What Are White People So Afraid Of?

@ SFC Ollie

what's amazing is that you are offended by perceived racism and fail to call out Tank who says blacks are violent and dumb. That's why no one believes your outrage. Or maybe you are just outraged by pretend racism and not the real racism.

There are quite of few of them on this board.

They proudly and openly flaunt their racist and bigoted views.

A good indicator of them is when they get incensed over fake and/or perceived racism is like the two relaxed dudes in their own voting district.

And like you correctly pointed, are deathly silent whenever real racism has occurred, like when a muddasucka calls a black person a racist name or spew racist/bigoted views about IQ.

These people are quite entertaining.

Actually, you're just kind of tragic...
@ SFC Ollie

what's amazing is that you are offended by perceived racism and fail to call out Tank who says blacks are violent and dumb. That's why no one believes your outrage. Or maybe you are just outraged by pretend racism and not the real racism.

There are quite of few of them on this board.

They proudly and openly flaunt their racist and bigoted views.

A good indicator of them is when they get incensed over fake and/or perceived racism is like the two relaxed dudes in their own voting district.

And like you correctly pointed, are deathly silent whenever real racism has occurred, like when a muddasucka calls a black person a racist name or spew racist/bigoted views about IQ.

These people are quite entertaining.
I don't know why you all got to get so personal.

The facts are that on the average blacks are more violent and less intelligent, I wish is was not this way but it is. It is just nature.

I asked what I thought were some good questions and they went unanswered, so I'll try again.

Were blacks inslaved because of their skin color?

Would blacks have a better standard living amungst a majority hispanic or white population?

And, why does a black persons IQ matter when they are on death row?
Yes, I'm tragic because some unknown, random and DUMB RW mudda suckka says I izzz trajik.


Yes, I'm tragic because some unknown, random and DUMB RW mudda suckka says I izzz trajik.



Or, maybe you're just obviously tragic because your perceptual filter is set to "racial bias" at all times.

Is it your goal to give the Basshole and 52nd Gutter a run for their money to obtain the crown of "proudly racist black man at USMB?"
Nothing Bass says is racist...NOTHING.

Bass simply points out truths that more often than not DON'T get the light of day.

I'm sorry the truth offends you so much.
Nothing Bass says is racist...NOTHING.

Bass simply points out truths that more often than not DON'T get the light of day.

I'm sorry the truth offends you so much.

Wrong in several ways.

MOST of what the Basshole says is racist or founded upon his racist views.

The Basshole does NOT simply (or otherwise) point out truths. He points out what he assumes to be the truth, but he is actually just giving voice to his entirely racist preconceptions. If his entirely racist preconceptions don't get aired out in the light of day often enough for you, maybe that is because you share his racist views.

The truth doesn't offend me at all. Even his racism doesn't offend me. He has a right to be an ignorant bigot. I do enjoy exposing his racism, however.

Your "defense" of his bigotry is noted, and your words are rejected since they have a zero truth-value.

Despite the FACT that the Basshole is a racist, it is sometimes worthwhile to read his narrow-minded posts since it can lead to a discussion that lances the boil of his poisonous racism.
Congratulations moron for owning yourself, its really stupid of you to tell black people to get the hell out of America if they can't be "American" when our entire struggle in this country from day one was to "American" as in treated like an American, having the same protections and rights under the law and Constitution as an American, this were so we wouldn't have had the Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Acts, etc. Malcolm X once said said a person is not a diner at a table merely just by sitting there, you're dining only when you're eating from a plate with food on it and sharing in the same feast as everyone else at the table. A person is only "American" when they're treated equally under the law and Constitution and blacks in America were denied this and fought for it.

Again, congratulations for owning yourself.

you are a race baiter. pure and simple and full of hate. you spread like a cancer.

And you're a shameless monkey with nothing really to say and so easy to own.

You're calling someone monkeys?????????????? Very racist of you!

