What are we to make of the Bible Code?

I don't believe the historic, theological paradox is real as its constituents do not reside within the same realm of being. God exists outside of time and, therefore, in the eternal now; we exist in the space-time continuum and, therefore, in the finite now. Considered separately, one at a time, there's no apparent paradox. Omniscience and free will can and do persist side-by-side within their respective realms of being without conflict. God knows all things that have or will occur in the space-time continuum as One Who resides outside and above it; we are bound by the imperatives of the space-time continuum, not as preprogrammed automatons, but as free-will agents who do not know what tomorrow will bring with any specificity beyond what God reveals in His word. God simply knows what our respective choices will be, not as One Who peers into the future, but as One Whose mind encompasses all things right now.

There are no yesterdays or tomorrows for God. In God's mind, I've always existed, and there was never a time when I didn't exist in the same.

I don't worry about the angels that dance on the heads of pins in the musings of finite minds, as the alleged paradoxes of divinity are of no consequence whatsoever as compared to the obviously irresolvable problems and absurdities of the materialist's mental masturbation.

As you say: "I guess it falls into the category of things we don't know that we don't know."

And I'm okay with that. I ain't God, and don't want to be God.

GISMYS, I grasp the basics of the ELS and the biblical code, but I've never actually employed them. How does one acquire the tools to do that?

Best read and learn about God's word to mankind before trying to understand "bible codes" FIRST THINGS FIRST!

So thirty years of biblical study isn't enough, eh? Man, you must be ancient, hundreds of years old. That's okay, GISMYS, I'm smart enough to figure it out for myself. I just thought you might save me some time by pointing me in the right direction, as time is a rather precious commodity.

How do you determine the grid to put the text on?
I love you Chuck but you and I differ on this issue. And that is ok. We agree on Christ, so were good.

There are so many codes in the Bible you can study it all your life and still not extract all the information God put in that book. It makes me smile when I see someone proclaim, "Well, I read the Bible and it says..........". A life time of reading won't expose the completeness of the Bible.
There isn't just a numerical code there are several. There are name codes that aren't even embedded. Yet go undetected. Jesus Christ is all through the Old Testament.

Here, Hebrew names first:

Now what those names mean in English:
Is appointed
A mortal man of
sorrow is born
The Glory of God
shall come down
instructing that
His death shall bring
those in despair
comfort and rest

Want a code in a code? Enoch knew God was going to flood the earth. He asked God not to do it until his son Methuselah died. Flooding the earth to get rid of demon corrupt blood lines was an act God grieved over having to do. Consequently, Methuselah lived longer than any other human on earth.
Methuselah=His death shall bring. Now you know what his death brought....... the flood. Now his name brings added understanding. The whole book is an intricate design.

Want the history of Israel? Do the "begots" up to Jesus, in English.

Want to know who Jesus' healer is?

or in English:
The Lord is my Father
The healer of
Him who the Lord judged
Who the Lord raised up

That the Bible code is embedded in the Torah, the most un tampered with collection of books on earth, is for precision's sake.

Monkey text is a random falling in place of letters in a work that could be read independently in the work's text. The degree of probability of words or names being formed within the text increases with the amount of letters used in the work. In War and Peace you may be able to find the letters Kennedy near letters that spell out killed, or Jackie intersecting with blood or pink dress.

The Bible Code is far beyond the scope of random co-incidence.

Here is 1 small example of information extracted from the Bible code concerning someone Ezek. didn't know, but we do:
You will spit at tradition al Qaeda
He will wonder where the hiding Bin Laden is sleeping
Yesterday they whispered Bin Laden is dead
Bin Laden is dead.
That was extracted before Bin Laden was found, and,
That information was extracted from one chapter of the book of the prophet Ezekiel. There was no Bin Laden when that book was written and to prove it wasn't added later, we have that chapter in the original. It was encoded by the One that sees the end from the beginning in 600BC. And Ezekiel didn't even know the code was being integrated into his writings. He just wrote down the letters the Holy Spirit inspired him to write. It is how we know who really wrote the book, from the ones that penned it.

