What are we headed for under total Democrat rule?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
Actually history will be made 1 shot at a time
throwing in the towel already?....
Adamantium member??? The must be a pretty high rank.

Things are looking good in Florida right now and I am hearing that TRUMP has a good shot at Nevada.

TRUMP is surging, in part because of Biden's corruption. in part because of the improving economy, so it is unlikely that Democratic tyranny will be total.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.
The broker wants your commission.

LOL who uses a broker anymore anyway

LOL * 100
What are we headed for?

Well, more accurately, what are our great-grandchildren headed for?

It is no secret.

Many people are positively thrilled about the future.

By the end of the century, the United States of America will have a majority composed of African American & Hispanic ladies and gentlemen. They will be running the country at the local, state, and national level.

Furthermore, there will be more people of religions other than Christianity.

That's what "we" are headed for.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
Bill Clinton went after illegal employers bush stopped. Trump didn’t fix the problem because corporations like Mara lago hire illegals. Trump stopped hiring illegals late 2019 because it didn’t look good.
More Victimization of innocent people

The Left absolutely LOVES making the population vulnerable and helpless.
In fact, since the rise of Progressivism, it is now STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE to COMPLY with robbers and Criminals

Mainstream America today is taught to submit and comply. NEVER defend your property or someone elses.
This only emboldens criminal activity and rewards it. Making it a vicious cycle.

150 years ago, if you shot a robber dead in his tracks no one would rush to his defense and it greatly controlled a lot of criminal activity.
Today, the Progressive left is working overtime to remove firearms from Americans possession.
The ATF is currently on a blitz to go after anyone and everyone they can for any reason.
In fact, the Left is making the Law such that victims are considered criminals and criminals are treated with softness and compassion.

Massive release of criminals from prison.

Of course, this is a tactic to break down society making transformation much easier for tyrants.
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.
The broker wants your commission.

LOL who uses a broker anymore anyway

LOL * 100
My brother has a lot of money these guys only help me because of him. Since June my $20,000 is now $26,000. Suck that
Judging by what we’ve already seen. Is this what we could expect to be levied on American society?
Less American past / history taught discussed and seen
Increased suppression of Caucasian heritage
Deprivation of the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Less Christian presence
Increased LGBT footprint
Increased illegal alien population
Increased welfare for illegal trespassers
Higher income taxes/penalties for our best citizens
A redesign of the Flag...something more fitting for “New America”?
I’m sure there are a number of things I’m missing...what else can we maybe look forward to?
My broker said historically the stock market does better with democratic presidents.

Trump drove up the debt with his tax break And trips to Mara lago and golf. Made fun of Obama for golfing he’s golfed more. Hypocrite.

Trump lies about big and small things.

2019 growth 2.3%. Candidate trump didnt approve when Obama had under 3%.

Obama had low unemployment but trump didn’t believe till he took office.

Trumps fixes to trade deals did nothing for workers. A little help to corporations but not much. Just declared victory.

Too divisiv.

Too much abuse of power.
The broker wants your commission.

LOL who uses a broker anymore anyway

LOL * 100
My brother has a lot of money these guys only help me because of him. Since June my $20,000 is now $26,000. Suck that
you republicans,all you care about is how much money i can make....

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