What arms do we need to take the government back?

I might be out of line here answering the OP ... but ...

I think 300 million guns of any kind is more than enough to overwhelm the United States military ... hell, 300 million baseball bats should do the trick as well ... once the military is destroyed then it would be pretty easy to annihilate the rest of government ... that whole "domestic tranquility" thingie is over-rated ...
We might save a few bruises if we hold the bat in one hand, and hold a metal garbage can lid in the other. I saw Ukraine footage like this a few years back...
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works
ok...when have we had a tyrannical govt?....
The opening post specifies a hypothetical event. What arms do you think we would need for the hypothetical event? Remember, the opening post also specifies temporarily stepping away from subjective ideology long enough to provide an objective answer..

if your O.P. is serious, no amount of guns in private hands will defeat the strongest military in the history of mankind
who is to say that that military would side with the dictator?....they may not....or an even split...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years

And to have all those rights we need:

- Right to bear arms.

We have never needed arms to protect our freedoms and our vote

as our population gets further a part...like they say...there is always a first time....
'What arms do we need to take the government back?'


A strong, moral, ethical, Constitution/Rule of Law-defending, 'Equal Justice' enforcing US AG and his team willing to courageously step forward and hold elitist politicians who have elevated themselves above the laws they impose on others accountable for breaking them.

If Durham and Barr, for example, would indict and convict Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, & Clinesmith ...and correctly point out that the previous administration allowed Hillary to get away with a vast amount of criminal counts / crimes (if not arrest her) it would do the nation a world of good.
- It would hold those who have committed already-proven crimes accountable
- It would send a message to everyone to follow in the future that such criminal activity will not be tolerated at any level
- It would help re-build America's faith in a judicial system based on 'Equal Justice', something that has not been the case for decades as elitists / career politicians have elevated themselves above the law.
You would see 70% of the military special forces join the republican side, all the gun manufacturing is operated by republicans. Just sheer intimidation factor of republicans coming for the beta democrats with be enough arms for them to fold like paper chair

Interesting what will happen in Virginia... come for the guns, run for the bullets?

Yeah, sure seems that guns work like nothing else to protect your rights.
I think history is going to repeat itself, Boston revolution, arms fight in Virginia, can’t wait to get it on
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
The Congress critters have spent 200 years passing layer upon layer of legislative shackles on their constituents in order to prevent the non-elite from having a truly representative nation.

Who can know 2,000 pages of legislative garbage in order to reverse it?
Take back the government? Are you talking about a coup, insurrection or invasion? You can't take back a government. You can dissolve it and create a new one. Sounds like treasonous behavior to me from Republicans. What exactly will you do when it is taken over? So your fearless leader Trump would know what to do. The end result would be a dictatorship. We know he is an expert on money but, doesn't know a damn thing about running a country. What will we have an aristocracy after this takeover or something else? A Hateration?
The right's propensity for violence and civil war is both disturbing and wrong.

And yet it was the Left's love of human slavery that caused it. And to this day, most of the organized civil violence still comes from the Left!



Just imagine that there were an 'arm', a means, of entirely replacing over half Congress and the entire House of Representatives every, say, two years? Given that all federal government expenditures originate there, that would be real power.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The exact same technological equivalency that the founding generation had. There is little need to describe the type when it is sufficient to say that we should have the same state of the art weapons that the government has.

After all, that is what we had in the founding generation.
Take back the government? Are you talking about a coup, insurrection or invasion? You can't take back a government. You can dissolve it and create a new one. Sounds like treasonous behavior to me from Republicans. What exactly will you do when it is taken over? So your fearless leader Trump would know what to do. The end result would be a dictatorship. We know he is an expert on money but, doesn't know a damn thing about running a country. What will we have an aristocracy after this takeover or something else? A Hateration?
If you were trying to post something that demonstrates that you read and understand the opening post, you failed. Step away from the subjective agenda for just a moment.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works

Rightwinger wants a left wing tyrannical government and he honestly tells us what works to get to his goal.

All the tyrant dictators got rid of guns as their first move. With guns there is no tyranny.

We have the best Government in the world today

The idea that anyone would need arms to overthrow it is insulting to loyal Americans
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works

Rightwinger wants a left wing tyrannical government and he honestly tells us what works to get to his goal.

All the tyrant dictators got rid of guns as their first move. With guns there is no tyranny.

We have the best Government in the world today

The idea that anyone would need arms to overthrow it is insulting to loyal Americans

Wait... you just admitted... under Trump we have the best government?

Yet you can't whining about it constantly. We will take the guns thanks.

There is nothing insulting at all preparing for the worst. That's just sanity, save your virtue signaling for the liberal message board.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The exact same technological equivalency that the founding generation had. There is little need to describe the type when it is sufficient to say that we should have the same state of the art weapons that the government has.

After all, that is what we had in the founding generation.
Let me explain something to you

Gun nuts could have the exact same weapons as our armed forces and they would still have their asses handed to them

Our command structure, training and tactics are just that good
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works

Rightwinger wants a left wing tyrannical government and he honestly tells us what works to get to his goal.

All the tyrant dictators got rid of guns as their first move. With guns there is no tyranny.

We have the best Government in the world today

The idea that anyone would need arms to overthrow it is insulting to loyal Americans

Wait... you just admitted... under Trump we have the best government?

Yet you can't whining about it constantly. We will take the guns thanks.


Notice how those who are dissatisfied with his actions as President didn’t resort to guns......they used Constitutional Impeachment
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The exact same technological equivalency that the founding generation had. There is little need to describe the type when it is sufficient to say that we should have the same state of the art weapons that the government has.

After all, that is what we had in the founding generation.
Let me explain something to you

Gun nuts could have the exact same weapons as our armed forces and they would still have their asses handed to them

Our command structure, training and tactics are just that good
Let me explain something to you, again.

The military will not actively work to overthrow the people. They are loyal to the Constitution and the Constitution places the power in our hands.
You would see 70% of the military special forces join the republican side, all the gun manufacturing is operated by republicans. Just sheer intimidation factor of republicans coming for the beta democrats with be enough arms for them to fold like paper chair
It is Republicans running today’s Government
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The exact same technological equivalency that the founding generation had. There is little need to describe the type when it is sufficient to say that we should have the same state of the art weapons that the government has.

After all, that is what we had in the founding generation.
Let me explain something to you

Gun nuts could have the exact same weapons as our armed forces and they would still have their asses handed to them

Our command structure, training and tactics are just that good
Let me explain something to you, again.

The military will not actively work to overthrow the people. They are loyal to the Constitution and the Constitution places the power in our hands.

Let me explain something to you. You take up arms against our constitutionally elected government ....YOU are the bad guys
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works

Rightwinger wants a left wing tyrannical government and he honestly tells us what works to get to his goal.

All the tyrant dictators got rid of guns as their first move. With guns there is no tyranny.

We have the best Government in the world today

The idea that anyone would need arms to overthrow it is insulting to loyal Americans

Wait... you just admitted... under Trump we have the best government?

Yet you can't whining about it constantly. We will take the guns thanks.


Notice how those who are dissatisfied with his actions as President didn’t resort to guns......they used Constitutional Impeachment

Yeah because a coup is SOOO much more civilized.

First of all it's not true they did not use guns. There was at least one whacko who tried to use guns. But the problem is that they do not have nor can they use guns. Furthermore, they are not the people of the nation, who in fact voted in Trump. Once Texas turns blue they will possibly want to use guns and will be able to do so effectively.

Once people no longer have representation in a democracy, in their own country. That's what guns are for. Virginia is what guns are for.

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