The names of the leaders of the world and their individual significance regarding mankind, found in the Old Testament surpasses randomness, but it is the genealogy and names of insignificant humans that is surprising. The Old Testament could contain the complete Book of Life.

Christ called the Old Testament the word of God. Christ said every word of Scripture is from God. Not only did that have to be the case, but to develop the End Time Code every letter had to be put in place by God. The Old Testament is that precise.

This post should be read again and again. It's the most profound on this thread, the post that made the whole thing worthwhile. Thank you, Ram.
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YES!!! A little ant in a little boy's glass box ant farm may crawl up on a little rock and shake his fist at the boy he sees and proclame his wisdom and knowledge of the world!!!! and you??
But that's what you're doing. I'm saying we don't know if he is or isn't giving us free choice. We don't know if our destiny is predetermined entirely.

lol!!! you would know if you read God's word and believed!
"God's word"...has been written by whom? Let's get serious here.
Make of it what you want. I can find code in any book.

Then do so. Find hundreds of specific prophecy in one book. You chose the book. :eusa_angel:

I'll use the Old Testament. Let's look for World War 2. Here is what was encoded in my book 3,000 years ago:

World War Hitler Holocaust
Stalin Roosevelt Churchill Hitler
Germany England Russia France Japan United States
A. Hitler 1939 Nazi World War
The Holocaust 1942
Roosevelt President Dec. 7, 1941 He gave the order to strike on the day of the great defeat.
Pearl Harbor destruction of the fortress the fleet
Hiroshima atomic holocaust 1945 Hiroshima to end shooting of whole world.

Get back to me with what you uncovered in your book. Then we'll move on to world assassinations and the Oklahoma Bombing.

I can't wait! Here:
Kennedy to die Dallas Oswald sniper marksman He will strike in the head Death
Ruby He will kill the assassin
Kennedy to die R.F. Kennedy second ruler will be killed. S. Sirhan

Now you....... :eusa_angel:

Derp I don't need to because I am not making the claim. But you are. So please feel free to let us know what the next big event will be. Don't worry we won't hold our breath,
Make of it what you want. I can find code in any book.

Then do so. Find hundreds of specific prophecy in one book. You chose the book. :eusa_angel:

I'll use the Old Testament. Let's look for World War 2. Here is what was encoded in my book 3,000 years ago:

World War Hitler Holocaust
Stalin Roosevelt Churchill Hitler
Germany England Russia France Japan United States
A. Hitler 1939 Nazi World War
The Holocaust 1942
Roosevelt President Dec. 7, 1941 He gave the order to strike on the day of the great defeat.
Pearl Harbor destruction of the fortress the fleet
Hiroshima atomic holocaust 1945 Hiroshima to end shooting of whole world.

Get back to me with what you uncovered in your book. Then we'll move on to world assassinations and the Oklahoma Bombing.

I can't wait! Here:
Kennedy to die Dallas Oswald sniper marksman He will strike in the head Death
Ruby He will kill the assassin
Kennedy to die R.F. Kennedy second ruler will be killed. S. Sirhan

Now you....... :eusa_angel:

Derp I don't need to because I am not making the claim. But you are. So please feel free to let us know what the next big event will be. Don't worry we won't hold our breath,

But you should hold your breath. In fact, hold all your thoughts and all your words. Take them captive. Hush. Be still and know that He is God. Repent. Call upon the name of the Lord. Now is the day of salvation! Awake from your slumber. Snap out of it. Arise from the world of dreams and walk with Christ. See the world as it truly is . . . and see the world beyond. It's been there all the time--in plain sight . . . and yet not, bustling all about you, yet hidden from you, more at, invisible to you due to the blindness of "I'm-so-enlightened-and-above-it-all."

