What are you prepared to do?

We haven’t been invaded in 200 years. There are dozens of countries without significant militaries who are “free”
That because outsiders know Americans have guns.

They sure do....They read that 30,000 Americans get killed by guns every year. They read about our massacres every few weeks and wonder why we do nothing about it

Yeah, they hate gang bangers and suicides are messy.

What’s your point again?

30,000 die as a result of firearms.

They do not keep us safe

And exactly how many of those would be saved from a ban on AR style rifles?

They are rarely used in suicide and of those that do, the AR could easily replaced by one still legal

So the answer to the above is likely few or none.

A vast majority of gang related or drug related are handgun. In every case, again the AR would easily be replaced by a still legal weapon.

So the answer to those, few to none.

That leaves accidental shootings. And your odds of that?

1.55 per 327,000,000 on any given day.

And this is what keeps you up at night?

Excuse me if I chuckle at, what can only be discribed as, your incredible paranoia.

And since the AR style rifle is rarely involved in even accidental shootings, you need to answer, “what does the ban accomplish?”

Answer, nothing

And that’s why it won’t happen.

A ban on AR-15s is not the goal, it is merely the camels nose.
That because outsiders know Americans have guns.

They sure do....They read that 30,000 Americans get killed by guns every year. They read about our massacres every few weeks and wonder why we do nothing about it

Yeah, they hate gang bangers and suicides are messy.

What’s your point again?

30,000 die as a result of firearms.

They do not keep us safe

And exactly how many of those would be saved from a ban on AR style rifles?

They are rarely used in suicide and of those that do, the AR could easily replaced by one still legal

So the answer to the above is likely few or none.

A vast majority of gang related or drug related are handgun. In every case, again the AR would easily be replaced by a still legal weapon.

So the answer to those, few to none.

That leaves accidental shootings. And your odds of that?

1.55 per 327,000,000 on any given day.

And this is what keeps you up at night?

Excuse me if I chuckle at, what can only be discribed as, your incredible paranoia.

And since the AR style rifle is rarely involved in even accidental shootings, you need to answer, “what does the ban accomplish?”

Answer, nothing

And that’s why it won’t happen.

A ban on AR-15s is not the goal, it is merely the camels nose.
------------------------------------------------ yep , anyone that thinks their M1A , Garand , 10-22 or M1 Carbine or Benelli Super 90 are going to be safe are crazy Jim !!
That is the purpose of monogamy; to keep males under control and the mechanism is this 'henpecking' you speak of.

And it is for our own good or else we would be dying every day in manifold rates from drinking bad alcohol, bad drugs, stupid car wrecks, getting into drunken fights and other nitwittery.

Which is why henpecked husbands live longer than single men.

I was simply speaking to aspect that men are not necessarily compelled to like nor appreciate their salvation in marriage at all times.
Like when you tell a kid he cannot go swimming ... It doesn't matter if the current is too fast and he may drown ... He's still liable to pout about it a little while.


The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I presently have no plan for counteraction because I have no idea how a government plan for disarming the People would be implemented. My response to such a plan would depend entirely on my general mood at the time, my overall social condition and, most importantly, what others are doing about it. So I think you could expect more specific responses to your rather important question if you present it in a more specific hypothetical form, such as how I might become aware of government's intention to disarm the People.

Any such effort would necessarily require as its initial stage the voluntary surrender of all civilian-owned firearms, such as was successfully implemented in Australia. If the American People's response to such a mandate was to solidly ignore it the plan would be defeated in that initial stage. But what percentage of the People would voluntarily comply?
Any reduction in firearms access would come as a result of We the People saying we have had enough........just like other countries have done
Do you have a mouse in your pocket..............
That because outsiders know Americans have guns.

They sure do....They read that 30,000 Americans get killed by guns every year. They read about our massacres every few weeks and wonder why we do nothing about it

Yeah, they hate gang bangers and suicides are messy.

What’s your point again?

30,000 die as a result of firearms.

They do not keep us safe

And exactly how many of those would be saved from a ban on AR style rifles?

They are rarely used in suicide and of those that do, the AR could easily replaced by one still legal

So the answer to the above is likely few or none.

A vast majority of gang related or drug related are handgun. In every case, again the AR would easily be replaced by a still legal weapon.

So the answer to those, few to none.

That leaves accidental shootings. And your odds of that?

1.55 per 327,000,000 on any given day.

And this is what keeps you up at night?

Excuse me if I chuckle at, what can only be discribed as, your incredible paranoia.

And since the AR style rifle is rarely involved in even accidental shootings, you need to answer, “what does the ban accomplish?”

Answer, nothing

And that’s why it won’t happen.

A ban on AR-15s is not the goal, it is merely the camels nose.

