What do Catholics mean when they say

Who said I'm an anti Semite? No I do not agree with the Israel regime, and also the fact that they have some divine right to that land they are on in Palestine.

also I do not worship a jew as God. So I don't find it incompatible at all. I will never agree with the illegals settlements of Israel ,

you worship Israel , why I do not know.

you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo

I learned anti Semitism all on my own, so do not blame the RCC for my feelings but only my well read knowledge. I don't even believe the story of Jesus but in the scriptures it sure was the Jews who wanted him dead. A peaceful messiah, that is a Rome thing, certainty not a zealot Sicarii Jewish messiah. I also have a different take on WWII, the Zionist got Palestine from it, and they sure didn't want the religious jews there, once again who made out, and no thanks to the US veterans who died fighting the Germans, you ungrateful people who bitch and complain about everyone and everything. Very tired of your crying and I am so sick of the money we send Israel when we need it here. So you got Israel and everybody has been supporting your assess ever since, even while watching your war crimes. Sick.

ROFLMAO @ your "well read knowledge" I am very well read -----in a very DIVERSE manner. I read the same islamo Nazi propaganda that you parrot AND
the NEW TESTAMENT and the OLD TESTAMENT ----in childhood and early adolescence. I also spent time in "sunday school" (mostly protestant) and had
deep conversations with student priests and not so deep with child bitches who attended "catholic school" The US veterans of world war II ----fought in defense of the USA-----NOT DA JOOOS as your catechism whore told you. Israel existed as a fait accompli COUNTRY ----even before world war II. My very own hubby grew up in an ISRAELI TOWN that was founded in 1882 AS A TOWN----of course the people had owned the land and lived there for years before it was "founded". That was before the catholic hero ADOLF HITLER was born-----and maybe even before HIS catechism whore was born. There are religious jews ALL OVER ISRAEL-----welcome me back------I spent more than three weeks there-----family wedding and Passover. A family member by marriage is the daughter of a very early migrant------and took us to more than six museums and ------a new art exhibit building------You have never been in Israel, know no Israelis---OR ARABS and never read the NT or the OT or the Koran. People who KNOW do not parrot propaganda. You have learned NOTHING from whatever it is you "read"----your were born into the filth that you parrot

Before WWII the land was called Palestine, the Joooes never wanted much to do with Palestine till after WWII, well I believe that was the reason for WWII, the Russian and German atheists (from Jewish families) got a place to go and live as atheists and live in sin.
you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo

I learned anti Semitism all on my own, so do not blame the RCC for my feelings but only my well read knowledge. I don't even believe the story of Jesus but in the scriptures it sure was the Jews who wanted him dead. A peaceful messiah, that is a Rome thing, certainty not a zealot Sicarii Jewish messiah. I also have a different take on WWII, the Zionist got Palestine from it, and they sure didn't want the religious jews there, once again who made out, and no thanks to the US veterans who died fighting the Germans, you ungrateful people who bitch and complain about everyone and everything. Very tired of your crying and I am so sick of the money we send Israel when we need it here. So you got Israel and everybody has been supporting your assess ever since, even while watching your war crimes. Sick.

ROFLMAO @ your "well read knowledge" I am very well read -----in a very DIVERSE manner. I read the same islamo Nazi propaganda that you parrot AND
the NEW TESTAMENT and the OLD TESTAMENT ----in childhood and early adolescence. I also spent time in "sunday school" (mostly protestant) and had
deep conversations with student priests and not so deep with child bitches who attended "catholic school" The US veterans of world war II ----fought in defense of the USA-----NOT DA JOOOS as your catechism whore told you. Israel existed as a fait accompli COUNTRY ----even before world war II. My very own hubby grew up in an ISRAELI TOWN that was founded in 1882 AS A TOWN----of course the people had owned the land and lived there for years before it was "founded". That was before the catholic hero ADOLF HITLER was born-----and maybe even before HIS catechism whore was born. There are religious jews ALL OVER ISRAEL-----welcome me back------I spent more than three weeks there-----family wedding and Passover. A family member by marriage is the daughter of a very early migrant------and took us to more than six museums and ------a new art exhibit building------You have never been in Israel, know no Israelis---OR ARABS and never read the NT or the OT or the Koran. People who KNOW do not parrot propaganda. You have learned NOTHING from whatever it is you "read"----your were born into the filth that you parrot

Before WWII the land was called Palestine, the Joooes never wanted much to do with Palestine till after WWII, well I believe that was the reason for WWII, the Russian and German atheists (from Jewish families) got a place to go and live as atheists and live in sin.