See the code woven into every fiber of the cosmos too. See the end-time revelations concerning the Garden of Eden, for example, the shadowy outlines of the supposedly mythical rivers Pison and Gihon . . . brought to you by your friendly neighborhood satellite.

(And what was that great flood ultimately all about anyway, the one that washed away the forbidden Garden of Eden? Ah! Someone put their hand in the DNA cookie jar and mixed things up a bit. But Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generations!)

See the end-time revelation of a Sumerian clay tablet--a mile-long asteroid, set into motion eons ago, racing toward the quintessential moment, its impact on the Austrian Alps, its destiny, the blowback of fire and brimstone raining down on the Mediterranean and the wretched cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (June 29, 3123 B.C.), its purpose fulfilled and, now, centuries later, its part in the scheme of things revealed. Why did Edith, Lot's wife, turn back? She was warned by the angels of the Angel of the Lord--the Epiphany, the preincarnate Christ. . . . The excavation of the city of Ur, that supposed fable. The Hebrew language, the Exodus? Why, looky here. The former is much older than previously thought possible, and don't forget the Ipuwer Papyrus as so many have in a rebellious orgy of enlightenment.

And so much more. . . . Indeed, more and more to come, so fast and furious now that few will scarcely notice, let alone divine the ramifications. Science is a wonderful tool after all, but its most important revelations are discarded by so many. Hmm. And the end is so near now I can taste it.
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Best read and learn about God's word to mankind before trying to understand "bible codes" FIRST THINGS FIRST!

So thirty years of biblical study isn't enough, eh? Man, you must be ancient, hundreds of years old. That's okay, GISMYS, I'm smart enough to figure it out for myself. I just thought you might save me some time by pointing me in the right direction, as time is a rather precious commodity.

How do you determine the grid to put the text on?

That's a question you should be asking The Irish Ram. I grasp the basic distinctions and parameters of the matter, but only in theory. I've never directly handled the substance of the code beyond the findings of others. I would need a program and instruction on how to use it. The mathematical calculations are beyond my ken in terms of the time now left for me, for all of us, really, so near are we to the end. I'm a babe in that regard, albeit, reveling in the wondrous revelations of the readily apparent message and its more assessable codes. Yet, even after all these years, I have scarcely scratched the surface. It's all I can do now just to learn of the spirit and the mind of Christ, to know Him as I cling to Him.

I will search the mysterious of God's Word for all eternity and never plumb the depths of it, for ultimately it is a living thing, in fact, the person of Christ Himself. Make no mistake about it, Roudy. The contents of God’s Word are every bit as limitlessly vast and wondrous as Ram has told you they are. And it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that the entire Book of Life is encoded in the written word of God. I've suspected that it is for some time now.
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So thirty years of biblical study isn't enough, eh? Man, you must be ancient, hundreds of years old. That's okay, GISMYS, I'm smart enough to figure it out for myself. I just thought you might save me some time by pointing me in the right direction, as time is a rather precious commodity.

How do you determine the grid to put the text on?

That's a question you should be asking The Irish Ram. I grasp the basic distinctions and parameters of the matter, but only in theory. I've never directly handled the substance of the code beyond the findings of others. I would need a program and instruction on how to use it. The mathematical calculations are beyond my kin in terms of the time now left for me, for all of us, really, so near are we to the end. I'm a babe in that regard, albeit, reveling in the wondrous revelations of the readily apparent message and its more assessable codes. Yet, even after all these years, I have scarcely scratched the surface. It's all I can do now just to learn of the spirit and the mind of Christ, to know Him as I cling to Him.

I will search the mysterious of God's Word for all eternity and never plumb the depths of it, for ultimately it is a living thing, in fact, the person of Christ Himself. Make no mistake about it, Roudy. The contents of God’s Word are every bit as limitlessly vast and wondrous as Ram has told you they are. And it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that the entire Book of Life is encoded in the written word of God. I've suspected that it is for some time now.

