What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

Gunny: RSR's view of this conflict is so uninformed, so simplistic that it really is no more complex to him than: America - Good. Ragheads - Bad.

It is simple MM

Good VS evil

The only question is who you consider evil
Gunny asks you a question

I would think the Sunni would be getting support from Saudi Arabia via wahabbis, and unless I am wrong, isn't the Iraq verison of AQ wahabbi?

you respond

Iran wants the US out of Iraq - they will do whatever they can to do it.

Knowing the Dems want to surrender the war - Iran gets what they want

Iran is providing money and arms to increase attacks knowing with each bomb blast and US troop death - the US inches closer to surrender

and you provide a link from American thinker

I make an observation:

that long winded quote did not ever come close to answering GUnny's question.....

To which you reply:

I knew you would ignore the Iran influence

I ask you again...please cut and paste something from that link that would support your inane suggestion that the shiites in Iran and funding the sunnis in Iraq as they battle the shiites in Iraq. It really ISN'T as simple as good versus evil....and only moronic buffoons like you continue to think so.
Okay RSR .... you tell me ....

Of the different factions in Iraq ... which is good and which is evil, and why?

The ones who are working with the government to make changes are the good guys

The ones who are killing civilians and US troops are the evil ones

Is that to difficult to understand?

Iran is funding the killing so the Dems will make the troops leave
The ones who are working with the government to make changes are the good guys

The ones who are killing civilians and US troops are the evil ones

Is that to difficult to understand?

Iran is funding the killing so the Dems will make the troops leave

It is not that simple. Again... you posted the article which supposedly proves this cockamamie idea of yours that Iran is funding Al Qaeda and the article does not even MENTION Iran. You clearly do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
It is not that simple. Again... you posted the article which supposedly proves this cockamamie idea of yours that Iran is funding Al Qaeda and the article does not even MENTION Iran. You clearly do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I have posted articles showing Iraq is funding terrorist activites in Iraq. You are so hyper to surrender and run away - you ignore them
I have posted articles showing Iraq is funding terrorist activites in Iraq. You are so hyper to surrender and run away - you ignore them

I have never denied that Iran is funding terrorist activities in Iraq. I have denied that Iran would EVER fund Al Qaeda in Iraq or anywhere else. That was your statement: that Iran was funding Al Qaeda. ANd you, of course, cannot back that up with anything.

For you to say that and then argue as you have here is proof that, to you, the term Al Qaeda and terrorist are total synonyms and that you do not understand the players.
Iranian involvement with al-Qaeda and other Sunni jihadis groups is nothing new, however the conventional wisdom in media and some intelligence circles is Shia Iran could never cooperate with Sunni al-Qaeda due to ideological differences. This ignores a mountain of evidence to the contrary, such as Iran's sheltering of over 100 al-Qaeda leaders, including Said bin Laden, Osama's son, and Saif al-Adel, al-Qaeda's strategic planner, or Iranian support of Somalia's Sunni Islamic Courts by providing arms and training.

The 9-11 Commission Report was explicit about Iran's connections with al-Qaeda. "The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations." Contacts between Iran, Hezbollah
and al-Qaeda were established in Sudan in the early 1990s. "Al Qaeda members received advice and training from Hezbollah," according the the 9-11 Commission report. Many of al-Qaeda's 9-11 hijackers transited through Iran. "After 9/11, Iran and Hezbollah wished to conceal any past evidence of cooperation with Sunni terrorists associated with al Qaeda."

Iranian involvement in Iraq with the Sunni terrorists has been an open secret in military and intelligence circles since the Fallujah uprising in March of 2004. Iranian mines and weapons were funneled to Zarqawi's terrorists in Fallujah and elsewhere throughout Sunni dominated Anbar province.

billroggio.com? LOL

Now THERE is an unimpeachable nonpartisan source!

fact: Iran is a shi'ite nation. They are supporting Shi'ite groups in Iraq. No one has ever denied that. Al Qaeda is a sunni group with teams operating in Iraq. Those teams are stirring the pot by killing Iraqis on both sides and killing Americans. Iran funding the operations of Al Qaeda in Iraq is foolish on its face. It makes no sense.... but then, you rarely do.
billroggio.com? LOL

Now THERE is an unimpeachable nonpartisan source!

fact: Iran is a shi'ite nation. They are supporting Shi'ite groups in Iraq. No one has ever denied that. Al Qaeda is a sunni group with teams operating in Iraq. Those teams are stirring the pot by killing Iraqis on both sides and killing Americans. Iran funding the operations of Al Qaeda in Iraq is foolish on its face. It makes no sense.... but then, you rarely do.

Keep avoiding the facts MM - he posted links to his statements, or did you ignore them?

Answer - yes
and pointing out the idiocy of Iran supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq as they kill shiites there is NOT a defeatist attitude.

I have stipulated that I agree completely that Iran is supporting Sadr and other shiite groups in Iraq.... I only took issue with your suggestion that they are funding AQ there.
and pointing out the idiocy of Iran supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq as they kill shiites there is NOT a defeatist attitude.

I have stipulated that I agree completely that Iran is supporting Sadr and other shiite groups in Iraq.... I only took issue with your suggestion that they are funding AQ there.

Your support for surrender is defeatest
Your support for surrender is defeatest

now if you could only find a single sentence I have ever written that supports surrender, you might have something.

If you say that you support, for example, the New York Yankees, and I turn around and claim - without your agreement - that the New York Yankees are babykillers..... you would take issue with me trumpeting that RSR supports babykillers. same deal.

I do NOT support surrender.....you, on the other hand, have real difficulties with the english language.
now if you could only find a single sentence I have ever written that supports surrender, you might have something.

If you say that you support, for example, the New York Yankees, and I turn around and claim - without your agreement - that the New York Yankees are babykillers..... you would take issue with me trumpeting that RSR supports babykillers. same deal.

I do NOT support surrender.....you, on the other hand, have real difficulties with the english language.

You have supported the Dems surrender bill - does that count?
You have supported the Dems surrender bill - does that count?

no. because, as you well know, the democratic funding bill did not have America surrendering to our enemies, and that bill was supported by 57% of the American people. No surrender....
no. because, as you well know, the democratic funding bill did not have America surrendering to our enemies, and that bill was supported by 57% of the American people. No surrender....

It is a surrender bill palin and simple

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