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What are you doing to conserver energy?

It's sad that Gore doesn't practice what he preaches. If he did his message might get a better reception. I do give him credit for at least getting folks talking about the issue.

We heat with wood, about 4 cords a year.

We have fluorescent bulbs in 75% of the house. The other 25% I'm not giving up because there are a few places in the house I just don't like the way the flourescents light certain areas.

We dry our clothes outside on a clothesline.

We haven't run our 96 Blazer for a year now. We live close to a grocery store so I ride a bicycle for the odd item we run short on. We hitch a ride with family members to shop for items at the larger stores and pay bills. Besides, it's a way to protest against the high registration fees in our state.

We recycle when possible and the woodstove is a great for burning paper as a fire starter.

In the warmer days of summer (2 whole weeks this year) we use the cool air in our cellar circulated from a fan on our out of service furnace to cool the house.

We keep any lights not being used turned off.

I'm not sure what my carbon footprint is but I'm treading as lightly as possible.

I personally don't make a big deal out of it, just use common sense. Combine trips, turn the stat up when not at home, I use the curly bulbs as the old ones break. Turn the lights off. But beyond that, I just don't care.
I agree, we don't all need to make a big deal out of it. We live on a fixed income so it's as much out of necessity as conciously trying to strive towards some sort of footprint. I think if we all do a little we will be further ahead than some doing a little while others do nothing.
Oh it is more than a book. He also made millions of his movie. He is making money off his Carbon Credit Company, and he wants to make Millions of a global Mandated Carbon Credit Trading Scheme.

He may care about the environment somewhere down deep, but his real motivators are Money, and attention.

OH and stop being an asshole. Just because I Think Gore is a hypocrite does not mean I am a global warming Denier. Quit using the standard Left wing attack policy of labeling anyone who questions anything about the subject a denier.

I am on record repeatedly on this board admitting that Global warming is happening, and I am sick and tired of Lame ass dick weeds calling me a denier everytime I have the nerve to question anything about it.

Finally only religious MORONS deny evolution and I am definitely not one of those either.

So if you don't deny global warming why do you spout right wing propaganda about Al Gore?

What's he suppossed to do, ride around the country on a bicylce and read by moonlight?

That's it, if Al Gore flies to a convention to help bring awareness about a literal threat to humanity, he's a hypocrit. But it's fine for the richest companies that have ever existed to flood the airwaves night and day to convince us the we just can't do anything but burn oil for energy. Sure, Al Gore's the one with the scheme to get rich!

Time to wake up...
Gore gets green kudos for home renovation

Solar and geothermal power used in 80-year-old mansion
Al and Tipper Gore bought this home in Nashville, Tenn., in 2002 for $2.3 million. They spent an undisclosed amount to lower their use of fossil fuels for electricity and heat in the home.
Mark Humphrey / AP

updated 4:31 p.m. ET, Thurs., Dec. 13, 2007
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly.

The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode bulbs.

"Short of tearing it down and staring anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design.

Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11 percent compared with a year ago, according to utility records reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a record heat wave.

Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as new construction.

"One of the things that is tremendously powerful about what the Gores have done is demonstrate that you can take a home that was a dog, and absolute energy pig, and do things to correct that," Shinn said.

Gore bought the mansion in the Nashville suburb of Belle Meade in 2002 for $2.3 million. It houses his offices and those of his wife, Tipper, as well as a commercial kitchen for formal events.

Gore gets green kudos for home renovation - Environment - MSNBC.com
So gore took the money from his carbon credit scam and fixed up one of his houses. BFD
Gore gets green kudos for home renovation

Solar and geothermal power used in 80-year-old mansion
Al and Tipper Gore bought this home in Nashville, Tenn., in 2002 for $2.3 million. They spent an undisclosed amount to lower their use of fossil fuels for electricity and heat in the home.
Mark Humphrey / AP

updated 4:31 p.m. ET, Thurs., Dec. 13, 2007
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly.

The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode bulbs.

"Short of tearing it down and staring anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design.

Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11 percent compared with a year ago, according to utility records reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a record heat wave.

Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as new construction.

"One of the things that is tremendously powerful about what the Gores have done is demonstrate that you can take a home that was a dog, and absolute energy pig, and do things to correct that," Shinn said.

Gore bought the mansion in the Nashville suburb of Belle Meade in 2002 for $2.3 million. It houses his offices and those of his wife, Tipper, as well as a commercial kitchen for formal events.

