What do Catholics mean when they say

That doesn't make any sense to me, that "God" has a human personality.

We are made in the image and likeness of God. This doesn't make God human, doesn't make us God, but we do share, in different ways, similar traits. The story of Elijah's meeting of God made a great impression on me. With something as magnificent and as infinite as God, one would expect to meet Him in powerful events. Yet, Elijah encountered God in a quiet whispering sound.

Moses also had an interesting experience. He learned that when God is directly in front of us, we are blinded. It is after God passes (i.e., only in hindsight) that we can identify the presence of God.

We are also taught not to let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. God seems to be a master at that.

We can see Godliness in each of these examples. We humans cannot enfold ourselves in a tiny whispering sound; we are better seen directly, not in hindsight; and we leave evidence of where we have been and what we have done all over the place. I'm simply advising people who are looking for God and cannot seem to find Him, that they may be on the lookout for something eye-catching and powerful. Instead of looking for macro, try micro.
I'm not looking for God. I do appreciate ALL people like you who are fully satisfied in their religious tradition. Buddhism does for me, what the RCC does for you, and more.

I remember when once a Fench journalist started to interview the Dalai Lama he proudly said somehtign like Buddhism is good + blablabla + and: "I do not believe in god". But the Dalai Lama answered not 'Very good. Now you are on the way to become a Buddhist' or something like this. The Dalai Lama answered: "That's maybe the reason why god sent you to me."

You said you left the catholic church, because your father made suicide. The subluminal message was either "suicide is not a sin" or "the rules of the catholic church hold him not back to do so" or "the people in the catholic church did not help me". What you say now with the sentence "I certainly mean no harm to the RCC. I benefited from my early training in the RCC, and I benefited from leaving the RCC too." might be correct or not - but sounds in my ears as if you would try to follow teachings which are not in harmony with your own person. Don't forget please: You are not your father. And don't forget: Psychological traumata are real wounds. It's perhaps not a bad idea to look for a trauma therapist in the real world outside of the internet.

My dad's suicide led me on a spiritual journey toward discovering Buddhism, which has been my resource for longer now than I was a Catholic.

Seriously. If we walk into our house one day and find a spider, do we turn around, walk out, and never return--leaving all that is in the house behind?

A grieving mother talks to a priest seeking comfort. One person does not provide that comfort, so she walks out and leaves everything else behind. I can understand not wanting to see that particular individual ever again. But what about everyone, everything else?
I'd say that she made the right decision for her.
This is not one of thosethings I ought to be discussing here. My apologies for bringing i t forward.
That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


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Wise decision? ... How emotionless is such a stupid sentence? ... What is this what you demonstrate here? A completly wrotten mind? If his father really made suicide then this is a very heavy personal catastrophe. Not many things are more terrible. What do you call "wise" in this context?

You figure it out you vitriolic clown.

¿"vitriolic clown"? ... ¿hasserfüllter Narr?, ¿ätzender Gnom? ... anyway. I guess I understand what you like to express: You would feel much more comfortable if no Catholic would speak the english language and everyone in the world would speak the english language. :lol:

I would prefer it if all Churches stopped the indoctrination of heaven and hell into the world consciousness.

A light read that is in line with my own understanding.
The True Spiritual and Mystical Meaning of Heaven and Eternity

And I would prefer Unbeliefers would stop to murder other people while screaming "Allahu Akbar". What an idiotism and what a blasphemy.

Typical medieval histrionics.

Nice way to say: "There's nothing to understand, because I don't like to understand." One reason why in the world are existing not many originals but so many cheap copies from cheap copies. Machine minds, machine words, machine guns ...

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That doesn't make any sense to me, that "God" has a human personality.

We are made in the image and likeness of God. This doesn't make God human, doesn't make us God, but we do share, in different ways, similar traits. The story of Elijah's meeting of God made a great impression on me. With something as magnificent and as infinite as God, one would expect to meet Him in powerful events. Yet, Elijah encountered God in a quiet whispering sound.

Moses also had an interesting experience. He learned that when God is directly in front of us, we are blinded. It is after God passes (i.e., only in hindsight) that we can identify the presence of God.

We are also taught not to let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. God seems to be a master at that.

