What are we to make of the Bible Code?

The OT was written in Aramaic, and there are several different versions of that, and half the NT is the OT. The Dead Sea Scrolls, even though the oldest version of the OT discovered that prove the accuracy and preservation of the OT, are not exactly the same and identical as the Versions that came after.

Changes to the Bible through the ages are being studied by New Orleans scholars | NOLA.com

Actually the majority of the original Old Testament, particularly the Pentateuch, was written in Hebrew. Only a very few portions of it were originally written in Aramaic. By the Third Century B.C., however, Aramaic had become the common language spoken in Israel, while Hebrew remained the language of Jewish sacred text and Greek, the language of general scholarship.

I'm not sure what you're thinking, but the various parchments of the Dead Sea Scrolls date circa 250 B.C. to about 65 A.D., and the majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Hebrew. Many others were written in Aramaic and Greek, and a few were written in Arabic, with a few fragments written in Latin.
Bible codes don't exist. First, nothing in English or the non-original language is going to be translated 100% to the original, so anything hidden will be destroyed the moment you translate it. Second, the Bible as it is now is a highly cherry-picked collection of only some of what was written. Thirdly, you can find codes in anything, but more often than not the single whole words are the result of coinicidence and probability, not design. Lastly what few know or bother to mention is modern Bibles rarely point out the guesswork added to the texts. Surviving originals are often partly destroyed or otherwise illegible. But when making these into Bibles a lot of 'educated guesses' are added to make it readable. Better Bibles mark such additions in [brackets.] Poorer quality 'Bible for Dummies' ones do not.

In original Hebrew, every letter has a numerical equivilent. But this WAS by design, so finding some curiousities is to be expected. But they're not codes per se'.

Utter falsehoods and irrelevant gibberish.
It's crap, I read these two books and donated them to the Salvation army. There is a scientific study somewhere that demonstrates how invalid this is.

Nonsense. The Code has never been falsified. The code holds up insofar as known persons or events are concerned. What the Code does not do is predict future persons or events relative to the extant knowledge of the person apply it. That is the only sense in which it is subjective, and that is the basis of the supposed debunking of it. But that is not a valid basis of negation as humans cannot know the future until it has become the present or the past. On the other hand, a number of events have been predicted from the assertions of the Code regarding persons that have lived in recent years or are now living. The Code holds that Yitzhak Rabin would be assassinated, for example, and he was on the very date predicted by the Code.

You would know that had you watched the entire video.

I told you, I read the books. They did this very same thing with War and Peace and got pretty much the same results.

No. They did not! You don't know what you're talking about.
They did this very same thing with War and Peace and got pretty much the same results.
As a control test, they used the Hebrew translation of war and peace. In the bible, the information was encoded; in war and peace it was not, "time after time after time". (48:23)
I don't believe in them.
I think the system behind them is fraudulent.
Someone who chases after Bible codes and doesn't read their Bible is immature.

I am an adult Christian and this is my teaching on Bible codes.

Criticizing that which you know nothing about, is the epitome of ignorance. These are Jewish scholars that know every word of the Torah. Issac Newton was the original discoverer of the bible code, and he was a devout Christian.
Bible codes don't exist. First, nothing in English or the non-original language is going to be translated 100% to the original, so anything hidden will be destroyed the moment you translate it. Second, the Bible as it is now is a highly cherry-picked collection of only some of what was written. Thirdly, you can find codes in anything, but more often than not the single whole words are the result of coinicidence and probability, not design. Lastly what few know or bother to mention is modern Bibles rarely point out the guesswork added to the texts. Surviving originals are often partly destroyed or otherwise illegible. But when making these into Bibles a lot of 'educated guesses' are added to make it readable. Better Bibles mark such additions in [brackets.] Poorer quality 'Bible for Dummies' ones do not.

In original Hebrew, every letter has a numerical equivilent. But this WAS by design, so finding some curiousities is to be expected. But they're not codes per se'.

Just stop trying to convince us that you are an authority on bible codes. Dollar to a doughnut says you are totally ignorant on the Torah and the Hebrew writing.
They have done the same thing with the quran, in several different ways. The most well known being Rashad Khalifas number 19 theories. But if you apply numerology to any text you will get strange results, it would work on Alice in wonderland.
The OT was written in Aramaic, and there are several different versions of that, and half the NT is the OT. The Dead Sea Scrolls, even though the oldest version of the OT discovered that prove the accuracy and preservation of the OT, are not exactly the same and identical as the Versions that came after.

Changes to the Bible through the ages are being studied by New Orleans scholars | NOLA.com

Actually the majority of the original Old Testament, particularly the Pentateuch, was written in Hebrew. Only a very few portions of it were originally written in Aramaic. By the Third Century B.C., however, Aramaic had become the common language spoken in Israel, while Hebrew remained the language of Jewish sacred text and Greek, the language of general scholarship.

I'm not sure what you're thinking, but the various parchments of the Dead Sea Scrolls date circa 250 B.C. to about 65 A.D., and the majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Hebrew. Many others were written in Aramaic and Greek, and a few were written in Arabic, with a few fragments written in Latin.
The Dead Sea Scrolls prove the accuracy and preservation of the OT, which means the stories, meanings and verses have generally remained the same, and nothing has been added or removed or changed throughout the millennia. However, it is not identical word by word to the ones that came later, which means that a "code" couldn't be correct because of the sequencing and number of words etc. are not the original. At the end of the day I think maybe the code is one of these unprovable things that like religion requires faith. You either believe it exists or don't.
The OT was written in Aramaic, and there are several different versions of that, and half the NT is the OT. The Dead Sea Scrolls, even though the oldest version of the OT discovered that prove the accuracy and preservation of the OT, are not exactly the same and identical as the Versions that came after.

