what could be done to unite this country and end the partisan bs?

The democrats compromise too much with the republicans.....Oh, to laugh!! :rofl:

You have a short memory. Every time the emergency supplemental came up for debate, the Dems ultimately caved when Bush would refuse to sign the bill with timetables. They caved on FISA rules concerning telecom snooping. They caved on the drug bill when the pubs refused to let it pass requiring price negotiation. Republicans had their Ace in the Hole--George W. Bush--who would threaten veto if he didn't get what he wanted. The Democrats knew that, so ultimately slunk back to their respective corners. No "compromise" necessary.
Probably because the Shrub was giving them everything they wanted to begin with, and were just making a show of it for their kook base.

Of course, they were all for the Big Brother surveillance crap when Bubba and Reno were proposing them, and they knew it.
The democrats compromise too much with the republicans.....Oh, to laugh!! :rofl:

You have a short memory. Every time the emergency supplemental came up for debate, the Dems ultimately caved when Bush would refuse to sign the bill with timetables. They caved on FISA rules concerning telecom snooping. They caved on the drug bill when the pubs refused to let it pass requiring price negotiation. Republicans had their Ace in the Hole--George W. Bush--who would threaten veto if he didn't get what he wanted. The Democrats knew that, so ultimately slunk back to their respective corners. No "compromise" necessary.

they were yellow bellies....cowards...had no backbone to stand for their constituents....

now here is the 64,000 dollar question....

Have they CHANGED? or are they still just the same?

for the country to unite normal people need to speak out and show anger at politicians and pundits who twist what is said by the other side, and we must refute the ridiculous namecalling that is tossed about regarding the other side. how can i unite with people who label those with my particular political beliefs as evil, unamerican, etc, etc? as long as one side or the other is continuosly being labelled as evil, for example , as long as every single thing the president does is criticized, such as using mustard on a sandwich or checking out a girls ass is blown up to ridiculous levels there will always be a feeling of need to get revenge on the other side, and yes it was done to bush, and yes it was done to clinton before that, etc, etc.

Quite right. All the problems America and the world is facing wouldn't seem nearly so insurmountable if people didn't behave like assholes to each other every time there is a political or religious disagreement.

- Let's for a second suspend our disbelief and imagine that the other guy is well educated and has the best interests of the country at heart, even if he has a different way of going about it than we do.
- Now, let's focus on where we agree.
- Now let's have a rational discussion of our differences to see which of them can be resolved.
- Any differences that are left after that should form the basis of our respective manifestos and then the electorate can choose between 2 parties that have broad agreement in many areas but some differences that, while setting them apart, do not set them at each other's throats.


Clearly I've been smoking the drapes this morning.

What I'd like to see are more panel discussions like you see on C-Span in the evenings and weekends. On a variety of issues, experts debate both sides in clean and civil discourse, understable by the average lay person. You will never see that on blogs and message boards because emotions get in the way of common sense discourse. Whoever suggested getting rid of punditry is on the right track, but I don't see that happening either. But I would like to see cable news channels offering more rational discussion. A long time ago, there were excellent point-counterpoint political discussions, like the televised debates between William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal. You could come away from those agreeing with many points both of them made. If all I ever watched was MSNBC, I would be an unbending liberal. If all I ever watched was FOX, I would be an unbending conservative.
Government isn't the real problem, government is merely the tool of the problem, folks.

Nuking K street might be a good start to solving this nation's problem.
Damn...Great first sentence, only screwed over by the second.

Free speech is only the tool...If politicians weren't selling what they really shouldn't be, the K Streeters wouldn't be trying to buy it.

The K Streeters are only representing their clients, usually corporations with a profit interest only.
Bones, Obama is not a true leader, he is a talker, he is a pitch man! .........Sham Wow!

However, your question of uniting is a good one and it may very well be up to the average Joe to make it happen, I can't see either side in Washington doing it, they have never truly tried in the past and I don't hold much hope for the future.

Both major parties are to blame and both want to divide. They have to divide the flock to win their prize!

People sitting in the house and senate for 20 - 30 years? Judges who are not voted on by the people, enlisted for life? Too damn many social issues involved in the basic governing of the nation!

More than a good house cleaning is in order,

and pull up the carpets when they leave to make sure there is no trace of those basTURDS anywhere....
for the country to unite normal people need to speak out and show anger at politicians and pundits who twist what is said by the other side, and we must refute the ridiculous name calling that is tossed about regarding the other side. how can i unite with people who label those with my particular political beliefs as evil, unamerican, etc, etc? as long as one side or the other is continuously being labelled as evil, for example , as long as every single thing the president does is criticized, such as using mustard on a sandwich or checking out a girls ass is blown up to ridiculous levels there will always be a feeling of need to get revenge on the other side, and yes it was done to bush, and yes it was done to clinton before that, etc, etc.

you can blame our wonderful media for that....and the citizens of this country who clamer for more of this type of shit....
get rid of political parties and have everyone finance their own campaigns.

No more "soft money" no more voting party over person

Actually, I disagree, then only the wealthy will be in office and that was not the intention of our founding fathers. How about we have one fund for campaigning and it gets divided equally amongst the candidates? And of course, we need term limits for those in office as they get all that free publicity.

Then again, we could go with my original idea, which is to draft people into office. Imagine, a government once again of, by and for the people.

a campaign fund divided evenly or everyone just gets 25 mill and thats it....
People always seem to be for or against something and that's something I'm clearly against.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtMV44yoXZ0]YouTube - I'm against it!.wmv[/ame]

Groucho could also run the country now, listen to the lyrics, notice they resemble things that people are trying to do today.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z44bIMR7eAc]YouTube - Pop Goes the Weasel - Groucho Marx[/ame]

what could be done to unite this country and end the partisan bs?

Turn off the cable news and AM radio.

Emma endorses liberal group think and a purist liberal dogma!

All those with dissenting opinions, report to the re-education camps!

Seriously. This is why I say question the premise -- the premise of this thread.

Who says we should "unite" behind the idiot notions of the loopey lefties? What's wrong with being partisan if partisan means that some of us stand opposed to the idiocy being perpetrated against all of us and our posterity, today, by the President, the libbie-Democrat Parody controlled Congress and their ideological fellow travelers?

Exactly. I'm so glad our votes at least stand for something these days instead of just voting for whatever line a moderate trembled to give before doing the opposite.
It say's "obama sucks," but that's not all. It's a pretty good all around rant...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjsSPWUtAn8]YouTube - Obama Sucks...[/ame]
Pale Rider, excellent points, but you really should switch to decaf :eusa_angel:

and nooooooooo, communism would not be better ;)

but I agree with what he's trying to say, would be nice

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