We can see Godliness in each of these examples. We humans cannot enfold ourselves in a tiny whispering sound; we are better seen directly, not in hindsight; and we leave evidence of where we have been and what we have done all over the place. I'm simply advising people who are looking for God and cannot seem to find Him, that they may be on the lookout for something eye-catching and powerful. Instead of looking for macro, try micro.
I'm not looking for God. I do appreciate ALL people like you who are fully satisfied in their religious tradition. Buddhism does for me, what the RCC does for you, and more.

I remember when once a Fench journalist started to interview the Dalai Lama he proudly said somehtign like Buddhism is good + blablabla + and: "I do not believe in god". But the Dalai Lama answered not 'Very good. Now you are on the way to become a Buddhist' or something like this. The Dalai Lama answered: "That's maybe the reason why god sent you to me."

You said you left the catholic church, because your father made suicide. The subluminal message was either "suicide is not a sin" or "the rules of the catholic church hold him not back to do so" or "the people in the catholic church did not help me". What you say now with the sentence "I certainly mean no harm to the RCC. I benefited from my early training in the RCC, and I benefited from leaving the RCC too." might be correct or not - but sounds in my ears as if you would try to follow teachings which are not in harmony with your own person. Don't forget please: You are not your father. And don't forget: Psychological traumata are real wounds. It's perhaps not a bad idea to look for a trauma therapist in the real world outside of the internet.

My dad's suicide led me on a spiritual journey toward discovering Buddhism, which has been my resource for longer now than I was a Catholic.


This is not one of thosethings I ought to be discussing here. My apologies for bringing i t forward.
That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield. My shield is Marys shield.


Just luck I guess, born into a RC family and really the whole area I lived were RC or Lutherans, with a few Methodists thrown in. Over 45 years I practiced as a RC and even prayed the rosary, but from years of study, I know that Rome created Christianity, the Flavian family and their allies inside the Roman elites. its really a beautiful religion, but some power hungry Popes in the medieval time got greedy and like all religions, money and power created protests which became as we know today Protestants , but the RCC has really improved in the last 50 years. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Flavia Domitilla
Do not despair, as RC's we know the Church is the authority, most RC's I know have never read the bible, because the bible does not prove God and who God is. God does not need a name, and well if a God or gods exist, we would not know their names. All we can do is live a moral and ethical life on earth.
I'd say that she made the right decision for her.

I can't say one way or the other. My grandfather was an atheist, died an atheist. The Church could not promise me that my grandfather has a heavenly afterlife, because it has nothing to back up such an assertion. It can tell me of the love and mercy of God. It can point to certain scriptures and provide me with various interpretations of possible meanings. It cannot assure me of my grandfather's eternal fate. The same is true for my nephew and a niece who died at birth (or before). It can point out encouraging passages, but it can make no promise because the Church.does.not.know. Nor does anyone.

Any number of occasions could have given me "reason" to turn my back, walk away, and never look back. Does walking away bring us closer to God and His love? Does walking away provide us greater knowledge and wisdom of God and His ways? Or, is it just a measure of our own anger? Hurting, our only thought is to hurt back. To show them, to show everyone how badly we are hurting. That it is not fair.

On the other hand, I've seen practice of prayer and religion tie people up in knots. The burden is unbearable when it should be light and easy. It takes people farther from God rather than closer. We humans are complex--and unique. We do not all think the same way. The week I lost my best friend, my dad, and two aunts, mere weeks after losing a favorite cousin was terribly hard. While I did not stop church or prayer, I knew my heart wasn't in it, knew I wanted apart not only from everyone, but from God as well. I told God I would be back when I was up to it, but for six months or more, God and I just had a nodding acquaintance. I was not at all angry with Him. I just hurt so badly, I needed a cushion around me until I was able to begin healing.

Whatever path one chooses, let it be the one that brings them closest to God's love. That's something no one would want to miss.
This is not one of thosethings I ought to be discussing here. My apologies for bringing i t forward.
That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both

If God is one and god is all, he doesn't have three parts . the conception of a truine god came from paganism

