of the dumbest suggestions I ever read.

interesting turn of hypocrisy. since you liberal nitwits are always blaming the republicans for taking us off the gold standard. read enough of the posts you fools make and you will always find you contradict yourselves.

Now now....

RDean has credibility here.

Since he is the embodiment of DUMB (Stupid, Cretin, Moronic...etc etc), he should know what dumb is.
Threatening to kill the public sector and gut science.

Allow the billionaires to do as the robber boron's once did.


The public sector, especially in states where workers have civil service protection and are unionized is over stuffed, over paid and under productive.
Taxes in these states are RIDICULOUS. The public employees make out like bandits while the taxpayers get screwed.
Your crack about science? Please. Sell your bullshit to someone who cares.
This is why Republicans shouldn't be in office. Their twin deficit creating policies of tax cuts for the rich and deregulate have been proven disasters. Worse, the entire idea behind "trickle down" is an enormous fail.

So Detroit is your model of good governance.

Good luck with that one.

Detroit is what happens when society breaks down. Low educational standards = lower paying jobs, lower paying jobs = smaller tax base.

Without a tax base = less police = more violence. This leads to people getting the fuck out of dodge.

So solution
More schools
More dads
More police
= a chance for more innovation

You republicans of course don't want this as it requires the public sector.

You have it backward. Detroit is a typical rust belt city.
The middle class grew. Once that happened, people wanted out of their apartments and into a single family home. The invention of the suburb. People with means left the city to escape the bureaucracy, high taxes, cramped conditions, pollution, political corruption, crime and poor schools.
It was actually the growth of the middle class, the access to education and job training that resulted in the downfall of the inner city.
Detroit's political leaders took it several steps further. They raped the city. They got in bed with crooked people looking to make a quick buck. The city's tax base eroded while the politicians watched. Meanwhile, the public sector continued to get paid.
Nothing can kill a city faster than an over paid workforce that the management cannot control.

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