What are you listening to?

I AM LISTENING TO ...(hush people)...Silence. No Music. No human made noise, silence is MUSIC to me. What is wrong with quietude? I hesitate to bring this up. It's not like I don't like Music, but damn we have morons with extremely LOUD sound systems now a days disturbing the peace aggressively forcing their tastes on the surrounding populace. Didn't the Geneva convention recently BAN the use of loud MUSIC/NOISE as a form of TORTURE? But if it's just FINE for entertainment. No it isn't. Sorry, off topic slightly. Me ranting AGAIN.
I AM LISTENING TO ...(hush people)...Silence. No Music. No human made noise, silence is MUSIC to me. What is wrong with quietude? I hesitate to bring this up. It's not like I don't like Music, but damn we have morons with extremely LOUD sound systems now a days disturbing the peace aggressively forcing their tastes on the surrounding populace. Didn't the Geneva convention recently BAN the use of loud MUSIC/NOISE as a form of TORTURE? But if it's just FINE for entertainment. No it isn't. Sorry, off topic slightly. Me ranting AGAIN.
I AM LISTENING TO ...(hush people)...Silence. No Music. No human made noise, silence is MUSIC to me. What is wrong with quietude? I hesitate to bring this up. It's not like I don't like Music, but damn we have morons with extremely LOUD sound systems now a days disturbing the peace aggressively forcing their tastes on the surrounding populace. Didn't the Geneva convention recently BAN the use of loud MUSIC/NOISE as a form of TORTURE? But if it's just FINE for entertainment. No it isn't. Sorry, off topic slightly. Me ranting AGAIN.
Nice try at mockery, instead of funny icons, use ENGLISH. God lord that's another peeve of mine. Stay on topic.
I have my own tastes in Music, and I have made shout outs to various Musicians a few times on this board. I also like hearing the wind and the birds chirping. We live in a society that has loud jet planes overhead, loud traffic and other forms of noise pollution. I may be off topic, but it seems the people with the LOUDEST stereos also have the worst taste in music. This may be off topic, But I never hear music by the Beatles, Beethoven , Sinatra or Leadbelly. It's always antagonizing hateful negative crap, forced on you against your will. Jesus, they managed to weaponize Music. Instead of soothing the savage beast, they inflame it.

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