. The Jewish idea of Gd is that Gd is One and Indivisible. Gd cannot be divided up into separate parts, where each part is unequal to each of the other parts, yet somehow they are one and the same. The Hebrew Scriptures describe Gd as an absolute One, but the Christian Scriptures describe Gd as divisible into three parts called a trinity. In the Christians' scriptures, Jesus at one point claims to have different knowledge than other parts of the Christian trinity. For example, Matthew 24:36, or Mark 13:32. In another verse, Jesus does not have the same power as other parts of the Christian trinity, for example, Luke 23:34. And in Matthew 26:42, Jesus' will is not the same as the will of the Father. Indeed, Jesus often contrasted himself with the Father, for example, in John 14:28, or Luke 18:19. Furthermore, Jesus supposedly said that the punishment for blaspheming against one part of the trinity is not the same punishment for blaspheming against another part of the trinity. In the Hebrew Scriptures, however, Gd is One, as we read in Deuteronomy 6:4, as well as in Isaiah 44:6, where Gd tells us, 'I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no Gd.' When Isaiah tells us that Gd said, 'I am the first,' it means that Gd has no father. When Isaiah tells us that Gd said, 'I am the last,' it means that Gd has no literal son, a divine piece of Gd. And when Isaiah tells us that Gd said, 'Besides me there is no Gd,' it means that Gd does not share being Gd with any other Gd, or demi-Gd, or semi-Gd, or persons, and there is no trinity.
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This is not one of thosethings I ought to be discussing here. My apologies for bringing i t forward.
That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield. My shield is Marys shield.


Just luck I guess, born into a RC family and really the whole area I lived were RC or Lutherans, with a few Methodists thrown in. Over 45 years I practiced as a RC and even prayed the rosary, but from years of study, I know that Rome created Christianity, the Flavian family and their allies inside the Roman elites. its really a beautiful religion, but some power hungry Popes in the medieval time got greedy and like all religions, money and power created protests which became as we know today Protestants , but the RCC has really improved in the last 50 years. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Flavia Domitilla
Do not despair, as RC's we know the Church is the authority, most RC's I know have never read the bible, because the bible does not prove God and who God is. God does not need a name, and well if a God or gods exist, we would not know their names. All we can do is live a moral and ethical life on earth.

To be a Catholic and to be an Antisemite is not compatible. Everyone knows this. I don't know who of the leading authorities of the church not made very clear that Antisemitism is not the way of the holy catholic church. Even the Pope spoke in the name of all Catholics very clear words in March/12/2000 during the great "mea culpa" in the 4th intercessorry prayer. To many Catholics made to many things wrong in history. So leave your wrong destructive way "Antisemitism" if you like to live in peace with god, the church and the world.

Es geht ein dunkle Wolk herein,
mich deucht, es wird ein Regen sein,
ein Regen aus den Wolken
wohl in das grüne Gras.

1646 - Pater Johann Werlins Liederhandschrift (30jähriger Krieg)

Und kommt die liebe Sonn' nit bald,
so weset all's im grünen Wald,
und all die müden Blumen,
die haben müden Tod.

1909 - Zupfgeigenhansel (Vorahnung Weltkriege)

Es geht eine dunkle Wolk herein,
es soll und muss geschieden sein.
Ade, Feinslieb, dein Scheiden
macht mir das Herze schwer.

1838-40 - Deutsche Volkslieder mit ihren Original-Weisen.
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Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state
This is not one of thosethings I ought to be discussing here. My apologies for bringing i t forward.
That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both

If God is one and god is all, he doesn't have three parts . ...

You logic fails. There's for example only one space everywhere all around you - and everyone who moves in the three dimensions "forward-backward", "up-down" and "left-right" meets always only space everywhere. So you can see the word "triune" makes sense. And I did not have to say anything about god to make this clear. God is not like space. God is god. I would not say "to move in god" is without "resistance" (interaction). I fear the most people are indeed punished from their own characters, how my mother sometimes said. If feel very well under pagans, who call the 4th day of our jewish seven-days-week for example "Wednesday" - the day of the god Wodan. So your next sentence "the conception of a triune god came from paganism" means for me only that you don't feel very well under Christians and Pagans. That's not my problem. Everyone is for me a child of god. Some know this - some not. In case of such problems it helps sometimes to say: "Make it like god, become human!".

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That was the teaching of the RCC and have since they have come to more understanding and that those who commit suicide are in a dark place and they have also changed their mind on unbaptized babies being in limbo, but both have cause many people pain throughout the years. No one knows anything of what happens after death.

The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both

If God is one and god is all, he doesn't have three parts . ...