I am fully believe I dont know what you are talking about

Of course you don't, you are sooo innocent. It's only whites that are guilty. No racism there, huh?


Oh, this is when you make a point by alluding to something without saying it. You are sooo ungay. You dont eat at the Y. Nope no gay there, right?

I'm a woman idiot! When are you liberals going to realize those don't work against women.

And here is another liberal hypocrite who gets all self righteous about gay issues like gay marriage, and then uses gay as a perjorative, when it suits him.


And alluding without saying it? I said it right out. YOU ARE A RACIAL HYPOCRITE, as well!

Racially insecure whites as defined by the Bass are those specific whites who view the attainment of equality and progress of non-whites as a threat to whites. Now I've defined what I meant, keep whining with strawmen arguments that I'm somehow accusing only whites of being racists, :rolleyes: . These racially insecure whites are being used and abused by the rich powers that be Republican politicians and the leaders and funders of the Tea Party the same way poor southern whites were used against blacks marching for civil rights in the early to mid 20th century. You racially insecure whites make such easy targets, are easily duped by Republican race baiting politicians and so easily PWNED by intelligent and informed blacks like me that know how and where to strike your racially insecure hearts.

Yeah we are soooooooooooooooooo scared of progress of non whites a majority of whites voted for Obama in 2008.

You ignore that and then claim racism because people are turning away from that same president, BECAUSE HE'S A LOUSY PRESIDENT.

So who's the racist here?

White presidents have to stand on their own two feet to get reelected.

We didn't reelect Jimmy Carter or Bush 41! We turned against them because of their POLICIES.

But because Obama's black, suddenly it's RACISM if people turn against him?

Who's the racist here?

We can't turn against Obama, BASED EXCLUSIVELY ON HIS SKIN COLOR??????????

Is that all you got?

Then I think we see who the racist is here. You are so blinded by skin color you can't see anything else.


Meanwhile those of us who live in the real world, will go merrily on criticizing Obama BASED ON HIS BAD POLICIES, refusing to be intimidated by short sighted little bigots like YOU!

@ SFC Ollie

what's amazing is that you are offended by perceived racism and fail to call out Tank who says blacks are violent and dumb. That's why no one believes your outrage. Or maybe you are just outraged by pretend racism and not the real racism.

There are quite of few of them on this board.

They proudly and openly flaunt their racist and bigoted views.

A good indicator of them is when they get incensed over fake and/or perceived racism is like the two relaxed dudes in their own voting district.

And like you correctly pointed, are deathly silent whenever real racism has occurred, like when a muddasucka calls a black person a racist name or spew racist/bigoted views about IQ.

These people are quite entertaining.

Speaking or racists, you have that quote of me yet saying Obama is half black?

Nothing Bass says is racist...NOTHING.

Bass simply points out truths that more often than not DON'T get the light of day.

I'm sorry the truth offends you so much.

Oh yeah, YOU are the last word on that subject right? ROFL! You got that quote of me saying Obama is half black, yet?

Nothing Bass says is racist...NOTHING.

Bass simply points out truths that more often than not DON'T get the light of day.

I'm sorry the truth offends you so much.

Alot of what Bass says is true.

More importantly Bass points out the ways most blacks feel.
Fear is a lack of trust in ourselves. People feel fear because they can't control everything in their lives.
There're also the perks o' listening to some burnt-out nut-job selling people HIS Truths.​

""On one of his shows, for example, he pulled out a 'Mercury' dime. On the back of [the dime] is the fasces, which is the symbol of fascism," Wilentz says. "So [Beck] says, 'Aha! Who brought the dime in? It was Woodrow Wilson. We've been on the road to fascism for a long time.' [But he's] neglecting the fact that fasces didn't become a fascist symbol until well after that dime was made and designed — and the man who designed it [knew that] fasces was a design of war and balanced it off with an olive branch. Those are the facts. It has nothing to do with the coming of American fascism under Woodrow Wilson."
Racially insecure whites as defined by the Bass are those specific whites who view the attainment of equality and progress of non-whites as a threat to whites. Now I've defined what I meant, keep whining with strawmen arguments that I'm somehow accusing only whites of being racists, :rolleyes: . These racially insecure whites are being used and abused by the rich powers that be Republican politicians and the leaders and funders of the Tea Party the same way poor southern whites were used against blacks marching for civil rights in the early to mid 20th century. You racially insecure whites make such easy targets, are easily duped by Republican race baiting politicians and so easily PWNED by intelligent and informed blacks like me that know how and where to strike your racially insecure hearts.

