What difference does it make if being gay is genetic or if it's a choice?

This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?

This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no
Are you senile, or clinically insane?

Your OP was a bitch to Democrats.

Did you forget the first few words?

"Democrats are all wrapped up in" -kaz, on the internet

Were you dropped on your head one too many times? I'm not right wing, I'm not Christian. I'm pointing out to you that your dumbass OP whines to the "Democrats" over an argument BOTH SIDES are taking part in.

But you're apparently too stupid to understand that.

I didn't say my question wasn't to the left, I said I advocated to the right and left that gays should be treated the same. That is not a contrdiction.

You're a fucking troll and a wasted government educated blob (throwing a bone to candycorn) of hate and bigotry
Your question was to the left because you're partisan whining, just like I told you.

Not only that, but your question has been answered and it was a beyond stupid question to begin with.

Why do they argue whether its a choice or genetic?? Because, fucking duh, if it's considered a "choice" then the right can use that to subjugate the Gays' rights. You dont want the right to do that, you've said as much...so you should understand WHY they argue over this.

But you dont want to understand, you want to bitch about Democrats. Thumbs up, see through. C minus thread.

If you're this angry in the middle of the morning, what are you like at the end of the day?

You not only didn't address the OP, you clearly didn't read it, bigot
Pointing out when someone is see through and shallow-brained in their thinking is a past-time on messageboards.

You're whining at democrats - you're a trump cultist, it's a shocker anybody would take you serious and engage you in the first place but they're not at their 'point' with your stupidity(general you: trump cultists) yet, like I am.

If you want to advocate for gays, you begin by attacking the discrimination and advocates for same first. Common sense. And the right is within this very thread talking all kinds of shit about how gays are subhuman. You focus on the Dems, it's the hackish thing to do.
I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


I disagree.

Any and all citizens are entitled to all the legal protections as anyone else.

What do you care if two same sex people marry so that the partners can receive all the protections we as a society have agreed upon?

What does it matter when it comes decisions like medical care, or health insurance if a married couple is same sex or not?

They have the same legal protections. A gay marriage is a "friendship" and nothing more. It cannot be consummated in any logical way. Do you believe that two friends should have the same legal standings?

This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?


What a ridiculous leap. I said, "Either way, it's not a job for government either to discriminate against gays or to validate who they have sex with. As long as it's a consenting adult, so the fuck what?"

Do you know what a victim is? There is no way to get out of what I said that I support crimes with victims.

I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

IF it is genetic, then there is absolutely no reason to hurt gay people, just as there is absolutely no reason to force left-handed people to write with their right hand.

Furthermore, there is a difference between gay feelings & gay conduct. Many a prisoner has gay relations simply to get off, but once he is free, he starts hitting on the ladies again and even verbally or physically bashing gays.


I have read that in Latin America (despite their reputation for being super macho), many straight men have no qualms about intimate relations with other males so long as they are the "top."
This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?


What a ridiculous leap. I said, "Either way, it's not a job for government either to discriminate against gays or to validate who they have sex with. As long as it's a consenting adult, so the fuck what?"

Do you know what a victim is? There is no way to get out of what I said that I support crimes with victims.


I get that. But you just instilled your values into your judgement. Your idea of consenting adult might not be the same as anothers. You are using your values to run others lives.

Thats just the truth.

I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

What's unclear about it?
This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no
Are you senile, or clinically insane?

Your OP was a bitch to Democrats.

Did you forget the first few words?

"Democrats are all wrapped up in" -kaz, on the internet

Were you dropped on your head one too many times? I'm not right wing, I'm not Christian. I'm pointing out to you that your dumbass OP whines to the "Democrats" over an argument BOTH SIDES are taking part in.

But you're apparently too stupid to understand that.

I didn't say my question wasn't to the left, I said I advocated to the right and left that gays should be treated the same. That is not a contrdiction.

You're a fucking troll and a wasted government educated blob (throwing a bone to candycorn) of hate and bigotry
Your question was to the left because you're partisan whining, just like I told you.

Not only that, but your question has been answered and it was a beyond stupid question to begin with.

Why do they argue whether its a choice or genetic?? Because, fucking duh, if it's considered a "choice" then the right can use that to subjugate the Gays' rights. You dont want the right to do that, you've said as much...so you should understand WHY they argue over this.

But you dont want to understand, you want to bitch about Democrats. Thumbs up, see through. C minus thread.

If you're this angry in the middle of the morning, what are you like at the end of the day?

You not only didn't address the OP, you clearly didn't read it, bigot
Pointing out when someone is see through and shallow-brained in their thinking is a past-time on messageboards.

You're whining at democrats - you're a trump cultist, it's a shocker anybody would take you serious and engage you in the first place but they're not at their 'point' with your stupidity(general you: trump cultists) yet, like I am.

