What are you doing here?

He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.

You could have stopped at I don't know many successful blacks and save yourself a lot of time.

There are lots of things that shape the economic gap between blacks and whites. It damn sure isn't slavery. That's an excuse for blacks that simply can't make it in life. They have to blame something.
I know a ton of successful Blacks so why would I stop and save myself some time?

There are a lot of things that shape the economic gap between Blacks and whites. The main one being the history of slavery. The other being 400 years of white affirmative action.

That's impossible. You can't know people that don't exist.

You've provided two typical excuses. Now, provide a reason for your people to do better.
They exist which is why you ulcers.

I provided two reasons. The reason to do better is despite all the headstarts, racism, etc the truth of it all is that whites are inferior which is why they needed the affirmative action and slavery to get a head start. They cant stop you from surpassing them even after a 400 year headstart.

There are so few, there really is no need to address it.

You provided two excuses. Blacks can't do better. They've reach their pinnacle and it's still at the bottom of the mountain. What's so hard for you to understand about that?
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.

You could have stopped at I don't know many successful blacks and save yourself a lot of time.

There are lots of things that shape the economic gap between blacks and whites. It damn sure isn't slavery. That's an excuse for blacks that simply can't make it in life. They have to blame something.
I know a ton of successful Blacks so why would I stop and save myself some time?

There are a lot of things that shape the economic gap between Blacks and whites. The main one being the history of slavery. The other being 400 years of white affirmative action.

That's impossible. You can't know people that don't exist.

You've provided two typical excuses. Now, provide a reason for your people to do better.
They exist which is why you ulcers.

I provided two reasons. The reason to do better is despite all the headstarts, racism, etc the truth of it all is that whites are inferior which is why they needed the affirmative action and slavery to get a head start. They cant stop you from surpassing them even after a 400 year headstart.

There are so few, there really is no need to address it.

You provided two excuses. Blacks can't do better. They've reach their pinnacle and it's still at the bottom of the mountain. What's so hard for you to understand about that?
There are millions but you wouldnt know them. They dont associate with low lying white trash such as yourself.

i provided two reasons you were inferior. I'll add another. Youre genetically recessive.
You could have stopped at I don't know many successful blacks and save yourself a lot of time.

There are lots of things that shape the economic gap between blacks and whites. It damn sure isn't slavery. That's an excuse for blacks that simply can't make it in life. They have to blame something.
I know a ton of successful Blacks so why would I stop and save myself some time?

There are a lot of things that shape the economic gap between Blacks and whites. The main one being the history of slavery. The other being 400 years of white affirmative action.

That's impossible. You can't know people that don't exist.

You've provided two typical excuses. Now, provide a reason for your people to do better.
They exist which is why you ulcers.

I provided two reasons. The reason to do better is despite all the headstarts, racism, etc the truth of it all is that whites are inferior which is why they needed the affirmative action and slavery to get a head start. They cant stop you from surpassing them even after a 400 year headstart.

There are so few, there really is no need to address it.

You provided two excuses. Blacks can't do better. They've reach their pinnacle and it's still at the bottom of the mountain. What's so hard for you to understand about that?
There are millions but you wouldnt know them. They dont associate with low lying white trash such as yourself.

i provided two reasons you were inferior. I'll add another. Youre genetically recessive.

Like you, I can't know something that doesn't exist. Someone that doesn't exist can't associate with me.

There are so many bastards among blacks, it's why they call each other brother and sister. They may very well be. There is so much of that among the black community that you make the Amish bloodline look pure.
They get called uncle toms for not being house niggas to democrats.

You're ignorant.

Google news stories with the phrase "uncle tom". You will see that the majority of the time it's applied is towards black republicans. Or even just for talking to a republican. Steve Harvey was called an uncle Tom simply for meeting with President Trump and now regrets ever doing it, it's probably
Steve Harvey does not have a wrecked career at all. He rocks!

