What do Catholics mean when they say


Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite as Hitler was or Stalin was.

Penelope is a kind of catholic ----kinda like HERNAN CORTEZ, QUEEN ISABELLA, ADOLF HITLER, and MAGDA GOEBBELS

I'm asking myselve why you compare Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro with Adolf Hitler and I'm even much more irritated about you comparison of Isabella I of Castile with Magda Goebbels.

Irritated? Are you aware of the carnage that Hernan Cortes brought to south America?--------in fact he brought the Inquisition.

What's wrong with the rule of law? The inquisition was often a very modern system of justice. I heard lots of people prefered in history a process in front of the inquisition.

He slaughtered Mexicans and STOLE tons of gold ---in THE NAME OF THE CHURCH.

Cortes was a bishop and brought gold to Rome? Not really, isn't it?

I have relatives who speak Spanish-------having never LIVED in an "Hispanic" country and have no family members who lived in a SPANISH SPEAKING COUTRY FOR ABOUT 500 years-------their families were violently expelled from SPAIN-----by the bitch ---ISABELLA ----around the same time she was endorsing the murder of Montezuma

I don't have a big idea about the history of Spain nor about the history of Southamerica nor about Isabella of Castille. I don't know why you call her "bitch" - nor what you associate with this expression nor why you compare her with Magda Goebbels. As far as I know Isabella I of Castile conquered Andalusia and forced the Muslims and Jews there either to become a Catholic or to leave the country.

------lots were murdered in spain by the "good offices" of that bitch for the "glory of Christ"----and lots of people in Mexico.

I don't have the time in the moment to take a look at the history of Mexico about 500 years ago.

One day----after a fairly long friendship with a very intelligent Mexican neighbor-----I ventured to ask HIM-----what he thought of HERNAN CORTEZ (I did not mention Isabella or the Inquisition----or any other related issues) His response was VERY NEGATIVE. He is an ardent
catholic in the Mexican manner----complete with processions and all kinds of
religious artifacts and celebrations-----I do not discuss religion with him but do attend the confirmation parties he does for his kids

Isabella was a very interesting woman. What I don't understand: Why are you upset as if you would personally hate her? As far as I see in the moment I would not say her methods were in her time of history criminal methods. I would even say she was much more harmless than others. And I'm astonished that a woman was so mighty in her time of history.

Pious Isabella was VERY powerful------in fact, historically----FERDINAND----
was something of a "house-husband" -----kinda derided as an airhead.
Of course Isabella acted UNDER THE LAW-----just as did Adolf Hitler. In fact
the Nuremburg Laws are nothing more than a REPRISE of the same laws that
rendered the Inquisition legal------derived from the JUSTINIAN CODE. Muhummad adopted THE SAME LAWS which constitute the laws of DHIMMIA----
my very own hubby was born under the stink and filth that you laud----to wit
LEGAL DHIMMIA. Hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered
LEGALLY ------their deaths sanctioned by the LEGAL SYSTEM you laud, ---
LAW -----which renders genocide upon the YAZIDIS of Iraq as LEGAL AS THE
ACTIONS OF "SAINT" ISABELLA. BTW----I did not suggest that SAINT Hernan Cortez donated his stolen Mexican gold to ROME--------he kept as much as he could for himself and his estimated 100 children and was forced to give the rest
to SAINT ISABELLA. Your grasp of history and "legality" is impressive.
SAINT Magda was also a very LAW ABIDING and PIOUS catholic lady. Adolf was so impressed with her piety that he named her OFFICIAL HOSTESS of the Nazi Party -----she was a powerful woman like Saint Isabella. ------lovely too, in her
white lace mantilla -----which she wore to MASS

I find your comment about TRIAL UNDER THE INQUISITION also impressive-----
Persons who insisted that they were faithful catholics were eligible for a "trial"----the rest were treated to a FESTIVE AUTO DE FE------or fled ----generally in ships barely sea worthy. ISIS people also appreciate your take on RULE OF LAW
I find your comment about TRIAL UNDER THE INQUISITION also impressive-----
Persons who insisted that they were faithful catholics were eligible for a "trial"----the rest were treated to a FESTIVE AUTO DE FE------or fled ----generally in ships barely sea worthy. ISIS people also appreciate your take on RULE OF LAW

An interesting footnote is that the very last day that Jews were allowed to legally live in Spain before the inquisition officially began is the same day that Columbus set sail, and many of the crew were Jews.

Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite as Hitler was or Stalin was.

Penelope is a kind of catholic ----kinda like HERNAN CORTEZ, QUEEN ISABELLA, ADOLF HITLER, and MAGDA GOEBBELS

I'm asking myselve why you compare Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro with Adolf Hitler and I'm even much more irritated about you comparison of Isabella I of Castile with Magda Goebbels.