If the text is overlayed on graph paper that is 40 characters wide or 80 characters (spaces) then the Bible code is kind of subjective to me because maybe the grid is supposed to be 75 characters wide.

For example, the following code matrixes have been found in Moby Dick by Brendan McKay:
(Links to each matrix included in article below)

1. The War on Terrorism
2. Assassinations of Famous Politicians
3. Princess Diana's death
4. Assassination of Michael Drosnin
5. Moby Dick's opinion of Bible Codes

Similarly, Brendan McKay has also found code matrixes in the Hebrew translation of War and Peace:

1. The 9/11 Terrorist Attack
2. The Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet
3. Jesus in War and Peace
4. Chanukah Codes
5. More Chanukah Codes
6. Rosh Hashanah Codes
7. Brendan McKay in War and Peace

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So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????
So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????

Preschool teaches kids to put syllables together. If you go through F and all the syllables, there are preschoolers who can curse and not know it. The fact you can put something together isn't proof.
So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????

Preschool teaches kids to put syllables together. If you go through F and all the syllables, there are preschoolers who can curse and not know it. The fact you can put something together isn't proof.

Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????
So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????
Since when did God claim "look into my book and ye shall find the code and answers to all, past, present, and future". I thought the Bible served a different purpose. My bad.
it must be really hard to try to debate what God's Word has to say when you hav not read it!!! HUH???
So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????

Preschool teaches kids to put syllables together. If you go through F and all the syllables, there are preschoolers who can curse and not know it. The fact you can put something together isn't proof.

Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????

Playing crossword puzzles with God 's words is not what He had in mind when He asked you to abide in His word. It is a sign of immaturity.
Preschool teaches kids to put syllables together. If you go through F and all the syllables, there are preschoolers who can curse and not know it. The fact you can put something together isn't proof.

Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????

Playing crossword puzzles with God 's words is not what He had in mind when He asked you to abide in His word. It is a sign of immaturity.

OH!! REALLY??? So you now say you know the thoughts of GOD??? Do some RESEARCH before you condem something false!!
So Moby Dick is your god??? ROFLMAO!!! Satan loves to use unbelieving mockers,scoffers, as his tools and fools,why help him????

Preschool teaches kids to put syllables together. If you go through F and all the syllables, there are preschoolers who can curse and not know it. The fact you can put something together isn't proof.

Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????

Insofar as what I know, I do, certainly. While Roudy and I may not agree, I understand his concerns, though they mostly be the errors of one who is uninitiated. But I must say, I find your posts to be somewhat unhinged. As least Roudy is asking the right questions and wondering about the right things.
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it must be really hard to try to debate what God's Word has to say when you hav not read it!!! HUH???
You are confusing being a righteous Godly person who believes in the Bible with someone who also believes the Bible holds a "code". You and I know plenty of priests and rabbis and very religious people who would laugh at such a thing.
it must be really hard to try to debate what God's Word has to say when you hav not read it!!! HUH???
You are confusing being a righteous Godly person who believes in the Bible with someone who also believes the Bible holds a "code". You and I know plenty of priests and rabbis and very religious people who would laugh at such a thing.

Do some research,seek truth, then and only then can you try to debate!!!
Do you or anyone else here have any idea what you are trying to say????

Playing crossword puzzles with God 's words is not what He had in mind when He asked you to abide in His word. It is a sign of immaturity.

OH!! REALLY??? So you now say you know the thoughts of GOD??? Do some RESEARCH before you condem something false!!

That is bearing false witness.
it must be really hard to try to debate what God's Word has to say when you hav not read it!!! HUH???
You are confusing being a righteous Godly person who believes in the Bible with someone who also believes the Bible holds a "code". You and I know plenty of priests and rabbis and very religious people who would laugh at such a thing.

Do some research,seek truth, then and only then can you try to debate!!!
All I'm saying is that two very religious Bible studying people can disagree on whether the Bible has a code and not be sinners or evil people that will go to hell.

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