What are we to make of the Bible Code?

How can it be your choice if God has already chosen it for you. I'm not saying I disagree, many things have happened to me and others, and I've said maybe that's what God wanted.

I'm saying those are the things I struggle with. So we are all just going through the motions and all the events in our life has already been decided? I don't know if that's true, and if it makes me feel better.

So you're talking about the problem of free will in the face of omniscience.

But there's no other way to recon God but as a Being that exists outside the space-time continuum. Hence, He would necessarily know all things that have happened, that are happening right now and are going to happen in the space-time continuum.

He lives in the eternal now. All things that have ever happened are before His eyes right now!

Do ya feel me?
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

WOW!!!! The little man says he does not understand the thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Little man compared to God is less than a germ on a worm on a germ but he still has the ignorance to think he can understand GOD!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
Why is this truth so hard for you to understand?? YES!!! GOD KNOWS what you will choose to do GOD HAS SEEN YOUR LIFE AND ALL TIME TO THE END OF THIS AGE. GOD is the Alpha and O mega =the beginning and the end, but just because God already knows what choice you will make does NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH THAT YOUR CHOICE WAS YOUR CHOICE!
And what would our purpose in life be then, as far as God our maker is concerned. He can see everything we do in the future even how we die. You'd think he'd make something more complex than that, right? Like create something and give that thing a variety of choices which will produce a variety of outcomes. And then sit back and watch how the game plays out. Good vs evil, etc.
Why is this truth so hard for you to understand?? YES!!! GOD KNOWS what you will choose to do GOD HAS SEEN YOUR LIFE AND ALL TIME TO THE END OF THIS AGE. GOD is the Alpha and O mega =the beginning and the end, but just because God already knows what choice you will make does NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH THAT YOUR CHOICE WAS YOUR CHOICE!
And what would our purpose in life be then, as far as God our maker is concerned. He can see everything we do in the future even how we die. You'd think he'd make something more complex than that, right? Like create something and give that thing a variety of choices which will produce a variety of outcomes. And then sit back and watch how the game plays out. Good vs evil, etc.

IMHO! GOD allows us to live out our lives as a wittness to all creation that God is just and fair,otherwise some might try to argue God did not give a fair chance and choice!!! all creation will see our lives as proof!!!
So you're talking about the problem of free will in the face of omniscience.

But there's no other way to recon God but as a Being that exists outside the space-time continuum. Hence, He would necessarily know all things that have happened, that are happening right now and are going to happen in the space-time continuum.

He lives in the eternal now. All things that have ever happened are before His eyes right now!

Do ya feel me?
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

WOW!!!! The little man says he does not understand the thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Little man compared to God is less than a germ on a worm on a germ but he still has the ignorance to think he can understand GOD!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
I think the world we live in is less than a spec of sand when it comes to where we stand in the universe. There are billions of galaxies alone, each with trillions of stars and planets and, scientists are even talking about multiple universes now. And we arrogant humans think God has nothing better to do but secretly implement a code in a holy book, that can predict future events? Come on.
Why is this truth so hard for you to understand?? YES!!! GOD KNOWS what you will choose to do GOD HAS SEEN YOUR LIFE AND ALL TIME TO THE END OF THIS AGE. GOD is the Alpha and O mega =the beginning and the end, but just because God already knows what choice you will make does NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH THAT YOUR CHOICE WAS YOUR CHOICE!
And what would our purpose in life be then, as far as God our maker is concerned. He can see everything we do in the future even how we die. You'd think he'd make something more complex than that, right? Like create something and give that thing a variety of choices which will produce a variety of outcomes. And then sit back and watch how the game plays out. Good vs evil, etc.

IMHO! GOD allows us to live out our lives as a wittness to all creation that God is just and fair,otherwise some might try to argue God did not give a fair chance and choice!!! all creation will see our lives as proof!!!
So God already knows what we will chose, but let's us live out our lives choosing freely? Interesting how you already know that. Cause I don't.

Maybe it's a combination of both. Maybe certain things are destined and certain things he gives us a choice. Like, he calls the big ones, and you call the smaller ones. I think that works for me, how about you? It doesn't have to be absolute.
WOW!!WOW!!!! The little man says he does not understand the thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Little man compared to God is less than a germ on a worm on a germ but he still has the ignorance to think he can understand GOD!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
If I go to the thirteenth page of Ezekial and count down thirteen lines and then left thirteen words I come up with "you".......then if I go to the thirteenth page of Romans and count down thirteen lines and then left thirteen words I come up with a word, which if translated into Greek and read backwards sounds just like "suck"......