How do you know what JEWS WANTED? Long ago I inherited a little gold necklace which was a star of david ----with Hebrew writing----in a kind of
lacquer in the center. The word was "ZION"------the necklace was VERY OLD---
a little heirloom Over the years-------almost 2000 since the shit of rome
pillaged and murdered in the land they renamed PALESTINA----jews have engaged in SEVERAL Zionist projects seeking ----against the filth of dogs like you----to regain that which was stolen from them by dogs like you. You misunderstood the
catechism whore who was so involved in sucking the stinking prick of the
holy priest-----that her words were sorta GARBLED as she taught you the FILTH
OF THE WEEK and fumbled with her rosary
If you don't like the idea of heaven and hell, how do you feel about the great gulf that separates rational people from irrational people being expressed as great as what separates the living from the dead?

I think we are all susceptible to being irrational hobelim.
If you don't like the idea of heaven and hell, how do you feel about the great gulf that separates rational people from irrational people being expressed as great as what separates the living from the dead?

I think we are all susceptible to being irrational hobelim.

Sorry if you were offended, and you are right, but I was not criticizing or condemning you or anyone. In fact I said that what you believe is in line with the deeper implications of scripture as I see it.

In scripture Heaven and hell are analogous for states of consciousness as are the subjects of the living and the dead which all boils down to a state of being rational or irrational. No one can deny that such a vast separation between the states of people's conscious minds exist. everyone here deals with it every day. its a fact of life that has nothing to do with rich or poor, male or female, young or old, believer or unbeliever, gay or straight, Jew or Gentile. Among every group there are the rational and the not so much. Bronze age people called these places, states of mind, heaven and hell. It amounts to us calling it sane or insane. When we call someone two faced how rational would you think people of the future were if they thought that we were living in some magical time when some people actually had two faces and then built monuments and churches to pray to each face? Not so rational?

And I also agree with you wanting the churches to stop spreading false teachings about the subjects of heaven and hell which actually ensnares people in hell and is a cause for stumbling to anyone who desires to enter the kingdom of heaven and become a rational living being.
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If you don't like the idea of heaven and hell, how do you feel about the great gulf that separates rational people from irrational people being expressed as great as what separates the living from the dead?

I think we are all susceptible to being irrational hobelim.

Sorry if you were offended, and you are right, but I was not criticizing or condemning you or anyone. In fact I said that what you believe is in line with the deeper implications of scripture as I see it.

In scripture Heaven and hell are analogous for states of consciousness as are the subjects of the living and the dead which all boils down to a state of being rational or irrational. No one can deny that such a vast separation between the states of people's conscious minds exist. everyone here deals with it every day. Bronze age people called it heaven and hell. It amounts to us calling it sane or insane. When we call someone two faced how rational would you think people of the future were if they thought that we were living in some magical time when some people actually had two faces and then built monuments and churches to pray to each face? Not so rational?

And I also agree with you wanting the churches to stop spreading false teachings about the subjects of heaven and hell which actually ensnares people in hell and is a cause for stumbling to anyone who desires to enter the kingdom of heaven and become a rational living being.

