What Are You Scared of White "Conservatives?"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So I see we have a thread here talking about the African slave traders. But you see, there is no trade if no one buys. There is no slavery in America if it is not made legal by whites.

America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made. Furthermore the choice to continue treating blacks as second class citizens after slavery completely removes African complocity.

"A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.

America became America that way. Fork by fork, step by step, option by option, America or, to be more precise, the men who spoke in the name of America decided that it was going to be a white place defined negatively by the bodies and the blood of the reds and the blacks. And that decision, which was made in the 1660s and elaborated over a two-hundred-year period, foreclosed certain possibilities in America -- perhaps forever -- and set off depth charges that are still echoing and re-echoing in the commonwealth. What makes this all the more mournful is that it didn't have to happen that way. There was another road -- but that road wasn't taken. In the beginning, as we have seen, there was no race problem in America. The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money. This was, as Kenneth Stampp so cogently observed, a deliberate choice among several alternatives. Slavery, he said, "cannot be attributed to some deadly atmospheric miasma or some irresistible force in the South's economic evolution. The use of slaves in southern agriculture was a deliberate choice (among several alternatives) made by men who sought greater returns than they could obtain from their own labor alone, and who found other types of labor " more expensive. ...

It didn't have to happen that way. Back there, before Jim Crow, before the invention of the Negro or the white man or the words and concepts to describe them, the Colonial population consisted largely of a great mass of white and black bondsmen, who occupied roughly the same economic category and were treated with equal contempt by the lords of the plantations and legislatures. Curiously unconcerned about their color, these people worked together and relaxed together. They had essentially the same interests, the same aspirations, arid the same grievances. They conspired together and waged a common struggle against their common enemy -- the big planter apparatus and a social system that legalized terror against black and white bondsmen. No one says and no one believes that there was a Garden of Eden in Colonial America. But the available evidence, slight though it is, suggests that there were widening bonds of solidarity between the first generation of blacks and whites. And the same evidence indicates that it proved very difficult indeed to teach white people to worship their skin.

All this began to change drastically in the sixth decade of the seventeenth century .The decade of the 1660s: this was the first great fork in the making of black America. For it was at this fork that certain men decided to ground the American economic system on human slavery. To understand that great fork, one must understand first the roads leading to it -- roads that were not taken."

Africans did not do this. Africans did not decide for white colonists that blacks would be slaves. But in the rush to try discrediting the 1619 project, the Wall Street Journal writes a story and every racist here wants to cosign it.

But the 1619 Project is about AMERICAN HISTORY, not Europe and so here we will start with Pt. 1

Black Africans did not have to enslave the less intelligent black Africans and force them into slavery......but they did.

Black African slave traders didn't have to sell their own people out to Europeans for money..........but they did.

Black African slave traders didn't have to offer their people up for cheap slave labor to the entire world..........but they DID.

Black African traders didn't have to work at selling the idea of slaves to the "new world"........but they did. They worked hard to sell the idea of slaves to American land owners. And they finally won.

Don't blame the rest of the world for something that was shoved down everyone's throats by the Black Africans that created, harvested, enslaved, and sold their own people for a dollar!!!
Black Africans did not have to enslave the less intelligent black Africans and force them into slavery......but they did.

Black African slave traders didn't have to sell their own people out to Europeans for money..........but they did.

Black African slave traders didn't have to offer their people up for cheap slave labor to the entire world..........but they DID.

Black African traders didn't have to work at selling the idea of slaves to the "new world"........but they did. They worked hard to sell the idea of slaves to American land owners. And they finally won.

Don't blame the rest of the world for something that was shoved down everyone's throats by the Black Africans that created, harvested, enslaved, and sold their own people for a dollar!!!
For all the time IM2 spends studying Black slavery how could he miss the PROMINENT ROLE Black Africans AND Muslims played in the African slave trade?
So I see we have a thread here talking about the African slave traders. But you see, there is no trade if no one buys. There is no slavery in America if it is not made legal by whites.

America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made. Furthermore the choice to continue treating blacks as second class citizens after slavery completely removes African complocity.

"A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.

America became America that way. Fork by fork, step by step, option by option, America or, to be more precise, the men who spoke in the name of America decided that it was going to be a white place defined negatively by the bodies and the blood of the reds and the blacks. And that decision, which was made in the 1660s and elaborated over a two-hundred-year period, foreclosed certain possibilities in America -- perhaps forever -- and set off depth charges that are still echoing and re-echoing in the commonwealth. What makes this all the more mournful is that it didn't have to happen that way. There was another road -- but that road wasn't taken. In the beginning, as we have seen, there was no race problem in America. The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money. This was, as Kenneth Stampp so cogently observed, a deliberate choice among several alternatives. Slavery, he said, "cannot be attributed to some deadly atmospheric miasma or some irresistible force in the South's economic evolution. The use of slaves in southern agriculture was a deliberate choice (among several alternatives) made by men who sought greater returns than they could obtain from their own labor alone, and who found other types of labor " more expensive. ...

