
liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.
There are so many ironies in this election: whites voted this time, rural and evangelical whites voted for Trump unlike both McCain and Romney. McCain had to face the fact that George W. Bush screwed up badly, and Romney didn't seem authentic, and on top of that was a Mormon. Blacks came out for Obama, but he faced a Congress that opposed his very being. Intellect doesn't win in America. And then there is the baloney economic argument, come on folks, it ain't true as Trump voters had all the benefits of white privilege, and the democratic policies they believe came from thin air. One truth that Trump spoke is for Blacks, what have you got to lose, or to rephrase in a more truthful way, you're gonna lose anyway. This is America, wake up and smell the bigotry. As for immigrants and Muslims, you guys, just like twenty five years of Hillary hatred, were the foils that roused the base and supplied the hate factor. Blame must be given even when it is a fiction. Everyone should read Eric Hoffer sometime, nothing brings people together like common enemies. White college educated folk live in a libertarian bubble in which they got theirs, so what if your work is outsourced. Trump outsourced and used Chinese steel, but China is now laughing as democracy elected a misogynist bully. Did white women forgive the grabbing and ratings just because a judge may one day remove another woman's right to privacy - are you kidding. MSM talked to themselves in reflecting mirrors and forgot they too are among the privileged; Trump was their accomplishment too. But now the republicans have control, so when things fail as they do under their rule - read history - they too will be thrown out, once again and the tale will continue. Some time, maybe in our grandchildren lives, humans will wake up and realize it is they who can make things right, and while institutions help, acceptance and support for each other works better. Oh and maybe then religion will remain a private concern and God will applaud the show.
Such an ironic thread, talking about hate from "right wing media" while Clinton supporters are out burning cars, smashing windows, beating up people who voted for Trump, while our current president and the candidate who lost the election sit on their asses and say nothing.
I think I knew everything I know now.

This isn't just about the Republican Party, this is about US society.

The first thing is that we are watching a Superpower dwindle. It's happened to all, the USSR just disappeared, but was probably dwindling for a long time before this. The question of why does this happen, as it seems to be a natural thing, appears to be arrogance. American people believe they are better than others.
Another factor might be that people start to care more about their life than just about money. The Chinese are emerging and they only care about money. I know some gamblers who have entered the Chinese gambling market (it's illegal by the way) and they come up against these guys who have made money and simply don't know what to spend it on, as they've never really had to consider this, and just work all the time, so what do they need money for?

The arrogance you can see. That people don't really care who their politicians are any more. They'll elect anyone, as long as they have the right badge on their lapel. They have this belief that the US will just stay at the top of the pile no matter what. Oh, how they'll suffer.

The other thing is hope. Well, we saw Obama's election campaign go with hope, and Trump had a hope slogan. You don't need to back up your hope with any substance. The people have miserable lives. Sure, they're rich, they have all the gadgets in their life, cars, a house, whatever, but they're missing something. They have to still work at life, no matter how much money you have, you're not happy unless you actually make your life happy. Divorce rates are high, crime is high, problems are high, the US govt and certain state govts won't deal with the problems, the people want people to blame for their shitty lives. Sometimes they'll blame the opposition, but never themselves and they convince themselves that their guy is going to make things better. But it never happens. So they go around like a dog chasing its tail, constantly trying to reach this hope, having it dangling there, but no substance.

All a politician needs to do is to make false promises and people hope and want to believe that this is the thing they're missing, but they're dreaming.
That was some very passionate leftwing whine and none was based on anything but your limited knowledge of how the world works........

This is the clean debate zone, why don't you try being clean and try debating instead of just acting like this?
Actually I saw this coming, and said it on this forum many times.

When Obama got elected, the left-wing became crazy. Every single time anyone anywhere, said anything questioning a policy choice, they were accused of hate.... accused of racism.... accused of being the 1%.... accused of being a bigot.

Before 2007, I can count the times I have been accused of being racist on one hand. Between 2008 and today, the number of times I have been accused of being racists is so endlessly and numerous, that I could feel myself getting to the point that I didn't care anymore.

If I'm going to be accused of being a bigot, a racists, a 1%er, a hater, no matter if I was or wasn't... . then why hold back? Why bother with restraint? Why not just go all out, and not care what they say?