No I was not offended hobelim, and yes it is liberating to realize that consciousness is the key.
you are, very clearly, an anti-Semite, Penelope-----not your fault----you learned it from your catechism whore and ---your primary care-givers. Israel has nothing to do with
your "position" You quote the filth that was written LONG BEFORE Israel became a state

No I never learned it from the RCC. WE were not taught anything about the jews except Jesus was a jew. That is it. I am anti Israel stealing and killing the people who lived and live there, and also their interference in our gov pushing for wars with Iraq and now Iran. Also the marines who died in Lebanon, Israel's fault.

you are lying, Penelope. -------you were born into the filth that you spew just as was your hero ----ADOLF HITLER----and his whore MAGDA GOEBBELS and her PIMP----JOSEF GOEBBELS. You do not all use the same LINGO by COINCIDENCE. When you were five years old you knew
"DA JOOOOOS KILLED JESUS"------because that is what the whore told you----and you PROBABLY did not know that "ISRAEL" is a country. See how WELL I know you? It might be that you did not know that a man name ADOLF HITLER was a centerpiece of WORLD WAR II until you were at least ten. I know you well because I grew up in a town that harbored shit like you. Every profession and every avocation and every ethos has a LINGO-----your
lingo gives you away in the same way that street walkers and reveal themselves
by their lingo

I learned anti Semitism all on my own, so do not blame the RCC for my feelings but only my well read knowledge. I don't even believe the story of Jesus but in the scriptures it sure was the Jews who wanted him dead. A peaceful messiah, that is a Rome thing, certainty not a zealot Sicarii Jewish messiah. I also have a different take on WWII, the Zionist got Palestine from it, and they sure didn't want the religious jews there, once again who made out, and no thanks to the US veterans who died fighting the Germans, you ungrateful people who bitch and complain about everyone and everything. Very tired of your crying and I am so sick of the money we send Israel when we need it here. So you got Israel and everybody has been supporting your assess ever since, even while watching your war crimes. Sick.

ROFLMAO @ your "well read knowledge" I am very well read -----in a very DIVERSE manner. I read the same islamo Nazi propaganda that you parrot AND
the NEW TESTAMENT and the OLD TESTAMENT ----in childhood and early adolescence. I also spent time in "sunday school" (mostly protestant) and had
deep conversations with student priests and not so deep with child bitches who attended "catholic school" The US veterans of world war II ----fought in defense of the USA-----NOT DA JOOOS as your catechism whore told you. Israel existed as a fait accompli COUNTRY ----even before world war II. My very own hubby grew up in an ISRAELI TOWN that was founded in 1882 AS A TOWN----of course the people had owned the land and lived there for years before it was "founded". That was before the catholic hero ADOLF HITLER was born-----and maybe even before HIS catechism whore was born. There are religious jews ALL OVER ISRAEL-----welcome me back------I spent more than three weeks there-----family wedding and Passover. A family member by marriage is the daughter of a very early migrant------and took us to more than six museums and ------a new art exhibit building------You have never been in Israel, know no Israelis---OR ARABS and never read the NT or the OT or the Koran. People who KNOW do not parrot propaganda. You have learned NOTHING from whatever it is you "read"----your were born into the filth that you parrot

Before WWII the land was called Palestine,

That's the name the romans gave this area of the world on reasons of war against the Jews in Israel. To call someone "Palestinian" was a long time in history an expression for "Jew". The Palestinians of today are Arabs. As far as I know in 1864 - first days of Zionism - lived about 250000 Arabs in the area where Palestine was. In Germany the most people heard the first time the new definition for the word "Palestinian" when the Palestinians broke the olympic peace in 1972 in Munich. It was diffcult to see in the palestinian agressors of this games human beings, because they had acted much more worse than any animal on this planet would had acted. A terrible desaster. God may forgive us, that we brought this games to a relativelly happy end. We and the world decided in those days not to bow the head under terrorism and let us force to do what we don't like to do.

the Joooes never wanted much to do with Palestine till after WWII, well I believe that was the reason for WWII, the Russian and German atheists (from Jewish families) got a place to go and live as atheists and live in sin.