Irritated? Are you aware of the carnage that Hernan Cortes brought to south America?--------in fact he brought the Inquisition.

What's wrong with the rule of law? The inquisition was often a very modern system of justice. I heard lots of people prefered in history a process in front of the inquisition.

He slaughtered Mexicans and STOLE tons of gold ---in THE NAME OF THE CHURCH.

Cortes was a bishop and brought gold to Rome? Not really, isn't it?

I have relatives who speak Spanish-------having never LIVED in an "Hispanic" country and have no family members who lived in a SPANISH SPEAKING COUTRY FOR ABOUT 500 years-------their families were violently expelled from SPAIN-----by the bitch ---ISABELLA ----around the same time she was endorsing the murder of Montezuma

I don't have a big idea about the history of Spain nor about the history of Southamerica nor about Isabella of Castille. I don't know why you call her "bitch" - nor what you associate with this expression nor why you compare her with Magda Goebbels. As far as I know Isabella I of Castile conquered Andalusia and forced the Muslims and Jews there either to become a Catholic or to leave the country.

------lots were murdered in spain by the "good offices" of that bitch for the "glory of Christ"----and lots of people in Mexico.

I don't have the time in the moment to take a look at the history of Mexico about 500 years ago.

One day----after a fairly long friendship with a very intelligent Mexican neighbor-----I ventured to ask HIM-----what he thought of HERNAN CORTEZ (I did not mention Isabella or the Inquisition----or any other related issues) His response was VERY NEGATIVE. He is an ardent
catholic in the Mexican manner----complete with processions and all kinds of
religious artifacts and celebrations-----I do not discuss religion with him but do attend the confirmation parties he does for his kids

Isabella was a very interesting woman. What I don't understand: Why are you upset as if you would personally hate her? As far as I see in the moment I would not say her methods were in her time of history criminal methods. I would even say she was much more harmless than others. And I'm astonished that a woman was so mighty in her time of history.

Pious Isabella was VERY powerful------in fact, historically----FERDINAND----
was something of a "house-husband" -----kinda derided as an airhead.
f course Isabella acted UNDER THE LAW-----just as did Adolf Hitler.

What a nonsense. The Nazis broke nearly all laws ever existed.

In fact
the Nuremburg Laws are nothing more than a REPRISE of the same laws that
rendered the Inquisition legal------derived from the JUSTINIAN CODE.

Germany broke down under World War 1, under new economy systems, under new political systems, under a new european situation and under the Nazis. The Nazis established a new from of dictatorship. I would say nothing what the Nazis did had to do with german traditions nor with the catholic church. It had a lot to do with a destabalized world. In former times the crown of the german emperor for example showed the kings David and Salomo and so on and so on and so on. ... And now? Suddenly everyone became an "Aryan". Crazy. Mad. Insane. ... Nazis dicussed für example about, wether Nietzsche is the only philosopher for them - but they did not even understand Nietzsche - they needed only his atheism, because they did not like to follow rules any longer. Do you really think anyone in Germany cared under Hitler about anything what any roman imperator had said 1500 years ago? The Nazis tried not to restore anything what was before world war 1. They were an ultramodern movement. The racism of the Nazis followed darwinistic points of views - although they did not understand Darwin too.

Muhummad adopted THE SAME LAWS which constitute the laws of DHIMMIA----
my very own hubby was born under the stink and filth that you laud----to wit
LEGAL DHIMMIA. Hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered
LEGALLY ------their deaths sanctioned by the LEGAL SYSTEM you laud, ---
LAW -----which renders genocide upon the YAZIDIS of Iraq as LEGAL AS THE
ACTIONS OF "SAINT" ISABELLA. BTW----I did not suggest that SAINT Hernan Cortez donated his stolen Mexican gold to ROME--------he kept as much as he could for himself and his estimated 100 children and was forced to give the rest

No idea what you are speaking about now. I general I don't understand your emotional problem to speak about this theme of history.

to SAINT ISABELLA. Your grasp of history and "legality" is impressive.
SAINT Magda was also a very LAW ABIDING and PIOUS catholic lady. Adolf was so impressed with her piety that he named her OFFICIAL HOSTESS of the Nazi Party -----she was a powerful woman like Saint Isabella. ------lovely too, in her
white lace mantilla -----which she wore to MASS

I find your comment about TRIAL UNDER THE INQUISITION also impressive-----
Persons who insisted that they were faithful catholics were eligible for a "trial"----the rest were treated to a FESTIVE AUTO DE FE------or fled ----generally in ships barely sea worthy. ISIS people also appreciate your take on RULE OF LAW

Hmm ... perhaps we should start with an easy theme. What means "Saint" for you? Is every Catholic for you a "Saint" - or whyelse do you think for example Magda Goebbels is a "Saint"? Do you know anything about her life? And in general: Why are the themes "Isabelle" and "Cortez" for you so full of agressive emotions?

