What crime did Trump commit? I need a citation to a federal or state statute

Think about the significance of what I said earlier.

Jared Kushner changed his security clearance form answers when he found out the news about his collusion meeting was about to break.

Think about that for a moment.

That means Kushner knew he had lied on the clearance form. By rushing to change his answers, he was admitting he knew he had lied and was about to get caught.

Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.

How about CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 110.20.

A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with any Federal, State or Local Election. No (U.S.) person shall knowingly solicit, accept or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section - CFR 110.20

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510)..
Hillary Clinton has broken this law numerous times, collecting money from scores of foreign countries, including Russia.

But I'll bite. Where is your proof that Trump received any money from a foreign country?

The statute includes the intent to solicit, you did read that.

Then you go back to Hillary....of course. You wanted a specific law I gave CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 110.20.

Dance fool dance....you losing.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.

How long did the Bill Clinton investigations last - before he was finally nailed on blowjobs?
Forever. He never was. If you read a real history book, ie, one not written in crayon, you will discover that he lied under oath and filed false affidavits, something severely frowned upon in the legal system and something, being a lawyer, he knew not to do.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.

You don't need shit - until Robert Mueller decides you have a right to know. Insider experts are suggesting the investigations may take years.
Then you admit it's a witch hunt.

Watergate took two years to investigate.

RW idiots want proof so they can carp about fake evidence ... if they want proof they should hold their breath until the investigations are over ...

I see a bunch of LW idiots not being very concerned about proof before they spout off about prison time, cats and dogs living together, etc.
18 U.S. Code § 1001 - Statements or entries generally

(a)Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2)makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3)makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.
(b)Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.
(c)With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—
(1)administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or
(2)any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.

We are done here.

So there'll be charges any day now right?
If not, I fear for the sanity of the LW nut jobs.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.

If we go by Juniors emails, probably the constitution .
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That kind of thing makes trump's popularity numbers go up with the "christian" Right.

true....those "christian" simply love multiple marriages, pussy grabbing and outright fraud.....................those things must be in the 11th-13th Commandments....
The OP asked for a Specific Statute, Federal or Local that was broken. I provided CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 110.20.

And of course he did what ever dead from the neck Con would do.....but look at Hillary.....Hillary.....Hillary.

News Flash Cons, Hillary Clinton is not in office, she is a private citizen. She is not in the White House, the lying, lowlife, Draft Dodging Fascist GroppenFuhrer is.

The absolute irony of this whole thing is amazing. Investigation.....After Investigation.....After Investigation into Hillary Clinton's "Damn Emails", and with shit to show for it, now it is Baby Don's own Emails that offer up not only the "Smoking Gun" on Russian Collusion into the November General Election, it shows that An American National, in direct and willful Violation of CFR 110.20, accepting "A Thing of Value" (possible detrimental information on Hillary Clinton), the email is the spent cartridge casing ejected from the smoking breech of that the damn fucking Smoking Gun.

It is also against CFR 110.20 for a Foreign National to directly or indirectly to contribution or donation of money or thing of value to a Political Party, including a National Party Committee or National Campaign Committee.

And what does the OP do.....He screams Hillary.....right on cue he screams Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a private citizen. 45 is in the Oval Office and his claim to that office is not in anyway, shape and/or form legitimate. 15-U.S. Security and Intelligence Agencies have stated for the record that Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election.

Rather scream about a Woman who is NOT IN THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE, he should be demanding answers as to why the Fascist in the Oval Office accepts the outright Russian Interference in our Electoral Process.


You Cons cannot have it both ways, either it is Fake News and therefore not a threat, or 45 and his Cabal knowingly and willingly violated Federal Law to Collude with Russia to effect the outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election.
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We already know that Trump committed the crime of "obstruction of justice". Now, we're waiting on the big stuff.
Explain how Trump committed this crime. Provide links.

He admitted to the Russians he fired Mr. Comey in order to derail the F.B.I. Investigation into Russian Collusion....you do know that right? I mean you did know that right......or are you going to start screaming Hillary again?
We already know that Trump committed the crime of "obstruction of justice". Now, we're waiting on the big stuff.
Explain how Trump committed this crime. Provide links.

He admitted to the Russians he fired Mr. Comey in order to derail the F.B.I. Investigation into Russian Collusion....you do know that right? I mean you did know that right......or are you going to start screaming Hillary again?
This guy is on an obsessive campaign to support the trump cult talking point that no crime has been committed. He has posted multiple threads over and over on the same basic topic and WH talking point. Each time the thread gets knocked down he begins a new one. No amount of links and evidence will deter him. He is a dedicated cult follower and willing dupe.

The talking point from the WH and trump cult is that the Russian investigations are witch hunts and there is no real evidence of interference, collusion, or conspiracy by a foreign government with connections to USA campaign officials to influence the Presidential election. Hence, the constant posting of threads like this one.
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He committed the crime of winning an election that was rigged against him and the cheaters, being cheaters, think they were "out cheated" and have engaged in resentful feelings driven retaliation
The OP asked for a Specific Statute, Federal or Local that was broken. I provided CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 110.20.

And of course he did what ever dead from the neck Con would do.....but look at Hillary.....Hillary.....Hillary.

News Flash Cons, Hillary Clinton is not in office, she is a private citizen. She is not in the White House, the lying, lowlife, Draft Dodging Fascist GroppenFuhrer is.

The absolute irony of this whole thing is amazing. Investigation.....After Investigation.....After Investigation into Hillary Clinton's "Damn Emails", and with shit to show for it, now it is Baby Don's own Emails that offer up not only the "Smoking Gun" on Russian Collusion into the November General Election, it shows that An American National, in direct and willful Violation of CFR 110.20, accepting "A Thing of Value" (possible detrimental information on Hillary Clinton), the email is the spent cartridge casing ejected from the smoking breech of that the damn fucking Smoking Gun.

It is also against CFR 110.20 for a Foreign National to directly or indirectly to contribution or donation of money or thing of value to a Political Party, including a National Party Committee or National Campaign Committee.

And what does the OP do.....He screams Hillary.....right on cue he screams Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a private citizen. 45 is in the Oval Office and his claim to that office is not in anyway, shape and/or form legitimate. 15-U.S. Security and Intelligence Agencies have stated for the record that Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election.

Rather scream about a Woman who is NOT IN THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE, he should be demanding answers as to why the Fascist in the Oval Office accepts the outright Russian Interference in our Electoral Process.


You Cons cannot have it both ways, either it is Fake News and therefore not a threat, or 45 and his Cabal knowingly and willingly violated Federal Law to Collude with Russia to effect the outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election.
Every moron knows that when the Washington vultures think they have something on you, you get a lawyer whether you're innocent or guilty.
He committed the crime of winning an election that was rigged against him and the cheaters, being cheaters, think they were "out cheated" and have engaged in resentful feelings driven retaliation

The Lying Lowlife Fascist Draft Dodger won an election with the Covert Support and Collusion with a Known Hostile Foreign Power. 15-U.S. Intelligence and Security Agencies have gone on record regarding Russian involvement in the November General Election. You can deny that Facts, you can scream "Fake News" about the facts, but that does not in anyway, shape and/or form change the facts and the facts are Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election.
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Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
And....seven months since.....?

You should tell us. This is yalls wet dream.

Whereas you would fuck up a wet dream

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