What are you eating right now!!!!!!!?????

The ClayTaurus said:
Then stop posting. Jesus.

I will let ya fudge packers have at it... as Pale Rider likes to say...your gig is up...so sorry for the reality check! I will take my exit as appropriate...LOL!
archangel said:
I will let ya fudge packers have at it... as Pale Rider likes to say...your gig is up...so sorry for the reality check! I will take my exit as appropriate...LOL!
Still waiting for you to. This is the 4000th time you said you were leaving.
I just read four pages worth of absolute absurdity. Between Arch's paranoia and ya'll's banana jokes, this thread has gone down hill fast.
The ClayTaurus said:
Still waiting for you to. This is the 4000th time you said you were leaving.

never said I was leaving...however I am sure you will be long gone before MOI!...I just played ya for the phoney you are..sorry to say that experience trumps BS! :eek: :2guns: :whip:
Hagbard Celine said:
I just read four pages worth of absolute absurdity. Between Arch's paranoia and ya'll's banana jokes, this thread has gone down hill fast.

revisit your pic post in this forum..."Lost Boys" ring a bell...a little gay in my opinion...a wannabee vampire in drag...you libs really need a course in sociology 101!
archangel said:
never said I was leaving...however I am sure you will be long gone before MOI!...I just played ya for the phoney you are..sorry to say that experience trumps BS! :eek: :2guns: :whip:

I actually posted what I ate today. A banana, then later an apple. I posted that I knew some people could use them for jokes just like happened. You took it personally somehow? I still can't get you, are you really paranoid or are you joining in on the joking?

I eat fruit, I like to eat fruit. I also like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Shoot I am not the only one, the fried version was a favorite of Elvis as well.
revisit your pic post in this forum..."Lost Boys" ring a bell...a little gay in my opinion...a wannabee vampire in drag...you libs really need a course in sociology 101!

You're just jealous of my sculptured features and stunning handsomeness. And it's a closeup of a drunk group picture if it makes you feel any better. If you didn't think that what we said in this thread was funny, then you have no sense of humor. I can't believe you negatively repped me over this. This is bullsh*t. :2guns:
no1tovote4 said:
I actually posted what I ate today. A banana, then later an apple. I posted that I knew some people could use them for jokes just like happened. You took it personally somehow? I still can't get you, are you really paranoid or are you joining in on the joking?

I eat fruit, I like to eat fruit. I also like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Shoot I am not the only one, the fried version was a favorite of Elvis as well.

sorry my targets were clay and hag...sorry if I had to step on ya on the way..you should be aware of my intent...being that you had a 'Crypto' clearance and all...just in a days work...or do you align yourself with them? if so well have at it....I will defer to 'Pale Rider' he has their numbers even though he is a little more blunt then I!
sorry my targets were clay and hag...sorry if I had to step on ya on the way..you should be aware of my intent...being that you had a 'Crypto' clearance and all...just in a days work...or do you align yourself with them? if so well have at it....I will defer to 'Pale Rider' he has their numbers even though he is a little more blunt then I!

"Oh no1tovote4! I usually agree with you so I'll suck your dick for the time being and apologize for being a dickhead. But screw hag and clay, they're just young kids who don't know anything about life because they weren't in the military."

FUCK YOU. How's that for bluntness?
archangel said:
sorry my targets were clay and hag...sorry if I had to step on ya on the way..you should be aware of my intent...being that you had a 'Crypto' clearance and all...just in a days work...or do you align yourself with them? if so well have at it....I will defer to 'Pale Rider' he has their numbers even though he is a little more blunt then I!

LOL. It takes more than that to get me insulted.
Hagbard Celine said:
"Oh no1tovote4! I usually agree with you so I'll suck your dick for the time being and apologize for being a dickhead. But screw hag and clay, they're just young kids who don't know anything about life because they weren't in the military."

FUCK YOU. How's that for bluntness?

The military never entered this commentary..if ya want to 'suck dicks' so be it but buzz off child of the corn! :2guns:
Hagbard Celine said:
"Oh no1tovote4! I usually agree with you so I'll suck your dick for the time being and apologize for being a dickhead. But screw hag and clay, they're just young kids who don't know anything about life because they weren't in the military."

FUCK YOU. How's that for bluntness?

Time to rehijack this thread back to what are you eating now...

no1tovote4 said:
Time to rehijack this thread back to what are you eating now...


message...see all of us old farts are not so dumb after all...whats the old saying..oh yeah 'been there and done that'..in a philosophical sense that is! I really love and appreciate women....kinda like a oldies thing! Not into 'oh gee it is okay to get your 'rocks off' playing with the pee pee in the tee pee' sorta todays world thingee! :2guns: :eek: :whip:
we can move on to real food for dinner..think I will have bbq stuffed pork chops(Mr.P's receipe) with Ranch beans and salad...maybe German salad (green bean) or Italian....lol any suggestions for a hearty meal minus the Lib BS!
archangel said:
message...see all of us old farts are not so dumb after all...whats the old saying..oh yeah 'been there and done that'..in a philosophical sense that is! I really love and appreciate women....kinda like a oldies thing! Not into 'oh gee it is okay to get your 'rocks off' playing with the pee pee in the tee pee' sorta todays world thingee! :2guns: :eek: :whip:

I knew I shouldn't have gotten you started this morning when I asked about Bud Light. It's nice to know that you are so easily prone to suggestion. Maybe I will try internet hypnosis next time.
:arabia: :arabia: :whip3: :hitit: :arabia: :eek:
What an absolute disgrace to an otherwise ok thread.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Literally.
Shattered said:
What an absolute disgrace to an otherwise ok thread.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Literally.

It did get a bit off topic, didn't it?
Nuc said:
I knew I shouldn't have gotten you started this morning when I asked about Bud Light. It's nice to know that you are so easily prone to suggestion. Maybe I will try internet hypnosis next time.
:arabia: :arabia: :whip3: :hitit: :arabia: :eek:

you give yourself way too much credit....must be a Buddhist thing...I like girls and will not cower to your nonsensical Bud Light ...whatever comment...back to Rice wine for ya...lol!
archangel said:
you give yourself way too much credit....must be a Buddhist thing...I like girls and will not cower to your nonsensical Bud Light ...whateve comment...back to Rice wine for ya...lol!

Well, I said is it Bud Light time and you said, no not yet, well, maybe I'll start early today after all. After that things started to head south! Sorry just an observation.
:cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:

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