Correct. A ban ONLY on the AR accomplishes nothing. But lets face facts, a ban on guns altogether, would be the only way to stop all gun deaths in theory. But even that is reliant on criminals obeying the law, and suicidal individuals simply using other means. Anyone who things that criminals care, or that suicidal individuals only have a single option to end their life's are either dishonest about their goals or simply stupid.
Banning guns will not get rid of them, nor get them out of the hands of most people especially criminals. Remember prohibition? That just forced alcohol manufacture, distribution, and sale underground to criminal elements. Also people made their own, and guns are not very difficult to make illegally especially with current technology.
I think that may be true , so called GHOST guns that the libs cry about are being made as i type . Hobby machinists and gun makers are at probably at work somewhere in the USA I'd guess .
see England if you want to see what the gun banners want in the USA . Only ones that have guns in the USA are moneyed people , usually with land for hunting or farming . Guns on farms are ALLOWED to eradicate pests .
Correct. A ban ONLY on the AR accomplishes nothing. But lets face facts, a ban on guns altogether, would be the only way to stop all gun deaths in theory. But even that is reliant on criminals obeying the law, and suicidal individuals simply using other means. Anyone who things that criminals care, or that suicidal individuals only have a single option to end their life's are either dishonest about their goals or simply stupid.

Even a gun ban cannot work any better than bans on marijuana or prostitution.

If people want it badly enough they will get it, law or no law.
Its an out right lie that half the people who would call them self's Democrats or left leaning" want to take away your guns". a fair guess would be 10% or less. most
willing to look at, or want rules to cut down on deliberate murder. and the deaths caused by ignorant untrained gun owners that kill there own children with their ignorance.
Correct. A ban ONLY on the AR accomplishes nothing. But lets face facts, a ban on guns altogether, would be the only way to stop all gun deaths in theory. But even that is reliant on criminals obeying the law, and suicidal individuals simply using other means. Anyone who things that criminals care, or that suicidal individuals only have a single option to end their life's are either dishonest about their goals or simply stupid.

Even a gun ban cannot work any better than bans on marijuana or prostitution.

If people want it badly enough they will get it, law or no law.

Any criminal activity with a firearm is already banned ... :thup:
They aren't attempting to fight crime with a gun ban.

They are trying to limit what people can use to defend themselves ...
And using their absolute failure to prevent a crime to do so.


I laugh at you regularly, and I am prepared to continue laughing at you. You can have your little civil war if you want to, but you should pull your pants up to cover that butt crack first.

Which is why you will lose.

It's easy to read snarky scripts from leftist hate sites and post that hatred here. But when it gets real, you'll shrink and cower, by your own admission.

Many of us will die for the cause of liberty - many more of you will though.
Gun nuts are so paranoid

NRA makes millions exploiting it

There are 300 million guns out there, nobody will come along collecting them

Can't you Maoists keep your stories straight? Just a minute ago Kondor3 was demanding that you WILL take our guns and that we will hand them over without resistance.

You Communists just can't keep your lies straight, shitflinger.
Its an out right lie that half the people who would call them self's Democrats or left leaning" want to take away your guns". a fair guess would be 10% or less. most
willing to look at, or want rules to cut down on deliberate murder. and the deaths caused by ignorant untrained gun owners that kill there own children with their ignorance.

Of course they don't want to take our firearms away ... They would much rather we just give them up.
It doesn't matter what the opposition wants to look at as far as rules ... We aren't in negotiations over our rights.

Violate the Constitution and suffer for it ... Or go pound sand.

The Feinsteins and other Kalipornia Socialist Trash whom you clowns pretend are leading the charge for Gun Control, do not represent much of that base, even though you fools pretend that they represent the mainstream of your Opposites in that matter.

There is, indeed, a fairly sizable chunk of the Gun Control Advocacy crowd who stupidly advocate for a complete or near-complete ban.

Most of us, however, merely want uniform and consistent accountability of owners and dealers nationwide, as part of a multi-generational effort to dry-up the illicit firearms marketplace, in order to substantively reduce the intolerable level of gun violence in our beloved country.

Most of us are looking for substantive compromise that ends-up getting the job done while preserving the best of the past.

The Absolutists on the Gun Rights side of the fence, however, play this "Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile" game, while more dozens and hundreds of thousands of Americans continue to die, including an increasing Dead Pool of innocent school children.

The Absolutists are setting the stage for a severe over-reaction by their Opponents, once those Opponents regain political power.

Begin reconciling yourselves to change, now, while you still have the time.

Begin moving towards a Middle Ground on this issue, while you can still get 60 or 70 percent of what you want, before your recalcitrance kills another several hundred school kids, and infuriates the rest of America enough so that they arrange for you to have 10 or 20 percent of what you wanted, rather than what you could have preserved.

But, it is the Fate of Fools, while they still hold political power, to assume an arrogant and ignorant stance, until the bottom falls out.

And the bottom
ALWAYS falls out, in the context of political power...

Especially when the lying Imperial Cheeto continues to flirt with Impeachment and Conviction.

But... what the hell... I'm not a stake-holder with respect to guns...

Go ahead and stick to your present course... just don't blame us for laughing at your angst, later, when the inevitable happens.
RE: The thread title's question

I am prepared to do nothing.


I do not own a gun.
I do not know how to use one.
If I had a gun, and the government told me to turn it in, this coward would be the first person in line to do so.


I admire the OP for his courage.

If all the guns were confiscated from good people like him, today's crime rates would look like child's play compared with what crime would look life if the bad guys (and there are so many!) knew that the good guys and their families were just sitting ducks.

Many many countries have tight gun laws and they are safer
...Just a minute ago Kondor3 was demanding that you WILL take our guns and that we will hand them over without resistance...
Hor$e$hit, Princess... never said any such thing... never implied any such thing... never thought any such thing... never hoped for any such thing.

Zat rite Comrade?

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

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