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.
He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.
I semi disagree. My dad came from Arkansas and ireland...and was raised by hard working poor dirt farmers. My mothers family came from germany and england to be free to worship and start a colony somewhere in Missouri and were innkeepers. I don't and didn't concentrate on how hard they had it, because they made what they had by hard work and therefore I was raised under a very nice house, good food, schooling. Why would I concern myself with what they endured? All I could do was to keep going and doing the best for my own children and further it along what they fought so hard for. Does this mean I should go to Missouri and give to the farmers there? Join the IRA because of the fight they have going with the british?
There is no gap except those who create it by living in the past that they had no part of.
They get called uncle toms for not being house niggas to democrats.

You're ignorant.

Google news stories with the phrase "uncle tom". You will see that the majority of the time it's applied is towards black republicans. Or even just for talking to a republican. Steve Harvey was called an uncle Tom simply for meeting with President Trump and now regrets ever doing it, it's probably
Steve Harvey does not have a wrecked career at all. He rocks!

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.
He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.
Again, I semi disagree. Those who have issue need to let the past go and move forward. Like you did. Like Katsteve did. Like steve harvey did. And so many many others. There are racist attitudes on BOTH SIDES, ascle. Until BOTH SIDES stop the living in the past..it will continue.
You're ignorant.

Google news stories with the phrase "uncle tom". You will see that the majority of the time it's applied is towards black republicans. Or even just for talking to a republican. Steve Harvey was called an uncle Tom simply for meeting with President Trump and now regrets ever doing it, it's probably
Steve Harvey does not have a wrecked career at all. He rocks!

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.
He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.
I semi disagree. My dad came from Arkansas and ireland...and was raised by hard working poor dirt farmers. My mothers family came from germany and england to be free to worship and start a colony somewhere in Missouri and were innkeepers. I don't and didn't concentrate on how hard they had it, because they made what they had by hard work and therefore I was raised under a very nice house, good food, schooling. Why would I concern myself with what they endured? All I could do was to keep going and doing the best for my own children and further it along what they fought so hard for. Does this mean I should go to Missouri and give to the farmers there? Join the IRA because of the fight they have going with the british?
There is no gap except those who create it by living in the past that they had no part of.
The hardships your parents endured were not caused because their skin color was different. Even if there was some cultural differences left at that time they were accepted as white people and therefore more palatable to the rest of white society. To this day Blacks still experience racist attitudes based on nothing but them sharing the same skin color of someone that frightened, upset, or harmed a white person. I teach my children the reasons for this attitude. I dont want them to experience it like I did and not know the reasons behind the hate. You have to know where you have been in order to understand the reasons and plot the course for your future goals.
The hardships your parents endured were not caused because their skin color was different. Even if there was some cultural differences left at that time they were accepted as white people and therefore more palatable to the rest of white society. To this day Blacks still experience racist attitudes based on nothing but them sharing the same skin color of someone that frightened, upset, or harmed a white person. I teach my children the reasons for this attitude. I dont want them to experience it like I did and not know the reasons behind the hate. You have to know where you have been in order to understand the reasons and plot the course for your future goals.

In other words, you teach them to be resentful and to live in the past. Great job.
Google news stories with the phrase "uncle tom". You will see that the majority of the time it's applied is towards black republicans. Or even just for talking to a republican. Steve Harvey was called an uncle Tom simply for meeting with President Trump and now regrets ever doing it, it's probably
Steve Harvey does not have a wrecked career at all. He rocks!