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PS----Penelope never read either the bible or the koran

are they the same -

do they associate a verification of authenticity through non scriptural identity provided by the Almighty.


The bible-----OT--is a scriptural writing of the jews. NT is a scriptural writing of the
Christians Baghavad Gita is a scriptural writing of the hindus. Koran is a scriptural writing of the Hindus. They are all different books. There is no need to invoke the "almighty" in order to read any of them
Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

I hope no one missed Penelope's statement-----She grew up in the USA----knew nothing about jews in childhood other than the fact that Jesus was a jew. She claims she attended catholic school But NOW she 'knows' that jews interfere
with US government, 'push' for wars and marines murdered in Lebanon by
muslims was somehow the 'fault' of jews. From where did you get your
"now" information, Penelope?

correction on previous post------the koran is the scriptural writing of the muslims--not the hindus
I've never heard a Catholic say that, and I come from a family of Catholics.
Same here.

I never heard a catholic say it either-------I grew up in a town with a very large catholic school and LOTS of the kids on the playground attended that school. They showed up in the public school for middle school and high school Penelope claimed that she attended catholic school and during her childhood knew NOTHING about jews----
The catholic kids in my town "knew" lots about jews----in fact they seemed a lot
more interested in talking about jews than about the "quality of confessions"
I've never heard a Catholic say that, and I come from a family of Catholics.
Same here.

I never heard a catholic say it either-------I grew up in a town with a very large catholic school and LOTS of the kids on the playground attended that school. They showed up in the public school for middle school and high school Penelope claimed that she attended catholic school and during her childhood knew NOTHING about jews----
The catholic kids in my town "knew" lots about jews----in fact they seemed a lot
more interested in talking about jews than about the "quality of confessions"
We talked more about the asshole "Christians" calling us mackerel snappers. I never heard anything about Jews, probably because there were none in our town.

Nowadays I only respect Catholics (the peeps, not the priests) and Jewish people because, IMO, they are the only sane religions that aren't haters.
I've never heard a Catholic say that, and I come from a family of Catholics.
Same here.

I never heard a catholic say it either-------I grew up in a town with a very large catholic school and LOTS of the kids on the playground attended that school. They showed up in the public school for middle school and high school Penelope claimed that she attended catholic school and during her childhood knew NOTHING about jews----
The catholic kids in my town "knew" lots about jews----in fact they seemed a lot
more interested in talking about jews than about the "quality of confessions"
We talked more about the asshole "Christians" calling us mackerel snappers. I never heard anything about Jews, probably because there were none in our town.

Nowadays I only respect Catholics (the peeps, not the priests) and Jewish people because, IMO, they are the only sane religions that aren't haters.

ok what is a MACKEREL snapper?
I've never heard a Catholic say that, and I come from a family of Catholics.
Same here.

I never heard a catholic say it either-------I grew up in a town with a very large catholic school and LOTS of the kids on the playground attended that school. They showed up in the public school for middle school and high school Penelope claimed that she attended catholic school and during her childhood knew NOTHING about jews----
The catholic kids in my town "knew" lots about jews----in fact they seemed a lot
more interested in talking about jews than about the "quality of confessions"
We talked more about the asshole "Christians" calling us mackerel snappers. I never heard anything about Jews, probably because there were none in our town.

Nowadays I only respect Catholics (the peeps, not the priests) and Jewish people because, IMO, they are the only sane religions that aren't haters.

ok what is a MACKEREL snapper?
"Mackerel snapper" was once a sectarian slur for Roman Catholics, originating in the United States in the 1850s. It referred to the Catholic discipline of Friday abstinence from red meat and poultry, for which fish was substituted
I've never heard a Catholic say that, and I come from a family of Catholics.
Same here.

I never heard a catholic say it either-------I grew up in a town with a very large catholic school and LOTS of the kids on the playground attended that school. They showed up in the public school for middle school and high school Penelope claimed that she attended catholic school and during her childhood knew NOTHING about jews----
The catholic kids in my town "knew" lots about jews----in fact they seemed a lot
more interested in talking about jews than about the "quality of confessions"
We talked more about the asshole "Christians" calling us mackerel snappers. I never heard anything about Jews, probably because there were none in our town.

Nowadays I only respect Catholics (the peeps, not the priests) and Jewish people because, IMO, they are the only sane religions that aren't haters.

ok what is a MACKEREL snapper?
"Mackerel snapper" was once a sectarian slur for Roman Catholics, originating in the United States in the 1850s. It referred to the Catholic discipline of Friday abstinence from red meat and poultry, for which fish was substituted


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