In Russia lived lots of poor Jews, who were always under pressure of the russian nobles. This explains why so many Jews fought in Russia with the Commies against poorness and hunger for education and welfare. In those days lots of Americans were also very interested in the russian revolution and supported often Commies. The situation was relativelly new so no one knew what will happen. They thought in most cases Russia will become a democracy like England or France. Hitler constructed out of this a propagandistic story. In his "ideas" the capitalistic Jews (=the USA) supported the communistic Jews(=Russia). This "argument" gave him the right to attack whomever he liked to attack. If someone was not a capitalist then hew was a bolshewist - and if hew s not a bolshewist then he was a banker - so everyone was always in a dangerous position.

The problem is now that you make yourselve to an idiot, who still believes in such stupid forms of empty political propaganda. Communistic revolution - that's meanwhile more than a hundred years passed. It happened before you was born. No one today is responsible any longer for anything what had happened in those days. That's over. It's history. Fact. Interesting to study for people who like to know, how history is functioning - if it is functioning at all.

But what about to be more concentrated to the loveful ideas and plans god had with you, when he created you? Only truth lets you find the right way. Only love gives you the right chance. Isn't it? Don't waste your time with a wrong hate. Don't be remote controlled. Be yourselve. Find your way. The right way.

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This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



Wonder why no one likes them. Just can't figure out how the world can be so wrong and them so innocent..
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Someone had to tell them what Hebrew was, and Aramaic, Hebrew had died out and only spoke by rabbis, and also lay people did not know Latin. Jews spoke the language of the area they lived in and Yiddish. Hewbrew died at the time of the exile to Babylon , when Persia and then Greece took over Palestine. (Really bad when you have to resurrect a language, but I guess that is what Jews means when they believe in re birth, or being reborn. They are taking the identity of the real inhabitants like they did in Canaan, they say the Canaanites are no more. The big question is who are the Hebrews and those who call themselves jews.
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This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)



Wonder why no one likes them. Just can't figure out how the world can be so wrong and them so innocent..

Penelope never met a Russian jew-------I have known lots-----since I am a real health care worker-----people I get to know are not just friends and relatives----but also hundreds of patients. -------some of the Russian jews came to the US fairly
recently on special programs designed to RESCUE them-------they managed to keep their religion and-----as I discovered knew more Hebrew than I. It was ILLEGAL to learn Hebrew in Russia back in the "COLD WAR" days-----but they would meet on the quiet and study with each other , evenings. I have no idea who this WEIN person is-----but I know lots of chassidim who consider any NON-CHASSID JEW-----to be EVIL-------there are Lithuanian and Hungarian Chassidic jews so bitter that they never miss an opportunity to knock------the non Chassidic----
like me (Austrian background) and the Russians. <<<< actually true----it is kinda funny but not all that serious------the groups do not kill each other. The silly quarrel goes on in Israel too-----sans terrorism----just bitter denunciation and
arguement to the point of comedy. Islamo Nazi pigs love to quote bits and pieces from this ongoing ------"quarrel"
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Oh? news to me----MARTIN LUTHER WAS A JEW. Not surprising that the catechism whore said that-------there are muslim sunnis who claim that SHIITES
are actually JOOOOOOS (I kinda like that one)
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Oh? news to me----MARTIN LUTHER WAS A JEW. Not surprising that the catechism whore said that-------there are muslim sunnis who claim that SHIITES
are actually JOOOOOOS (I kinda like that one)

Oh the arabs in Arabia got most of the Quran from the jews, and they even got the arabs to fight Rome for them. They don't call you jew for nothing. Jew is not a race, but an upbringing and way of life. Life off of others toils.
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Someone had to tell them what Hebrew was, and Aramaic, Hebrew had died out and only spoke by rabbis, and also lay people did not know Latin. Jews spoke the language of the area they lived in and Yiddish. Hewbrew died at the time of the exile to Babylon , when Persia and then Greece took over Palestine. (Really bad when you have to resurrect a language, but I guess that is what Jews means when they believe in re birth, or being reborn. They are taking the identity of the real inhabitants like they did in Canaan, they say the Canaanites are no more. The big question is who are the Hebrews and those who call themselves jews.

