What are you prepared to do?

Actually the 'difference' is that a car not... an 'Assault' Rifle
(So much difference that it a fake comparison at best)

Why, is death one way somehow more preferably than another?

Give me a shout when you’ve figured out how to get guns away from the gangs in this country along with the drug dealers.

It is the only way to have much of an effect on the homocide rate due to guns.

Anything else is pissing in the wind.
Talk to some of Trumps mates,considering they finance the Drug Trade...would be a start
you'll wish you HAD come to the negotiating table while there was still time.

But that's your choice... just remember it when you're out of power and at the mercy of your Opposition for the crafting and enforcement of law.

Myopic, arrogant, unimaginative dullards.

Mentioning "negotiating table" and being "at the mercy of your Opposition" and in the same breath calling the people on the other side of the negotiating table "Myopic, arrogant, unimaginative dullards."

Gee, I wonder how those negotiations will go.

OK. So let's play this out. Your side wins. We myopic, arrogant, unimaginative dullards won't give up our rights and the enlightened proletariat seizes control of the collective.

What's the next step? How far are you going to go to disarm the myopic, arrogant, unimaginative dullards?
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
What do you expect of gun control legislation? Consider that nothing NOTHING has been enacted except the non-renewal of the Asault Weapons Ban of the mid 1990s.

If you are this frightened, what does that do to the gun lover comeback of 'gun control is gunned up by emotion, not common sense'?

Every election cycle, the NRA runs fear filled ads claiming the Democrats are going to take your guns. Yet even when the Democrats held majority in 2008, no anti gun legislation was debated, let alone passed.
Gun nuts are so paranoid

NRA makes millions exploiting it

There are 300 million guns out there, nobody will come along collecting them

THere's one dem congressman that might. And several states that have TRIED it.

This Democratic congressman wants to take your guns away. At least he's honest

It’s time to institute a buyback program instead, he argues. And to “go after resisters" who refuse to sell their rifles back to Uncle Sam. But the arithmetic and the character of the country makes that proposal especially authoritarian.

Hillary: Australia-style gun control ‘worth looking at’

Would unique California program confiscate Devin Kelley's guns?
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?

I think registering would be a trigger point for me. The NICS program that the Dems love for background checks is ANONYMOUS after a time period expires. That's to ENCOURAGE compliance. Which law abiding gun owners have no problem with at all.

But RETAINING those records would be a problem tantamount to registration.. Your turn...
The door to door gun confiscation that the NRA cultists have told you to fear will never happen.

This is what it looks like when the govt has gun registration and decides to confiscate. Anything CLOSE to this type of threat would not succeed here in the USA..


This is your LAST CHANCE??? Hell no it is not.....
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I don't see your scenario playing out. If you are serious about survival number one need will be clean fresh water. Consider a product like this. When I hike in the Adirondacks I always carry it with me; along with a compass, knife, and paracord.
MINI Water Filtration System | Sawyer Products

All the guns and ammo in the world are worth nothing if you aren't alive to shoot them.
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The door to door gun confiscation that the NRA cultists have told you to fear will never happen.

This is what it looks like when the govt has gun registration and decides to confiscate. Anything CLOSE to this type of threat would not succeed here in the USA..


This is your LAST CHANCE??? Hell no it is not.....
Oh please, you pussies are so afraid you sleep with a weapon under your pillow just in case there's a monster under your bed and you want us to believe you're gonna stand up to the big bad government when they come aknockin?
The door to door gun confiscation that the NRA cultists have told you to fear will never happen.

This is what it looks like when the govt has gun registration and decides to confiscate. Anything CLOSE to this type of threat would not succeed here in the USA..


This is your LAST CHANCE??? Hell no it is not.....
Oh please, you pussies are so afraid you sleep with a weapon under your pillow just in case there's a monster under your bed and you want us to believe you're gonna stand up to the big bad government when they come aknockin?

Would be a very short confrontation with even 20 Million resisters in 50 states. Especially if the military starts making mistakes and blowing up innocent people. All I can say is --- it's not gonna happen here. Look at that ad from Australia.. You think that isn't an invitation to resist?
The door to door gun confiscation that the NRA cultists have told you to fear will never happen.

This is what it looks like when the govt has gun registration and decides to confiscate. Anything CLOSE to this type of threat would not succeed here in the USA..


This is your LAST CHANCE??? Hell no it is not.....
Oh please, you pussies are so afraid you sleep with a weapon under your pillow just in case there's a monster under your bed and you want us to believe you're gonna stand up to the big bad government when they come aknockin?

Would be a very short confrontation with even 20 Million resisters in 50 states. Especially if the military starts making mistakes and blowing up innocent people. All I can say is --- it's not gonna happen here. Look at that ad from Australia.. You think that isn't an invitation to resist?
Yeah.... Not gonna happen.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
Well, even though I don't own any firearms,
I would support sanctuary cities/towns for gun owners,
so they can break the law, openly, without any consequences!

Banning guns, of any kind, doesn't ban
evil, disturbed, unhinged, irrational or unstable people....
to blame guns, instead of individuals, is absurd!

Personally, I think this is just a way to remove
rapid firearms from as many people as possible,...
You have to suppress an uprising, before you can contain it

This 'house of cards' will collapse, no way around it.
They are and have been, literally, buying time,
thinking they can advert, what they can not prevent
which is only serving to speed up, the day of reckoning.

Many, many, people, will be rudely awakened,
and, the powers that be, forefront and background, know....
there will be hell to pay and frenzied people looking to collect.

Disarm, suppress, subdue, contain
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?

I think registering would be a trigger point for me. The NICS program that the Dems love for background checks is ANONYMOUS after a time period expires. That's to ENCOURAGE compliance. Which law abiding gun owners have no problem with at all.

But RETAINING those records would be a problem tantamount to registration.. Your turn...

You are concerned with registering your firearms? Why is that? As long as the law protects your right to own them, what harm does registering do? You think the government will take your guns if we know you have them?

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