Changes to the Bible through the ages are being studied by New Orleans scholars | NOLA.com

Actually the majority of the original Old Testament, particularly the Pentateuch, was written in Hebrew. Only a very few portions of it were originally written in Aramaic. By the Third Century B.C., however, Aramaic had become the common language spoken in Israel, while Hebrew remained the language of Jewish sacred text and Greek, the language of general scholarship.

I'm not sure what you're thinking, but the various parchments of the Dead Sea Scrolls date circa 250 B.C. to about 65 A.D., and the majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Hebrew. Many others were written in Aramaic and Greek, and a few were written in Arabic, with a few fragments written in Latin.
The Dead Sea Scrolls prove the accuracy and preservation of the OT, which means the stories, meanings and verses have generally remained the same, and nothing has been added or removed or changed throughout the millennia. However, it is not identical word by word to the ones that came later, which means that a "code" couldn't be correct because of the sequencing and number of words etc. are not the original. At the end of the day I think maybe the code is one of these unprovable things that like religion requires faith. You either believe it exists or don't.

Fair enough.

Objectively speaking, perhaps that's true about the Code in and of itself; however, the results of Rips, Witztum and Rotenberg, et al. ("Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis") of 1994, subjected to three successive peer reviews by Statistical Science's referees, has not been falsified or replicated using the same criteria and controls in any other texts whatsoever as claimed or believed by some: that is to say, concerning consistently coherent and accurate, biographical information about actual historical persons and related events including exact dates, respectively.

Also, Rips, Witztum and Rotenberg, et al. is strictly predicated on the written tradition of the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament, the Pentateuch, excluding the oral tradition or Talmud), i.e., that portion of scripture given in exact letter-by-letter sequence in the original Hebrew.

In any event, my faith is based on the testimony of the readily apparent code of the Bible, not on any potentiality of an inherent or submerged code.
I love you Chuck but you and I differ on this issue. And that is ok. We agree on Christ, so were good.

There are so many codes in the Bible you can study it all your life and still not extract all the information God put in that book. It makes me smile when I see someone proclaim, "Well, I read the Bible and it says..........". A life time of reading won't expose the completeness of the Bible.
There isn't just a numerical code there are several. There are name codes that aren't even embedded. Yet go undetected. Jesus Christ is all through the Old Testament.

Here, Hebrew names first:

Now what those names mean in English:
Is appointed
A mortal man of
sorrow is born
The Glory of God
shall come down
instructing that
His death shall bring
those in despair
comfort and rest

Want a code in a code? Enoch knew God was going to flood the earth. He asked God not to do it until his son Methuselah died. Flooding the earth to get rid of demon corrupt blood lines was an act God grieved over having to do. Consequently, Methuselah lived longer than any other human on earth.
Methuselah=His death shall bring. Now you know what his death brought....... the flood. Now his name brings added understanding. The whole book is an intricate design.

Want the history of Israel? Do the "begots" up to Jesus, in English.

Want to know who Jesus' healer is?

or in English:
The Lord is my Father
The healer of
Him who the Lord judged
Who the Lord raised up

That the Bible code is embedded in the Torah, the most un tampered with collection of books on earth, is for precision's sake.

Monkey text is a random falling in place of letters in a work that could be read independently in the work's text. The degree of probability of words or names being formed within the text increases with the amount of letters used in the work. In War and Peace you may be able to find the letters Kennedy near letters that spell out killed, or Jackie intersecting with blood or pink dress.

The Bible Code is far beyond the scope of random co-incidence.

Here is 1 small example of information extracted from the Bible code concerning someone Ezek. didn't know, but we do:
You will spit at tradition al Qaeda
He will wonder where the hiding Bin Laden is sleeping
Yesterday they whispered Bin Laden is dead
Bin Laden is dead.
That was extracted before Bin Laden was found, and,
That information was extracted from one chapter of the book of the prophet Ezekiel. There was no Bin Laden when that book was written and to prove it wasn't added later, we have that chapter in the original. It was encoded by the One that sees the end from the beginning in 600BC. And Ezekiel didn't even know the code was being integrated into his writings. He just wrote down the letters the Holy Spirit inspired him to write. It is how we know who really wrote the book, from the ones that penned it.

The names of the leaders of the world and their individual significance regarding mankind, found in the Old Testament surpasses randomness, but it is the genealogy and names of insignificant humans that is surprising. The Old Testament could contain the complete Book of Life.

Christ called the Old Testament the word of God. Christ said every word of Scripture is from God. Not only did that have to be the case, but to develop the End Time Code every letter had to be put in place by God. The Old Testament is that precise.
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That's what I think of anyone that takes prediction from a book that's been edited MANY times and has multiple versions out.
You can be sure they were not analyzing modern text translated a million times...your garden variety Bible everyone has at home. (Watch from 24:24)

I saw the show, another man uses Moby Dick to do similar things

so unless he tells us about something that will happen, it's as entertaining as a fortune cookie
It is not the same. One is random. One is prophecy.
Anwar Sadat was warned ahead of time that if he traveled to a specific meeting he would be assassinated.
Netanyahu was also warned about a specific trip.
One went, one didn't. The encoding of Anwar Sadat included the first and last name of his assassin, the date it would take place, where, and how.
Things you won't find in Moby Dick.

The problem in finding future events is that we don't know what to look for.
They did this very same thing with War and Peace and got pretty much the same results.
As a control test, they used the Hebrew translation of war and peace. In the bible, the information was encoded; in war and peace it was not, "time after time after time". (48:23)

My mistake, it was Moby Dick and Lord of the Rings that yielded predictions.

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