What are we to make of the Bible Code?

playing crossword puzzles with god 's words is not what he had in mind when he asked you to abide in his word. It is a sign of immaturity.

oh!! Really??? So you now say you know the thoughts of god??? Do some research before you condem something false!!

that is bearing false witness.

hey!!!! Get off your lazy fat a## and do the research on the bible code,then come back and try to debate or confirm the truth you find!!!!
Look, I do believe that there are many inexplicable and supernatural things that occur around us all the time. But even if you discount the fact that the OT is not the original and identical OT that existed 3000 years ago and therefore the "code" would apply to all versions, I refuse to believe that the world as we know it is preordained and everything that happens was determined to happen from before.

That means you and I and others in the past had NO CHOICE, and we are all just robots doing stuff that has already been input in the computer of our destiny. Do you think that is the case, or do you think we make our own destiny, and that is how God wants it?

You choose A. Bill chooses B. How does God knowing your choices, remove, redirect or alter your choice?
Loving father that He is, He would like to show us where to take each step to keep us from harm. We don't let him. <Our choice, which He respects and allows, even to our detriment.
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God is outside time. God sees now the beginning to the end(there is no end to eternity) God says He is the alpha and omega=the beginning and the end. What we did,do today and will do tomorrow is all our choice but God already knows and sees now!!!
What are we to make of the Bible Code?
I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:

But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.

For example, the following code matrixes have been found in Moby Dick by Brendan McKay:
(Links to each matrix included in article below)

1. The War on Terrorism
2. Assassinations of Famous Politicians
3. Princess Diana's death
4. Assassination of Michael Drosnin
5. Moby Dick's opinion of Bible Codes

Similarly, Brendan McKay has also found code matrixes in the Hebrew translation of War and Peace:

1. The 9/11 Terrorist Attack
2. The Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet
3. Jesus in War and Peace
4. Chanukah Codes
5. More Chanukah Codes
6. Rosh Hashanah Codes
7. Brendan McKay in War and Peace


Look, I do believe that there are many inexplicable and supernatural things that occur around us all the time. But even if you discount the fact that the OT is not the original and identical OT that existed 3000 years ago and therefore the "code" would apply to all versions, I refuse to believe that the world as we know it is preordained and everything that happens was determined to happen from before.

That means you and I and others in the past had NO CHOICE, and we are all just robots doing stuff that has already been input in the computer of our destiny. Do you think that is the case, or do you think we make our own destiny, and that is how God wants it?

You choose A. Bill chooses B. How does God knowing your choices, remove, redirect or alter your choice?
Loving father that He is, He would like to show us where to take each step to keep us from harm. We don't let him. <Our choice, which He respects and allows, even to our detriment.
I can agree with that, that way we create our own destiny.
What are we to make of the Bible Code?
I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:

But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.
I think the most interesting thing about the Bible is that you can read it one day and interpret it one way, and the next day you can render a slightly different one. Sometimes entirely, depending on your personal circumstances, and current world events. That to me is an indication of it being a living, moving, 3500 year old document which is still relevant and applicable today, and that a higher being or force was behind its creation.
Look, I do believe that there are many inexplicable and supernatural things that occur around us all the time. But even if you discount the fact that the OT is not the original and identical OT that existed 3000 years ago and therefore the "code" would apply to all versions, I refuse to believe that the world as we know it is preordained and everything that happens was determined to happen from before.

That means you and I and others in the past had NO CHOICE, and we are all just robots doing stuff that has already been input in the computer of our destiny. Do you think that is the case, or do you think we make our own destiny, and that is how God wants it?

