What do black people want?


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Interesting question, isn't it?

It's sort of like the question, what do women want, and you can never come up with an answer other than everything. Women want everything, and then more.

Have black people ever thought about the following
-do you want the police to leave you alone? but then your gangs will just kill each other anyway
-do you want segregation? but then why do you insist white people must include you
-do you want to be in charge? see how hard you have to work, and how much endless shit ends up in your to do list
-do you want more money? what, food stamps, welfare, healthcare, affirmative action, jobs programs, untold millions for black athletes and entertainers, that's still not enough?
-do you want to go back to africa? fine, nobody is stopping you

I've never seen a black person who is actually able to answer the question in a meaningful way. Black Americans live in the most powerful country on the planet. Many of them are orders of magnitude better off than their cousins in africa. But it's never good enough, is it.

Just like women. Nothing is ever good enough for black people.
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.
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Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop considering welfare a lifestyle. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....
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Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

That’s what we want too, so we can stop affirmative action, hiring quotas no more, no more front of line for government handouts to blacks, could we also stop paying for all the deadbeat dads children too?

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Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

Dear Asclepias
As long as you demand the same standards for Blacks, that's fair.
Just don't blame Whites for lying while excusing Blacks when they lie,
or that comes across as more of the same racial bias for one group over another.

Same with politics.
If people want to complain about Republicans,
then complain when Democrats do the same wrongs.
And then it's fair.

is that a fair statement?

Thanks Asclepias
You rock, and I will roll with you...
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.
Does that mean we can still score weed from ya?
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....
I probably faced more obstacles than Carson. He is a uncle tom so I'm sure he did a lot of grinning, head bobbing and shuffling.

Whitey cant keep me down. All he can do is what he does which is place obstacles in my way which I promptly destroy.

Whites should worry about their opioid problem. Never tried crack and a job is for people that would rather build someone elses net worth. I'm about building businesses. Tell whites to stop having children they will never raise and marry their babys momma. No Black person ever turned a a city into a ghetto. Only a retarded white person would think that. Tell whites to stop the thug worship and you would have a case. Tell whites to give back all the real estate they looted. Tell whites not to kill each other.
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Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....

Dear The Irish Ram
When you are talking with Asclepias you are talking with someone
who does put his money and efforts where his mouth is.
He doesn't boast about the work he does, but whenever I have brought
up the issue of microlending and investing in Black business training, to break the cycle of
poverty as both Obama and Carson have advocated for,
A is already experienced and doing more of this than most people I know.
And I find myself preaching to the choir.

Please do not bark up the wrong tree.
Please help grow more trees.
A is one who could grow a whole forest
if there was more support and not a bunch of people
ready to axe down the good trees for the bad.
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

That’s what we want too, so we can stop affirmative action, hiring quotas no more, no more front of line for government handouts to blacks, could we also stop paying for all the deadbeat dads children too?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no affirmative action anymore. If you cant get hired because there is a desire for a more diverse work force thats your issue. Get better. More whites get handouts by far than Blacks. Same thing with dead beat dads.
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.
Does that mean we can still score weed from ya?
You can go to any suburb and get it from another white boy. :laugh:
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way. We wants whites to have more self confidence so they wont act out due to their insecurity complexes. We want whites to mind their own business instead trying to understand ours. Finally, we want whites to stop lying.

Dear Asclepias
As long as you demand the same standards for Blacks, that's fair.
Just don't blame Whites for lying while excusing Blacks when they lie,
or that comes across as more of the same racial bias for one group over another.

Same with politics.
If people want to complain about Republicans,
then complain when Democrats do the same wrongs.
And then it's fair.

is that a fair statement?

Thanks Asclepias
You rock, and I will roll with you...
My standards for Blacks are higher. There are a million more things whites need to address to get to our level but I understand the need for small steps for a people that suffer from insecurity. The obsession whites have with Blacks while ignoring their own decaying culture is curious but understandable.
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Tax cuts aren’t in effect yet and she’s already started her stupid racist bullshit!

But what SJL wants is freebies!
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop considering welfare a lifestyle. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....