It was about 2013, where I started to see that same feeling in all the people I ran into, and I realized this was going to bite the left-tards in the butt. And sure enough it did. Trump was the embodiment of that feeling. He said whatever the heck he pleased, and he didn't care how loud the left screamed. We've heard it for 8 years already. It doesn't affect us anymore. All your hot air, blow hard screaming, no longer has any effect on us.

And the more the left freaked out, the more we supported Trump. Even I kind of want Trump to win, even though I opposed nearly all his main issues. I do not support protectionism and tariffs. I do not support stopping immigration.

But even with my opposition, every time the left-wing freaked out over Trump, I couldn't help but want him to win. Because we're tired of you accusing us of all things evil, every single time we question a policy. So now we don't care. They voted for Trump no matter what he did or said, because you have abused us long enough, and we'll support someone you hate, no matter what, just to see you freak out. You earned it, you deserved it, and asked for it, and now you got it.

Every time you people accused him of being a hater, we supported him more. Every time you said he was racists, we supported him more. Every time you screamed he was against women, hated Mexicans, loathed Muslims, we supported him more and more and more..... why? Because that's exactly what you morons have been doing to all of us for all these years, and I bet a ton of people voted for Trump just to flat out spite you screaming idiots.

How about you start practicing what you preach. Stop accusing everyone of being racists just because we don't believe your policies will work, or because we have a different view than you.

You stop being jerks to the public, maybe we'll actually give a crap what you think next time.
Most times people will go with "The devil you know" philosophy.
The fact that people chose to go with "The devil you don't know" strategy just tells us how bad the devil we know is.
Democrats haven't won the white vote since civil rights, 53 percent of white women voted for a misogynist, narcissist who made fun of them and even made fun of a handicapped reporter. Obama only won 43% of the white vote. The inclusiveness, openness, and tolerance of the democrats doesn't work among a broad spectrum of the populace. It is only minority voting that saves us from theocracy or the KKK as Louisiana demonstrated. Considering Trump is more liberal than Hillary in many areas, it should be interesting. He played a great actor for a year and a half what person will appear now.

In a real sense right wing fundamentalist religion won this election. Can anyone challenge that?

"If we would learn what the human race really is at bottom, we need only observe it in election times." Mark Twain

Does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none.
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.

Oh....let me sum up your entire post.....

I, Midcan5 learned nothing from this election...

There...wasn't that a lot less typing than what you posted?

And more....

I, midcan5 really have no clue about truth, facts, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.....no clue what so ever..........and you can tell by the list of things I got wrong in my first post......

But keep believing those things......we need to keep the House and Senate in 2018 and we need to get the rest of the governorships in the country......
This does not belong in the CDZ. It's an inflammatory, insulting, call out thread that is sunk here because he is hopeful that will allow him to spout hate without having to tolerate any refutation.

Typical commie tactic. Just another way to impinge upon freedom of speech...of other people.
FFS, another 'fuckin' republicans' thread

Did hillary break all of you people's mirrors in her Oval Office post-partum rampage or are you really that fuckin' blind.....
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.

This kind of opinion is simply stupid.

Look, you called the working class every "phobe" in the book. You told them they were strange because they believe in a higher being.

Straight married couples were "breeders", and no different then gay couples.

Men wearing bras and panties should share public showers with our daughters.

You told the mothers of this country that the schools were being run well while we had to take away from their children to educate ILLEGALS THAT COULD NOT SPEAK ENGLISH

And you actually thought insulting those working, especially Union families was a winning concept?

Lord, buy all means, keep it up. You will not win another election in my lifetime.
Here...watch this video several times......you will actually learn something ....

You "learned" that Right Wing radio and Fundamentalist Christians handed the election to Trump? That is utterly ridiculous. 'Inclusiveness, Openness and tolerance of Democrats'? Ditto. Look at the Electoral map. Did you look at it? It's all red with some spattering of blue. Outside of a few population centers, the country was almost entirely for Trump. Face the truth every once in awhile. It's good for the soul.
I didn't learn anything since I already knew that calculated attempts to appeal to disgruntled practitioners of identity politics was bound to fail in America's heartland.

It is only common sense that when you demand people roll on their back and pee on their belly by admitting that they are "privileged" while crafting a candidacy to appeal to those who hate them that it isn't exactly a recipe for success.

....But, hey -- if you think that screaming at people calling them names until the spittle is dripping off your chin is the way to get them on your side, be my guest.
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.
That's an extremely wordy way of saying "nothing".

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