If you want to advocate for gays, you begin by attacking the discrimination and advocates for same first. Common sense. And the right is within this very thread talking all kinds of shit about how gays are subhuman. You focus on the Dems, it's the hackish thing to do.

You're a liar, go fuck yourself.

I only advocated gays be treated like anyone else. I don't advocate for or against them. Maybe one day you'll be mature enough to do the same.

That is my point. Actually read the OP this time and think about it. Why does it matter? You're too stupid to read the rest of the post where I clearly said it doesn't
This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?


What a ridiculous leap. I said, "Either way, it's not a job for government either to discriminate against gays or to validate who they have sex with. As long as it's a consenting adult, so the fuck what?"

Do you know what a victim is? There is no way to get out of what I said that I support crimes with victims.


I get that. But you just instilled your values into your judgement. Your idea of consenting adult might not be the same as anothers. You are using your values to run others lives.

Thats just the truth.


I don't really get what point you're making. Are you just quibbling over the age of consent?
I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

What's unclear about it?

What is a family? It is completely obvious that until recently, it was biological. What other parameters can be expanded? How about 3 or 4 marrying? Or maybe 6?

I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.


Explain that to me. Your kids would suddenly become unclear what a "family" is with you and a woman being their parents when someone else has two men? I have a hard time with that. If that were true, with all the crap the left has thrown out there families are already destroyed. I think your relationship and communication with your kids can help them handle that distinction fine
I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

What's unclear about it?

What is a family? It is completely obvious that until recently, it was biological. What other parameters can be expanded? How about 3 or 4 marrying? Or maybe 6?


Marrying 3 or 4 or 6 should be an agreement between you and those people, not you and your politician.

I am 180 degrees opposite of you. I think that families are best when government stays out of the relationship so we can raise our kids with our values, not Nancy Pelosi's
This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?


What a ridiculous leap. I said, "Either way, it's not a job for government either to discriminate against gays or to validate who they have sex with. As long as it's a consenting adult, so the fuck what?"

Do you know what a victim is? There is no way to get out of what I said that I support crimes with victims.


I get that. But you just instilled your values into your judgement. Your idea of consenting adult might not be the same as anothers. You are using your values to run others lives.

Thats just the truth.


I don't really get what point you're making. Are you just quibbling over the age of consent?

I'm not quibbling about the age of consent. I am merely pointing out that you are doing the exact things you asked others not to do, using your own moral code as evidence that you are not doing the exact same thing.

And you are.

This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no
Are you senile, or clinically insane?

Your OP was a bitch to Democrats.

Did you forget the first few words?

"Democrats are all wrapped up in" -kaz, on the internet

Were you dropped on your head one too many times? I'm not right wing, I'm not Christian. I'm pointing out to you that your dumbass OP whines to the "Democrats" over an argument BOTH SIDES are taking part in.

But you're apparently too stupid to understand that.

I didn't say my question wasn't to the left, I said I advocated to the right and left that gays should be treated the same. That is not a contrdiction.

You're a fucking troll and a wasted government educated blob (throwing a bone to candycorn) of hate and bigotry
Your question was to the left because you're partisan whining, just like I told you.

Not only that, but your question has been answered and it was a beyond stupid question to begin with.

Why do they argue whether its a choice or genetic?? Because, fucking duh, if it's considered a "choice" then the right can use that to subjugate the Gays' rights. You dont want the right to do that, you've said as much...so you should understand WHY they argue over this.

But you dont want to understand, you want to bitch about Democrats. Thumbs up, see through. C minus thread.

If you're this angry in the middle of the morning, what are you like at the end of the day?

You not only didn't address the OP, you clearly didn't read it, bigot
Pointing out when someone is see through and shallow-brained in their thinking is a past-time on messageboards.

You're whining at democrats - you're a trump cultist, it's a shocker anybody would take you serious and engage you in the first place but they're not at their 'point' with your stupidity(general you: trump cultists) yet, like I am.

If you want to advocate for gays, you begin by attacking the discrimination and advocates for same first. Common sense. And the right is within this very thread talking all kinds of shit about how gays are subhuman. You focus on the Dems, it's the hackish thing to do.

You're a liar, go fuck yourself.

I only advocated gays be treated like anyone else. I don't advocate for or against them. Maybe one day you'll be mature enough to do the same.

That is my point. Actually read the OP this time and think about it. Why does it matter? You're too stupid to read the rest of the post where I clearly said it doesn't
You asked Democrats why it matters.

Republicans seem to think it matters.

You asked Democrats. The ones advocating for the treatment of gays like everybody else...and took no Umbridge in your OP on why it matters to Republicans. Now you're stuck in arguments with Republicans AND Democrats as to why it matters. That's called karma, that's called irony as well.
I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.


Explain that to me. Your kids would suddenly become unclear what a "family" is with you and a woman being their parents when someone else has two men? I have a hard time with that. If that were true, with all the crap the left has thrown out there families are already destroyed. I think your relationship and communication with your kids can help them handle that distinction fine

Really? You haven't noticed the disintegration of the family in the last 50 years or so? Civilization is "whisper" thin, and we seem to be determined to destroy what we have left of it.