You logic fails. There's for example only one space everywhere all around you - and everyone who moves in the three dimensions "forward-backward", "up-down" and "left-right" meets always only space everywhere. So you can see the word "triune" makes sense. And I did not have to say anything about god to make this clear. God is not like space. God is god. I would not say "to move in god" is without "resistance" (interaction). If fear the most people are indeed punished from their own character, how my mother sometimes said. If feel very well under pagans, who call the 4th day of our jewish seven-days-week for example "Wednesday" - the day of the god Wodan. So your next sentence "the conception of a triune god came from paganism" means for me only that you don't feel very well under Christians and Pagans. That's not my problem. Everyone is for me a child of god. Some know this - some not. In case of such problems it helps sometimes to say: "Make it like god, become human!".

You're going to Hell, say hi to Adolf for all your nazi friends.
The so called "limbus" (=People who are without their own fault in a kind of pre-hell) was always only a theological hypothese, how Joseph, the bishop of Munich, said in 1985 (Joseph became later Benedict XVI., bishop of Rome). Also before he said so this story was without a big relevance. Anyway a change which rechanges a change is normally only called "back to the roots". Lots of people today believe for example also in Lucifer and think this name has something to do with the devil - but "Lucifer" never was a name of the devil. Stupid.

And do not forget: Mary - the mother of god - is a Jew. I don't have any lousy idea, how you like to explain god in the end of times: "I hate your mother - so throw her into hell and give me a place in heaven." Sure I don't know what will happen after your death - but sounds not like a story with an happy end for you, except maybe you start to live a happy and beautiful life without racism now. Start now immediatelly, if possible, because no one knows the day and the hour ... Don't be lazy. Change yourselve. Some fought very hard in their lifes - like for example Ludwig Hirsch, who lost in the end his very hard fight against his depressions by doing suicide. He's one of the fighters for life, I admire most. To lose is not a shame - not to try to fight is the shame.

I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both

If God is one and god is all, he doesn't have three parts . ...

You logic fails. There's for example only one space everywhere all around you - and everyone who moves in the three dimensions "forward-backward", "up-down" and "left-right" meets always only space everywhere. So you can see the word "triune" makes sense. And I did not have to say anything about god to make this clear. God is not like space. God is god. I would not say "to move in god" is without "resistance" (interaction). If fear the most people are indeed punished from their own character, how my mother sometimes said. If feel very well under pagans, who call the 4th day of our jewish seven-days-week for example "Wednesday" - the day of the god Wodan. So your next sentence "the conception of a triune god came from paganism" means for me only that you don't feel very well under Christians and Pagans. That's not my problem. Everyone is for me a child of god. Some know this - some not. In case of such problems it helps sometimes to say: "Make it like god, become human!".

You're going to Hell, say hi to Adolf for all your nazi friends.

Nothing changed. Still everything what you say follows exactly the terror doctrine of the Nazis - even that you try to hurt me by calling me a Nazi, because you know very well that a big part of my familiy was murdered from Nazis. Typically for the perverted Nazi-ideology. Sure you don't believe in god. Sure you don't feel any responsibility for anyone and anything. Sure you are a racist full of criminal energy. ... Keeps the problem wether people like you will make politcal careers in the next years and decades in the USA or other important places of the world. If so, then "good night world". ...

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I have no delusions that Jesus is a Jew demigod.

Jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both. But he is not a demigod.

The jews never had a trinity, Rome did and Christianity is a Roman invention in an attempt to become an all inclusive religion, and to stop the jewish zealots in Alexandria and Judea. It was begun by the Flavius family and their writers. Its all Roman, Julius had a adopted son of God called Agustus, Titus was the actual son of Vespasian.

What nearly no one knows: The Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century.

There is nothing jewish about Christianity.

Except on some reasons like for example that Jesus was a Jew?

But there are jews who did not practice Judaism who helped Vespasian and also Titus, Tiberius Julius Alexander and his father, a wealthy Alexandria family, of which Philo belonged. Everyone could become a Christian without having their penises cut. We belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

And what kind of magic spell makes you to a Catholic?

Greeks use to mate with Gods, Alexander was said to be the son of Zeus.

Alexander was said to be a drunkard from his former friends, when he started to kill his friends because he liked to be the perfect god of all violent idiots.

As the jews stole from those before them, Rome also took from the previous stories and made them their own.

also since no one knows what happens when we die, it makes life all that more special, which is why war is a waste of time.