It didn't have to happen that way. Back there, before Jim Crow, before the invention of the Negro or the white man or the words and concepts to describe them, the Colonial population consisted largely of a great mass of white and black bondsmen, who occupied roughly the same economic category and were treated with equal contempt by the lords of the plantations and legislatures. Curiously unconcerned about their color, these people worked together and relaxed together. They had essentially the same interests, the same aspirations, arid the same grievances. They conspired together and waged a common struggle against their common enemy -- the big planter apparatus and a social system that legalized terror against black and white bondsmen. No one says and no one believes that there was a Garden of Eden in Colonial America. But the available evidence, slight though it is, suggests that there were widening bonds of solidarity between the first generation of blacks and whites. And the same evidence indicates that it proved very difficult indeed to teach white people to worship their skin.

All this began to change drastically in the sixth decade of the seventeenth century .The decade of the 1660s: this was the first great fork in the making of black America. For it was at this fork that certain men decided to ground the American economic system on human slavery. To understand that great fork, one must understand first the roads leading to it -- roads that were not taken."

Africans did not do this. Africans did not decide for white colonists that blacks would be slaves. But in the rush to try discrediting the 1619 project, the Wall Street Journal writes a story and every racist here wants to cosign it.

But the 1619 Project is about AMERICAN HISTORY, not Europe and so here we will start with Pt. 1

So I see we have a thread here talking about the African slave traders. But you see, there is no trade if no one buys. There is no slavery in America if it is not made
legal by whites.

There is neither legal slave trade nor slaves in America because Americans (largely white) made it illegal. So what are you bitchen about?

America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made.
People from other nations (including African) did not have to enslave people or sell them. Where is your (pointless) blame for them?
I do not know or care if any of my ancestors were or owned slaves. I doubt that you do either. Ancient history. Why not join the present and end the ceaseless whining.
America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made.
It's OH SO EASY to judge the past through the lens of the present, isn't it? Slavery was the NORM back then. Human history is full of shitty things humans did to other humans. It's the 21st century for God's sakes.
The blacks themselves played as big a part in the slave trade as the white folk did - but that's swept under the carpet as it doesn't fit the self-loathing narrative.

What's wrong with everyone just agreeing that it was a terrible time in history, consign it to the past (where it belongs) and ensuring it never happens again (and then focus on modern slavery in other countries which is rife but no-one seems to want to talk about).

Black's, pro-black pressure groups and lefty white folk in America that clap on about repatriations for ancestors of the American slaves should stfu and accept it doesn't work that way. In fact, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves hundreds of years ago because if they weren't, they'd, this moment be out in Africa bushes having sex with monkey's, catching aids/ebola, drinking dirty water and putting folk from neighbouring villages in pots to eat for supper.
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The blacks themselves played as big a part in the slave trade as the white folk did - but that's sweeped under the carpet as it doesn't fit the self-loathing narrative.

What's wrong with everyone just agreeing that it was a terrible time in history, consign it to the past (where it belongs) and ensuring it never happens again (and then focus on modern slavery in other countries which is rife but no-one seems to want to talk about).

Black's, pro-black pressure groups and lefty white folk in America that clap on about repatriations for ancestors of the American slaves should stfu and accept it doesn't work that way. In fact, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves hundreds of years ago because if they weren't, they'd, this moment be out in Africa bushes having sex with monkey's, catching aids/ebola, drinking dirty water and putting folk from neighbouring villages in pots to eat for supper.
True - it's similar to the Europeans' arrival in North America. For the descendants of 19th century American Indians, the centuries ago European arrival is the best thing that could ever have happened. Living today with modern conveniences like computers , TV, cars & trucks, they would not be that way without the European arrival, and would still be bogged down in a prehistoric existence, without the wheel, solid wall buildings, indoor plumbing, modern heat & AC, etc.
So I see we have a thread here talking about the African slave traders. But you see, there is no trade if no one buys. There is no slavery in America if it is not made legal by whites.

America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made. Furthermore the choice to continue treating blacks as second class citizens after slavery completely removes African complocity.

"A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.

America became America that way. Fork by fork, step by step, option by option, America or, to be more precise, the men who spoke in the name of America decided that it was going to be a white place defined negatively by the bodies and the blood of the reds and the blacks. And that decision, which was made in the 1660s and elaborated over a two-hundred-year period, foreclosed certain possibilities in America -- perhaps forever -- and set off depth charges that are still echoing and re-echoing in the commonwealth. What makes this all the more mournful is that it didn't have to happen that way. There was another road -- but that road wasn't taken. In the beginning, as we have seen, there was no race problem in America. The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money. This was, as Kenneth Stampp so cogently observed, a deliberate choice among several alternatives. Slavery, he said, "cannot be attributed to some deadly atmospheric miasma or some irresistible force in the South's economic evolution. The use of slaves in southern agriculture was a deliberate choice (among several alternatives) made by men who sought greater returns than they could obtain from their own labor alone, and who found other types of labor " more expensive. ...