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.
He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.
I semi disagree. My dad came from Arkansas and ireland...and was raised by hard working poor dirt farmers. My mothers family came from germany and england to be free to worship and start a colony somewhere in Missouri and were innkeepers. I don't and didn't concentrate on how hard they had it, because they made what they had by hard work and therefore I was raised under a very nice house, good food, schooling. Why would I concern myself with what they endured? All I could do was to keep going and doing the best for my own children and further it along what they fought so hard for. Does this mean I should go to Missouri and give to the farmers there? Join the IRA because of the fight they have going with the british?
There is no gap except those who create it by living in the past that they had no part of.
The hardships your parents endured were not caused because their skin color was different. Even if there was some cultural differences left at that time they were accepted as white people and therefore more palatable to the rest of white society. To this day Blacks still experience racist attitudes based on nothing but them sharing the same skin color of someone that frightened, upset, or harmed a white person. I teach my children the reasons for this attitude. I dont want them to experience it like I did and not know the reasons behind the hate. You have to know where you have been in order to understand the reasons and plot the course for your future goals.
Maybe not their skin color, but they were looked down upon because they were Irish. And we all know how they were treated. And German. Considered ignorant and not worth a damn. They all overcame that plight and it wasnt by marching in streets, blocking traffic, demanding europeans give them their homes, or......KILLING EACH OTHER while talking out both sides of their mouths.
Ascle....blacks would not be in the position they are in in the present if they didn't keep doing what they think happens due to their past. Their violence has to stop. Beginning with themselves.
New Jersey Walmart customers get in massive brawl | Daily Mail Online

Watch the vid. This happened two days ago.

Any comment about this, Delores? Care to explain why it is always black folks who do this shit and not nearly as many whites or hispanics or asians or indians?
I watched it and also found lots of other videos of white brawls just as nasty. And I have no way of knowing for sure that not nearly as many whites, hispanics, asians or indians do it because I don't know how much is not caught on video or goes unreported or is downplayed, hidden, or deleted to protect the people involved.

It is interesting, though, that I just read an article in Ebony Magazine by Shantell E. Jamison. She said in part, "The media is committed to mostly portraying us in a negative light - whether it's showcasing some of the poorest nations in Africa, or portraying African Americans as "thugs" and "hoodlums.," People of African descent are among the most innovative on the planet and we have and will continue to do much more with less."

Maybe if we chose to read Ebony, Essence and Jet Magazines and filled out heads with positive images of the doctors, lawyers, CEO's, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders they showcase, we would have a more accurate picture and could avoid the danger of a single story.
You chose to read magazines for and about blacks, of course they have articles putting down whites, once again.
The article I quoted did not put down whites at all, and neither do these magazines.
We are just going to have to chalk it down to whites will never understand what its like to be black, and blacks will never understand what its like to be white...in ANY scenario. Poor or middle class is poor or middle class. The only ones NOT in this equation are those who were born into wealth of any kind..their parents before them and their parents before them. Those who struggled to get where they are have their own obstacles they faced...and neither side will ever understand it unless they lived it. And...none of us lived during slavery days so.....
New Jersey Walmart customers get in massive brawl | Daily Mail Online

Watch the vid. This happened two days ago.

Any comment about this, Delores? Care to explain why it is always black folks who do this shit and not nearly as many whites or hispanics or asians or indians?
I watched it and also found lots of other videos of white brawls just as nasty. And I have no way of knowing for sure that not nearly as many whites, hispanics, asians or indians do it because I don't know how much is not caught on video or goes unreported or is downplayed, hidden, or deleted to protect the people involved.

It is interesting, though, that I just read an article in Ebony Magazine by Shantell E. Jamison. She said in part, "The media is committed to mostly portraying us in a negative light - whether it's showcasing some of the poorest nations in Africa, or portraying African Americans as "thugs" and "hoodlums.," People of African descent are among the most innovative on the planet and we have and will continue to do much more with less."

Maybe if we chose to read Ebony, Essence and Jet Magazines and filled out heads with positive images of the doctors, lawyers, CEO's, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders they showcase, we would have a more accurate picture and could avoid the danger of a single story.
You chose to read magazines for and about blacks, of course they have articles putting down whites, once again.
The article I quoted did not put down whites at all, and neither do these magazines.
The media sides with blacks more than whites. They only report the negative things done to blacks by whites, not the other way around.
New Jersey Walmart customers get in massive brawl | Daily Mail Online

Watch the vid. This happened two days ago.