this proves the ultimate message of the Bible is "you suck"........
Bottomline=mock and scoff and burn in hell!!!! Your choice!
Dude, please don't misunderstand me. Despite your zealousness, I do respect you, and consider you a devout righteous man. I just want you to understand that not everybody has to see God the way you do, or else they are going to hell. That is the seed of fanaticism and how religious radicals justify violence and persecution of those they disagree with. It's a slippery slope.
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WOW!!WOW!!!! The little man says he does not understand the thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Little man compared to God is less than a germ on a worm on a germ but he still has the ignorance to think he can understand GOD!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
I'm sure I'm not the first person that asked why and how I got here, and won't be the last.
YES!!! A little ant in a little boy's glass box ant farm may crawl up on a little rock and shake his fist at the boy he sees and proclame his wisdom and knowledge of the world!!!! and you??
What are we to make of the Bible Code?
I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:
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YES!!! A little ant in a little boy's glass box ant farm may crawl up on a little rock and shake his fist at the boy he sees and proclame his wisdom and knowledge of the world!!!! and you??
But that's what you're doing. I'm saying we don't know if he is or isn't giving us free choice. We don't know if our destiny is predetermined entirely.
What are we to make of the Bible Code?
I don't believe in the Bible Code. My grandfather explained to me when I was very young that the Bible was written in simple and clear language so that regular people could understand what it says.

As I know him, God doesn't play favorites, and he doesn't pull any punches. While he knows all things, he still leaves it in us something called free will, in which the individual person chooses his own way. It is understood by people like my Grandfather that we can choose to live a life of faithfulness or not. My view of God's word is that things happened to humanity in the past which are not much different that things that happen to people in the here and now.

If we adhere to learning the mistakes of humanity in the past, we have an opportunity to make it right in our own life. The models are there. Whether we choose to use the information to light our path or not is up to each person, and each generation.

And that's what I think. :eusa_whistle:
Very close to my thinking Becki. But according to GSMYS we are not Godly people and possibly going to hell. And he's absolutely sure of it.
YES!!! A little ant in a little boy's glass box ant farm may crawl up on a little rock and shake his fist at the boy he sees and proclame his wisdom and knowledge of the world!!!! and you??
But that's what you're doing. I'm saying we don't know if he is or isn't giving us free choice. We don't know if our destiny is predetermined entirely.

lol!!! you would know if you read God's word and believed!
How can it be your choice if God has already chosen it for you. I'm not saying I disagree, many things have happened to me and others, and I've said maybe that's what God wanted.

I'm saying those are the things I struggle with. So we are all just going through the motions and all the events in our life has already been decided? I don't know if that's true, and if it makes me feel better.

So you're talking about the problem of free will in the face of omniscience.

But there's no other way to recon God but as a Being that exists outside the space-time continuum. Hence, He would necessarily know all things that have happened, that are happening right now and are going to happen in the space-time continuum.

He lives in the eternal now. All things that have ever happened are before His eyes right now!

Do ya feel me?
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

I don't believe the historic, theological paradox is real as its constituents do not reside within the same realm of being. God exists outside of time and, therefore, in the eternal now; we exist in the space-time continuum and, therefore, in the finite now. Considered separately, one at a time, there's no apparent paradox. Omniscience and free will can and do persist side-by-side within their respective realms of being without conflict. God knows all things that have or will occur in the space-time continuum as One Who resides outside and above it; we are bound by the imperatives of the space-time continuum, not as preprogrammed automatons, but as free-will agents who do not know what tomorrow will bring with any specificity beyond what God reveals in His word. God simply knows what our respective choices will be, not as One Who peers into the future, but as One Whose mind encompasses all things right now.

There are no yesterdays or tomorrows for God. In God's mind, I've always existed, and there was never a time when I didn't exist in the same.

I don't worry about the angels that dance on the heads of pins in the musings of finite minds, as the alleged paradoxes of divinity are of no consequence whatsoever as compared to the obviously irresolvable problems and absurdities of the materialist's mental masturbation.

As you say: "I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know."

And I'm okay with that. I ain't God, and don't want to be God.

GISMYS, I grasp the basics of the ELS and the biblical code, but I've never actually employed them. How does one acquire the tools to do that?
So you're talking about the problem of free will in the face of omniscience.

But there's no other way to recon God but as a Being that exists outside the space-time continuum. Hence, He would necessarily know all things that have happened, that are happening right now and are going to happen in the space-time continuum.

He lives in the eternal now. All things that have ever happened are before His eyes right now!

Do ya feel me?
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

I don't believe the historic, theological paradox is real as its constituents do not reside within the same realm of being. God exists outside of time and, therefore, in the eternal now; we exist in the space-time continuum and, therefore, in the finite now. Considered separately, one at a time, there's no apparent paradox. Omniscience and free will can and do persist side-by-side within their respective realms of being without conflict. God knows all things that have or will occur in the space-time continuum as One Who resides outside and above it; we are bound by the imperatives of the space-time continuum, not as preprogrammed automatons, but as free-will agents who do not know what tomorrow will bring with any specificity beyond what God reveals in His word. God simply knows what our respective choices will be, not as One Who peers into the future, but as One Whose mind encompasses all things right now.