It didn't have to happen that way. Back there, before Jim Crow, before the invention of the Negro or the white man or the words and concepts to describe them, the Colonial population consisted largely of a great mass of white and black bondsmen, who occupied roughly the same economic category and were treated with equal contempt by the lords of the plantations and legislatures. Curiously unconcerned about their color, these people worked together and relaxed together. They had essentially the same interests, the same aspirations, arid the same grievances. They conspired together and waged a common struggle against their common enemy -- the big planter apparatus and a social system that legalized terror against black and white bondsmen. No one says and no one believes that there was a Garden of Eden in Colonial America. But the available evidence, slight though it is, suggests that there were widening bonds of solidarity between the first generation of blacks and whites. And the same evidence indicates that it proved very difficult indeed to teach white people to worship their skin.

All this began to change drastically in the sixth decade of the seventeenth century .The decade of the 1660s: this was the first great fork in the making of black America. For it was at this fork that certain men decided to ground the American economic system on human slavery. To understand that great fork, one must understand first the roads leading to it -- roads that were not taken."

Africans did not do this. Africans did not decide for white colonists that blacks would be slaves. But in the rush to try discrediting the 1619 project, the Wall Street Journal writes a story and every racist here wants to cosign it.

But the 1619 Project is about AMERICAN HISTORY, not Europe and so here we will start with Pt. 1

It is WHITES who are treated as "second class citizens", by way of Affirmative Action, and other examples of Black Privilege. You've got the right idea, you just have it with the wrong race. Nitwit.

What Are You Scared of White "Conservatives?"​

The same thing black conservatives are afraid of....YOU! commie race conscious freaks....
IM, You say that a lot. That whites are scared. Whites go about our business without one thought of being afraid. You want us to be afraid of you, but you don't even enter our thoughts throughout the day.
Tell that lie elswhere because this forum shows me a different story.
IM, You say that a lot. That whites are scared. Whites go about our business without one thought of being afraid. You want us to be afraid of you, but you don't even enter our thoughts throughout the day.
He and those like him seem to struggle with the math. 13 percent of any population is ill-fitted to win a war against the rest. Either that or he's delusional.

What Are You Scared of White "Conservatives?"​

The same thing black conservatives are afraid of....YOU! commie race conscious freaks....
Delusional race conscious lying whites like you are a joke.
So I see we have a thread here talking about the African slave traders. But you see, there is no trade if no one buys. There is no slavery in America if it is not made legal by whites.

America did not have to have slavery. Whites here chose to. By making that choice, you cannot now try blaming Africans for the choice your ancestors made. Furthermore the choice to continue treating blacks as second class citizens after slavery completely removes African complocity.

"A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.

America became America that way. Fork by fork, step by step, option by option, America or, to be more precise, the men who spoke in the name of America decided that it was going to be a white place defined negatively by the bodies and the blood of the reds and the blacks. And that decision, which was made in the 1660s and elaborated over a two-hundred-year period, foreclosed certain possibilities in America -- perhaps forever -- and set off depth charges that are still echoing and re-echoing in the commonwealth. What makes this all the more mournful is that it didn't have to happen that way. There was another road -- but that road wasn't taken. In the beginning, as we have seen, there was no race problem in America. The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money. This was, as Kenneth Stampp so cogently observed, a deliberate choice among several alternatives. Slavery, he said, "cannot be attributed to some deadly atmospheric miasma or some irresistible force in the South's economic evolution. The use of slaves in southern agriculture was a deliberate choice (among several alternatives) made by men who sought greater returns than they could obtain from their own labor alone, and who found other types of labor " more expensive. ...

It didn't have to happen that way. Back there, before Jim Crow, before the invention of the Negro or the white man or the words and concepts to describe them, the Colonial population consisted largely of a great mass of white and black bondsmen, who occupied roughly the same economic category and were treated with equal contempt by the lords of the plantations and legislatures. Curiously unconcerned about their color, these people worked together and relaxed together. They had essentially the same interests, the same aspirations, arid the same grievances. They conspired together and waged a common struggle against their common enemy -- the big planter apparatus and a social system that legalized terror against black and white bondsmen. No one says and no one believes that there was a Garden of Eden in Colonial America. But the available evidence, slight though it is, suggests that there were widening bonds of solidarity between the first generation of blacks and whites. And the same evidence indicates that it proved very difficult indeed to teach white people to worship their skin.

All this began to change drastically in the sixth decade of the seventeenth century .The decade of the 1660s: this was the first great fork in the making of black America. For it was at this fork that certain men decided to ground the American economic system on human slavery. To understand that great fork, one must understand first the roads leading to it -- roads that were not taken."

Africans did not do this. Africans did not decide for white colonists that blacks would be slaves. But in the rush to try discrediting the 1619 project, the Wall Street Journal writes a story and every racist here wants to cosign it.

But the 1619 Project is about AMERICAN HISTORY, not Europe and so here we will start with Pt. 1

40ish percent of the dlave owners were black.

Whatcha gonna do 'bout dat, Willis?

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