Yeah we are soooooooooooooooooo scared of progress of non whites a majority of whites voted for Obama in 2008.

You ignore that and then claim racism because people are turning away from that same president, BECAUSE HE'S A LOUSY PRESIDENT.

So who's the racist here?

White presidents have to stand on their own two feet to get reelected.

We didn't reelect Jimmy Carter or Bush 41! We turned against them because of their POLICIES.

But because Obama's black, suddenly it's RACISM if people turn against him?

Who's the racist here?

We can't turn against Obama, BASED EXCLUSIVELY ON HIS SKIN COLOR??????????

Is that all you got?

Then I think we see who the racist is here. You are so blinded by skin color you can't see anything else.


Meanwhile those of us who live in the real world, will go merrily on criticizing Obama BASED ON HIS BAD POLICIES, refusing to be intimidated by short sighted little bigots like YOU!


No monkey, you must have selective reading disorder, I said that racially insecure are a specific, read it again monkey, specific group of whites that see attainment of equality and the progress of non-whites as a threat, common sense reading reveals that I was talking about, again, a specific group of whites, so by the logic of your post, you're saying that the majority of racially insecure whites voted for Obama, which is BS. Furthermore, the majority of whites didn't vote for Obama idiot, he got 43% of of the vote of those whites who voted in the election, now what part of your simian brain doesn't get that? y post didn't characterize *ALL* whites as racially insecure, its stated that a specific group of whites are racially insecure. Idiot.
Saying us whites are afraid of odumbo is epitomy of "straw men." Only people that believe what you are saying are liberal black boys like yourself. You are afraid of Justice Clarence Thomas. We celebrate him and a lot of CONSERVATIVE BLACKS, male & female, joining the Republican party. Liberal blacks like yourself called Thomas all kinds of racist bigoted names like uncle tom cuz you are AFRAID of CONSERVATIVE BLACKS. CONSERVATIVE BLACKS are gonna show you don't need all of these entitlements to succeed. You FEAR THAT. You will have to get off of your lazy race card playing rectum and WORK & SUCCEED on your own. LOL
Saying us whites are afraid of odumbo is epitomy of "straw men."
....Where FAUX Noise EXCELS!!!!!!

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What are white people afraid of?

Perhaps this:

October 14, 2010

Destroying Schools to Achieve Racial Justice

By Robert Weissberg

I've long suspected that the federal government is consciously subverting American education. Deep inside the Department of Education, there must exist a top-secret Bureau of Educational Disasters (BED) whose mission is to concoct alluring but guaranteed-to-fail, academic achievement-killing policies whose sole benefits are more jobs and mindless paperwork. These would be the folks who recently bribed states to retain academically troublesome students whose behavior hindered decent students so as to make America "better educated," i.e., a nation of high school "graduates" barely able to read their diplomas.

Well, like all industrious Washington bureaucrats, BED, with Department of Justice support, soldiers onward. Their latest education-destroying innovation is eliminating the disproportionate suspension and expulsions of African-American students. This is not empty rhetoric; it is included in the Obama administration's $4.3-billion Race to the Top initiative, and schools that fail to mend their ways will lose federal funds and face expensive litigation at a time of shrinking education budgets. In fact, the future is already here, as schools are increasingly being targeted in resource-draining civil rights complains about disciplinary unevenness (see here).
American Thinker: Destroying Schools to Achieve Racial Justice
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