Yea, that. Quit the black on black genocide, and quit blaming it on white people. Also realize just which white people are their real enemy. In other words, the same white Democrats they keep voting for. The same ones who keep promising black people everything but keep making their lives worse. And quit supporting the white Democratic Party's Judas goats and race pimps like Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Maxine Waters, who are nothing more than plantation overseers.
What do black people want?


And reparations. But the chicken first.
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....
I probably faced more obstacles than Carson. He is a uncle tom so I'm sure he did a lot of grinning, head bobbing and shuffling.

Whitey cant keep me down. All he can do is what he does which is place obstacles in my way which I promptly destroy.

Whites should worry about their opioid problem. Never tried crack and a job is for people that would rather build someone elses net worth. I'm about building businesses. Tell whites to stop having children they will never raise and marry their babys momma. No Black person ever turned a a city into a ghetto. Only a retarded white person would think that. Tell whites to stop the thug worship and you would have a case. Tell whites to give back all the real estate they looted. Tell whites not to kill each other.

You are under the misguided assumption that whites sit around all day trying to come up with ways to keep the black man down. We don't. What gains or losses you make are strictly on your shoulders and yours alone. We are merely your scapegoats to justify your lack. And I am not talking specifically, I am talking community.
You won't find a car downtown in the once bustling city next to my town. HUD housing moved in. But you'll see it on the news EVERY NIGHT. "Shots fired in downtown XXXX." Followed by, "6 more drug dealers from Chicago were arrested today..." And here is the sad truth, you never need to guess what color the perps are going to be. You do indeed ruin the areas you inhabit. Just look to welfare housing to prove it.
You are a small percentage of the population here, and yet fill our prisons. That is not our fault. It is YOUR fault. We are busy living our lives. You give us too much credit.
We are not in your way. YOU are in your way...
Its pretty simple. We want whites to get the fuck out of our way and stop putting obstacles in the way.

What obstacles do you face that Ben Carson did not also face?
The more of you that get ahead, the more ridiculous your, "Whitey kept me down" mantra is.
Put down the crack pipe. Get a job. Stop having children you'll never raise. Get a job. Marry your baby momma. Stop turning thriving cities into ghettos. Stop the thug worship. Get a job. Stop the looting of other people's property. Teach your children to love one another, not kill one another.....
I probably faced more obstacles than Carson. He is a uncle tom so I'm sure he did a lot of grinning, head bobbing and shuffling.

Whitey cant keep me down. All he can do is what he does which is place obstacles in my way which I promptly destroy.

Whites should worry about their opioid problem. Never tried crack and a job is for people that would rather build someone elses net worth. I'm about building businesses. Tell whites to stop having children they will never raise and marry their babys momma. No Black person ever turned a a city into a ghetto. Only a retarded white person would think that. Tell whites to stop the thug worship and you would have a case. Tell whites to give back all the real estate they looted. Tell whites not to kill each other.

You are under the misguided assumption that whites sit around all day trying to come up with ways to keep the black man down. We don't. What gains or losses you make are strictly on your shoulders and yours alone. We are merely your scapegoats to justify your lack. And I am not talking specifically, I am talking community.
You won't find a car downtown in the once bustling city next to my town. HUD housing moved in. But you'll see it on the news EVERY NIGHT. "Shots fired in downtown XXXX." Followed by, "6 more drug dealers from Chicago were arrested today..." And here is the sad truth, you never need to guess what color the perps are going to be. You do indeed ruin the areas you inhabit. Just look to welfare housing to prove it.
You are a small percentage of the population here, and yet fill our prisons. That is not our fault. It is YOUR fault. We are busy living our lives. You give us too much credit.
We are not in your way. YOU are in your way...
I am under no such assumption. Obviously if thats all all whites did there would be no Black person employed. However you whites do conspire to convince Blacks to quit and some blatantly attempt to keep them from growing in their career choices. I have witnessed it myself when I was in the job market. Actually it is your fault Blacks are a higher per capita in your prisons. The FBI even admitted as much. I noted you said nothing that there were more whites in prison but that is typical white deflection and is expected.

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