Your decision to stay to be an Antisemite. But in the month of mother Mary and such a short time before pentecost ... hmm ... Whatever: Your decision - not my decision. You have a right to waste your own life. My shield is not your shield - my shield is Marys shield and she may shield whomever she likes to shield.


jesus is as well 100% a human being as he is god - both

If God is one and god is all, he doesn't have three parts . ...

You logic fails. There's for example only one space everywhere all around you - and everyone who moves in the three dimensions "forward-backward", "up-down" and "left-right" meets always only space everywhere. So you can see the word "triune" makes sense. And I did not have to say anything about god to make this clear. God is not like space. God is god. I would not say "to move in god" is without "resistance" (interaction). If fear the most people are indeed punished from their own character, how my mother sometimes said. If feel very well under pagans, who call the 4th day of our jewish seven-days-week for example "Wednesday" - the day of the god Wodan. So your next sentence "the conception of a triune god came from paganism" means for me only that you don't feel very well under Christians and Pagans. That's not my problem. Everyone is for me a child of god. Some know this - some not. In case of such problems it helps sometimes to say: "Make it like god, become human!".

You're going to Hell, say hi to Adolf for all your nazi friends.

Nothing changed. Still everything what you say follows exactly the terror doctrine of the Nazis - even that you try to hurt me by calling me a Nazi, because you know very well that a big part of my familiy was murdered from Nazis. Typically for the perverted Nazi-ideology. Sure you don't believe in god. Sure you don't feel any responsibility for anyone and anything. Sure you are a racist full of criminal energy. ... Keeps the problem wether people like you will make politcal careers in the next years and decades in the USA or other important places of the world. If so, then "good night world". ...

Your god is a nazi like you.
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo

I learned anti Semitism all on my own, so do not blame the RCC for my feelings but only my well read knowledge. I don't even believe the story of Jesus but in the scriptures it sure was the Jews who wanted him dead. A peaceful messiah, that is a Rome thing, certainty not a zealot Sicarii Jewish messiah. I also have a different take on WWII, the Zionist got Palestine from it, and they sure didn't want the religious jews there, once again who made out, and no thanks to the US veterans who died fighting the Germans, you ungrateful people who bitch and complain about everyone and everything. Very tired of your crying and I am so sick of the money we send Israel when we need it here. So you got Israel and everybody has been supporting your assess ever since, even while watching your war crimes. Sick.
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo

I learned anti Semitism all on my own, so do not blame the RCC for my feelings but only my well read knowledge. I don't even believe the story of Jesus but in the scriptures it sure was the Jews who wanted him dead. A peaceful messiah, that is a Rome thing, certainty not a zealot Sicarii Jewish messiah. I also have a different take on WWII, the Zionist got Palestine from it, and they sure didn't want the religious jews there, once again who made out, and no thanks to the US veterans who died fighting the Germans, you ungrateful people who bitch and complain about everyone and everything. Very tired of your crying and I am so sick of the money we send Israel when we need it here. So you got Israel and everybody has been supporting your assess ever since, even while watching your war crimes. Sick.

ROFLMAO @ your "well read knowledge" I am very well read -----in a very DIVERSE manner. I read the same islamo Nazi propaganda that you parrot AND
the NEW TESTAMENT and the OLD TESTAMENT ----in childhood and early adolescence. I also spent time in "sunday school" (mostly protestant) and had
deep conversations with student priests and not so deep with child bitches who attended "catholic school" The US veterans of world war II ----fought in defense of the USA-----NOT DA JOOOS as your catechism whore told you. Israel existed as a fait accompli COUNTRY ----even before world war II. My very own hubby grew up in an ISRAELI TOWN that was founded in 1882 AS A TOWN----of course the people had owned the land and lived there for years before it was "founded". That was before the catholic hero ADOLF HITLER was born-----and maybe even before HIS catechism whore was born. There are religious jews ALL OVER ISRAEL-----welcome me back------I spent more than three weeks there-----family wedding and Passover. A family member by marriage is the daughter of a very early migrant------and took us to more than six museums and ------a new art exhibit building------You have never been in Israel, know no Israelis---OR ARABS and never read the NT or the OT or the Koran. People who KNOW do not parrot propaganda. You have learned NOTHING from whatever it is you "read"----your were born into the filth that you parrot

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