Any comment about this, Delores? Care to explain why it is always black folks who do this shit and not nearly as many whites or hispanics or asians or indians?
I watched it and also found lots of other videos of white brawls just as nasty. And I have no way of knowing for sure that not nearly as many whites, hispanics, asians or indians do it because I don't know how much is not caught on video or goes unreported or is downplayed, hidden, or deleted to protect the people involved.

It is interesting, though, that I just read an article in Ebony Magazine by Shantell E. Jamison. She said in part, "The media is committed to mostly portraying us in a negative light - whether it's showcasing some of the poorest nations in Africa, or portraying African Americans as "thugs" and "hoodlums.," People of African descent are among the most innovative on the planet and we have and will continue to do much more with less."

Maybe if we chose to read Ebony, Essence and Jet Magazines and filled out heads with positive images of the doctors, lawyers, CEO's, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders they showcase, we would have a more accurate picture and could avoid the danger of a single story.
You chose to read magazines for and about blacks, of course they have articles putting down whites, once again.
The article I quoted did not put down whites at all, and neither do these magazines.
Pretty much all your posts are anti-white. It really must suck to hate yourself so much because you are white.
The article I quoted did not put down whites at all, and neither do these magazines.

Ebony magazine:

Dear White People: No, It Isn't OK to 'Jump the Broom' - EBONY
Dear White People: We Hear Your Prejudice Loud and Clear
Diddy Tweet Shows White Women Get All Insecure When Sistas Are Complimented
Trump's Support Isn't About Poor Whites, It's About ALL Whites - EBONY
Black Men Coddling White Fragility Isn't Just Disappointing, It's Dangerous - EBONY
That Picture of Kellyanne Conway is the Personification of White Privilege - EBONY

Jet magazine:

The Day We Elected Hatred - JetMag.com
Where's the White Privilege Emoji? - JetMag.com
Trump & the Revenge of the White Women - JetMag.com
Are We Going to Let White Artists Redefine Rap? - JetMag.com
Dear Scared White People - JetMag.com

Or black ghetto. Any black that claws their way out is an Uncle Tom.

And where did you get that information from? My children and grandchildren were not raised in a "ghetto" and they were never looked down on.

People who leave ghettos and do well are only subject to criticism when they forget where they came from. If they give back they are respected.

They get called uncle toms for not being house niggas to democrats.

You're ignorant.

Google news stories with the phrase "uncle tom". You will see that the majority of the time it's applied is towards black republicans. Or even just for talking to a republican. Steve Harvey was called an uncle Tom simply for meeting with President Trump and now regrets ever doing it, it's probably
Steve Harvey does not have a wrecked career at all. He rocks!

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.

He likely gained some new fans by visiting Trump. His existing fan base from the game show that he hosts is predominately white.
He also has his own show which may be predominately black. Who knows? Does it matter? He is where he is because he worked for it. Just like you did so your kids could in turn continue on upwards..not backwards crying about something that happened over a hundred years ago that nobody NOW had a part in.
I dont know many successful Blacks that purposely neglect to teach their children about slavery and how it effects the world today. In order to know your environment and become successful you have to know your history both the good and bad. Slavery is a bad part of that history and it still effects Blacks to this day. Not because they cry about but because it has shaped the economic gap between Blacks and whites today and also the racist attitudes of whites.
I semi disagree. My dad came from Arkansas and ireland...and was raised by hard working poor dirt farmers. My mothers family came from germany and england to be free to worship and start a colony somewhere in Missouri and were innkeepers. I don't and didn't concentrate on how hard they had it, because they made what they had by hard work and therefore I was raised under a very nice house, good food, schooling. Why would I concern myself with what they endured? All I could do was to keep going and doing the best for my own children and further it along what they fought so hard for. Does this mean I should go to Missouri and give to the farmers there? Join the IRA because of the fight they have going with the british?
There is no gap except those who create it by living in the past that they had no part of.
The hardships your parents endured were not caused because their skin color was different. Even if there was some cultural differences left at that time they were accepted as white people and therefore more palatable to the rest of white society. To this day Blacks still experience racist attitudes based on nothing but them sharing the same skin color of someone that frightened, upset, or harmed a white person. I teach my children the reasons for this attitude. I dont want them to experience it like I did and not know the reasons behind the hate. You have to know where you have been in order to understand the reasons and plot the course for your future goals.
Maybe not their skin color, but they were looked down upon because they were Irish. And we all know how they were treated. And German. Considered ignorant and not worth a damn. They all overcame that plight and it wasnt by marching in streets, blocking traffic, demanding europeans give them their homes, or......KILLING EACH OTHER while talking out both sides of their mouths.
Ascle....blacks would not be in the position they are in in the present if they didn't keep doing what they think happens due to their past. Their violence has to stop. Beginning with themselves.
They werent looked down on for too long as I pointed out. They were accepted as whites and even when they were looked down on they were more acceptable to whites than Blacks. This is why they were put in charge of policing Black by being the overseers and later the cops. They actually did march in the streets and had bloody conflicts (see Bacons Rebellion). Whites have always killed one another so I dont get your point on that aspect.