Gore gets green kudos for home renovation - Environment - MSNBC.com

No facts could ever convince the brainwashed people on the right that it's the oil companies that are getting rich at their expense. See, it's that evil Al Gore, he's probably got a secret way to make glaciers melt world wide just so he can "sell a book".
No facts could ever convince the brainwashed people on the right that it's the oil companies that are getting rich at their expense. See, it's that evil Al Gore, he's probably got a secret way to make glaciers melt world wide just so he can "sell a book".

The irony of the pot calling the kettle black is not lost here.

Of course the oil companies are making profits. State and Federal taxes make a MUCH bigger profit on gas.

Which does not negate the fact that hypocrites like Gore are making a killing selling fear and sensationalsim to knuckleheads like YOU on the left.
The irony of the pot calling the kettle black is not lost here.

Of course the oil companies are making profits. State and Federal taxes make a MUCH bigger profit on gas.

Which does not negate the fact that hypocrites like Gore are making a killing selling fear and sensationalsim to knuckleheads like YOU on the left.

You're not really going to talk about who it is that is selling fear are you?

That is the only thing the right has ...FEAR! Fear is their stock in trade. That's all it's been for the last 7 1/2 years.

Terrorist, Anthrax, 9-11, Hussein, Uranium from Africa, nuclear weapons program, mobile weapons labs, attack within 45 minutes, mushroom clouds,
Islamofascists, weapons of mass destruction, BOO!

A great American once said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
Road a bicycle summer and winter for over 25 years. Public transportation when it was icy or snow. Energy bulbs all around. In first house rebuilt entire home installing insulation and efficient windows. Lived close to schools and public transportation for children and us. Purchased smaller efficient cars - till now, but we don't rely on them. New homes modern, small, and up to date and more efficient.
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No facts could ever convince the brainwashed people on the right that it's the oil companies that are getting rich at their expense. See, it's that evil Al Gore, he's probably got a secret way to make glaciers melt world wide just so he can "sell a book".

The oil companies control less than 15% of the world's oil.

Try again
But the oil companies bought up all the small refineries and shut them down, so they could control the flow of gasoline here. The oil companies own 91% of the refineries in this country. Don't kid yourself. They control the flow here.

Gouging by gas refineries costs consumers an extra 50¢ a gallon | UCAN

So what? Did you short the oil market last month? I violated a personal rule and actually "invested" in a commidity market and shorted oil when it was $138. Shorted Euros, too.

See, people like me make money no matter what markets do. So long as they move, I make money.....Because I have a brain that actually works...
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So what? Did you short the oil market last month? I violated a personal rule and actually "invested" in a commidity market and shorted oil when it was $138. Shorted Euros, too.

See, people like me make money no matter what markets do. So long as they move, I make money.....Because I have a brain that actually works...

So great that you made money. I made $20,000 this month by working.

What does that have to do with fuel conservation for America?
I moved closer to work. My car isn't very efficient but that's okay because I only have to drive 4 miles.

Also, if you want to save money on your utilities: fluorescents are nice and all, but lighting costs even with the regular bulbs are only about 10% of your electric bill. So with CFL's you're cutting that down to about 3% realistically. They say fluorescents are 4x more efficient but I'm pretty sure that's not accurate. 3x is more like it, and maybe not even quite that. Katherine is right, they don't put out what the box claims is the equivalent. And they rarely last seven years, dud bulbs are quite frequent. They're still good, and an easy fix, but let's get real. (Some of the long tube fluorescents do actually live up to the hype but they are ugly and cost more).

So if lighting isn't the biggest part of your bill, what is? The list goes something like this:

1) Heating/cooling (maybe not if you live in southern california)
2) Water heater
3) Oven & clothes dryer (tie)
4) Lighting

So concentrate on #1. The electric companies run ads telling you to add insulation. That's true, to an extent. But the real reason they want you to do that is, insulation smooths out demand. They have loads of excess electricity to sell at night, and struggle to keep up during the day.

Anyway, the biggest loss of cooling during the summer is through your attic. If your attic is blazing hot, make sure it's well vented and get a radiant barrier. Most newer homes have this on the siding (the silver wrap or panels) and you may have seen roof decking that is reflective on one side. If your house is older and doesn't have this, you can get sheets of radiant barrier foil and staple to your rafters. I have two engineers at work who swear by it, after installing their attic is the same temperature as if you were sitting under a shade tree. It's not terribly expensive, but it is a pain in the butt to get in your attic and staple things upside down. You can get spray in chips and they are easier to install but they cost more.

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