What beliefs define a 21st Century American conservative?

That still doesn't imply that a treaty outweighs the Constitution.

Treaties are the law of the land according to the constitution, you figure it out. Don't forget that courts think Congress have the power to regulate what people grow in their gardens.

Treaties are approved by the Senate. And like any other act of the Senate, or COngress, are subject to judicial review.
Courts do not believe that Congress can regulate what people grow in their gardens. It can regulate that people do not engage in producing illegal narcotics.

What makes you think I was talking about marijuana? .

Wickard v. Filburn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, those were blocked by Pubs' fear mongering and BS, obviously. Gitmo IS only 1/3 the size, and the wiretaps are harder to get.

Blocked by Republicans when the Democrats had 60 votes in the Senate and enough votes in the House to pass anything they wanted? How about this headline from the lefty rag HuffPo?

Democrats Pull Funding For Guantanamo Closure

Want to try again? Should i put you into the same category as rdean and TM?

I already do, but if you admit you are wrong I will move you to actual human instead of idiotic spambot.

Dems have blue dogs who wouldn't go for that stuff. YOUR point that Obama is Bush III IS ridiculous.

No, he actually makes Bush look like a honest man, which is incredibly hard.

As for him being Bush/Clinton 4, he still uses the Bush doctrine in foreign policy, followed the Bush timeline for withdrawal from Iraq down to the date of withdrawal, extended the PATRIOT ACT, expanded drone attacks and has used them in more countries than Bush, actually signed a death order on an American citizen without consulting the courts, linked homosexuality to pedophiles in court filings (which Bush did not do), has issued signing statements stating he intends to ignore laws he does not like, and openly stated he has the power to detain everyone at Gitmo even if the courts order their release.

I can go on for a really long tiome here, just admit you have no idea what you are talking about before I make you look dumber than Joe Biden.
Yup, ACTUALLY got out of Iraq, LIMITED the Patriot Act, and unlike Boooosh hasn't lied once.

And the rest is Rush/Beck/Pubcrappe.
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What do they believe in and why are they so quick to attack other self described conservatives as RINO's?

Postscript: Upon reflection this thread limits conservative to the Republican Party; I know many self defined conservatives see themselves as Independents or Libertarian, so let the question be: What do 21st Century conservaitves believe (and skip the snarky second phrase).

The true 21st Century American Conservative--this is a different breed from conservatives in most other countries--allows a wide diversity of thought, belief, and conceptualization. But in a nutshell, he or she:

1. Believes that our rights come from God, are unalienable, and must be inviolate. No person's rights extend to the point that another's rights are violated.

2. Believes that the role of the federal government is to provide the common defense, promote the general welfare, meaning everybody's welfare rather than any individual or group, and secure the rights of the people so that each is free to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as he or she sees fit. The federal government should be no larger or stronger than is necessary to accomplish that. All other matters should be left to the states, local communities, and individuals to do.

3. Believes in the ability and propensity of a free people to solve its problems and work toward a better society and world. But as the Founders believed, American conservatives also believe that a moral society operating within a rule of law is the only society that will accomplish that and therefore it is important to protect our uniquely American borders. language, and culture.
Cleaning up Bush's messes and moving slowly and getting reelected is NOT Bush III. And the major policies of Health Care and financial regulation are nothing like.The ship IS turning around from the catastrophic course/Banana Republic one it was on....The nonrich will be making a comeback.
Explain the NDAA. Failing that, explain why you left out the fact that treaties are aloso a part of US law, and it is actually possible for a treaty to totally disregard the Constitution, and even contradict it, and that laws based on that treaty will be accepted by the courts.

Wrong. That's a famous myth. No valid treaty can violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court would strike down any such treaty.

If only it were that simple.

Missouri v Holland

Acts of Congress are the supreme law of the land only when made in pursuance of the Constitution, while treaties are declared to be so when made under the authority of the United States. It is open to question whether the authority of the United States means more than the formal acts prescribed to make the convention. [W]e do not mean to imply that there are no qualifications to the treaty-making power . . .

That is sooooooo weeeeeaaaak!
That still doesn't imply that a treaty outweighs the Constitution.

Treaties are the law of the land according to the constitution, you figure it out. Don't forget that courts think Congress have the power to regulate what people grow in their gardens.

They are "the law of the land" only in the same sense that every other act of Congress is the law of the land, which means they are subject to judicial review.
What do they believe in and why are they so quick to attack other self described conservatives as RINO's?

Postscript: Upon reflection this thread limits conservative to the Republican Party; I know many self defined conservatives see themselves as Independents or Libertarian, so let the question be: What do 21st Century conservaitves believe (and skip the snarky second phrase).

Anti women's rights

Anti gay rights

Anti healthcare

Anti government

Pro gun
That still doesn't imply that a treaty outweighs the Constitution.

Treaties are the law of the land according to the constitution, you figure it out. Don't forget that courts think Congress have the power to regulate what people grow in their gardens.

They are "the law of the land" only in the same sense that every other act of Congress is the law of the land, which means they are subject to judicial review.