Blacks would be much worse off if they didnt understand that the present day environment and the racism of whites is shaped by the past. Thats why they teach you history. So you can know what happened and never repeat the bad stuff and learn from the good stuff. I asked my daughter today what she would feel like if she never knew about slavery and she told me she would have been mad if we never taught her about it. Furthermore she said it did just what I told you it did. It made her more determined and focused to be a success.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
Who are you even referring to?
We are just going to have to chalk it down to whites will never understand what its like to be black, and blacks will never understand what its like to be white...in ANY scenario. Poor or middle class is poor or middle class. The only ones NOT in this equation are those who were born into wealth of any kind..their parents before them and their parents before them. Those who struggled to get where they are have their own obstacles they faced...and neither side will ever understand it unless they lived it. And...none of us lived during slavery days so.....
My mom lived in Mississippi post slavery and she told me it was horrible for Black people. My grandpa had to move them out after he killed some cracka that disrespected my grandmother. My grandmother told me the stories her mom and father told her about slavery and the same thing is pretty much echoed on my fathers side of the family so I have a pretty good understanding of what it was like. Now if that isnt enough you can hear from actual slaves if you listen to their interviews in the Library of Congress.

Voices from the Days of Slavery, Audio Interviews (American Memory from the Library of Congress)
The majority of those here portray all Black people in a negative light. This site is no different than any other Aryan supremacist cesspool.
Or black ghetto. Any black that claws their way out is an Uncle Tom.

And where did you get that information from? My children and grandchildren were not raised in a "ghetto" and they were never looked down on.

People who leave ghettos and do well are only subject to criticism when they forget where they came from. If they give back they are respected.
Where did I get the info? From seeing it and hearing it with my own two eyes.
It's good that your children and grandchildren will never be IN the ghetto to be called Uncle Tom "if they forget". My question is..why would anyone want to remind them? Sure, be proud of the work and effort it took for them to enjoy finer things and better living conditions. You worked for it. And so will they. But going back in the ghetto....they would either be robbed, killed, or called Uncle Tom. And you know it.
Not true. I go back often to where I came from in the hood and no one calls me an uncle tom. Hell most of them actually have more respect for me when they find out what I do for a living.

Absolutely on point. People who leave "the hood", but return to help others earn respect. The ones who leave and turn up their noses at where they came from are deservedly disdained.
Perhaps they are just getting on with their busy successful lives rather than turning up their noses.
And what's so wrong if some want to leave what they might feel is a bad start behind them - to forget about it.
Some people who have escaped 'the hood' might even find it too depressing or disturbing to revisit physically and psychologically. I don't think they should be judged - it's almost as judgy as calling them 'uncle toms'.
Not wanting to remember to keep it alive could be why so many blacks never step foot back in there and don't mess with what was and only focus on what IS. Kinda like the Morgan Freeman quote. I adore Morgan. Wouldn't matter what skin tone he had. Dude is smart!

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