What did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?



I'm curious, what did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

Did they know about the Shiite/Sunni fighting for over a thousand years?

What did they think would happen to the Christians? Anything?

How come no "Bush Liberation Day" or "Bush Appreciation Day"?
Ask the Democrats who voted for the resolution.

Own it Mr. H. Come on now. You know that doesn't fly :slap:
:fu: bitch.
Name the Democrats who voted for this resolution. If Saddam were left alone, with whom would he and his country side today, given Obama's support for the upheaval that he wrought in the Middle East. If anything Bush has made Obama look good these days. If you could count ugly as good.
I'm curious, what did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

Did they know about the Shiite/Sunni fighting for over a thousand years?

What did they think would happen to the Christians? Anything?

How come no "Bush Liberation Day" or "Bush Appreciation Day"?
geezus how many times are you going to bring this shit up?......get help Dean....or maybe Frank is right and you are getting paid to post here...if you are.....you suck at it...
Ask the Democrats who voted for the resolution.

Own it Mr. H. Come on now. You know that doesn't fly :slap:
:fu: bitch.
Name the Democrats who voted for this resolution. If Saddam were left alone, with whom would he and his country side today, given Obama's support for the upheaval that he wrought in the Middle East. If anything Bush has made Obama look good these days. If you could count ugly as good.

Many democrats voted for the invasion of Iraq. Hopefully they learned never to listen to republicans ever again when it comes to war.
Ask the Democrats who voted for the resolution.

Own it Mr. H. Come on now. You know that doesn't fly :slap:
:fu: bitch.
Name the Democrats who voted for this resolution. If Saddam were left alone, with whom would he and his country side today, given Obama's support for the upheaval that he wrought in the Middle East. If anything Bush has made Obama look good these days. If you could count ugly as good.

Many democrats voted for the invasion of Iraq. Hopefully they learned never to listen to republicans ever again when it comes to war.
You're such a pathetic lump of shit.
Ask the Democrats who voted for the resolution.

Own it Mr. H. Come on now. You know that doesn't fly :slap:
:fu: bitch.
Name the Democrats who voted for this resolution. If Saddam were left alone, with whom would he and his country side today, given Obama's support for the upheaval that he wrought in the Middle East. If anything Bush has made Obama look good these days. If you could count ugly as good.

Many democrats voted for the invasion of Iraq. Hopefully they learned never to listen to republicans ever again when it comes to war.
You're such a pathetic lump of shit.

Look in the mirror :cool:
I'm curious, what did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

Did they know about the Shiite/Sunni fighting for over a thousand years?

What did they think would happen to the Christians? Anything?

How come no "Bush Liberation Day" or "Bush Appreciation Day"?
geezus how many times are you going to bring this shit up?......get help Dean....or maybe Frank is right and you are getting paid to post here...if you are.....you suck at it...

I just want an answer. Don't you have one?
What did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

There's no indication that any type of 'thought' was put in to a post-invasion policy at all.

"Paul Bremer, who ran Iraq for 14 months after Allied forces invaded 10 years ago tomorrow, today said that strategic military blunders had seriously hindered his efforts to contain the insurgency in Iraq and had cost Coalition and Iraqi lives.

In a revealing interview in his Maryland home, Mr Bremer spoke out about what he said was his own personal battle - against his country's top brass. He said a post-Vietnam complex had led US generals to fight a war against insurgents through an ineffective "whack-a-mole" policy. It had been based on a misconceived military doctrine and it was being fought with woefully small numbers of troops.

"It was a major strategic mistake. And it was knowable at the time," he said. Mr Bremer said he had urged President George W Bush and Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to send double the number of troops."

Paul Bremer on Iraq ten years on We made major strategic mistakes. But I still think Iraqis are far better off - Middle East - World - The Independent

I'm curious, what did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

Did they know about the Shiite/Sunni fighting for over a thousand years?

What did they think would happen to the Christians? Anything?

How come no "Bush Liberation Day" or "Bush Appreciation Day"?
geezus how many times are you going to bring this shit up?......get help Dean....or maybe Frank is right and you are getting paid to post here...if you are.....you suck at it...

I just want an answer. Don't you have one?
yea there have been comments on this the first 10 times you have brought it up....
Ask the Democrats who voted for the resolution.

You mean the ones who were told "You are with us or with the terrorists"?
you mean the demopublicans. im sure you must be aware that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choicein who gets elected never realising that we dont elect these people and put them in office and out votes are always rigged?
I'm curious, what did Bush and the GOP think would happen after they invaded Iraq?

Did they know about the Shiite/Sunni fighting for over a thousand years?

What did they think would happen to the Christians? Anything?

How come no "Bush Liberation Day" or "Bush Appreciation Day"?
geezus how many times are you going to bring this shit up?......get help Dean....or maybe Frank is right and you are getting paid to post here...if you are.....you suck at it...

I just want an answer. Don't you have one?
yea there have been comments on this the first 10 times you have brought it up....
yeah go back and look at all the 9/11 threads in this section that have been created in the past if you so badly want an answer.its been covered and explained many times.if your too lazy to do a search on that,then that just shows your only here to troll.:cuckoo:
President Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions or face invasion. Unlike Harry Truman who ordered Troops to Korea with an "executive order", Bush asked congress for authorization. About 35% of democrats voted to authorize the president to use Troops in Iraq. President Bush probably thought the democrat party would support the mission but he was mistaken. Democrats engaged in treason when they undermined the mission every chance they got. Harry Reid should have been indicted when he tried to impact the morale of the Troops when he told them "the war is lost" just before the Troop Surge. Never in American history has a political party acted so disrespectful toward a combat commander when democrats purchased a (discounted) $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us".

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