I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

What's unclear about it?

What is a family? It is completely obvious that until recently, it was biological. What other parameters can be expanded? How about 3 or 4 marrying? Or maybe 6?

What is so confusing about what a family is? Is a spouse family, or is a spouse not family? What is it about allowing same sex folks to become spouses that makes your marriage so confusing to you? The structure is unclear? Thats what you said...the structure is unclear. So here, let me explain it to you like you're 5: da struktur is that two(2) adults can consent in a bond we call marriage which is a rekkugnized instuhhh tooshin by thaa state

Are you still confused by the structure? Does your marriage feel unbroken now? I'd be glad if it did.
I just can't figure out why you people care who another person is attracted to.

Life is short so if a same sex partner makes people happy who are any of you to stop them?

I don't care who they love. I do care that it is the law. Our society is dying the "death of 1000 cuts", and watering down marriage is simply one more cut.


How is marriage being "watered down". Gay marriage has done NOTHING to affect my marriage, or life in my country. If anything, gay marriage has actually strengthened marriage. Most young people thought marriage was "old fashioned" and a lot of young people were just cohabitting - no messy court cases when you go your own way, but when gay marriage became a thing, people starting thinking that maybe it wasn't old fashioned at all. The fact that gays valued marriage so much, encouraged young straight people give it a second look.

How has it affected your marriage? Don't care. How has it affected society's marriages is the question. It works to destroy the nuclear family by making the structure unclear.

What's unclear about it?

What is a family? It is completely obvious that until recently, it was biological. What other parameters can be expanded? How about 3 or 4 marrying? Or maybe 6?


Marrying 3 or 4 or 6 should be an agreement between you and those people, not you and your politician.

I am 180 degrees opposite of you. I think that families are best when government stays out of the relationship so we can raise our kids with our values, not Nancy Pelosi's

Destroying the structure of the family is almost at an end. Look at the single parent families already. Instead of making things better, it is making things worse. There is an old African proverb "do not rip down a fence until you discover why it was built".

This is a really strange whine since both sides argue over whether its genetic or not...but your "what difference does it make" is only directed at the folks living the experience and not the right whangers whining the opposite.

Partisan whine thread #6, 472, 836

I'm "whining" that I don't care if gay is genetic or not and I don't think it should make any difference.

Government schools just fucked you up. I'm so sorry for you, shit head
You're whining towards Gays / the left that you don't care...while the Right is also involved in the argument. That's what makes it another partisan whine show, same shit different day.

So yes, we know you're stupid and you didn't actually read the OP. You already announced that.

So which part do you disagree with me on?

1) It doesn't matter if it's genetic or a choice

2) Either way gays should be treated like anyone else. No better, no worse

I want to get to what you consider "whining."

Did they tell you to hate gays at your bigoted, extremist Christian church? Has a black or a gay ever gone to your church? What's the source of your homophobia?
The part I took issue with was you calling out democrats for making this genetic/not genetic argument when it's the right making/partaking in this argument as well. You excluded that from the OP - cuz you're a little partisan whiny bitch. I saw through it. News at 11. It's not that difficult to recognize your partisan oversight in excluding the right for their part in the argument that you're "sick of." Whiney.

I'll never grasp hard right wing Christian bigots like you who hate blacks and gays. Why do you care what other people do? What is your problem with treating everyone the same?

I asked a question and clearly advocated to the right and left my view that gays regardless of the answer should be treated like anyone else.

But some right wing hate filled Christian bigot like you is going to come in and dump all over any conversation, aren't you? Why? Because some guy said 2,000 years ago that gay is an abomination?

Why don't you let God worry about the judging? I'm not like you. I think God won't have a problem with consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone.

On a side note, are you ready to stop being a dick and attacking things I didn't say and participate in the actual discussion? I'm guessing no

When you ask to let God judge, do you feel the same way about any subject? Is it "anything goes"?


What a ridiculous leap. I said, "Either way, it's not a job for government either to discriminate against gays or to validate who they have sex with. As long as it's a consenting adult, so the fuck what?"

Do you know what a victim is? There is no way to get out of what I said that I support crimes with victims.


I get that. But you just instilled your values into your judgement. Your idea of consenting adult might not be the same as anothers. You are using your values to run others lives.

Thats just the truth.


I don't really get what point you're making. Are you just quibbling over the age of consent?

I'm not quibbling about the age of consent. I am merely pointing out that you are doing the exact things you asked others not to do, using your own moral code as evidence that you are not doing the exact same thing.

And you are.


If you're not quibbling over age, then what are you calling arbitrary about "consenting adults?" I don't get it.

You think as an adult government should be allowed to make your choices for you? What are you arguing exactly?

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