In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.
You learned nothing. Stupid self absorbed jackasses like you have been saying that kind of thing since the 60s. You can't handle the fact that America outside the big city bubble is not the leftist embracing Utopia you would like. Most of us still see genders for what they are, see government growing too big and too powerful, value freedom of association, think people should be held accountable for their bad behavior and not excused away, etc.

Liberals, or leftists to be more honest about what you are, see politics as a religion, a belief system to usher in paradise where we are all wards of the state. Decisions handled by the elites that know better. Our money spent better than we can because we think of ourselves first.

The left has been losing power for years but the smug bastards didn't see this election coming because obama is still the prominant figure and Hillary was to receive his crown. Oops. America said fuck you instead. Let's make America great again and defeat socialism.
Some interesting replies, but what now? Trump is not even president and yet many on all sides of the political spectrum shake their heads and wonder what next. Personally his election will have no effect on our family, what will it do for America? Many people fear the consequences of a lawless presidency outside the decorum barriers set up so long ago, is this the beginning of America's decline. The rise the alt right scares many and hopefully we don't see a return to a McCarthyist world. I ponder what Trump will do when his poll ratings fall? He is so thin skinned and insecure a narcissist how will he handle being booed for a change.

People in replies above complained that I mentioned 'hate', but I give you this as just one example. “From Maine to North Carolina, from Ohio to Arizona, here is what we saw”:

Wave of hate crimes against Muslims, Hispanics and black people reported since Donald Trump’s win

WATCH: The New York Times reveals the “unfiltered” voices inside Donald Trump’s rallies

Others complained about my comment that republicans are not a party of principle - the sycophants showing up at the Trump Tower says it more clearly than I need to.

"The fanatic is not really a stickler to principle. He embraces a cause not primarily because of its justness or holiness but because of his desperate need for something to hold onto." Eric Hoffer
Were he still alive, this post might well make Freud's head explode. :lmao:
There is great irony and ignorance in the replies, America was and is a liberal nation, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, social security, minimum wage, financial law, public education, labor laws, environmental policies, are all liberal or democratic accomplishments. Trump like any two bit demagogue played on white fear and racist dialogue. Twenty five years of Hillary hatred convinced the impressionable who failed to see behind the smoke screen for a bit of reality. Since Hillary won the popular vote by so large a margin, it shows at the very least that many Americans get it. Resentment and fear won this time as they often do, history demonstrates that so clearly. But history like economics can be manipulated to fit narratives that are made up by wealth and power so that wealth and power maintain control.

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul
There is great irony and ignorance in the replies, America was and is a liberal nation, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, social security, minimum wage, financial law, public education, labor laws, environmental policies, are all liberal or democratic accomplishments. Trump like any two bit demagogue played on white fear and racist dialogue. Twenty five years of Hillary hatred convinced the impressionable who failed to see behind the smoke screen for a bit of reality. Since Hillary won the popular vote by so large a margin, it shows at the very least that many Americans get it. Resentment and fear won this time as they often do, history demonstrates that so clearly. But history like economics can be manipulated to fit narratives that are made up by wealth and power so that wealth and power maintain control.

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul
I learned that democrats have past the point of no return on their march to fascism....
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.

Yet it was your gal Hillary who called blacks "super predators" who must be "brought to heel"

Go lick her boots
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.

What you should have learned is that one should never, ever count those chickens before they hatch.

The pollsters, the DNC, Hillary and her team and everyone who supported her should have followed that little credo.
There is great irony and ignorance in the replies, America was and is a liberal nation, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, social security, minimum wage, financial law, public education, labor laws, environmental policies, are all liberal or democratic accomplishments. Trump like any two bit demagogue played on white fear and racist dialogue. Twenty five years of Hillary hatred convinced the impressionable who failed to see behind the smoke screen for a bit of reality. Since Hillary won the popular vote by so large a margin, it shows at the very least that many Americans get it. Resentment and fear won this time as they often do, history demonstrates that so clearly. But history like economics can be manipulated to fit narratives that are made up by wealth and power so that wealth and power maintain control.

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul

IOW, you still learned nothing, but will never run out of words to tell us so.
Last edited:
There is great irony and ignorance in the replies, America was and is a liberal nation, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, social security, minimum wage, financial law, public education, labor laws, environmental policies, are all liberal or democratic accomplishments. Trump like any two bit demagogue played on white fear and racist dialogue. Twenty five years of Hillary hatred convinced the impressionable who failed to see behind the smoke screen for a bit of reality. Since Hillary won the popular vote by so large a margin, it shows at the very least that many Americans get it. Resentment and fear won this time as they often do, history demonstrates that so clearly. But history like economics can be manipulated to fit narratives that are made up by wealth and power so that wealth and power maintain control.

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul

IOW, you still learned nothing, but will not run out of words to tell us so.

^ I have peer reviewed this post and find it 100% Awesome
In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political correctness, but was once considered manners and tolerance. Much of this hate is even exhibited in Evangelical Christianity's opposition to a changing, more tolerant society. Main Street media lived all this time in a self reflecting bubble in which they presented hate as if it were just spectacle. They failed too. What I actually saw.

The republicans are an unprincipled party.
Republicans elected the first candidate with no connection to truth.
Republicans are not Conservatives in any sense of the term.
Social change and rights for others brought out an enormous backlash.
Republicans blame everyone except themselves.
The republican base excuses their party, its corporate sponsors, and their own part in the economy.
The republican base does not believe in the American values of our founding documents.
Racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry define much of the republican base.
Donald Trump is a shining example of American white privilege.
Single issues manage many Republicans, demonstrating why their state and congressional governments are useless.
Republicans investigate investigate investigate, but do nothing for America and its people.
Republicans have the first Twitter brained candidate as their leader.
Make America great was a dog whistle which was heard clearly.
Fifty years of right wing republican radio has created a non reflective know nothing base which blames everyone except itself.
Main stream media refuses to accept the reality of the American electorate.
A sense of alienation mixed with hate remain powerful instigators of action, thirty years of Hillary hatred created a myth.
A myth believed by republicans and others.
What will republicans do now that they cannot investigate the Clintons?

Summary comment will be next due to space.

Hanky, Snowflake?

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