nope----Hebrew never died and neither did Aramaic. In fact the languages jews spoke even in countries in Europe and North Africa ------were not entirely the language of the countries--------they were HEBRAIC alternatives. Yiddish seems like German-----but it is written in Hebrew characters and includes something like 15% Hebrew words. Ladino seems like SPANISH----but it is written in Hebrew characters and includes----lots and lots of Hebrew words and expressions----there is also a HEBRAIC FORM of Arabic ----hubby's family spoke that ----mostly those members who were functionally illiterate. The more literate a person---the more Hebrew he knew and used. Thru the 2000 years of exile---writing literature and poetry and philosophy IN HEBREW----never "went away".
It was not all that much of a LEAP for Yiddish speaking, Ladino speaking and
Hebraic Arabic speaking people to start using Hebrew as the "common language"-------poor Penelope engages in wishful thinking. Latin is a lot "DEADER"----but no doubt lots of people could still do it-------if they wanted to even though there is
really nothing much of an ONGOING literature in that language. Health care workers like me still use some Latin words-----Penelope would not know. Another interesting factoid------Jews still use an HEBRAIC FORM of Aramaic-----from the
BABYLONIAN TIMES-------lots of people know it------and that language is STILL USED in the writing of marriage contracts because for A LONG TIME-----Aramaic was considered a language that women would be more likely to know better than
Hebrew-------<<<<weird but true. Jesus did Aramaic---but according to the NT---
he knew Hebrew too. For the record----from an Iranian jew----I learned that there is a HEBRAIC FORM OF FARSI

Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite how Hitler was or Stalin was too.

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Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Oh? news to me----MARTIN LUTHER WAS A JEW. Not surprising that the catechism whore said that-------there are muslim sunnis who claim that SHIITES
are actually JOOOOOOS (I kinda like that one)

Oh the arabs in Arabia got most of the Quran from the jews, and they even got the arabs to fight Rome for them. They don't call you jew for nothing. Jew is not a race, but an upbringing and way of life. Life off of others toils.

oh gee---yet another reconstruction from the cock sucking catechism whore.
I am called 'jew" as a member of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH. Penelope is
correctly called-----Nazi slut----for the murderous dog----CONSTANTINE---the
Roman dog that invented the laws that brought the world both the Inquisition of rome with the murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and-----her all time fave---NAZISM
Zang----do not blame Penelope---she is the product of her "culture"----I grew up in a town in the USA that could be described as something like a southern or Midwest town even though it was in the North-east. The core population were OLD TIME
FARMERS-----but with the post war BABY BOON----selling little houses became more profitable than corn and tomatoes and chickens. My dad bought a house in a town that had once been entirely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks) The place was a veritable NAZI ENCLAVE------and there were little Nazi pamphlets blowing in the wind ----and fluttering around all over town. ------they were the reading material of my childhood-----afterall---I knew myself to be a jew----and the little pamphlets were ALL ABOUT JEWS. Penelope's entire education is based on that literature---likely in various forms------it certainly litters the internet today-----and way back in the 1960s it made it to MAIN STREAM places------OFTEN.

No I read up on it which most Christians do not even know anything about jews or their history. They also infiltrated the RCC and created Protestant movement. If not directly , indirectly. One seldom knows who a jew is until one has been harmed by them.

Oh? news to me----MARTIN LUTHER WAS A JEW. Not surprising that the catechism whore said that-------there are muslim sunnis who claim that SHIITES
are actually JOOOOOOS (I kinda like that one)

Oh the arabs in Arabia got most of the Quran from the jews, and they even got the arabs to fight Rome for them. They don't call you jew for nothing. Jew is not a race, but an upbringing and way of life. Life off of others toils.

PS----Penelope never read either the bible or the koran

Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite as Hitler was or Stalin was.