You choose A. Bill chooses B. How does God knowing your choices, remove, redirect or alter your choice?
Loving father that He is, He would like to show us where to take each step to keep us from harm. We don't let him. <Our choice, which He respects and allows, even to our detriment.
I can agree with that, that way we create our own destiny.
YES!!! YOU have no one to blame for what you choose to do in your life but that fact is NOT changed by the truth that God already has seen that movie!!
You choose A. Bill chooses B. How does God knowing your choices, remove, redirect or alter your choice?
Loving father that He is, He would like to show us where to take each step to keep us from harm. We don't let him. <Our choice, which He respects and allows, even to our detriment.
I can agree with that, that way we create our own destiny.
YES!!! YOU have no one to blame for what you choose to do in your life but that fact is NOT changed by the truth that God already has seen that movie!!
You could be right. Like you said I think there is so much we don't or cannot know, we are like ants trying to figure out humans.
Jesus says===12 “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
14 Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life. 15 Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.
Revelation 22:12-15 ==== GOD is outside time,God says to Him a day is as 1000 years and 1000 years as a day.
The OT was written in Aramaic, and there are several different versions of that, and half the NT is the OT.
Ancient Hebrew was the tongue of the ancient Israelites and the language in which most of the Old Testament was penned.

What Was the Original Language of the Bible? | Bible Gateway Blog

Yes, that ancient Hebrew language is called ARAMAIC.

Yeshuah spoke in Aramaic.

The Kaddish (the prayer that is essentially the basis for the Christian credo -and the Pater Unser) is in Aramaic, not Hebrew.

There are differences in grammar, pronunciation, punctuation and syntax between these two languages.

To use a crass example: Aramaic is to Ivrit as Latin is to Italian.
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oh!! Really??? So you now say you know the thoughts of god??? Do some research before you condem something false!!

that is bearing false witness.

hey!!!! Get off your lazy fat a## and do the research on the bible code,then come back and try to debate or confirm the truth you find!!!!

I'm not lazy. If the Bible Code researchers were honest, they would also print the other random words they found. When you put words on a grid and then do a crossword puzzle, there are going to be random words that come up. Why don't they print the random words as well? How many of those random words are curse words? Why don't they print them? Is God supposed to be responsible for the random curse words as well?

Why don't you think before you tell people stuff you haven't thought through?
Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????

Playing crossword puzzles with God 's words is not what He had in mind when He asked you to abide in His word. It is a sign of immaturity.

OH!! REALLY??? So you now say you know the thoughts of GOD??? Do some RESEARCH before you condem something false!!
???....shouldn't we condemn everything that's false?......
What are we to make of the Bible Code?
I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:

But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.

....God was worried that there might be some who wouldn't understand.....so he hid the message in secret and obscured it from casual understanding......okay....../boggle......
Look, I do believe that there are many inexplicable and supernatural things that occur around us all the time. But even if you discount the fact that the OT is not the original and identical OT that existed 3000 years ago and therefore the "code" would apply to all versions, I refuse to believe that the world as we know it is preordained and everything that happens was determined to happen from before.

That means you and I and others in the past had NO CHOICE, and we are all just robots doing stuff that has already been input in the computer of our destiny. Do you think that is the case, or do you think we make our own destiny, and that is how God wants it?

You choose A. Bill chooses B. How does God knowing your choices, remove, redirect or alter your choice?
Loving father that He is, He would like to show us where to take each step to keep us from harm. We don't let him. <Our choice, which He respects and allows, even to our detriment.
I can agree with that, that way we create our own destiny.

I created my own heaven.......it has caramel pecan sundaes......yours?.......I'm worried about supply though....how many bushels of pecans should I lay by for eternity?.......
What are we to make of the Bible Code?

I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:

But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.
I think the most interesting thing about the Bible is that you can read it one day and interpret it one way, and the next day you can render a slightly different one. Sometimes entirely, depending on your personal circumstances, and current world events. That to me is an indication of it being a living, moving, 3500 year old document which is still relevant and applicable today, and that a higher being or force was behind its creation.

Just so, Roudy, but I promise you--I give my word!--Jesus is the center of it all, and He is the only way, the truth and the life by which one may come to the Father. What I mean to say is that the thoughts diverting your attention from that fact are not what they seem to be at all. They never were. Scarcely a day passes, and certainly no more than a week of days passes, that I don't become cognizant of yet another distorted or immature understanding of things that had lead me astray, impeded my understanding of God and the reality in which I am to live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28).