There are no yesterdays or tomorrows for God. In God's mind, I've always existed, and there was never a time when I didn't exist in the same.

I don't worry about the angels that dance on the heads of pins in the musings of finite minds, as the alleged paradoxes of divinity are of no consequence whatsoever as compared to the obviously irresolvable problems and absurdities of the materialist's mental masturbation.

As you say: "I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know."

And I'm okay with that. I ain't God, and don't want to be God.

GISMYS, I grasp the basics of the ELS and the biblical code, but I've never actually employed them. How does one acquire the tools to do that?

Best read and learn about God's word to mankind before trying to understand "bible codes" FIRST THINGS FIRST!
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

WOW!!!! The little man says he does not understand the thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Little man compared to God is less than a germ on a worm on a germ but he still has the ignorance to think he can understand GOD!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
I think the world we live in is less than a spec of sand when it comes to where we stand in the universe. There are billions of galaxies alone, each with trillions of stars and planets and, scientists are even talking about multiple universes now. And we arrogant humans think God has nothing better to do but secretly implement a code in a holy book, that can predict future events? Come on.

And yet, we are that important to Him. Arrogance is to apprehend the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness and the imperatives of moral decision (Romans 1:18), and yet think that God isn't intimately involved in or observant of the lives of those creatures that He designed to apprehend His being and His attributes.

Your perspective is the essence of anthropologic conceit, not mine. God's creation proclaims His magnificence, not mine. It reflects His majesty, not mine. And this marvelous display, which includes the marvel that man is, is put on that I may know that He is and know that I'm not insignificant to Him . . . but much beloved.

Let me tell you something, Roudy. The angels were created to serve us, something Satan could not stomach. Satan despises us, and every lie he's ever told is directly aimed at convincing us that we as originally constituted are nothing in the scheme of things. Every temptation that has ever been launched at man by the Deceiver has been an appeal to the avarice of the allegation of incompleteness.

And where does that lead you? Does it you bring you to your knees before God? Inspire your allegiance to the same? Are you a broken and contrite heart before God? Humbled? Full of fear of and adoration for God?


Where does it lead you?

To the worship of self and Satan.

Every lie ever told and believed is the stuff of reducing man to pond scum. And what has always been the result? The denial of God and His due.

You were created in the image of God. Your scorn of that honor is not the stuff of humility at all, but the stuff of arrogance and rebellion. You have been deceived.

The irony of Satan's deceptions are quite artful, aren't they?
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I love you Chuck but you and I differ on this issue. And that is ok. We agree on Christ, so were good.

There are so many codes in the Bible you can study it all your life and still not extract all the information God put in that book. It makes me smile when I see someone proclaim, "Well, I read the Bible and it says..........". A life time of reading won't expose the completeness of the Bible.
There isn't just a numerical code there are several. There are name codes that aren't even embedded. Yet go undetected. Jesus Christ is all through the Old Testament.

Here, Hebrew names first:

I don't really consider this teaching a Bible code though.
Yes I totally understand what you're saying. But don't understand why God would create a world that he already knows what the outcome would be, and let us think that we are in control of our destiny, when our destiny has been predetermined.

I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know.

I don't believe the historic, theological paradox is real as its constituents do not reside within the same realm of being. God exists outside of time and, therefore, in the eternal now; we exist in the space-time continuum and, therefore, in the finite now. Considered separately, one at a time, there's no apparent paradox. Omniscience and free will can and do persist side-by-side within their respective realms of being without conflict. God knows all things that have or will occur in the space-time continuum as One Who resides outside and above it; we are bound by the imperatives of the space-time continuum, not as preprogrammed automatons, but as free-will agents who do not know what tomorrow will bring with any specificity beyond what God reveals in His word. God simply knows what our respective choices will be, not as One Who peers into the future, but as One Whose mind encompasses all things right now.

There are no yesterdays or tomorrows for God. In God's mind, I've always existed, and there was never a time when I didn't exist in the same.

I don't worry about the angels that dance on the heads of pins in the musings of finite minds, as the alleged paradoxes of divinity are of no consequence whatsoever as compared to the obviously irresolvable problems and absurdities of the materialist's mental masturbation.

As you say: "I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know."

And I'm okay with that. I ain't God, and don't want to be God.

GISMYS, I grasp the basics of the ELS and the biblical code, but I've never actually employed them. How does one acquire the tools to do that?

Best read and learn about God's word to mankind before trying to understand "bible codes" FIRST THINGS FIRST!

So thirty years of biblical study isn't enough, eh? Man, you must be ancient, hundreds of years old. That's okay, GISMYS, I'm smart enough to figure it out for myself. I just thought you might save me some time by pointing me in the right direction, as time is a rather precious commodity.

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