Penelope is a kind of catholic ----kinda like HERNAN CORTEZ, QUEEN ISABELLA, ADOLF HITLER, and MAGDA GOEBBELS

Very confusing. I'm asking myselve why you compare Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro with Adolf Hitler and I'm even much more irritated about you comparison of Isabella I of Castile with Magda Goebbels. Very confusing. And what has this to do with the decisions of Penelope?

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Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite as Hitler was or Stalin was.

Penelope is a kind of catholic ----kinda like HERNAN CORTEZ, QUEEN ISABELLA, ADOLF HITLER, and MAGDA GOEBBELS

I'm asking myselve why you compare Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro with Adolf Hitler and I'm even much more irritated about you comparison of Isabella I of Castile with Magda Goebbels.

Irritated? Are you aware of the carnage that Hernan Cortes brought to south America?--------in fact he brought the Inquisition. He slaughtered Mexicans and STOLE tons of gold ---in THE NAME OF THE CHURCH. I have relatives who
speak Spanish-------having never LIVED in an "Hispanic" country and have no family members who lived in a SPANISH SPEAKING COUTRY FOR ABOUT 500 years-------their families were violently expelled from SPAIN-----by the bitch ---ISABELLA ----around the same time she was endorsing the murder of Montezuma ------lots were murdered in spain by the "good offices" of that bitch for the "glory of Christ"----and lots of people in Mexico. One day----after a fairly long friendship with a very intelligent Mexican neighbor-----I ventured to ask HIM-----what he thought of HERNAN CORTEZ (I did not mention Isabella or the Inquisition----or any other related issues) His response was VERY NEGATIVE. He is an ardent
catholic in the Mexican manner----complete with processions and all kinds of
religious artifacts and celebrations-----I do not discuss religion with him but do attend the confirmation parties he does for his kids

Im understood that you are not a Catholic and you like to stay to be an Antisemite as Hitler was or Stalin was.

Penelope is a kind of catholic ----kinda like HERNAN CORTEZ, QUEEN ISABELLA, ADOLF HITLER, and MAGDA GOEBBELS

I'm asking myselve why you compare Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro with Adolf Hitler and I'm even much more irritated about you comparison of Isabella I of Castile with Magda Goebbels.

Irritated? Are you aware of the carnage that Hernan Cortes brought to south America?--------in fact he brought the Inquisition.

What's wrong with the rule of law? The inquisition was often a very modern system of justice. I heard lots of people prefered in history a process in front of the inquisition.

He slaughtered Mexicans and STOLE tons of gold ---in THE NAME OF THE CHURCH.

Cortes was a bishop and brought gold to Rome? Not really, isn't it?

I have relatives who speak Spanish-------having never LIVED in an "Hispanic" country and have no family members who lived in a SPANISH SPEAKING COUTRY FOR ABOUT 500 years-------their families were violently expelled from SPAIN-----by the bitch ---ISABELLA ----around the same time she was endorsing the murder of Montezuma

I don't have a big idea about the history of Spain nor about the history of Southamerica nor about Isabella of Castille. I don't know why you call her "bitch" - nor what you associate with this expression nor why you compare her with Magda Goebbels. As far as I know Isabella I of Castile conquered Andalusia and forced the Muslims and Jews there either to become a Catholic or to leave the country.

------lots were murdered in spain by the "good offices" of that bitch for the "glory of Christ"----and lots of people in Mexico.

I don't have the time in the moment to take a look at the history of Mexico about 500 years ago.

One day----after a fairly long friendship with a very intelligent Mexican neighbor-----I ventured to ask HIM-----what he thought of HERNAN CORTEZ (I did not mention Isabella or the Inquisition----or any other related issues) His response was VERY NEGATIVE. He is an ardent
catholic in the Mexican manner----complete with processions and all kinds of
religious artifacts and celebrations-----I do not discuss religion with him but do attend the confirmation parties he does for his kids

Isabella was a very interesting woman. What I don't understand: Why are you upset as if you would personally hate her? As far as I see in the moment I would not say her methods were in her time of history criminal methods. I would even say she was much more harmless than others. And I'm astonished that a woman was so mighty in her time of history.

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