The extent to which sin has marred our minds is horrifying; the extent to which the world around us has influenced our thought processes is startling. You simply cannot appreciate the extent to which fallacy is taken for granted as truth by those residing outside the realm of salvation. Things you think can't possibly be false become Oh-my-God! moments of revelation from this side of salvation. For example, there are not many religions in the world. There are but two: that of the One and only true God, and merely the many permutations of demonic worship.

I could go on. . . .
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What are we to make of the Bible Code?

I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:

But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.

....God was worried that there might be some who wouldn't understand.....so he hid the message in secret and obscured it from casual understanding......okay....../boggle......

Non sequitur. Gibberish. Huh?

So according to you the greatest and most rational works of literature would necessarily have to be the stuff of "Jane, see Spot run" and nothing more?
But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.

....God was worried that there might be some who wouldn't understand.....so he hid the message in secret and obscured it from casual understanding......okay....../boggle......

Non sequitur. Gibberish. Huh?

So according to you the greatest and most rational works of literature would necessarily have to be the stuff of "Jane, see Spot run" and nothing more?

no...according to me, if someone is intent on communicating something to all humanity, he doesn't write it in invisible ink.......
But there are codes in the Bible, throughout! There are many, the number of which could only be known by God. Or, if you wish, God's word is a multilayered, multifaceted revelation of staggering complexity.

And as The Irish Ram has shown, they are all, ultimately, about Christ or about the fruition of His plan concerning the final confrontation and its resolution . . . and include the end-time code of the OP and the code of the general revelation, creation itself, the cosmos and its contents, the constituents of the latter made manifest via recent scientific and technological advancements, albeit, meaningless sans the testimony of scripture, which affirms their substance and explains their meaning.

Why do so many believers think these things to be incredible? Do you not know from scripture that both the special and the general revelations declare the glory and the authority of God?

Many of the coded messages are manifestly self-evident, lying just below the surface of the immediate meaning or teaching of the text; others may be readily apprehended via further study: gems that must be dug up and held up before the eyes of the heart that is hungry and humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

The contents of God's word are both simple and infinitely complex at the same time.
I think the most interesting thing about the Bible is that you can read it one day and interpret it one way, and the next day you can render a slightly different one. Sometimes entirely, depending on your personal circumstances, and current world events. That to me is an indication of it being a living, moving, 3500 year old document which is still relevant and applicable today, and that a higher being or force was behind its creation.

Just so, Roudy, but I promise you--I give my word!--Jesus is the center of it all, and He is the only way, the truth and the life by which one may come to the Father. What I mean to say is that the thoughts diverting your attention from that fact are not what they seem to be at all. They never were. Scarcely a day passes, and certainly no more than a week of days passes, that I don't become cognizant of yet another distorted or immature understanding of things that had lead me astray, impeded my understanding of God and the reality in which I am to live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28).

The extent to which sin has marred our minds is horrifying; the extent to which the world around us has influenced our thought processes is startling. You simply cannot appreciate the extent to which fallacy is taken for granted as truth by those residing outside the realm of salvation. Things you think can't possibly be false become Oh-my-God! moments of revelation from this side of salvation. For example, there are not many religions in the world. There are but two: that of the One and only true God, and merely the many permutations of demonic worship.

I could go on. . . .
I am a believer in God, but many of the things about organized religion turn me off, because I think they are just tools created by man to control others, through which to gain more wealth and power. Many of the things that religious people preach aren't really required in their religion I have found out, they are fabrications, misinterpretations, mistranslations, and ancient cultural or traditional practices. Religious people in general I have great mistrust in, because they always turn out to be swindlers, liars, and violators of exactly what they preach against. They are no different than politicians, same cloth, they are in the business of telling people what they want to gain their trust. Just look at what religious people have done to the Middle East and by default the world. But not to paint everybody with the same brush I have also met many religious people that are devout, decent God fearing people. So it depends, there is good and bad in everything.

At the core of all religions is the basic concept, treat others as you would expect them to treat you. What good is it of you eat the right stuff, pray from the right book, say the right things, or worship the right entity, but outside of your church or synagogue you are violating everything, and busy stealing and lying 24/7? You are just kidding yourself.
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