No, they are the law of the land in the sense that the constitution is the law of the land.
They are "the law of the land" only in the same sense that every other act of Congress is the law of the land, which means they are subject to judicial review.

No, they are the law of the land in the sense that the constitution is the law of the land.


Actually, I am right. The courts have the power to review the laws Congress enacts to implememnt the treaty, but they cannot order either branch to unsign the treaty.
What beliefs define a 21st Century American conservative?

Right now, I would say anger. There seems to be a lot of unhappy campers around here.

Are you saying that occupiers are conservatives? \

FYI, anger is not a belief, it is an emotion.

I don't know that the occupiers had one philosophy over another politically.

As for anger being an emotion.....
I think their "emotion" then has become a way of life. Rabbi is talking about the problem we'll have with "old fags" due to the healthcare bill. This is the face of 21st century conservatism....almost borderline pure hatred. :cool:
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Well, those were blocked by Pubs' fear mongering and BS, obviously. Gitmo IS only 1/3 the size, and the wiretaps are harder to get.
Nice equivocation - but doesnt change the fact that The Obama has continues/expanded these things.

By His standards and yours, The Obama must be a worse President than GWB.

Nope- limited 2 and totally blocked on the third.
You keep telling yourself that.
Meanwhile, reflect on the fact that you have to lie to yourself to keep from reaching the conclusion that, in His own terms, The Obama is a worse President than GWB.
What a thread, huh folks?!

Fortunately for all you nutters, we liberals are as concerned for your well being as we
are for our own. If that were to change, you would not stand a chance in hell.
From an Independent perspective, the Democrats are looking like the adults right now. And no, I can't believe I just wrote that. I'm going to take an aspirin when I'm done here.

The GOP is so controlled by the absolutists in the party that they're looking like either wide-eyed loons (Paul), weather vane flip-floppers (Romney, Gingrich) or hardcore Catholic school nuns (Bachmann, Santorum). What a freak show. I'm thinking the reason people like Daniels, Christie and Bush are staying away is that they simply don't want to be associated with these people. Who can blame them.

Meanwhile, the Democrats appear (and let's remember that image is pretty much everything in politics) to be the ones trying to compromise. And how can you compromise with a party that's acting like the freakin' Tasmanian Devil?

Pelosi, Reed, Schumer, the adults in the room. Where's that aspirin?

From an Independent perspective, the Democrats are looking like the adults right now. And no, I can't believe I just wrote that. I'm going to take an aspirin when I'm done here.

The GOP is so controlled by the absolutists in the party that they're looking like either wide-eyed loons (Paul), weather vane flip-floppers (Romney, Gingrich) or hardcore Catholic school nuns (Bachmann, Santorum). What a freak show. I'm thinking the reason people like Daniels, Christie and Bush are staying away is that they simply don't want to be associated with these people. Who can blame them.

Meanwhile, the Democrats appear (and let's remember that image is pretty much everything in politics) to be the ones trying to compromise. And how can you compromise with a party that's acting like the freakin' Tasmanian Devil?

Pelosi, Reed, Schumer, the adults in the room. Where's that aspirin?


You ever think about posting facts?
ABsolutists. Pshaw. Thhat's what the lily-livered called conservatives.
The Democrats are the adults. Yeah. THey failed to pass a budget for how many months now? They failed to deal with the deficit how often? Remember the commission that Obama handpicked and then disregarded their recommendations? How many bills to deal with all this has Reid scuttled in the Senate? Yeah, he's an adult all right.
Daniels didnt run because he didnt want to expose his wife to the media hostility.
Christie didnt run because he isn't a Republican outside of NJ
Bush didnt run because, well you can figure that one out on your own.
Social Security works. It is not a scam or a ponzi scheme, it simply works. Not everyone has a defined benefit retirement or a 401 k, not everyone earns enough to save for retirement and even those who do and did got fucked when the stock market nearly crashed and some financial institutions too big to fail failed. It is a safety net and prevents senior citizens from living in abject poverty.

You understand if people didn't have to pay the taxes required for social security that they'd have more money right? You also understand that if americans were given a tax cut from social security being done away with, and then put those savings into a low interest earning account, that once they were seniors they'd have much more money than they get through social security, right?

No, I don't understand that. Maybe I'm cynical or your naive but if such were the case predatory capitalists (think Bernard Madoff) would leave many citizens with nothing. SS lasts for ever; explain to me how much money one would need to save for the two or more decades most will life past their retirement date?

SS is guaranteed; as we saw in October 2008 that ain't so with the financial services industry.

Lol it's you're naive hunny bunny. If you're going to attack someone's mental capacity be able to use the proper words, like any 3rd grade elementary student would be expected to.

But no it would be you that's naive. Bernie Madoff doesn't control the tax rate, your government heroes do. Less taxes and less government spending=more money in your pocket=more money you can save, and even the worst, biggest rip off of savings account will give you more than social security does.

The ONLY argument the lovers of social security can use is that government is better with your money than you are, which is as pathetic as it gets.

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